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Living with HipsterGirl and GamerGirl

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"So you say gamer girls are sexy? Say it after you see my eyes full of crusting and bags at the end of a 36 hour Skyrim marathon."


Said by a character drawn intentionally sexy with nice curves and visible panty line. FFS.


Also, none of these jokes are funny. They're basically "Hey look! Sexy girls are playing video games! It's funny because boobies!"



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Anybody liked it? Glad you could enjoy

Didn't like it? Fine. I don't care.


Just in case, I posted it cause yes, there are boobs (excuse me I thought LL was an IDEAL place for boobs...how stupid of me!) BUT mostly because I considered some of the situations are deeper than boobs, there is social criticism there, to social networks and other things, also some situations that happen, when gaming.


There are things far worse than this in "degrading women" and nobody bats an eye


Had seen enough long faces for a lifetime. The harder they hate the smarter they feel

Everybody hates, hates and hates some more...


In opposition to the hate I'm gonna say "Good night/day to everyone!

Have a wonderful life!" 


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Guest Mogie56

Don't take it to heart elalquimista, there just expressing opinions. not everyone finds humor in the same things.

I'll refrain from having an opinion. and that is rare. :)

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I can easily understand that women can get annoyed at this style of drawing, where most girls are hypersexualized but most guys look like silly smurfs though.


Also, this is supposed to be social commentary while "The Dragonborn Cometh" is bdsm porn. I don't for a second believe that the sick stuff Markydaysaid draws in the latter actually reflects his opinions of women while there are some offensive stuff in "Hipstergirl and Gamergirl" that probably does reflect the attitudes of its author.

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How's it possible?

You fart and you offend some feminist

You scratch your ass and the gay community jumps in rage

You say "cheers" and someone gets annoyed cause you used a word they don't like

I feel like walking on broken glass over here


Ever stopped to think, maybe, just maybe... NOBODY wanted to insult them?


I'm all in for girl empowerment. I have many dear ones who are women in charge of their own life, some are very beautiful, but also smart and independent. Most of them don't need to dress slutty and are successful in every way in life. I have gay friends too and I don't even care for their lifestyle, they have theirs, I have mine, and we all get along because we respect each other. I call myself a "gamer" and a "nerd" exactly because being "nerd" is not being a drooling mess of a bullied person anymore. Being a nerd doesn't mean being a poor dork with glasses and pimples who can't get a girl even if he was the last guy on earth. Being a gamer and a nerd means you can now be a normal person with rich social life and special hobbies like videogames computers and culture. It means sometimes being a bit smarter in academic matters, being good at science and having access to nicely paid salaries.

You still like "game of thrones" and "lord of the rings"


Oh my gosh!!! people are offended because they have boobs!!!

Excuse me while I go kill myself because of this crime


I'm a bit strange and sometimes I don't look at the obvious while I focus on other things

As I was not thinking that it could offend somebody's sensibility and was not thinking of being confrontational, I stupidly thought someone could actually see what I saw in a few of those pictures


I'm truly sorry if it's "offensive"

I didn't realize it

But then again the intention was not to offend and the insult is in the eye of the one who feels insulted, their problem.


Of course not all jokes are funny!

But in my eyes a few of them reflect things that are true criticisms to society. I'll explain a few effectively killing the joke, making a last stand to the point to why I decided to share this, and saying goodbye forever to this thread.




This one talks about the reality of people going mad just as soon as the new tech appears and sometimes it's not even worth it. It's because trend


Another critic to society. A lot of them think giving a "like" is more important than actually doing stuff to help


This is yet another critic to over-sexualized women in GAMING. Tell me that isn't true. Just do a search for Skyrim outfits


Have you noticed how people don't even look at each other anymore because they're too busy with their phones?


How about the fact that violence in videogames is always suspected to be the source of real life violence instead of real problems in the real life?


This one creeps me out beyond words and yet it is happening


You're telling me no one ever played for hours feeling somehow "dirty" after it, like you wasted the day or something?


Creepy... but mass surveillance is a reality too


Exactly my point. You don't like it. GO AWAY. Spewing hate is just pointless



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The art is well done, pretty professional and stuff, but I don't think the jokes are funny, I mean I didn't even smile. It may be coming from the rough translation, looks like it is a spanish comic yeah ? 

Also the girls have boobs because the dude drawing the comic likes boobs. That simple. If he wants to draw babes, he draws babes, I don't draw but if I could I would draw stuff I want to see and enjoy drawing, like, hell, boobs.


So I don't think the jokes are crap because the girls are babes, it's just that it's full of clichés and overused situations that you can see just about every fucking where on the internet. I mean the guy is basically picking a meme on 9gag and making a comic strip out of it. There's nothing new and the fact that it is targeting nerds that already know all of these jokes is a fail, some of them could only get a laugh from, say, my parents for example. The art is nice though, again. 

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I know a lot of people that have seen that comic and it's always a love it or hate it sort of reaction. Most that are put off by it are so because of the art style, criticizing that it over-sexualizes the female characters. Also some contend that the jokes themselves aren't funny. While I'm not the biggest fan of the comic, I will point out that it's pretty heavy on satire, and satire by default is a love/hate form of comedy.


I mean, look at the definition



"the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues."


it's one of the styles of humor that no matter what, eventually it is going to criticize and make fun of something that applies to something you like or to you yourself. Some don't like it because they feel it makes broad generalizations and stereotypes because of the actions/words of a few.


Addressing the point of the sexualized women in the art style, yes they are. No arguing that. A lot of their outfits (and figures) are impractical to say the least. Judging from the rest of the content, my theory is that A) the artist simply enjoys drawing in that style, B ) that this is another aspect of satire poking fun at those who actually DO dress like that, or C) perhaps a little of both. Maybe it's even something else that I'm just not keen to.


