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How do I use an event from another mod, in MY mod?


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I'm new... so lotta dumb questions, but here goes...


I'm working on dialogue-based GotMilk mod. I made it originally for ME to get the breastfeeding animations started using dialogue. Turned out kinda fun.


Recently, Ed86 (Milk Mod author) created a MilkMaidFaction in his mod. So now I can check if an NPC is in MilkMaidFaction and have dialogue that would be "just between us girls". I have to use TES5Edit to add MilkModNEW.esp as a master every time I save my mod in CK, but.... it's not so bad. 


So now Ed86 made an event so another mod could add a milkmaid.


I have no idea what I need to declare (like when you add the line for sexlab property in the script fragment for dialogue)

AND... no idea what I actually need to put in my dialogue fragment to use the event.


I was thinking it would be nice if I could have a conversation with an NPC...


NPC: "Wow... you're a Milk Maid!"

ME: "Yes, I am."

NPC: "Your breasts are wonderful."

ME: "Thanks. You know you could have breasts like these. Would you like to be a Milk Maid like me?"


.... over simplified.... but you get the idea...


So at some point I'd want ... in the dialogue... to fire the event that adds that NPC as a new Milk Maid. Maybe add some idle animation with magic fairy dust or something ceremonial, but....


No idea how to do this.


Anyone up for some hand holding? How do I pull this off? 



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Recently, Ed86 (Milk Mod author) created a MilkMaidFaction in his mod. So now I can check if an NPC is in MilkMaidFaction and have dialogue that would be "just between us girls". I have to use TES5Edit to add MilkModNEW.esp as a master every time I save my mod in CK, but.... it's not so bad.

You can avoid this by editing Milk Mod with TES5Edit, enable its ESM flag in the file header. The Creation Kit will then allow you to save changes to your mod while keeping its master dependency to Milk Mod, since it now sees it as a Master file.


As for how to implement the new event, I took a quick look at the page and it looks like what you want to do is to add a milk maid via MME's API? Seems like it's listening to "MME_AddMilkMaid", so all you have to do is:

SendModEvent(eventName="MME_AddMilkMaid", strArg="<YOUR_ARGUMENTS>", numArg=<NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS>)

The two bits in between <> are arguments you'll need to figure out yourself by looking at MME's onMME_AddMilkMaid function.

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