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Archeage in europe and US already in trouble.


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had archeage from closed beta's and from release, got 4 day head start that was pointless, managed to play for 16 hours in the full 4 days due to server problems(Full), then at release and still haven't been able to login to the server im on so i cant play the toons i have on there. And due to having 2 toons on the same server i cant make any more till i can get on to the server to buy a scroll or delete a toon to allow me to make new toon on different server.


although the game its self is not a bad game, the graphics are quite good the game play is 1 of the best iv come across on any mmo game, but the botting, auction house, the land buyers, the spammers is just ridiculous and as for the gold sellers theres loads of them, im betting theirs even more now since the last time i manged to get into the bloody game lol 

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On top of everything, ArcheAge's community is one of the most fucked up group of people I have ever seen in a MMO. Seriously, competitive games like these seem to bring out the worst in a person. They're a bunch of bigots, racists, whiners, impatient, selfish and short-sighted fucks. I don't want to make that generalization extend to everyone who plays the game, but holy crap it feels like it's true for ~80% of the game's player base. If it weren't that my outfit from Planetside 2 came over to AA, I probably wouldn't be playing the game right now. Everyone I bump into seems to be an asshole.


Hopefully the shitstorm will blow over in the coming months because the game is beautiful and very addicting. The P2W aspect isn't as bad as some people make it to be though.

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On top of everything, ArcheAge's community is one of the most fucked up group of people I have ever seen in a MMO. Seriously, competitive games like these seem to bring out the worst in a person. They're a bunch of bigots, racists, whiners, impatient, selfish and short-sighted fucks. I don't want to make that generalization extend to everyone who plays the game, but holy crap it feels like it's true for ~80% of the game's player base. If it weren't that my outfit from Planetside 2 came over to AA, I probably wouldn't be playing the game right now. Everyone I bump into seems to be an asshole.


Hopefully the shitstorm will blow over in the coming months because the game is beautiful and very addicting. The P2W aspect isn't as bad as some people make it to be though.


Ijust spoke with a friend of mine he is 36 years old and he play Guild Wars 2, someone keep asking him to join his guild so he joined the guild and what you discribe here a bunch of all you mentioned after a few hours he left the guild already he sadi something similar what you said here.


So its not only PVP mmo's it also happen in GW2.


My own experience i have with Darkfall which was even worse.


Thats how it is last few years.


But i don't play MMO'S anymore because of cheating, cash shops, easy and bad behavior players.

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  • 6 months later...

Been thinking about getting into this game after I saw this video. It looked like a fun game. (FF to 43:30 if you want to have a good laugh).



Anyone still playing it? Is it really not worth trying out?

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It always depends on what you want.

I liked it alot because of its freedom, well, i was in the strongest guild on my Server and we killed and robbed everyone who crossed our way...yeah, i was one of those guys.

If you are afraid of getting ganked and are lazy in general then better skip it! It's a game about being the strongest and taking advantage from it by terrorizing the weak. :P

It's not for a small group of friends or guilds, if you wan't to see the whole beauty of Archeage you have to be in a big guild.

Of course you could pay the strong guilds for protection, if they feel like doing such things.

If you can live with liars and evil beings who just want to harm you, go for it and enjoy a great game, if you are a whiny little coward then this might not be the best game for you.

Just keep in mind that everyone could ruin your life ingame and stay safe.

Definitely one of the better MMO's out there IMO but not made for crybabies.

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