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horse↔women follower

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Well, what happens if your follower framework detects horse-Lydia as a horse that horse-Lidya can try to ride? I don't think follower frameworks has a check that will detect that a follower is rideable itself and it FUCKING CANT RIDE ITSELF.


Horses can be brought into cityes, you probably just need to add a "can open doors" flag.


i have said framework, and when you mount her, it does not try to make her mount her mount. if it did, that would have been the most fucking hilarious screenshot of the month.


You probably misunderstood me. If she's a mount, follower framework could detect her as a mount. And she's a follower at the same time. So, if you mount another mount, framework could try to make her mount herself.

YO, Dawg. We heard you like mounts, so we mounted your mount on itself. So you can mount a selfmounted mount.

And that should not be happening in the Euclidean space.


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Follower women who fights, shops, does whatever ( u know ) with u, but could change in to a horse to ride.


Isnt this mod could be convenient?


or is there a mod similar to this?

I was thinking of Centauress when I read your title.

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This idea would make for a good story line.  Cursed NPC the player helps to remove the bad juju from, etc.  It would also be good for a magical companion like Shadowmere.  Ride him to a dungeon location, turn him into a human so he can enter the dungeon and fight for you and when you leave you can turn him back into a horse.  Aside from the hurdles you guys already mentioned, there is the thing where if you fasttravel into a gated city while mounted the horse gets moved to the nearest stables.  Skyrim being Skyrim, I have no idea what would happen to the transformation, any gear the NPC/horse has being lost, etc.

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Follower women who fights, shops, does whatever ( u know ) with u, but could change in to a horse to ride.


Isnt this mod could be convenient?


or is there a mod similar to this?

I was thinking of Centauress when I read your title.





sry for my poor english

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Got it working fine

Minus the part where I turn them back to their original race

Like I got it working on a timer if that works, turn anyone into a horse for 60 seconds and they will follow you, like a thrall spell. Only usable one at a time.

I had jenassa following me around inside outside wherever. It works on anything, kids chickens etc

Probably finalize and upload for ya all in a few hours gonna play some league with some friend ssince I literally just got home

I was right btw took like 10 min

I'll throw it up with source code and everything starts with 000 in the ck so should be easy to dissect, can do it with companions as well and even change it with dialogue options, talking initiates a mount while they are horses but can add a dialogue option to turn them back to human or w/e and maybe funny things will happen

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Actually on second thought

I'll release a companion in a day thats fully voiced that you can toggle as a horse mwahahahahaha

Any ideas for lines?

Feel free to be hilarious this wont be taken seriously

But be fast with the lines you got probably 5 hours from now till I get her recording

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Lol ok so we actually changed this a bit

I am going to add a wisp companion into discworld who will randomly transform to any beast race in combat and then to any pet type race out of combat, but you can also have her go human and give her items to hold etc when you want. along with a quest storyline for her as well


Soooo I have the spell that will turn any companion to a rideable horse for 60 seconds without getting rid of their dialogue ready to upload just have to add some fancy effects and make a video but I have to take off for a few hours so expect it later tonight

Just got to figure out why if they are in combat animation as a horse it locks them as a horse if the timer is up


It even dismounts you b4 they turn back human, they will fight as a horse and keep their equipment

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Is this about a follower that transforms into a literal horse or a follower that will let you use her as a mount? There is some canon to that one. At the collage of Winterhold, Brelyna Maryon, when allowed to cast some spells on you as an exercise, they go a bit wrong. One of the errors temporarily turns you into a horse! This effect was reached by accident but if it was done deliberately, then we would have the follower become a horse right there. Maybe Breylyna could be that follower, after perfecting the accident.


Option two is a bit kinky but then again this is Loverlab, so if such this IS where such a mod would belong. A less kinky variant would be if she is a giant that scope you up and let you ride like an adult may carry a child on the shoulders.

Numbers one and two sound like good ideas, but I kinda prefer number two. Mainly because it'd be both kinky and hilarious(Especially if she was suddenly at a slightly-faster-than-a-horse high speed, and we could use Mounted Combat mods while atop her.).

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That is a great idea.  How about a spell that turns your chosen follower into a horse?  A talking horse, of course.


Don't get confused with the WIP ponygirl mod.








That should keep Mr. Ed company..



Hehn, as I was typing that "a horse is a horse , of course, of course..." was going through my head.  Wondered if it would be lost on too many people though.

Will be trying this soon, wonder if Sofia can be a horse? 

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