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DARPA developed a search engine MEMEX to find everything even from deep web.


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If it benefit us all or any good thats to be seen?


For some things its good it won't stay hidden, but it gives goverments or others tools to find you no matter how deep you buried or hide and thats maybe not so good after all.

Big brother is watching you:(





Good development or not what are your thoughts on the matter?

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There is not a single website that cannot be hidden from any possible websearch engine. Not to mention huge amount of dynamically user-created content (i.e. such as virtual shopping carts) that simply has no use whatsoever for any search engine. People tend to oversimplicate things, for example by including that non-indexed content to the whole 'dark web' concept. Also, the more popular it will get, the less useful it will become - people will probably quickly develop means to bury their sites even deeper. Saying all of the above i still really hope that this search engine is simply an act of financial defraudation by agencies that claim being able to tame the darkest corners of web.

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I really don't get the whole Big Brother paranoia thing. Sure the thought of having somebody watch and record everything you do can be kinda creepy, but that's really all it is too me,

Often when talking to people about this i get the wipe that most of not all of them have forgotten the bottom line of what the internet was invented for, to share information, don't want to share? then shut up! it really is that simple, and i mean unless you are doing something illegal like dealing drug, murder for hire, child pornography etc what do you have fear?

So you search for hentai dog rape porn twice a day, good for you but really who gives a flying a fuck, go nuts!


But maybe you just want to share some kinky pictures with your boyfriend/girlfriend, grandma what ever, and you would feel violated if the government could accesses those pictures, okay fair point but i have to this day not heard of the government releasing any after shower selfies, and indeed why would it, but who would then ohh yeah those hacker people, but surely those pictures was not for them so they must have stolen them, ohh well just call the cops right? But ohh no they can't do anything cause ohh yeah those hackers are sneaky fellers hiding behind this internet thing we are so desperate to keep the governments hands off. shit! but i guess it don't matter since the damage is done, true but if i came home one day and found my house had burned down and the damage had been done, i guess the person who started the fire gets off the hook. no wait....      

Being able to voice your opinion without a name tag sure that's nice, but why should anyone be condemned for there opinion on anything, doing so is in my opinion is the closes to playing god you as you can get. but that's not just a problem with the internet. and while i can understand the anger and pain that follows by having that freedom treated by censorship and such, i also feel that the real problem is the need for having such a need to begin with, since it should be just as safe to state one's opinion in public as it is on the internet. and even if that opinion can be considered evil or wicked whatever, censuring it don't help, let this evil person speak all they damm want, unless you choose to listen it is no more white noise. Don't feed the troll can be and should be applied to real-life as well.


Okay that got off topic a bit. 


But yeah if a picture of my bare ass should find its way to some government data-bank somewhere in order shot down a lot or even one distributor of something like child pornography, then so be it, hell ill even donate one if that's what it takes.   

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