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Succubus Enemies + [ReVamped]

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I too am very curious about this mod. I use Player Succubus Quest, but they still probably will not be friendly... but this needs a better description.


Do they try to rape you? Do they try to seduce you? What makes them 'succubi' other than a fancy, skimpy outfit?


This is under Sexlab Framework, so do they only have sex when enabled by other mods, or do they have like a spell that forces you into sex with them? I'm very, very curious. I'm also slightly excited, but still very very curious.

They used succubus powers.



That's pretty similar to: Cars have wheels.


If you catch my meaning.


More information would be indeed good.


For all i've understood from the description is that this mod will change the spawn/leveled lists of vampires to spawn the NPCs from this mod, which are supposed to be succubi.


No screenshots, no details, not even a freakin category. 


I've taken it down for updates silly. :D

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It looks interesting.


Who is the girl in download section? Much like it. :P


By the way,

After viewing all the post above, I'm wondering the system requirement of this mod if it has xx GB in size.

You know, a 3D model with too many vertices and big texture would make a big performance hit.

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Well, I was brave/stupid enough to install it, here's what happened when I did........................


                     The install went smoothly enough, I reckon, no crashes or major hiccups. I do use the HTB Apachii Skyhair wigs mod, and it did a lot of overwriting of those files.

                      When I loaded up the game after the install, I got 2 "Detected script conflict" warnings, one for PlayerVampireQuestScript.pex and


                      It added an MCM menu item for "Succubus Race" which had a splash screen for "The Succubus Race by Nikiita." It had a few tweakable features...An aggression toggle, choice of horns style and a Heal Regen Multipler adjustment. Since it showed up as a "race" I fired up Race Menu, but it did not actually add a race.  

                      I played with it installed for a while, but nothing ever really happened. So, I came back here to see if any one else had anything to say, only to find out it had been pulled. So, I went ahead and uninstalled it.

                      It really does appear to be a mash-up that is mostly other peoples work, so he really does need to give some thought to permissions and credits, a lot more than is apparent so far.  

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I too am very curious about this mod. I use Player Succubus Quest, but they still probably will not be friendly... but this needs a better description.


Do they try to rape you? Do they try to seduce you? What makes them 'succubi' other than a fancy, skimpy outfit?


This is under Sexlab Framework, so do they only have sex when enabled by other mods, or do they have like a spell that forces you into sex with them? I'm very, very curious. I'm also slightly excited, but still very very curious.

They used succubus powers.



That's pretty similar to: Cars have wheels.


If you catch my meaning.


More information would be indeed good.


For all i've understood from the description is that this mod will change the spawn/leveled lists of vampires to spawn the NPCs from this mod, which are supposed to be succubi.


No screenshots, no details, not even a freakin category. 


I've taken it down for updates silly. :D



And you don't get what i'm saying.


Well, nevermind.


Doubt this mod will go anywhere soon anyway.

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It's a great concept. I hope it does well. But the description needs more... describing.

As it is in the Sexlab downloads, do they have Sexlab functionality? Like, try to seduce you, or rape you when at low HP?


I'd personally love it if not all Succubi were hostile, and the nonhostile ones would sometimes approach you and try to seduce you. Depending on your level, and sex proficiency in Sexlab, there's a chance it could kill you. But, hostile ones would take you down to say, about 30 HP, and would rape you. And, again, calculations on death chance. But the rape is far more likely to kill.

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Agreed, I like the concept generally.


I would strongly recommend not reinventing the wheel in terms of the support stuff - hair for instance.  It's not necessary to include your own, just make it dependent on something like Apachii or SG hair, and then require that for use.  Saves people the trouble of downloading common resources a second time, and makes things a lot easier in terms of giving others credit for the work they did.  The same goes for any custom outfits, weapons, etc.

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It sounds like a cool idea but if this is using Nikitas mod, that could be a problem as she has a pretty language clear licensing statement that says her mod is not to be used in anybody else s mod for any reason http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22903/? . It's down at the bottom. If you used her sources ( and got their permission) then this doesn't apply but if you actually used her mod, it could be a problem.

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I downloaded it opened it up and yes it looks like a mash-up of several Succubi mods, but apparently not PSQ. I took a test run of it, using MO and enabling all the optional esp files this is what I got...

- You can play a Succubus, basically the Succubus Lite mod, with the associated spells, outfits, etc.

- I went to a vampire hangout and

     - It slowed my game to a crawl.

     - Yes, some of the vampires were succubi and some stayed vampires, and no they did not get along. 

     - The succubi were not hostile unless attacked by me, but they didn't try to seduce me either.  Maybe some dialog options were missing or they just have the Succubus Lite spell complement and attack you with those.

- I did not try the "summon succubus twins" or other features, as my game was sooo sloooow.


You can basically take out everyone else's mods.  Then you just have your alternate enemy race mod tweaks and a nice long list of required mods with load order.


It's a fun idea.




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Re upload coming soon! :D

-Removed all other mods

-Created my own succubi race

-Less variety

-No Scripts

+ Enemy Type [Does not replace anything]

+ New Faction

+Integrated in the Game World 

No longer 1.gb + Mod Should be less them 20mb

Plans to add sexlab.

