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If you're a real die-hard, you may even play around with all the settings to get a personalized ENB. Some of the most popular ENB's out there are highly suspect of having frankensteined sever other ENB's. We'll never know for sure, but who cares if it looks good. ;)

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Check this out: http://imgur.com/a/2Dcez#0


Ultimate ENB Comparison. The author provided his computer specs for the game, his resolution, and his settings within the game. Then, displays a large number of comparison shots between various ENBs, including how his setup handles them with the framerates.


It really can just come down to a choice of playability, screenarchery, or both, on what your machine can handle.


Once you've got an idea of the type of ENB or look you want out of your game, even if it's an ENB that slows your game down, you should check out STEPs details on what some of the settings do, as well as google up various enbseries and enblocal lines from those .ini files to see what they do and how you can change em to squeeze performance or visuals.

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what is the best ENB mod for skyrim i should get


Matter of taste everyone have different one ;)


Mine at the moment is Season of Skyrim ENB preset.


Btw some ENB presets say what ENB it uses like BLEAK or SEASONS say v236 enb binary but you can use latest 254 with np at all.

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I've used quite a few ENB presets, poloENB has had the nicest performance/prettiness ratio in my experience. It's quite colorful but not too oversaturated, i'm not a huge fan of how bright the nights tend to be though, it's at least darker than vanilla. Also no matter what ENB you're using some areas are going to lose the bleakness/lushness that the areas were originally intended to have.

Didn't see any screens of it in that comparison gallery so i made a small one showing some different areas/times of day: http://imgur.com/a/TpLU6#0

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