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[WIP] Skyrim Slavers Guild

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Can't keep this up but anything else you really need?


my blog posts with the quest process diagrams. I think I've got the images, but I'd like the commentary


the NPC pages with the write ups on the looks and background


any fragments you can find.


And thanks you've done loads already. Thanks to everyone helping with the disaster recovery effort :)

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Cooking Edit Comment1 129PAGES ON


Cooking is a bit underloved in vanilla Skyrim. It looks like it should have been a crafting skill, but got abandoned because it didn't fit the neat threefold symmetry of the warrior/mage/thief skill sets. I'm hoping to make some better use of cooking in this mod.

As with potions, I'm also going to need some ingredients. In particular



Slave Gruel


Ingredients: Wheat, Nord Mead, Salt, Torchbug Thorax


Effects: +10 Health, + 10 Stamina, -10 Pride, +10 Arousal


A thin porridge, suitable for cheap


The pride and arousal effects wear off after 48 hours. A daily meal of slave gruel will maintain the effect indefinitely however. The effects do not stack



Food of Friendship


Ingredients: Chaurus Egg, River Betty, Glowing Mushrooms x 2, Frostbite Venom


Effects: Health +20, Stamina +10, Combat Damage -1, Pride -1, Arousal +1


A bitter tasting fish stew. This concoction alters the diner's body chemistry in such a way as to signal non-hostile intent to the Falmer. It's a sort of olfactory flag of truce that lets you at least open negotiations. Not all Falmer tribes honour the convention however, and there's no way to tell in advance which is which. The name is a literal translation from the Falmer language.


The effects on combat, pride and arousal stack for subsequent doses. Effects begin to wear off 48 hours after the last meal was consumed, reducing the effect by one for each day that passes.


The food is a derivation of the foodstuff the Dwemer used to keep the snow elves docile. Like the Dwemer slave food, food of friendship is addictive, with the chance of dependency increasing as the effects of the food accumulate in the system. Withdrawal can be severe, depending on the degree of addiction and can involve a debilitating weakness, and further losses to pride and increases in arousal, and in the most severe cases blindness and coma. It is advised to have a healer watch over you if you need to withdraw from long term FoF consumption.






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nnocents Edit Comments3 93PAGES ON


Name Nania

Race Redguard

Gender Female

Archetype Rogue

Quest(s): Random radiant quest

Comments Left Hammerfell against the wishes of her family, she made her way to Skyrim where she met Sifkni. They fell in love, and decided to marry. However, Nania's family caught up with her at last, and proceed to drag her back to Hammerfell. Desperate, Sifkni hired the Guild to steal his bride back for him.

Notes: If you decide to take advantage of Nania while transporting her, she will report her behavior to Sufkni, who will then hire assassins after you. Unless you pass a difficult speechcheck.


Name Miaren Ieneth

Race Dummer

Gender Female

Archetype Noble (Fake)

Quest(s) Random radiant quest

Comments A traveler, Miaren has often paid her way by using her charms and wits, which are considerable, to seduce and bewitch males. Her skill is such that she rarely even need to sleep with her chosen target to get him to give her all of his money. In Skyrim, however, she met someone who is more persistent then the others, who refuses to let her go. She managed to escape, but the Guild is hired to track her down.

Notes: She will attempt to seduce you on the way back. If you allow it, she will disappear after the act. If not, she will be delivered back to the quest-giver. Your reward will vary between your choices.


Name Ladia Gravius

Race Imperial

Gender Female

Archetype Commoner

Quest(s) Random radiant quest (Whiterun?) Before the guild is well known.

Comments An adventurous young lady, Ladia is often running off to have "adventures", much to the worries of her father, an old man. As she is an only child, her father wanted to keep her safe. He approched you to ask for your aid to kidnap her and hold her for a couple of day, but then allow her to escape her captivity. Hopefully this will teach her the dangers of the world...

Notes: At this point, the guild should not be well known yet. You can do as asked, and deliver her unharmed for a certain reward. You can rape her, but her father will come after you, or hire the brotherhood to do so. While old, he is an acomplished mage, so expect a mid level fight. After the fight, if victorious, she can then be enslaved. Or not, up to you.



Name Luna

Race Nord

Gender Female

Archetype Alchemist/Aspiring Mage


Added by Rylasasin

Quest(s) Teacher's Pet, (Unformed Bandit Rescue mission)(DTSG line only), Random Radiant-AI encounters (DTSG Line Only).


A very young and attractive girl who aspires to be a great alchemist and mage one day. Sadly she is not skilled enough to be admitted into the College of Winterhold yet, but she's not to be deterred. In the meantime however, she practices her craft until she can be admitted properly.

She's very enthusiastic about exploring new places, and as such, one can find her more often roaming the countryside, in particular the southern sectors of Skyrim as she picks plants, mixes and tastes various ingredients, tests out any new spells new spells, etc.


However, she doesn't seem to have the best of luck in life. In addition to being turned down to the college, she's often the victim of many "unwanted encounters"... usually ones that involve her being "spread" for some rather unsavory sorts, even ones that should technically not be compatible or even interested in her! And not to mention there's this creepy middle aged lady that seems to have her eyes on her lately...


Nonetheless personality wise she's friendly, and enthusiastic, but rather sarcastic and witty at times. And even despite her many... "unwanted and unlucky encounters" it never seems to get her down.



How often she appears and the player interactions is depends largely on what path you take in the beginning. In the slaver path, your only real encounter with her is Teacher's Pet, where you have to capture her and (preferably) bring her to Embia's school without raping her until she's there (if you do you still get the reward, but the perk you get is very different). Either way, the only other interaction with her is getting the option to rape her any time you please (as long as someone else isn't... using her.)

In the Destroy the Slavers Guild questline however she makes quite a few more appearances, and serves as something of a running joke. Your first encounter with her is actually during (quest undefined) where during another rescue you'll find her, naked, and trapped in a "bandit babe trap"


After this she'll can be found in various places through Skyrim, most of the time she's picking plants, but sometimes you'll find (and have to save her from) various "unfortunate" encounters. For example sometimes she'll be getting molested and/or raped by bandits in/near bandit hideouts, sometimes you'll find her at a dragon summit, chained (and again, naked) to either the word wall or to the altar as one the resident dragon's "prized treasures", sometimes she'll be found in Falmer lairs being molested as they try to enslave her (but you'll never find her broken though), and even on occasion having a bit of (sexual) trouble with some Thalmor patrols who are all too happy to assert their "dominion" over the poor girl.


After the Teacher's Pet incident, she can be recruited as a follower either right after you rescue her or after you find her again. In addition to being a "friend with benefit", she can also help you make potions or enchant things without an enchanting table (similar to Veronica's service in Fallout New Vegas). If you dismiss her, She'll either return to the College (If you're a member, As she'll finally be able to join thanks to you.) or hang around Whiterun.



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The Falmer Crown:



The Falmer Crown Edit Comments4 155PAGES ON


The Falmer Crown refers to both a ritual declaration of slavery, and ritual by which that declaration is reinforced in the mind of the slave. There are minor variations, but the form of the words is as follows:

I am a slut and a whore and a cunt, weak and worthless and worse than worthless, of no use, save for the holes in this body, holes which are useless unless filled by her master. The mouth, ass and cunt of this worthless slut all ache with need, and their need is this slut's need, a need that is greater by far than the slut who feels it, greater than any slut could resist: a slut is mastered by her needs, and through those needs shall she be mastered by others. This unworthy slut therefore begs though she has no right to beg, prays though she has no right to pray, that she might made to be the whore of one strong enough to master her and so master the needs which master her, she pleads to the Beautiful Falmer that they might enslave her as the lowest of their slaves, use her and abuse her, humiliate and demean her if they will only sanctify her filthy holes with the glory of Falmer seed; that they might someday redeem her worthless existence by filling her holes with their semen and her belly with their spawn.

These words are inscribed on the shaven head of a slave (hence "crown") using caustic ink and remain discernable to the touch for the lifetime of the slave, even through a full head of hair.

The ritual of the Falmer Crown involves training the path of the inscription on a slave's head, often during the act of fellatio. The Falmer have ways to imprint the words in a slave's mind so that when the words are traced, the slave hears her own voice repeating the declaration, and experiences a heightened state of arousal and submission. The effect can be heightened further by forcing the slave to say the words out loud as they are traced. This typically leaves the slave in a hyper-aroused state with a craving for the taste of semen, and unable to orgasm until penetrated by her master.


The full Falmer Ceremony of Offering covers the slave's body from head to toe in such inscriptions. It has been speculated that others among them may also have associated rituals that can be used to control the slave in other ways.



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Dwemer Slave Jewelry



Dwemer Slave Jewelry Edit Comments4 155PAGES ON


Dwemer Slave JewelryEdit

Some goodies for the Dwemer Slave Market. These will be in a master level chest (how appropriate!) hidden in a half collapsed shop in Mzthandeumz Market. I'll get these into the Items section shortly. For now, here's the forum text:

Master Ring: A chunky square cut ring of cold iron. Worth next to nothing as jewelry, although it might add a little to barehanded combat damage. It has enchantments that link it to the Slave Ring, and allows the wearer give telepathic commands to the wearer of the Slave Ring. If the Slave Ring wearer is also wearing other items from the jewelry in this set, those items can also be controlled through the Master Ring. The master ring is the only item of the set the can be removed by its wearer. All others are only removable by someone wearing the Master Ring (and the game won't let you wear two rings...)


Slave Ring: This is an elegant gold and diamond ring, a very expensive item in its own right. The wearer will experience a 20% increase in arousal when the wearer of the master ring is present.


Diamond Earrings: Dangly sparkly things, these have a locator function (master gets a quest market for the slave) and can remotely administer pain/damage, arousal, and pleasure/healing.