I've never been a huge fan of certain phrases and the mentalities behind them, such as "grow up" or "grow a pair" or "deal with it". But the older I get, the more I understand that thin skin is a very real liability. It will prevent people not just from being able to enjoy themselves as much, and it leads to people being offended by things that have no ill intent behind them. I always looked at satire as a sort of "love the sinner, hate the sin" mentality. It's criticism, not malice.


Anyhoo, I just woke up, so I could probably word this better, but there's my two cents.

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Sometimes there is a very good reason to be offended by something, independent of the intent that went into it.  For many people though, the reason for taking offense is invisible, because it is not something that daily intrudes upon their lives.  It's a little like being in a fishbowl without being aware of the water.  But when that water is a thousand little microaggressions over the course of a day, you begin to notice, and you begin to call it out.


I don't have much to say about the comic itself, but the response to some of the criticism troubles me.  We all approach life with our own set of privileges, and to many of us the water is invisible.  I think it's important to at least consider how caustic that water can be to others, particularly when we least understand why.  The ability to tell everyone else that it's their problem, not yours, is just another of the privileges that renders the problem invisible to begin with.


Again, less to do with the comic, and more to do with the reactions I see.  My two cents.

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How is it that one person making a comment about not liking the comic turns into a shitstorm of people complaining about people taking too much offense these days? It was hardly a backlash, but one individual's personal opinion which I don't think warrants this storm in a teacup.


Seizes on one comment - takes offence - complains people are too easily offended...


... does no one else see the irony here? 

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How is it that one person making a comment about not liking the comic turns into a shitstorm of people complaining about people taking too much offense these days? It was hardly a backlash, but one individual's personal opinion which I don't think warrants this storm in a teacup.


Seizes on one comment - takes offence - complains people are too easily offended...


... does no one else see the irony here? 


Exactly. I took a look at a comic because someone posted it, I gave it all the scrutiny I felt it deserved (read: not much), and I posted a review that was exactly as long as I felt the urge to write.


elalguimista, hon...relax, okay? I wasn't attacking you or this comic. You posted it here, which opens it to comment and by default suggests the desire for feedback. Criticism is not "hating". Trust me, when I start hating on something, you'll know it.


The reason I don't like the comic isn't that complex. It's not because I hate sexualized depictions of women. Have you met me? I freely post my sexual kinks and desires all over the place on this website, most of which pertain to exactly that. Give me hot sexy women in revealing clothes any day! Hell, throw in some hot sexy men in revealing clothes, and call me a happy gal.


No, the reason I don't like the comic I showed in my first post about it. The quote from a woman about how unattractive she can be due to her love of gaming coupled with how completely not unattractive she's drawn completely undermines any sort of message the artist was going for. It's one thing to decry a stereotype, but you kind of lose any credibility with me when you do it while upholding the very same stereotype. And on the same fucking panel, to boot.


It would be like if someone drew a picture of a guy in a rainbow flag midriff and a pair of sparkly short shorts complaining how people think he's gay. Something like that might work if it was the intent of this artist to be satirical, but after looking through some of their other work, I find that idea highly suspect. The women are always hot and obnoxious, the boy is always an awkward loser, and any attempt at social commentary is lost through a veil of pretentious bullshit so thick I could cut it with a knife. And several times it was quite clear exactly what the artist thinks of women.


So are we clear? Queen Bee doesn't like the comic because it's hypocritical garbage, not because she thinks it's sexist. Okay?


But no matter what my opinion of this comic, none of it should be taken as yet another example of how the "feminist masses" have tried to stifle creativity. I'm on a site that has mods where you can enslave and rape women, for fuck's sake. And you really think I'm that stuck up just because I don't like some comic? C'mon, man...prove to me you're smarter than that.

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What Chancellor and QueenBee said. 


(I think the punchline of the last example there was that the guy first scoffs at the girl's fear of spiders and then turns out to be equally squeamish though. Perhaps not very funny but at least not leaving the same bad taste in the mouth as the other examples.)

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Hmmm... yeah now you mention it you're probably right...

Well sorry QueenBee...

I sinned because I was expecting something (happy comments)

Forgot one should not expect anything and one will be happier instead of facing disappointment. What is, just is...


I really thought your comment meant it was sexist... and it sorta reminded me of every time I've seen feminist complains about what is not anti-women. Felt the need to defend my point of non-sexism.

It was so short and ironical it seemed to me like it was full of unspoken hate. Internet can do that (Dammit! I fell into a trap I though I knew!). Then I thought more people hated it for the same (Likes can do that). 

Guess I was wrong.


In any case I never got mad... just disappointed

And sorry for participating in "shitstorm" I'm not very fond of sarcasm and I get trigger happy

All is nice with you Bee and thanks for taking the time to explain  :)




The art is well done, pretty professional and stuff, but I don't think the jokes are funny, I mean I didn't even smile. It may be coming from the rough translation, looks like it is a spanish comic yeah ? 

Also the girls have boobs because the dude drawing the comic likes boobs. That simple. If he wants to draw babes, he draws babes, I don't draw but if I could I would draw stuff I want to see and enjoy drawing, like, hell, boobs.


So I don't think the jokes are crap because the girls are babes, it's just that it's full of clichés and overused situations that you can see just about every fucking where on the internet. I mean the guy is basically picking a meme on 9gag and making a comic strip out of it. There's nothing new and the fact that it is targeting nerds that already know all of these jokes is a fail, some of them could only get a laugh from, say, my parents for example. The art is nice though, again. 




Another one who didn't like it, but I recognize it's objective, thanks



Oh, these comics. There's so much truth in them... I laughed my ass off...thanks Elalquimista. Also, really love the artists drawing style.  :D


You did like it! Glad you could enjoy

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