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Devious Devices Nipple Piercings Invisible Help pls.


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Can`t see the piercings i checked the device hider function they are all set to none so.


I use UNP Base Mainbody 1.2 and UNP HDT PE BBP TBBP


While installing Devious Devices Mods i clicked not on Standard i did choose the HDT bbp or whatever it`s called Option. 1 day ago i played with unp skinny and hdt physic all worked but i thought to myself man the boobs are to small now i can`t see the piercings anymore. i reinstalled all related mods. Even tried it with the small boobs again but no success. I checked the ingame hider function for devices and clothes and stuff all set to None should see all but their invisible.

I probably just have to put a file somewhere so i can see it but wich one and where.


Can one of you guys help me please?


If i can`t fix it my char will wear a chastity bra lol.

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