Necklace: A thin, almost insubstantial chain with a diamond pendant. This functions as a slave collar, and comes with an invisible, intangible leash. The wearer of the Master ring can leash the wearer to a specific spot or person, as well as lead her around himself. The leash length is variable. (I might add some sort of recall function as well). Belly Jewel: This is a big ruby designed to be worn in a belly piercing. With typical Dwemer ingenuity, the jewel will do the piercing itself if none is present. The jewel provides the slave with an illusory costume, and makes her look respectably dressed, even though she is naked. The illusion is optional for the wearer of the Master Ring, and the jewel has a number of costumes it can mimic (and I might add a way to add new ones). Masters of Illusion magic can also sense the illusion, and will be able to see through the effect with a few moments concentration. The illusion function will also mask various forms of sexual activity, although the more blatant the activity, the less illusion skill will be needed to see through to the reasilty underneath. The gem also provides variable protection against cold, so at the Master's discretion the slave may be warm walking in the snow, or feel the full impact of the cold.


The master can turn off the illusion effect at any time, of course. The slave is always aware of her nakedness.


Bracelets: thin sparkly bangles. These serve as manacles and can be set to lock together or to walls or other fixtures in a variety of poses. Locked manacles will inhibit spell casting just like normal ones. They also provide a variable penalty to combat damage allowing to master to the slave's effective combat ability to zero if so desired. Sandals: Elegant high heeled strappy sandals. Can serve as leg irons/hobbles in a similar manner to the bracelets. Can also vary the slave's strengh for purposes of carry capacity, taking it from zero (where she collapses under the weight of her jewelry) to +100 (so she can server her master as a mule).


The overall effect of a full set (with the illusion effect) is that of a naked pleasure slave wearing a set of jewelry such as you might expect to find on a harem dancer. With the illusion running however, a master


The idea here is that a master can take his naked slave into any sort of respectable society function while keeping her both secure and in her place.



This set of items will most likely be late-game equipment, since it's quite powerfull.



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Enslaved By The Forsworn



Enslaved by the Forsworn.

This is for a female PC, and works best in one of the forsworn cave complexes. Ideally the whole mod will be played in conjunction with some sort of hardcore survival mod. In particular this scenario assumes that getting a good night's sleep is necessary for the PC's well being.


Player is defeated in combat, captured and stripped. She has her hands bound and her feet hobbled, and is led to see the local hagraven, who (maybe after some gratuitous fondling) produces a necklace made of teeth which is equipped upon the PC. It's explained to the player that there's a magic in the collar, and the teeth will come to life and bite her head off if she passes beyond the totems that mark out the camp perimiter or cave entrance.


Then the PC gets led to a place where there's a blunted stake, horizontal to the floor. She is made to drop to all floors and crawl backwards agains the stake so it pushes deep into her sex. Then the forsworn dude says:


"This is your new home. When you are not obeying some command from one of the forsworn, you will return to this place and impale yourself upon this stake. Except when obeying orders, if you are found anywhere but in this place and in this exact position, or on your way back to this place, you will be killed."

"Except when obeying forsworn orders, your hands are to remain behind your back at all times. Usually we will keep them bound so a stupid whore like yourself will not forget. If for some reason your hands are not bound however, you will clasp your elbows behind your back when in this postition until one of the forsworn gets around to tieing them properly.

"We know that you are a slut, and that sluts need to orgasm frequently. This is the only place in the camp where you are allowed to orgasm, and only then by fucking yourself against your stake. Because we are kind masters we will allow you to do this now, while we watch and correct your technique"

The player/slave is now forced to bring herself to orgasm by rocking back and forth on the stake while a group of forsworn watch closely and make critical comments.

"There's a good slut. Now we will show you how you will sleep at night."

A long curved branch, hinged from above is brought down so one end is before the PC's mouth. She is told to "open wide" and the end of the branch is pushed deep into her mouth. Leather bindings are then used to fasten the arrangement tight against the branch impaling her from the other end, holding her in place like a pair of giant calipers.

"This is how you will sleep at night. You are expected to sleep well whenever placed in this position so that you may better serve your masters in the morning. You may find the sleep difficult in this postion: you will find however that sleep comes easier with repeated orgasms. Make your self cum again, so that we will know that your stupid slut mind has understood our instructions."

And the PC is made to masturbate herself against her restraints a second time. (Remember, this works best with a hardcore survival mod where the player needs regular sleep, so not sleeping for any length of time is a problem).

"Good slut. You seem to understand the rules. Also understand that you will be punished if you fail to obey them. In particular, forsworn will inspect you at random times during the night. We will find you either sleeping or masturbating or you will be punished."

"In fact, it's getting late, so we may as well leave you in your sleeping position and return to your training in the morning. Now slut, what is it that you are expected to do?"

And the player will be expected to bring herself to a third orgasm while her masters look on, and to continue to do so until she is able to sleep.

Sleeping will be just as the forsworn explained it to the player. She will be required to bring herself to several orgasms before sleep is possible. (the number will be random, but probably between three and eight, weighted toward five). During the day, her forsworn masters will discuss her nighttime activities between themselves, commenting on the number of climaxes she needed, how much noise she made in the process, whether she maybe needs a thicker stake to bring herself off, or deeper penetration (and if this would negatively affect her performance when fucking the forsworn) and most of all, just what sort of a slut needs to play with herself so much before she can go to sleep.




I might provide a row of three or five stakes, so that if the player's follower and/or and slaves she was leading also get captured, they could share the experience with the player in the middle. The forsworn could argue about which of them was the biggest slut, and whether it was racial factors that cause this, personality defects, or a mix of both.


Placating The Angry GhostsEdit

This is something that might occasionally happen to a slave of the forsworn. I get a very shamanistic vibe from the FS guys, so that made me think there might be an element of ancestor worship there.

Of course, the chances are that the FS, being very angry people themselves, will have some very angry ancestral ghosts. So how do you calm down an angry ghost? Well given the nature of this mod, you get them laid. Probably repeatedly, until they're all feeling too mellow to cause further trouble for the tribe.


So what happens is that the hapless PC gets led into the middle of a stone circle somewhere. We'll need to do some fiddling with the necklace-of-teeth so she doesn't get her head bitten off. Maybe replace it with toothy ankle bands that'll ... well, will cut her off at the ankles if she tries to flee.


Anyway, she gets led to a stone circle by a party of forsworn. Maybe there are some ghostly FS visible. They should be very faint indeed.


Four of the FS hold the PC down in the middle of the ring, while a briar-heart rapes her. At the same time, a hagraven forces a leather funnel into her mouth and makes her swallow some foul and filthy concoction. When the moment of climax arrives, the world fades to white.


When the PC can see again she's in the spirit world. Which looks just like the normal one, except that it's mistier and the sky's a funny colour, and there's some sort of energy barrier that stops her leaving the circle. The FS who brought her here are the ghosts now, faint and instubstantial.


The ghosts on the other hand are fully real now, and angry. And they know exactly why the PC is there. So they attack and rape her, violently and repeatedly. She can defend herself, but she has no power in this place and her attacks are feeble and ineffective, her spells stillborn. At some point the ghosts are going to kill her. When that happens, there's a message on the screen saying something like "Death has no meaning in this place..." and the PC is resurrected, complete with raise zombie spell effects. Then the attacks begin again.


Each ghost rape leaves the ghost a little less violent than before, so over time the attacks lessen in ferocity. If the PC use her body to placate all of the ghosts then she will return the material world. There is always a snag, however. In this case there are two.


The first snag is that the ordeal will be severly debilitating for the PC and she will take some time after the ritual to recover her full health. This will mean she needs to be particularly careful to keep her forsworn captors happy since a beating could prove fatal immediately after the ritual.


The second snag is that the ritual only works during the hours of darkness. If she hasn't satisfied all the ghosts by sun up, then she'll need to go back the next night and do it all again...



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Damsel In Distress:



Damsel In Distress Edit Comments12 156PAGES ON


Quest Giver: Hulda at the Bannered Mare

Bonny Teija is a pretty young woman living near Whiterun. One day she didn't come home after foraging for herbs. it turns out that a bandit gang were sighted in the area, about the time Teija would have been out. Teija's parents petitioned the Jarl, and bounty notices were posted. The bounty is for the safe return of their daughter. Wiping out the bandits may bring a bonus, but the important thing is the daughter, The bounty notice goes behind the bar at the Bannered Mare until the PC walks in looking for work.


The bandits are holed up in a ruined fort, (I think we'll need a custom one). None of them are anything special. As the fighting moves indoors, it might not hurt to add some clues. Maybe a trail of female garments. Or a journal: Today they took my clothes away! They all stand around, looking at me through the bars of this cage. Such looks, they give me! I shudder to think what will happen when next that cage door is unlocked.


The cage door is unlocked in the end and the cge empty but for the journal. The quest marker leads to a room resembling a torture chamber in certain respects. No red hot pokers, but no shortage of whips and chains.


Here the player finds Bonny Teija, tied with her legs apart and her torso bent over across a table. An execution hood has been fastened over her head, preventing her from seeing or hearing what is going on. Her sex is plainly on display and easily accessible.


When the player activates her to release her from her bonds, a choice will be offered:


Bonny Teija, the farm girl you've been sent to find, is currently tied to the table in front of you, stripped bare of all clothing save for the black bag over her head. You can't help but take in the girl's fine, vulnerable features at this point. As you about to reach out to her however, you suddenly get a very dirty thought: In this state, she can't hear or see you in this case. If you were to take a few... "liberties" with her body, you would most likely get away with it. However, you know that taking a woman's body against her will is wrong on so many levels. Yet... she's... so pretty with that cute brown butt and exposed, shivering pussy... all you're for the taking... What to do?!

Free Her?

Or Fuck Her?


If the player chooses "free her" we can tempt them a little

"Oh come on." You can hear your darker side chide, "She's hot, naked, and there's no way she'll ever know it was you! What more could you ask for?! Don't be such a switty do-gooder." What are you really going to do?