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Okay, down loaded and installed with Enemies 2.0.  This is what happened:

Went to Haemar's Shame.  Vampire thralls are there (check).  Killed the first vamp at the bottom of the ramp leading into the main part of the first cell. (check).  In the main area there were the usual vamps (check).  After I killed them and started searching containers I found a dead succubus with the 'oh-I-forgot-to-include-the-face-gens-and-tints-with-the-upload' thing going on (uhm okay..check).  In the last section of the first cell where there is a cave alcove and there was a succubus (finally) and she didn't do a goddamned thing but wander like a vanilla NPC.  I clicked on her and I got the generic 'what do you need?' response....aaaand her head gen files were also missing.  ( :dodgy: ..check and exit game w/o saving)


For what this is billed as, I have to say it needs a tad more work.



You have a good concept and if you need help implementing it there are people here at LL that will lend a hand, and teach you a thing or two about modding morality.  If you think I'm being a dick it's because I AM being a dick about this.  You've hi-jacked other modders' files and uploaded them with a vague mod description with no credit given.  You never took into account mod conflicts or resolutions OR the well-being of anyone brave enough to download your files.  And what you've presented here has the potential of getting modders from other sites severely pissed off.  Did I leave anything out?  Anyone?

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Okay, down loaded and installed with Enemies 2.0.  This is what happened:

Went to Haemar's Shame.  Vampire thralls are there (check).  Killed the first vamp at the bottom of the ramp leading into the main part of the first cell. (check).  In the main area there were the usual vamps (check).  After I killed them and started searching containers I found a dead succubus with the 'oh-I-forgot-to-include-the-face-gens-and-tints-with-the-upload' thing going on (uhm okay..check).  In the last section of the first cell where there is a cave alcove and there was a succubus (finally) and she didn't do a goddamned thing but wander like a vanilla NPC.  I clicked on her and I got the generic 'what do you need?' response....aaaand her head gen files were also missing.  ( :dodgy: ..check and exit game w/o saving)


For what this is billed as, I have to say it needs a tad more work.



You have a good concept and if you need help implementing it there are people here at LL that will lend a hand, and teach you a thing or two about modding morality.  If you think I'm being a dick it's because I AM being a dick about this.  You've hi-jacked other modders' files and uploaded them with a vague mod description with no credit given.  You never took into account mod conflicts or resolutions OR the well-being of anyone brave enough to download your files.  And what you've presented here has the potential of getting modders from other sites severely pissed off.  Did I leave anything out?  Anyone?

I did not jack anything lol SE 2.0 was put out of commission you should be using Succubus Enemies + 

Yea I forgot the faces anyone including the down loaders can fix that.

I don't think you read the description. 

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I installed latest version (Succubus Enemies +). And here is small feedback.


I spawned few Succubus trough console to test their AI behavior, and they did attack my PC and follower + they were fairly strong = i liked that. While fighting them, I didn't notice they used some special abilities on me. ( health drain or smth. )


The downside:

1. Missing face meshes ( OP already knows that i presume ) .

2. I really liked clothes = very well done, but my personal thought that a lustful demonic succubus like the one from picture would veer something more sexy. Also , without horns and wings  they look more like a Vampire huntress.



On this development stage this is pretty good base for implementing more features. To one who is familiar with CK it won't be a problem. My suggestion to OP, don't rush with adding more content just make this release playable and enjoyable. I hope you will continue to support this great idea and some in game screenshot would be nice to see.


By the way, thank you for pointing out Wrye Bash = very good utility.

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I am just starting to play with the mod and I like it so far.  I am wondering if you have any idea what would cause a CTD upon looting succubus corpses.  I have downloaded and installed all of the meshes/textures associated with the file (even the ones included) and extracted the BSAs to the correct locations.  Any ideas?



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Installed the new version and spawn her with the consol ('Succubi').



(it's what i have in MY game, possibly i did wrong because i installed UNP)

Represented by a Nordic race with nothing special, except that she fights in sexy little outfit. I do not understand where is the concept of succubus in this mod, sorry. If this mod looks very interesting at first glance, I think it is far too incomplete to get out right away. It would for example be better to solve the problem faces ...
Oh, and the game crashes every time I try to search her body.

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Installed the new version and spawn her with the consol ('Succubi').




Represented by a Nordic race with nothing special, except that she fights in sexy little outfit. I do not understand where is the concept of succubus in this mod, sorry. If this mod looks very interesting at first glance, I think it is far too incomplete to get out right away. It would for example be better to solve the problem faces ...

Oh, and the game crashes every time I try to search her body.

The same for me. Maybe something we did wrong ?

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Installed the new version and spawn her with the consol ('Succubi').




Represented by a Nordic race with nothing special, except that she fights in sexy little outfit. I do not understand where is the concept of succubus in this mod, sorry. If this mod looks very interesting at first glance, I think it is far too incomplete to get out right away. It would for example be better to solve the problem faces ...

Oh, and the game crashes every time I try to search her body.


Thats it? Ugh. Got my hopes up for nothing. I want real succubi enemies that can rape your character.


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