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Couriers afraid/hostile


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So, a while back I think I may have either attacked a courier or fed on one as a vampire and since then I haven't received a single letter. Instead I can just find them at any of their spawn locations, where they just cower from me, leaving me unable to speak to them. I've tried disabling and enabling them again, but that didn't work.


Any ideas as to how I could fix this or are there any workarounds?


Reverting back to an older save isn't an option since when it happened I didn't really consider it a big deal and it was a long time ago now.


if u have Defeated, u can tie them up and wait about 2mins and untire them and they will be ok. or knockdown and revive works sometimes. (or least that works will followers i frinedly fired and made them mad.


The courier is a bit glitchy, with When Vampires Attack on they just flip out in the middle of the street and cower when you talk to them. It's a bit weird. You could check for a bounty and you don't have one, use resurrect 1 or resetai, they might fix it.


The courier is a bit glitchy, with When Vampires Attack on they just flip out in the middle of the street and cower when you talk to them. It's a bit weird. You could check for a bounty and you don't have one, use resurrect 1 or resetai, they might fix it.

No luck so far. I tried a bunch of commands like resetai, setrelationshiprank 3, addtofaction etc. and none of them worked. I do have When Vampires Attack, but disabling that doesn't fix it either.


if u have Defeated, u can tie them up and wait about 2mins and untire them and they will be ok. or knockdown and revive works sometimes. (or least that works will followers i frinedly fired and made them mad.

I'm using Submit instead of Defeated and that doesn't work on npcs that are essential, I think.


I remember watching a video about some house mod a while back that apparently has a mail box, which supposedly gives you the same letters the couriers are supposed to deliver. Unfortunately I can't remember its name.


Ohh also, when I go up to a courier and talk to him, he says that he has a letter for me, but starts cowering again instantly. I thought I'd try pickpocketing them, but that doesn't work.




The courier is a bit glitchy, with When Vampires Attack on they just flip out in the middle of the street and cower when you talk to them. It's a bit weird. You could check for a bounty and you don't have one, use resurrect 1 or resetai, they might fix it.

No luck so far. I tried a bunch of commands like resetai, setrelationshiprank 3, addtofaction etc. and none of them worked. I do have When Vampires Attack, but disabling that doesn't fix it either.

if u have Defeated, u can tie them up and wait about 2mins and untire them and they will be ok. or knockdown and revive works sometimes. (or least that works will followers i frinedly fired and made them mad.

I'm using Submit instead of Defeated and that doesn't work on npcs that are essential, I think.


I remember watching a video about some house mod a while back that apparently has a mail box, which supposedly gives you the same letters the couriers are supposed to deliver. Unfortunately I can't remember its name.


Ohh also, when I go up to a courier and talk to him, he says that he has a letter for me, but starts cowering again instantly. I thought I'd try pickpocketing them, but that doesn't work.

Sorry but I don't know how to fix it then, maybe a mod which delivers letters somehow could bypass this?


Going a bit off topic, but I've never heard of setrelationshiprank. I have an issue where I accidentally used Unrelenting Force on the horse outside Whiterun Stables and it now attacks me endlessly unless I use Calm. Disabling it respawns it when I return. Will setrelationshiprank stop this?


Also, a mailbox outside player homes would be a great mod. It might also be a workaround to your courier problem.




The courier is a bit glitchy, with When Vampires Attack on they just flip out in the middle of the street and cower when you talk to them. It's a bit weird. You could check for a bounty and you don't have one, use resurrect 1 or resetai, they might fix it.

No luck so far. I tried a bunch of commands like resetai, setrelationshiprank 3, addtofaction etc. and none of them worked. I do have When Vampires Attack, but disabling that doesn't fix it either.

if u have Defeated, u can tie them up and wait about 2mins and untire them and they will be ok. or knockdown and revive works sometimes. (or least that works will followers i frinedly fired and made them mad.

I'm using Submit instead of Defeated and that doesn't work on npcs that are essential, I think.


I remember watching a video about some house mod a while back that apparently has a mail box, which supposedly gives you the same letters the couriers are supposed to deliver. Unfortunately I can't remember its name.


Ohh also, when I go up to a courier and talk to him, he says that he has a letter for me, but starts cowering again instantly. I thought I'd try pickpocketing them, but that doesn't work.

Sorry but I don't know how to fix it then, maybe a mod which delivers letters somehow could bypass this?


Going a bit off topic, but I've never heard of setrelationshiprank. I have an issue where I accidentally used Unrelenting Force on the horse outside Whiterun Stables and it now attacks me endlessly unless I use Calm. Disabling it respawns it when I return. Will setrelationshiprank stop this?


Also, a mailbox outside player homes would be a great mod. It might also be a workaround to your courier problem.


I found the house that has the mailbox, but it turns out its really script heavy so I don't think I'll even bother with trying it. Its the Morskom estate though, if anyone else is interested. Wish there was some mod that just added mailboxes to existing houses or a dragonborn PO-box for all those important letters :D


Anyway, I'm pretty much out of ideas now. I'll look around and hope there is some courier overhaul mod I can use as a workaround or fix.


Speaking of calming npcs you might want to select the npc try these commands I came upon while googling for a fix for my situation.


setnpcrelationshiprank player 3




Supposedly these should work. I haven't tried them on an aggressive npc myself though.


Thanks, I'll try those out later.

I actually looked for a mailbox mod but no luck. Although, there is a mod which adds new couriers, it adds a wood elf, nord and one other, might reset it. Here it is: Varied Couriers: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/29554/?

There is also this, might reset or fix things: Courier and Fugitive Combat Check Beta: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49797/?


Of course this is assuming you haven't been given the ban hammer...


The first one just seems to change the resources of the couriers loaded upon spawn, so I'm not sure whether that'll work, and the second one has already been done with the Unofficial Patches it seems. I still might try the first one out a bit later though.


Right now I found something called Provincial Courier Service. When I loaded my game with that on I saw the courier run away immediately and now he has vanished from all the other towns as well. I'll just wait and see if he shows up again at some point. He'll probably have a lot of letters for me when/if he does :lol:


Well, I still haven't been able to get rid of the bug. The only result of Provincial Courier Service was that the couriers aren't afraid any more, but they still don't show up on their own and if I add them through the console then speaking to them does nothing. I'm completely out of ideas now.


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