Free Her

Oh all right, I'll fuck her.


Again if he chooses "free her"

"Are you serious?" The voice pleads with you one last time. "Tell her the bandits did it! You can do anything you want!" You could almost swear that voice real and tangible at this point, but maybe you're just going nuts....

All right, you talked me into it.

Free Her, Dammit!

This time if the choice is still to free her, a message is displayed "Fine, be that way... S'wit." and the girl's bonds and hood may be removed. The player may notice someone running away, but shouldn't get a clear enough shot to bring them down, and anyway the damsel will be talking to him. In any case the quest ends here (except for maybe a few stray bandits) and the player is now on the Destroy The Slavers Guild Branch.

(We should probably find a better verb than "fuck" for female characters. Either that or leave a strapon on the table. Maybe both).


If the player does do the deed, he gets a round of applause and a sardonic dark elf asks him if he'd like to have access to that sort of fun all the time, beacuse if so they might have a place for him in their organisation. But first the PC will need to prove themselves. The player is now on the Restore The Slavers Guild path. Even if he fails the test to join, he will not get the quest to destroy them.


The first test is to return to Dragonreach (it's a Jarl given bounty) and report failure.Tell them the bandits are dead but you were too late to save the Teija. The Jarl will be disappointed and you won't get a bounty, but you'll have shown loyalty to the slavers. They'll contact you with the next mission details.


Quest StagesEdit

Stage Description

10 Bandits have kidnapped a local farmgirl called Bonny Teija. There's a bounty for her safe return

20 Something tells me I should look around the room a little longer.

30 I gave in to temptation and raped the woman I was supposed to rescue.

40 A dark elf called Enarvy Saravn wants to recruit me into a guild of slavers. But first he wants me to prove my loyalty - by lying to the Jarl!

50 Refusing to be tempted, I have freed Bonny Teija. I should see if she can tell me anything about her ordeal.

60 According to Teija, the bandits were part of an illegal guild of slavers. The Jarl should hear this.

70 I raped the woman I was supposed to rescue, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to join the slavers. Enarvy Saravn is dead. I should probably tell the Jarl about this new guild ... even if that means admitting my crime against Bonny Teija.

80 Teija and Saravn are both dead. I'll tell the Jarl that Saravn killed Teija and that I then killed him.

200 I lied to the Jarl about Teija and Enarvy. Now the guild will contact me.

250 Teija is safe at last. The Jarl has asked me to be on the lookout for further signs of the Slavers' Guild.

300 The Jarl stripped me of my bounty for my rape of Bonny Teija. At least he now knows about the Slavers' Guild.

350 I lied to the Jarl about Teija's death. I forfeited the bounty for Teija's return, but at least I got paid for killing Saravn.

Read more

In a change from the original plan, I think I'll have the victims arrive restrained, but with...


The Dastard

Add a photo Multiple/None Riften Ratway Find the Portly Slaughterfish, and shut it down. (or if...


Searing the Slaughterfish

Add a photo This is a placeholder for the "Sacking Scunda's Watch" mission. A few things need to...


Sacking of Secunda's Watch

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Here is an alternate proposal that might please the more neutral players:


When the player activates her to release her from her bonds, a choice will be offered:


Bonny Teija, What to do?!

Free Her?

Or Fuck Her?

Remove her hood?

The third option will start a conversation with Bonny:


B: "Who...who are you?"


PC: "I am . Are you Bonny Teija?"


B: "Yes..."


PC: "I have come to rescue you."


B: "By the Divines. Thank you, kind stranger"


PC: "But I have to admit; you do look rather stunning all tied up. I can't help myself but to ask you: Would you mind if I had some quick sex with you? You know, as payment for the rescue? It won't hurt...I promise."


B: "Please, be quick. I don't like it here!"


Sex scene starts*

Enarvy appears and offers PC to join the SG as described in the main page.*

The PC can also refuse him, starting the DTSG path. This way the PC role play 4 roles. A cruel slaver, a gentle slaver, a hypocritical anti-hero and a pure hero.


April 26 by Dark-Lord- Reply


Based on Dark-Lord's additional choice ...


When the player activates her to release her from her bonds, a choice will be offered:


■Bonny Teija, What to do?!


■Free Her?

■Tease Her?

■Fuck Her?

■Remove her hood?


Tease her raises her arousal and her shame, then presents the (nearly) the same menu again.

The player can tease her up to three times before that option is no longer presented (or just loops back to the same menu with some sort of message about how Teija is aroused and moaning into her hood)


Choosing "Free Her" after having "Teased Her" changes Saravn's arguements a bit, but has basically the same path. However, before the final "Free Her" that does the job, Saravn reveals himself and the existance of the guild. He offers Teija to the player as a personal slave, once the guild has properly trained her.


The player can


■Your suggestion disgusts me. Flee now, and consider yourself hunted.

■I am honor-bound to free this one unharmed. I will not reveil your existance, but neither will I lie to the Jarl.

■I will have my pleasure first, but she will be returned to her family. Your secret is safe, provided you do not cross me.

■I will tell the Jarl that I did not find her. If you do not make good on your promise, I will destroy you AND your guild in vengence.


The first choice puts the player irrevokably on the "Destroy the Guild" path.

The second choice leaves it still open, subsequent choices determine if the player can get in the guild.

The third choice is closest to the original path ("Restore the Guild")

The fourth choice offers a way to get Teija as the player's first slave, after a time. This might be considered "Restore the Guild Plus". There might even be a path where the player learns what he needs to know, but then destroys the existing guild when they are no longer needed or when they cross the player by refusing to turn over Teija or perhaps they sold her to someone else (this could lead to a "recover Teija again" quest) or perhaps they messed up and she was accidentally killed, enraging the player and going back to "Destroy the Guild"


If the player chooses "Fuck her" after "Tease Her" it's the same "Restore the Guild" path.


If the player chooses "Remove her hood" without having teased her, it's as Dark-Lord wrote.


If the player chooses "Remove her hood" after having teased her once, it's as Dark-Lord wrote, but with minor dialog changes


B: "If you're sure the bandits are all dead. Please be gentle. I'm sure I'll enjoy it more than when they did it"


If the player chooses "Remove her hood" after having teased her twice, it's as Dark-Lord wrote, but with more major dialog changes.


B: "A fair price for my rescuer, The bandits never bothered with foreplay, but you've got me good and ready."


If the player chooses "Remove her hood" after having teased her THREE times (or more), it's as Dark-Lord wrote, but with significant dialog changes.


B: "Oh, gods, yes ! Now that I know my life is safe, I'm so horny I could almost faint !"



■Sex scene starts*

■Enarvy appears and offers PC to join the SG as described in the main page.*


3 days ago by Flash Novice


Maybe, instead of him "appearring" or even being invisible, have a DB-like thing where, when the PC goes to sleep he/she wakes up in a cage somewhere with Enarvy standing above them. For the female PC, I wouldn't put it past Enarvy to have some fun before getting to buisness....


March 4 by A Wikia contributor Reply


Just an idea here but what if instead of confronting Enarvy after fucking her he could greet you when you enter the room and tempt you, if you say yes he welcome you to the guild and lets you fuck Bonny if you say no he could just run away. This would solve the problem of him suddenly appearing and make sure the player knows this is the choice. Also for a female pc Enarvy could capture you and so destroying the slavers guild would be a bit more personal.


February 12 by A Wikia contributor Reply


im not really sure if the "Destroy The Slavers Guild" story line will ever be player x) which man would press "free her" after you get questioned three times.


btw the female "fuck" problem, i would make both, a spell for a dick and a strapon as an item, that u can buy in several shops or find it around your "action" scene, maybe on the table or in a chest with more intresting items. :)


February 12 by Aeonflux88 Reply


Well, rylasasin would, or so he assures me. So might players on a second play through.


Mainly though, I want to make sure no-one misses the choice :)


February 12 by DocCloxx


I feel the opposite way. I don't think I could ever do it just by being questioned 3 times. There would have to be more of a tangible influence, like being told this is a test for the slaver's guild, or I'd just do the mission I was hired to do. I'd prefer it if the mod outright told you you were being tested in this fashion.


3 days ago by GaiusTerminus


I suppose when you kill Grelod the Kind you're following mission objectives. So the default choice (in a sense) is the one which opens up the new quest.


On the other hand, having Enarvy materialise on the balcony and shout "not so fast, hero!" seems a little lacking in subtlety.


Opinions, anyone?


3 days ago by DocCloxx


This suggestion might break the fourth wall a bit, but you could show the 'have sex with her' message only once and add a note about what each choice will do. This way the player knows what he is choosing.


With the Dark brotherhood, such a note was not needed, as killing Astrid obviously puts you against the Brotherhood. But here, such a note might be needed, as new players won't suspect having sex with a helpless woman will have massive changes on the gameworld.


3 days ago by Dark-Lord-


What about a hooded person that bumps into you right after leaving the questgiver. SOmething along the lin es of "Oh, pardon me kind Sir, I did not see you standing there. How thoughtless of myself. By the way, I think you dropped something" - Hands you a note: "Be careful what you do, the guild is watching you..."/could work better if done like reverse pickpocketing (is that even a word??) or the questgiver Invites you to rest yourself at a chosen location right before going to the rescue where you find a note right after awakening


3 days ago by JJRmed


Your comparison to Grelod reminds me, Doc. In that case, killing Grelod was pretty much a no-brainer for every player, evil characters because it was an assassination, and good because she was unquestionably evil. That served to have everyone get the attention of the DB, and the second choice, the one about murdering a bound captive, was the one that set you on a quest path. The second choice was fully explained to you as a test, and it was obvious that turning on Astrid would turn against the DB. So how about the same thing here? After rescuing the girl, with or without raping her first, the guild contacts you and says you need to find and enslave her again or be counted as an enemy of the guild? He could talk about how the bandits were under contract, so he doesn't mind you killing them, but the order needs to be fulfilled. He can comment on how you handled her, too.


