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need help with fair skin complexion CBBE


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hey guys

i recently installed that mod Fair Skin Complexion CBBE version:


And the textures and other changes are pretty neat but with it i get extreme fps drops for no reason. 

It's all more or less fine inside buildings but outside my fps drop down to like 2fps if i look into specific directions, mainly into a village. 


In whiterun for an example my fps went so low that my game basically freezed if i looked towards the market place or the main gate. 

I didn't wanted to disable the mod because it gives me very nice eyebrows and lips, too so i just let it get overwritten by SG textures renewal and now the game runs alot better, but i don't have the nice body textures though. 


does anyone know what could be causing this problems or how i can fix it? 

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Ah yes thanks i took the uncompressed version because i thought my pc would be strong enough for it. (I5 2500k, 8GB DDR3, GTX 680) Totally forgot about it.


Still weird that this only applies in villages and only if i look into specific directions, regardless if there are any npc's or not. 

Will try the compressed version instead now. 

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Might be, but they don't add so much as one could think. In whiterun for an example i had 2 additional npc's. 

Anyway going to use the compressed version later today, i don't think there will be that much of a difference ^^

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Ah i have to say the issue is back. After using the compressed version it was fine for a bit but then on the next day those stutters came back. 

Everytime i look into a random direction the game drops to ~1-2fps. it gets better after a short while but it usually stays at 5-10fps. if i look back again the fps rise back to about 40. 

I also noticed that my overall fps are alot lower than they used to be. Usually i had my 60fps in houses etc but not even there i get only 45 at max. 

I tried disabling all those skin mods and even deleted the tattoos i have, but it didn't helped. 

I also tried disabling script heavy mods but that didn't changed anything at all. 


Anyone else got an idea? i am pretty much clueless now

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Do you have any Parallax textures installed? In particular (but not limited to) 4K size and landscape + architecture?


If so, try disabling those. Or straight replace with conventional non-parallax in 2K size.




I was fighting with those freezes for a looong time - disable this mod, tweak that setting...

The final solution was to dump all the Parallax stuff in favor of more detail for characters, outfits, vegetation, hi-poly meshes etc. and at the same time ENB settings at the limit.


This was pretty much the difference between macrostutter (from short hiccups to PC lockdown for 5 minutes) and fluid performance, although my installation was only meant for screenarchery to begin with.

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Usually i don't look into other people's load order, but i just did and you already have a critical error right at the start of the load order:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
LOOT would put it just like the USKP page says:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Also many people use Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized after the Unofficial High Resolution Patch, as the UHRP only fixes bugs with the hi-res DLC while the other mod reduces the size where it's sensible.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Late answer is late, but i tried that bethesda thingy and it seems to have fixed my problem. The stutter is down to a minimum that i am okay with and its only for a short while. It runs alot better now, i hope it stays like that :D


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