3 days ago by GaiusTerminus


I like the idea about the guy giving you the note. The more information presented at the start, the better. You could even go a few steps further. Have the quest giver explicitly state that they think that slavers might be behind this. After that, have two people bump up to the player. One gives a cryptic note about the Slavers Guild and how it is looking for strong slavers. The other gives a cryptic note about the Twin Lamps and how it is looking for strong heros. Hint that the SG are okay (and incourage) fucking bound women, while the TL doesn't stand for that.


The next thing would be to make fucking the slave and joining the slavers guild seperate. You could have the SG guy show up, give his little speech, and leave the player to his or her own devices. He should also give some advice (free the girl and it will be harder to join the guild, tell the Jarl she wasn't found and gain favor) and mention that he will stay in touch or give a meeting place (another letter after completing the quest?). At this point, you can fuck her, free her, leave her, or whatever.


After leaving the compound or talking with the Jarl, the Twin Lamps person will talk to you and give an offer / place to meet like the SG guy. The player should know both sides at this point and be free to choose a side no matter how they start, kind of like the Imperium/Stormcloaks thing in the game.


2 days ago by A Wikia contributor



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The Gladiator Add-On



The Gladiator Add-On Edit Comments2 134PAGES ON


This is mostly just a placeholder since it hasn't really been discussed in detail yet, so I'll just copy DocClox's thoughts from the thread, (so they don't get drowned and lost for eternity):


As it happens, I do have a fairly detailed design somewhere for a gladiatrix league, where losing involved getting raped, where the combat roster rotated between girl-vs-girl, girl-vs-monster and girl-vs-owner (or owner's champion) at the owner's discretion. Fighters that became pregnant as a result of rape became the property of the impregnator, and where most owners made a pretty penny whoring their fighters out to sports fans, or involving them in their social intrigues.


Have the gladiatrix fight against a monster, and then the guys can queue up to take her in the arena, still spattered with the blood of her opponent. You'd pay for the privilege, but you can make that back by betting on yourself. The trouble is that if you're first in the queue, you have a woman who is good with a sword, and still potentially full of fight to deal with. If you're further back in the queue there's less danger involved but the odds shorter, so you need to bet more to cover your costs. After a few successful rapes, they'd probably bring on the next fighter anyway, so it you were too far down the list, you might never get a turn at all.



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Quest: The Club:



Quest: The Club Edit Comments4 138PAGES ON



1 Quest Start:

2 Walkthrough

2.1 Male PC:

2.2 Female PC:

3 The Club continued - Slavery

3.1 Rules

3.2 Upgrades

3.2.1 Pool Area

3.2.2 Wardrobe

3.2.3 Sex Training room

3.2.4 Automated Dwemer Prostitution Device (as detailed by DocClox somewhere)

3.2.5 The all favorite milking machine

3.3 Getting free

4 Notes


Quest Start:Edit

The PC is approached by an well dressed but rather ugly NPC. He seems to be a rich merchant or a lower member of the noble Class. He tells the PC that he has been in that new exclusive Club in Solitude, where the most beautifull girls in Skyrim make all wishes come true...

But he was refused by one of the girls because of his look. So he tasks the PC to capture the girl for him, so he can have his revenge on her.


Since the Customer is not able to provide any details on the girl except "it is the only redhead working there", the PC will have to visit the Club to find out more about her.



Having accepted the Quest, the PC can head towards Solitude for a visit in the Club. Since the show and service offered by the club sound interesting, two of your fellow guild mates will offer to join in (only to help with transport,of course ;) ) and meet you at the Club.

From here the Quest differs depending on the sex of the PC.


Male PC:Edit

Males will have it rather easy and straightforward.

After meeting the guildmates in the hallway of the club, you are greeted by a guard. After paying your entry fee, you are allowed to enter the main showroom.


During the show the girls will demonstrate every thinkable sex act - includeing bondage themes. Once in a while a volunteer from the audience is called onto the stage to help out. And while the rest of the audience seems to be a bit shy that evening, our slavers surely will take the opportunity...


Near the end of the show it is our victims turn, giving the PC the opportunity to invite her to his table after her performance. Once she is there, the PC can either seduce her to take him home with her for some more fun - and Gold, of course, or if that fails (Speechcraft) get her drunk (or slip something into her drink) and - being a gentleman - escort her home.


Once in her home, she is easily captured and shipped off to her new owner.



Female PC:Edit

For females the Quest will be "slightly" different.

As soon as the PC enters the main hall of the club the guard approaches her telling her that this is a "Gentlemen only Club" and females are only employees (somhow your customer forgot to mention this BEFORE you made the contract), so she has to get out at once.


So the PC has to either find a way in or fail the Quest (=drop in guild reputation in Skyrim and Player reputation in the guild).


Just before getting out of the door one of your guild mates (lets call him HGM for helpfull guild member) spotts an "Barmaid wanted" Poster and tells you about it.


Your second guild mate (lets call him EGM for evil guild member) makes lewd comments about you working there and that women are only good for sex and serving drinks anyway. And since you (as his guild mistress) wouldn't get in bed with him in a lifetime, he wants to see if you can at least make good drinks.


HGM tries to comfort you. It wouldn't be that bad, since it is only this single evening and that it would only be "serving drinks" since the club has other girls for sex.


Should the player decide to apply for the job, she can ask the guard about it now and is sent to a side door to see the club owner for a job interview.


When asking the owner for the job, he states that he just gave it to an other girl.... However, one his performers has called in sick.


Club Owner (CO): "You have a nice face, so if you really need the money, you could jump in as a replacement. Can't pay the usual wages however, since you are unexperienced"


If the PC agrees (and she will have to, if she wants to get inside, he starts writing an contract. When he is finished, (maybe add contract to the players inventory) he talks to the PC again.


CO: "Silly me, before we sign this, there is one thing... please Strip!"


PC: "What? Now?!?"


CO: "Sure, need to check if your body matches my standards... do it or leave it"


(maybe do this as piece-by-piece scene - as planned for rapes)


Once the contract is signed, she is sent right to the stage as the show is about to start - what a surprise for her guild mates.... And since there is still the "Volunteer from the Audience"-Thing, at least the evil guild mate will take the chance to fuck his boss.


As the last act of the evening, the PC is paired with the target girl for some girl on girl action and both are invited to the guild members table. Get the girl drunk and capture her...


But before the PC leaves the Club, she is stopped by the owner.


CO: "Here is your payment..."


gives 1 Gold*

PC: "That is all? You are kidding!"

CO: "No kidding. Told you: No full wages! But nice show - looking forward to the next one!"


PC: "There... will.. NEVER be another one - not in a Dragons lifetime!"


CO: "There will be. Didn't you read the contract? You signed up for 10 performances, which leaves 9 to go. And just in case you also did not read the smallprint: If you break the contract, you will belong to me - thanks to whoever legalized slavery, allowing such contract clauses... See you soon for your next performance!"


With these words he leaves the PC standing there quite a bit dumbfounded.


Realizing what she got herself into (either being the cheapest whore Skyrim has ever seen, or becoming a slave) she could suffer quite a drop in pride and reputation in the guild.


The Club continued - SlaveryEdit

Since the original Quest Idea (see Page 75) was rather well received, I will explain in this post, how I think slavery in the Club could be handled. This is somewhat influenced by the annotations of DocClox on the original Quest.

The general tone of this kind of slavery will be rather friendly - no physical torture or beeing locked away permanently, because for the Club owner it is all about money (and disfigured or beaten up slaves do not bring in much gold).


So let us assume, the PC has just been brought in to her new owner by an city guard, because she broke her contract.


First thing her owner will do, is of course taking away her stuff.


Normal mode: Everything goes into one chest and is returned when receiving back her freedom.


Hardcore mode: Only Quest items go into the Chest. Gold will be taken to her owners treasure and everything else will be put on a merchant in front of the club (the PC can buy it back once she is free)


Then he will fit her with an magically enchanted necklace with an pulsating gem (no real collar, to match the classy look of the club).


It has the following effects:


no running

no fast travel

the gem is linked to the heartbeat of the slaves owner. If he dies, the gem will either kill her or suck up her soul, freezing her until someone else takes ownership of her (bad guy or victim girl *wink*)


After that he will explain her duties and the condition under which she can gain her freedom. She will have to buy her contract from him (i.e. for 1000 g). To gather the gold, she will be allowed (NOT forced to) work in the spare time she has from her normal duties.

Her normal duties will not be paid and consist of participating in the evening show and some simple radiant quest (not necessarily sex related).


In her spare time she can whore herself out in her room and keep a small percentage of the payment for herself... saveing up for her debt.


She will however have to pay for the smallest things like food, drink or room rent (owner is a greedy bastard after all). If she has not the gold, she can still get the goods, but the missing gold is added to her debt... plus an administrative charge of 100% (so better have the gold).


As time progresses and the PC brings in loads of gold for her owner, he could buy upgrades for the club, which will open new features:



Pool AreaEdit

clean slaves bring in more gold

share of the payment the PC may keep is increased while she is clean

useage costs gold


PC can rent clothing for a day

radiant Quests might lead her outside and going there nude will drop her pride

wearing clothes increases pride

doing her whoring in sexy lingerie grants the chance to receive tips which she can fully keep

Sex Training roomEdit

Contains some dwemer Training machines (maybe sold by the guild)

increases sex skills resulting in higher payment for whoreing

useage costs gold

Automated Dwemer Prostitution Device (as detailed by DocClox somewhere)Edit

used for punishment if the PC neglects her normal duties (i.e. late for the evening show)

being inside and standing in the hallway for a day should drop her pride quite a lot (not to mention that she can not work during that time)

The all favorite milking machineEdit

(milk sold in the bar)

also used as punishment

PC with sneak skill might get inside the room and milk herself

Drinking her own milk will feed her for a day but cause a slight loss of pride


Getting freeEdit

Once she has enough gold to pay her debt, she can ask her owner about it - but only if she can bring the willpower to do so. So better not let pride / willpower drop too much.


There might be possible connections to other SSG Quests. The Club Owner could order Dastard Sex Dolls or some nice plants to demonstrate them to the Audience in a safe (for the girl) Enviroment *Rapevine wink*. Of course the girl would be freed before real harm is done.

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Poor female player character. What do you people have against female player characters? : P


I do like the scenario, though


17 days ago by Dark-Lord- Reply


i really like the whole club idea!


for a male player, would it be possible at some point to own the club themselves and upgrade it?


what do you think about "games" people could bet on in the club? like two female slaves competing with each other, one tries to make the other (which is tied so she can't move) orgasm through various kinds of penetration and pussy licking, while the other tries really hard not to orgasm becouse she will be punished harshly if she does, if she manages not to orgasm the other girl will be punished for her failure, that way both slavegirls are properly motivated, and people could bet on them like they could at the arena in oblivion


i would love if something like that could be included in the mod somehow!


17 days ago by A Wikia contributor Reply


I think I'd definitely like a player-ownable house of disrepute. Maybe more than one, since the Portly Slaughterfish is maybe a bit down-market for some tastes.


Interestingly, we already have one, possibly two such establishements around solitude. There's a strip club in the Finishing College Raid and there's the slave brothel in the Cheapcunt Express. It's very tempting to roll these establishments into one.


17 days ago by DocCloxx


I like it. :)



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User blog:DocCloxx:Planning Mode





May 5, 2012

< User blog:DocCloxx

The alpha release seems to be doing good things, at least from a development point of view. It's flagged up a few weaknesses in the approach, and from that we have a new plan. PC slavery can operate as before. Making NPCs essential however has way, way too many undesirable side effects. So new plan

Victims can die normally. No essential or protected status

Victims with very low health (10 or less, maybe) can be called upon to surrender

Success is not automatic but needs a speech check. With a substantial bonus, given the situation, of course. Bonuses for intimidation or persuasion apply, and high slaver skill should also help.

Slaver skill can also increase the minimum health needed for the attempt.

There should be diminishing returns for repeated attempts.

Normal speech in combat won't be possible, so we'll need something to initiate a ForceGreet package. Probably a spell with an invisible projectile and a short range. We do that, we can make it ignore targets who have too much health.

It also opens the way for other effects. If they have very high health we can let female PCs submit to their attackers. Or if the target is a slave we can open an interaction menu


Lots of possibilities. Of course, 90% of them probably won't, this being the CK, but it's worth a try



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Chaurus Rapers



Chaurus Rapers Edit Comments0 155PAGES ON



Chaurus Rapers are another subspecies bred by the Falmer for a specific purpose - in this case hunting down escaped slaves. The raper is fast, has an excellent sense of smell, and spits a lingering Slow poison. Rapers hunt in packs and prefer to spit from a distance until the victim is immobilised. At this point one of the rapers will bite to administer a more potent poison, remove any garments with sharp claws and pincers, and then fasten itself to the immobile female, sexually penetrating her in the manner of the trainer beasts, while emitting a high pitched keening to signal to its masters that the quarry has been brought down. Unlike trainers, rapers can survive without a host, but they are almost never encountered in the wild.



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Transport Edit Comments4 139PAGES ON


Moving slaves around is a source of frequent difficulty for the slaver in Skyrim. (I'm strongly tempted to disable fast travel entirely when the player is leading unbroken slaves around).

There are some items that make transportation easier however.



1 Sack

2 Form a Chain-gang

3 Horse

4 Cart

5 Dwemer Sphere Transporter



Just a sack, big enough to contain a slave. If the slave is securely bound, the sack will allow her to be carried past people who might otherwise object.



Sack No.1

Added by Aeonflux88

Sack No1

Slave lying bound on the side (straight)



Sack No.2

Added by Aeonflux88

Sack No2

Slave lying bound on the side (Balltie Side)




Sack No3


Slave in Balltie on her knees



Form a Chain-gangEdit

Bind your slaves by the neck and make them walk. You will need to hire guards to defend your cargo from creatures or those who would want to steal or free your slaves.


A bound slave (inside a sack or otherwise) can be thrown over over the saddle of a horse for easier transport.

A bound slave (with rope at the hands and feet) can ride in front or back of the slaver (or one on both sides).



A cart can transport several bound slaves in relative comfort. For the driver that is, not the slaves. It may be useful to have two people to a cart. One to drive and one to make sure the slaves don't fall off.

Dwemer Sphere Transporter Edit

A Sphere Centurion adapted to transport slaves by the Dwemer. The sphere unfolds to include a rectangular frame within which the slave is held securely. The sphere can then travel at speed. Available to the player at some point in the Blackreach arc



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Deepwater Slime Moulds



Deepwater Slime Moulds Edit Comments0 155PAGES ON



These are giant slime mould colonies fund around the Deepwater lake in Blackreach spur. The organisms are almost perfectly black allowing them to take advantage of the faint blue light in the cavern, and the typically spread themselves flat over as wide an area as possible.

The lack of light to sustain plant life has led to the deepwater slimes becoming carnivorous. They will flow upwards along anything that steps on them, using digestive enzymes to dissolve most organic items, flesh included.


Intelligent females may suffer a different fate. The female is englobed in slime, which dissolves the fastenings on garments and containers and then contracts, fibrous strands forcing the now naked female into a fetal position within the slime mould mass. A slimy organ forms internally and is forced into the victim's mouth. This tube then supplies oxygenated air to the captive, without which she would suffocate.


The mould then slithers its way into the water and swims deep into the lake, descending far past the limit for most human divers. Here it will find a ledge or giant underwater leaf, and attach itself to the underside. The mould is now ready to begin its reproductive cycle.


The mould forms several large, egg-like balls of slime. These are placed in the womb of the captive using an ovipositor tube grown for the occasion. It will continue inserting eggs until the victim's belly is distended. The "eggs" are in fact infant slime moulds and perfectly viable (and a female player in this position may feel them moving around inside) but before they can be born they require an exchange of material with another slime, a process analogous to fertilisation.


First however, a mate must be attracted, In order to do this the captive is sexually aroused and her vulva exposed to the waters of the lake where her hormones and pheromones can spread out into the water, signaling that a slime is ready to be fertilised. A "male" slime usually arrives in less than a day. Small fish are also sometimes attracted and nibble at the exposed vulva, feeding from the juices and occasionally nipping at the flesh. Any damage caused in this way is minor and easily healed when by the nutrients "female" slime feeds the victim through the oral tube.


When a male slime arrives, it will insert its own tube into the captive's womb and bathe the eggs with its own slimes. This fuses with the baby slimes already active in the womb, and the begin to grow, in preparation for being birthed. The process can take some time however, and the mother slime will frequently reach in to her captive's womb and rearrange her offspring to her liking. The male slime returns from time to time with nutrients for the mother and may also make his own rearrangements at such times. The captive is maintained in a state of arousal, both to guide the male back to the mother, and because the elevated hormone levels help in behaviorally imprinting the baby slimes.


Finally, the baby slimes are ready to be born, and are expelled from the captive's womb and quickly inflate with gas to speed their ascent to the surface where they can start photosynthesising. Meanwhile, the mother slime begins growing a new set of eggs, ready for the next cycle.



This is a difficult one to escape for most players. Breaking free of the slime is not too hard once it has fastened itself in place, but the slime typically attaches too far down for non-waterbreathers to reach the surface without drowning. The trick here is to catch the rising baby slimes which are filled with oxygenated gas that can be used to sustain the player. Depending on where the beast attaches, there may be underwater caverns with air-pockets that can be investigated, although this probably means losing access to the baby slimes.

The mother slimes never exit the reproductive phase until the captive dies. In the case of long lived captives, the captivity could last for a great many years. I have a mental image of a vampire deep, deep down, driven mad by blood hunger and constant, enforced arousal.

The slime fields around the Deepwater Lake are good places to go scavenging. There are lots of caches of discarded equipment, and skeletons with rich loot. Which probably ought to serve as a warning of sorts. Armour and clothing will require repair before it can be worn, however.

If a captured player does make it to the surface, she still has to cross the slime fields naked, during which time she is at risk of being captured by another slime.

Not at all sure how we can do the graphics for this one. Some of the Estrus animations from Oblivion could possibly be adapted, or at least the same techniques used.



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Mod Config Options



Mod Config Options Edit Comments4 158PAGES ON


Contents [show]

Mod Config OptionsEdit

Like food, Sex is always a strange thing for people. Some like bondage, others would want to go to the extreme of hardcore sex and still find it perfectly normal. So, without further ado, this page is to construct the layout of the mod config options so the mod would be competible to almost everyone. There will be basic slavery for a more lore-friendly sandbox slavery followed by advanced slavery which holds most of the content of the mod. More extreme options like beastality or PC enslavement will be a seperate option.

Since this is a summary of the whole mod, this page will be heavily updated.


Config Structure (under construction)Edit

Since the slaver mod is a total overhaul of many interactions in Skyrim, the mod config options will be divided into several options for the player, once activated, these options will remain forever unless the player wishes to select a different option. Note that Slaver mod items are always present for the game and will be craftable, although they cannot be interacted with until the mod option for certain items to be interacted is enabled.

The Slavers Guild will be present, however the quests and characters will not be scripted unless Basic Slavery is enabled. Once enabled, any ongoing quest will prevent the player from changing the mod options until the current quest is completed. (It's difficult to do this but we can sort this out later)


Enable Basic Slavery (whether to consider this always on or off)Edit

self-explaintory, allow PC to enslave female NPCs or any action that eventually imprison the NPC when the female NPC is bleeding out/unconcious/surrenders.

restrain them, strip them, search them, allow them to be your slave, basic interaction to a slave e.g: (move, inventory, wait here) However, slave statics(pride, willpower, trust) will not be influenced on the slave. Any benefits for these statics will not be available in basic slavery(such as converting a slave to a companion)

All items from the skyrim slavers mod will be interactable only for basic slavery(restraints, Transport, Weapons) More kinky items(harnesses, ballgags, sextoys) won't be available to basic slavery.

Perks will be enabled only for imprisoning NPCs.

Slavers Guild quest will be doable to the player's choice. However, the Sex or kinky interactions for quests can be altered to a fade-to-black state. At worst, the slavers guild quests are the only exception to allow the more kinky mechanics to be enabled for the sake of the questline. Players can choose to participate the quest or not.

There is an affect to the player when he/she joins the Slavers guild. NPCs will react accordingly to what the PC has done. However, some guild reputation increase/decrease events will not happen in basic slavery.

Slavery is a crime and will be treated as assault, any citizen that sees the player with the slave will flee or inform the guard, any guard will attack/attempt to arrest the player and release the slave.

Any friendly NPCs to the slave will attempt to release them and be alerted, any hostile NPCs to the slave will ignore the slave and be alerted.

Releasing a hostile prisoner will cause her to attack you, releasing a neutral or friendly prisoner will allow them to return to their original tasks.

Most basic form of slavery, lore-friendly and without any Sex or kinky interactions except for slaver guild quest. More of a sandbox type.

Enable Advanced SlaveryEdit

Basic Sex and kinky interactions (non-extreme versions) enabled to slaves

Slaves will have their own slave stats(pride, willpower) and the slaver can alter those stats with his own actions

Perks will be unlocked for slave stats and sex interactions

The quests for the slavers guild's Sex content will be fully accessible for the player. Sex/Fetish options are allowed or are complusary to the questlines.

Prisoner Options (Some Requires Advanced Slavery)Edit

- Enable prisoner escapology

- Toggle Gentle Treatment (Refer to Slavery the gentle way)[Adv. Slavery only]



Fetish Options (Requires Advanced Slavery)Edit

Bondage Item optionsEdit

- Enable Bondage fetish items (Ballgags, harnesses)

- Enable Sextoys (dildos, strap-ons)


- Enable effects for Sex (blushing, etc.)


Extreme Fetish OptionsEdit

(Why) I'm not really into these things, so can someone from the team fill these up. :)


PC enslavement options

Toggle Random Event Options(NPC holdups, reprecussions from the guild)



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The Field Journal of Manirai



The Field Journal of Manirai Edit Comments15 138PAGES ON


What is this about?Edit

A female Dunmer mage. She was a roommate to Jaylena in the Mage's Guild. This one goes off in search of Dwemer ruins, because she is drawn to the sacrilige of the Heart of Lorkhan. She finds out that that isn't their only sacrilige, and their other, is to all women of the land...


Fith of Rain's Hand, 4th Era

Well, it's about high time. I'm finally getting to go on an expedition of my own, just like Jaylena. Despite the fact she hasn't yet returned, I think she's ok. Even without magic or weapons, she was the fiercest of us three. Us three refering to the three of us in domitory 3B. CRAP! This book is getting opinionated already! Now I need to buy a new research journal...


In case you don't know me, first off: How did you get this book?! second, I'm Manirai. I'm a Dunmer, so you can get your laughing over with right now. I know Dunmer mages aren't 'appreciated' as much as those of the other races, but you can go fuck yourself. See if I care. I, unfortunatley, haven't been allowed to go on my expedition alone. I'm having to take the third person from our domitory along with me. That annoying Altmer, can't even remember her name. She seems to think it's 'her' expedition. Bleh! I'll show her who's expedition this is. I'm going to discover where the Heart of Lorkhan lies!


Sixteenth of Rain's Hand, 4th Era


We finally got here! These carriges are so damn slow, although I suppose walking wouldn't be that much faster. We've traveled to the Dwemer ruin of . We're going to travel down into the ruin as deep as we can. That Altmer... It hurts to write this but I can barley read Dwemeric. She, however, can read it easily. I'm not letting her anywhere near the word tablet I think contains the information about the Heart of Lorkhan.


[Ripped out page here, could also be smuged beyond reading]


Thirtyth of Rain's Hand, 4th Era


I found it! The location of the Heart of Lorkhan! I used charcoal to copy the word tablet onto the previous page from this one. That damn Altmer, Miranda or something, read the tablet over my shoulder a few seconds after I found it. We finished reading at the same time. She thought it was all her discovery, claiming she translated it. I told her, its all mine! I found the tablet, in the rubble. A verbal argument ensued, which drew the attention of a dwarven sphere that popped up in the corner. Miranda and I went at each other, not noticing the sphere's approach. Needless to say we noticed it later. The... thing. It wasn't any normal sphere, it had a carrying compartment! And, in our weakened state after Miranda and I fought, it... it took her! I don't know where she or the sphere are now, but I'm pretty sure it's coming for me! I'm getting out of here as soon as possible. I need to find The Heart of Lorkhan!


[if possible, the text beyond this location should look yelowish-whitish]


Date, unknown


I don't know where I am. It's like some kind of concentration camp built by the Dwemer. As I was fleeing for the surface, I had the brilliance to shove this journal up my sex. Now it's the only thing I have left. I don't even have any clothing. This facility seems automatic, explaining why it doesn't know I have the book. It can't see anything!


At least I have that...


Date, unknown


This place gets worse and worse. It has been several 'days' since I last wrote, but this facility doesn't seem to follow the normal standard of a day. It... It's some kind of slave training facility, and in slave I mean SEX slave. I'm having to shove this journal farther in every day, because the... things they're sticking in me are getting longer. Gods, I hope Jaylena didn't have any ideas to explore Dwememr ruins, I'd hate to see her like this. She was always so nice to the Dunmer mages...


Date, unknown


I found Miranda! She seems to be loving this place, literally. She seems to be the facility's "Top Girl." She swaggers around like she owns the place during exploration time, which only happens for a little bit, and any girls who challenge her get 'defeated' in a battle of bringing each other to orgasm first... Gods, what is their problem? How could civilized mages like us be brought down to this? This facility is like fighting dogs... Immoral, insane, and repulsive.


Date, unknown


I'm becoming dehydrated latley, so I won't be able to write as much, or as often. If I didn't mention before, I'm writing with spit and urine. Repulsive, but effective. It's not like I have room up 'there' to put an inkwell too. Besides, if it spilled it would be so humiliating, especially in front of the other girls in here. Also, there aren't any inkwells here either. Sometimes, they put our heads in this little box. Every time I come out, I swear I look a little different... Gods, I'm becoming just like some of the other girls. I actually won a fisting fight against one of the other girls! Great Kynareth, what am I becoming?


Date, unknown


The only skill this facility isn't stoping me from using is my mind. Not magic, they have a cuff dampening that. I mean Alchemy, and memory. I've been quietly collecting ingredients from cracks in the walls, pressing them in between the pages in the book. I think I have enough now, I'll get started.


Dage, cont.


I did have enough. Made a potion that could kill just about anyone. It's a potent poison. I was planning to use something like it on Miranda back at the mage's guild if I couldn't stand how annoying she was, but now I have a better use. I'm not going to be a slave to the Dwemer, to this sacrilige of Men and Mer. Fuck you Dwemer. Fuck you Miranda. Fuck you life.


[blood splatters? Maybe our unfortunate Dunmer friend coughed up blood in her death throes.]


Other InformationEdit

This book would fit in DASTARD, somewhat obviously. I think that it would make sense if the player was put in Manirai's old room, because that slot just opened up. ;)

The room that the player ends up in could have a small alchemy station carved out in the floor by hand, the one Manirai used to create the poison. The recipie for the poison could be scratched on the walls. This way, the player has another way out, other than giving in. Could be good for roleplaying?


I just had another idea. Maybe on one of the scratch-ups, she got it wrong. Replacing one of the ingredients for another. This one, instead of killing you, will stop your heart. The facility will think you're dead, and throw you down the 'dead slave disposal chute.' Then, just like the other ending, you'd be stuck in a dark room for the rest of eternity, or until you run out of bodies to canibalize. This is theoretical.



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Collars Edit Comments6 158PAGES ON


Collars, despite not being restrictive in nature, are a very important part in the enslavement of a girl. The moment a free girl gets to wear one, her life as a slave officially starts. The main uses of a collar are to give the girl a loss in pride and to add all kinds of handy enchantments to. The collar can also be used to assign a new name to the girl wearing it (so you are not stuck with a harem of slavegirls called Forsworn and Bandit). These names range from humiliating to endearing in a humiliating way. Normal non-insulting names are also possible.

A possibility that still must be looked at, is the use of a leash, so the slaver could take the slave with him. We have no idea how hard is is to make yet.


For the PC, wearing a collar means the following:


She will get a permanent loss in pride, that lasts as long as she wears the collar.

Sometimes, she will even get her name changed after getting one equipped. Expect it to be a humiliating name, such as Sweetcunt.

Some collars also come in all kinds of nasty enchanted variants.

If she is found wearing one by the wrong person, she'll be returned to the closest Slavers Guild base.

Craftable CollarsEdit

Restraint Escape requires? Materials needed to craft Notes

Rope Collar Nothing, if hands are unbound 1x Coil of rope, Created at Armorers Table

Leather collar Nothing, if hands are unbound

1x leather, Created at Armorers table

Locked Leather Collar Successful lockpick. 1x leather, 1 steel Ingot, Created at Armorers table If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.

Iron Collar Successful lockpick. Iron Ingot, Created at Forge If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.

Steel Collar Successful lockpick. Steel Ingot, Created at Forge If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.

Orihalcum Collar Successful lockpick. Orihalcum Ingot, Created at Forge If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.

Dwemer Collar Successful lockpick. Dwemer Metal Ingot, Created at Forge If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.

Moonstone Collar Successful lockpick. Moonstone Ingot, Created at Forge If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.

Glass Collar Successful lockpick. Malachite Ingot, Created at Forge If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.

Ebony Collar Successful lockpick. Ebony Ingot, Created at Forge If the PC has no lockpicks left, the only way to remove these is to ask a friendly blacksmith.


Rigid Stock Collar



Added by Windu190

This is a special kind of collar, that can be crafted by a combination of a collar, wrist cuffs and an ingot of the same material, IE Iron, Steel Orihalcum etc.

As the hands of the captive as basically forced in the same position, she has no chance to get out of this one on her own, forcing her to find a friendly blacksmith.


The Rigid Stock Collar as seen in Fallout 3

Added by Windu190

Unique CollarsEdit

Dream Rape Collar

An ordinary collar enchanted with a unique soul gem, the collar is possessed by the spirit of a long dead serial rapist whose spirit will attack the wearer in her dreams.


(More details to come - there're somewhere on the wiki)


Superior Dream Collar


Followers of Vaermina can get a superior enchantment that allows the holder of the skull of corruption to project himself into the wearer's dreams.


Iizlufts Collar


Iizluft, from the Cold Face questline is a very competent enchanter. To, in his logic, protect women from escaping, he created a collar with the following enchantments:


It serves as a tracking device; should the slave escape, Iizluft will always know to find her.

It disallows the wearer from wearing any armor or clothing thats not enchanted by Iizluft with a special counterspell. This prevents the slave from equipping a strong suit of armor or mage clothing, becoming stronger than her master in the process.

It drains all the Magicka from the wearer, preventing her from casting spells

It also drains the player of some effectiveness in fighting skills. This prevents powerful warriors from getting dangerous as soon as they hold a weapon.

Iizluft also has a counterspell, that temporarily removes the last 2 effects, allowing the player to move out on her own for a short while.

If you get on his good side, he might create one of these for you, so you may use it on your own favorite slave. It'll cost you a lot of money of course.



This is the main practical use of a collar; to put all kinds of fun BDSM themed enchantments on them



Enchants a collar so that it keeps the wearer safe from hypothermia. Variations exist that keep the wearer feeling warm, and that keep her feeling cold despite being protected from its ill effects.


Tethered Warmth


As above, but the collar only functions within a limited distance from an enchanted ring or medallion which incorporates a large soul gem. The master gem is usually worn by the slave master. The combination allows slaves to be herded naked through cold and snow, and in such environments effectively prevents slaves from straying.




This enchantment is the dream of every slaver as it could be used to make your own personal slave prison at any location. After casting the spell on the ground, every slave with a collar enchanted by this, is forced to stay within 15 meters within the area. Any attempt to flee will be punished by agonizing pain, the pain will only cease after the slave has successfully reached the spot where the spell was cast (undoubtedly not an easy task).


Leash (pleasure version)


Same as above, but instead of pain, the sexdrive of the girl wearing it will raise enormously after leaving the designated area.




Similar to the illusion spell. A girl wearing this will be constantly kept in a calm and slow state of mind, preventing most hostile actions. And of course being easier to...do things with. If the PC wears this, most of her actions, such as escaping, will be a little bit harder, depending on her willpower to resist this spell.




Also similar to the illusion spell. A girl subjected to this enchantment will feel extreme fear. A slaver can use this to his advantage by asuring he will keep her save, as long as she does what he wants. For a PC, this enchantment means the AI sometimes can take over control, causing her to randomly run away and cower during hostile encounters.


Increased Sex Drive


Like it says; the slave wearing this collar will have an increase in sex drive, making her much easier to manipulate into having sex. If the PC wears this, she will get a debuff to her skills and stats after not having enough sex for a certain period of time. The length of this period depends on her willpower.


High arousal


A little bit like above, but slightly different. Instead of increasing the sexdrive of a girl, this collar keeps her near the point of orgasm. The slave will only get the full experience when she earns it by serving her master. This enchantment is togglable.


If the PC wears this, her near orgasm state will distract her so much from common sense, that her willpower is effectively lowered by at least 70 points.




A girl wearing this collar, can be teleported to her master, using a staff. If the PC wears this collar, she must also get her hands on this staff during her escape, as she can easily be teleported back into her prison if her master still has it.




If a girl wears this collar, she can be shrunk using a special togglable spell. This means she can be placed in a small cage, or even taken with you in a bag. If the PC is shrunk, she will be weaker and slower. (which is already implemented in vanilla)


More to come



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User Blog Slave states



Slave States

DocCloxx DocCloxx March 13, 2012

< User blog:DocCloxx


Slave states2.png


Full size version


From the LL Post:

Free Before being enslaved. This is the default state

Defiant Refusing to accept their status as a slave. Usually means a new slave, but not always

Complacent Getting everything she wants, she thinks she has Master wrapped around her little finger

Cowed Beaten and traumatised. Afraid to act in case it brings punishment.

Sex Addict Fixated on sex. May disobey instructions in persuit of physical pleasure.

Masochistic Seeks out pain for its own sake. May disobey in order to bring punishment upon herself.

Sullen Passive aggressive and unhappy

Dutiful Knows what is expected of her and obeys but without any great enthusiasm

Happy Has decided to make the most of her lot and tries to be cheerful and happy.

Devoted Loyal. Master's aims are also hers. May lay down her life for her Master

Hiding Doesn't want to be found. Either hiding from master in the base (perhaps fearful of punishment) or has run away and doesn't want to be found

Hostile Ready to use violence against her Master. Maybe to avoid recapture, maybe just pushed too far.



A few points:


Most of those states can be considered failure states. Sex Addict for instance might sound worth striving for, and indeed it might enhance a girl's price with the right customer. In general though it means a girl more interested in getting laid than in obeying her master.


There should be no end states here. Even the most devoted slave may, if neglected long enough, end up seeking relief despite orders to the contrary. So there should be a path from "devoted" to "sex addict", although it might travel through "enthusiastic" and "dutiful to get there. If the slave had the qualifications for "devoted" however, she probably wouldn't stay in the "sex addict" state for long.


Feel free to propose new states, or argue the toss concerning existing ones. We may need to create some variables to determine transition conditions - sparingly, please.



The other thing I want is a similar set of "Master" states from the slaves POV. I thought I'd open that one to suggestions.

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Flash Novice


Should there be a path from Hiding and Hostile to an "Planning Escape" status (or perhaps concurrent with them). If the escape succeeds, they go back to the "Free" state ? If they were just some random bandit, do they simply have to successfully leave the player's cell, or do they persist so that a recapture attempt against that specific random bandit might net a prisoner slave candidate that's different (as she was previously captured, partially trained, and escaped) than a "fresh" random capture ?

7 days ago by Flash Novice




I didn't want a route back to free, since the idea was that the experience would leave its mark on the victim. They'll never go back to quite who they were beforehand.


it should be possible to go from hostile or hiding to defiant over time, though

7 days ago by DocCloxx


I personally think that an escapee state should be there. it would go between free and defiant. There would be a tracker on her or on a person who has spotted her, and you have to track her down, recap if possible, or kill her. Thats my opinion

7 days ago by A Wikia contributor




Well, coneptually, yes. The trouble is we can always find another adjective that should have its own circle on the chart. What I'm trying to collect here is common behavior and dialogue.


So "defiant" generally applies to victims that have encountered the guild but are not under their control. So that might be because they've just been offered the chance to submit and live, but have yet to take it ... or it could be because they've escaped and have been living a normal life back in Whiterun, but haven't yet forgotten what the SSG were like.


I guess I'm just not convinced there's enough different speech and behavior to warrant adding a new state.

6 days ago by DocCloxx


I think that there should be a starting stage for when you enslave your wife. its starts as in love as default and then could stem off into forms of devotion defiance or hatred

8 days ago by A Wikia contributor


(FYI: same anon as original poster)... or you could add a small quest that explains how your wife decides to go into slavery as your slave just to stay with you, so that you wouldn't leave her. it could end in two ways: you sell her to the highest bidder, or you make her your own personal slave(as if she wasnt already)

8 days ago by A Wikia contributor




mmm.... spouses would start from a different state, wouldn't they.


Thanks, I'll bear it in mind :)

7 days ago by DocCloxx


will there be an "adoring" stage?


or is that basically devoted

April 6 by A Wikia contributor


The Silent King


thats devoted.

April 7 by The Silent King




I could be tempted to add an "in love" running parallel to devoted. "Adoring" would work as well as any.


Basically the test for whether a new state should be created or not is twofold:

does the slave act any differently in the new stage

does she get any interesting dialogue that wouldn't work in the existing state?


In this case, the first test fails, but there might well be some interesting conversational options for a slave in love.


Damn. Now I'm wondering about jealousy between slaves. Although that probably applies across slave states.

April 7 by DocCloxx




Master states... from the pc slaves point of view. If escape isn't an option, an the player isn't a Masochist, and isn't roleplaying a devoted slave, I guess going for complacent could be a pc slave's goal. Except they actually do wrap their master(s) around their finger. Could a pc slave enthrall an entire foresworn camp, or cause a mutiny? a sort of lady Macbeth? "master you are so strong! I know you can defeat ___ and take over." "Master you are so clever! your plan to steal the ___ was brilliant! Now there is nothing left to do but......" "Oh Master please don't do that! They would be expecting that. I don't know what I would do if you fell, I NEED you master. couldn't you do this instead?" Lol I am imagining the quotes being read in a sexkitten type voice rather than a seductress type voice, oh well.

March 19 by Zellous


D Knight Pen


Yes the masters should have their own states as well. The states could also be tied into how many time they have beaten or used pleasure to break you and at which point your willpower dropped below zero.

March 20 by D Knight Pen




what of masters who bought you, supposedly already broken, from a slaver npc? On the other hand I guess all slave owners break in their slaves, at least a bit. Is the average owner npc going to be able to accurately gauge the pc's willpower? If the pc slave is just biding their time... Fake orgasms, minor thefts and sabotage, wearing clothing while the master's away...

March 20 by Zellous




Yeah, there's at least two ways we can use a master state chart.


One of them is to allow the master to react to slave disobedience. The other one is to allow a determined slave to manipulate her master.


As with most things in this mod, the odds are going to be weighted in favour of the slaver. Still, it's more fun if the slave has room to struggle. And if there's a potential way out...


Master States

March 23 by DocCloxx


The Silent King


hmm. there need to be a spell (possibly falmer or similarly difficult to obtain) that gives a very good indication as to what state a slave is in.


another spell to be considered would be a "show me yur stats" spell: gives a detailed readout on pride, arousal, submissiveness and active effects (diseases, addictions, etc.)


possibly make the active effects into a separate spell for balance reasons?

March 16 by The Silent King




Plan is to have a slaver skill that would let you "read" your slaves with increasing accuracy as you gained skill. MsLeeches suggestion of vampires being able to taste it in the blood is a good one (though I might just make that a bonus to slaver skill). And I'm thinking of some enchanted collars that can read slave state, and maybe some enchantments you can put on cell doors to show information about the occupant

March 16 by DocCloxx


The Silent King


still need a fast way to check for diseases tho... esp. any new ones you add.

March 16 by The Silent King


@ DocCloxx: sorry,may be an extremely silly question,but i didn't find any way to contact you:when do you think this mod will be released?

March 19 by A Wikia contributor




hint: MainPage...

March 19 by Aeonflux88




Best way to contact me at the moment is to leave a message on my talk page. Or PM me on LL.

March 19 by DocCloxx




I hope it will be rather easy to keep track of this, gameplay wise I mean. But I think it will take a lot of micro management. Most states are good, but I have my doubts about Masochistic and Sex Addict. I think a slave that has been broken does not put her own desires before her master´s.


I think Hiding should also be converted/expanded to: Traumatised. Some people are more easily traumatised than others, for example: while other people can live on normally after having fought in a terrible war, other people require mental care after seeing just one dead body.


A traumatised slave is either traumatised upon enslavement (maybe add a variable, say 5% chance upon enslavement) or after brutal threatment. Traumatised slaves dont talk (much), often try to hide and are very hard to deal with, since they do not listen most of the time and threatening or beating them only makes it worse. Eventually it will be possible to get a slave out of this state, but it takes a lot of time, and time is money in the slaver business. There is a fast way to get a slave out of this state, the use of drugs. But drugging a slave reduces the number of tasks they can perform, thus making the slave less competent and valuable.


This could be a nice consequence of going too far with your slave and making it a bit more difficult to enslave someone, since enslavement could go wrong if this is implemented. There should be warning signs however in order to prevent having your best slave traumatised, maybe stuttering when talking and not immediately responding when talking to them.

March 13 by Windu190




EDIT: The definition of Cowed should also be changed to: Beaten and Intimidated. Afraid to act in case it brings punishment.


Leaving out "Traumatised", since thats already a state on itself.

March 13 by Windu190




Well ... what I'm hoping to do with this - and it's by no means certain that we're going to do it at all yet - is to try and make it so the slaves have human reactions and can occasionally surprise their master. I like the idea that your devoted slave might occasionally have to sneak off and pleasure herself against orders, for instance.


The point about the masochist/sex addict states is that they're failure states: it means that you either haven't broken your slave entirely, or you're not paying close enough attention to her and she's starting to revert.


The Hiding and Hostile states are primarily intended to fugitives - slaves who have escaped or are trying to escape.

March 13 by DocCloxx


Those look interesting. If the failure chance have a dynamically changing change of disobedience, that would make an interesting dynamic as well. What I mean is that, for example, a recently punished Masochist would have a very low chance of disobedience, etc., so that a master could actually keep them fully obedient but at the cost of a disproportionate amount of attention.

March 15 by A Wikia contributor




Yeah, or you could use the slave's sudden interest in pain and punishment as an indication as to what needs doing in order to bring her training back on line.


But yeah, that's all open with this setup. We can define different speech patterns, different idles, different obedience levels with this.

March 15 by DocCloxx




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The Journal of Falcedon Valerius part 1 (big one!)



The Journal of Falcedon Valerius Edit Comments16 125PAGES ON



1 Introduction

2 Volume Five

2.1 Rain's Hand, 14

2.2 Rain's Hand, 17

2.3 Rain's Hand 18

2.4 Rain's Hand 21

2.5 Rain's Hand 22

2.6 Rain's Hand 23

2.7 Rain's Hand 24

3 Volume Six

3.1 Rain's Hand 26

3.2 Rain's Hand 27

3.3 Rain's Hand 28

3.4 Second Seed 2

3.5 Second Seed 3

3.6 Second Seed 4

3.7 Second Seed 5

3.8 Second Seed 6

3.9 Second Seed 7

4 Volume Seven

4.1 Second Seed 11

4.2 Second Seed 12

4.3 Second Seed 13

4.4 Second Seed 14

4.5 Second Seed 15

4.6 Second Seed 16

4.7 Second Seed 17

4.8 Second Seed 18

4.9 Second Seed 19

4.10 Second Seed 20

4.11 Second Seed 20, Continued



I came up with another nasty idea for the Falmer, and realised it far too complicated to, model, animate or even explain through dialogue. So I thought I'd write it up as an in-game book, a collection of research journals kept by Master Wizard Falcedon Valerius during his expedition to study the Falmer.

The journals start with Volume Five, which is the earliest one the player will encounter in the game.


Volume FiveEdit

The Journal of Falcedon Valerius

Rain's Hand, 14Edit

We found it! The altar, engraved tablet, the sealed portal in the cavern wall, everything is as described. All our losses, the horrors of the Dwemer ruins, all may prove worthwhile if we can decipher the inscription here. The Falmer are the missing piece in the Great Meric Puzzle, and yet no researcher has ever encountered them save as implacable foes. If we can only open up a dialogue with these creatures, there is so much we might learn.

Rain's Hand, 17Edit

When I selected Zaraia as my assistant for this expedition, there were many spiteful whispers among the arcades at Arcane University, with many speculating that I was more interested in the young apprentice's looks than in her mind.

I shall look forward to seeing the expression on the faces of these whisperers when they discover who it was that solved the riddle of the inscription. Zaraia noticed that while the runes and syntax are Dwemeric, the vocabulary is a closer match to that used by the ancient Chimer. Considered in this light, the inscription appears to describe a ceremony that will open the sealed portal.


Rain's Hand 18Edit

With every step forward it seems we must also take one back. The ceremony requires that a female be prepared as an offering - to whom or to what is not clear. I believe we have accurate enough information to perform the ceremony, but the issue remains of who is to be offered. Zaraia volunteered for the role without hesitation, but I have forbidden it, lest she be eaten by some giant skeever god, or transported to some awful plane of Oblivion.

And yet, who else is there? Fenand is barred from taking the role by reason of his gender, as am I myself. Imarum and Medilo have flatly refused to even consider the matter. If not Zaraia, then who?


Rain's Hand 21Edit

After three days of argument, I have relented. Zaraia will be our offering. I have grave misgivings about granting my permission, but the alternative is to pack up and return in failure. Too many lives have been spent to abandon the effort this close to success.

Zaraia has no time in preparing, first getting Imarum to shave her head, and then cooking and eating the vile looking "food of friendship" described in the inscription. She sleeps now, again as prescribed by the ritual, but I fear her sleep is not restful. As I watch her now, she tosses and turns constantly inside her sleeping roll, with frequent soft moans and small cries.


Rain's Hand 22Edit

Zaraia seems in good spirits this morning, despite a restless night. She says she feels "strange", but seems unable to articulate the feeling with greater clarity. Observationally, her eyes are bright and alert, her pupils dilated, her skin slightly flushed and her breathing is on the rapid side. She remains determined to proceed. I might almost say "eager".

Later: As soon as the ceremonial ointment has finished congealing, Zaraia stripped off her clothing and lay down upon a tarpaulin spread out for that purpose. I was touched and flattered when she asked that I be the one to spread the awful stuff on her body. The substance has an aphrodisiac effect, it seems, and she wanted the hands that spread it to be hands that she trusted.


At first I was hesitant in my touch, particularly over the breasts and genitals. She responded to this by grasping my wrist and pressing my hand firmly down on her breast. After that I applied myself to the task as diligently as I could, trying not to linger when she arched her back against my hand, or pressed stiffly pointed nipples into my palm. I gave her no further cause to berate me, save when it came to coating the inside of her vagina with the substance. Then again she placed her hand over mine, pushing my fingers deep inside her, and reminding me that her life could be forfeit if I was less than thorough. Thereafter I sought to take particular care in applying the ointment to her intimate areas, although I found her habit of pressing herself down upon my hand to be somewhat disconcerting.


Now we need to wait while the ointment is absorbed into her skin. Only when that process is complete can we begin the inscription process.


Rain's Hand 23Edit

After much time and effort, we have succeeded in covering Zaraia with a dense pattern of Falmer writings. The ointment has been fully absorbed into her skin, leaving her with no ill effects other than smelling strongly of, let us say "female arousal". On close examination her vulva does indeed appear engorged, as do her nipples, but this could well be a reaction to the ointment itself which has left my hands stinging this morning.

The stinging from the ointment is as nothing compared to the pain caused by the paint, however. I splashed a drop of it on the back of my hand this morning and for a moment I thought I was on fire. Looking at it now, a big angry welt remains, marking the site of the splash. I shudder to think how much more poor Zaraia must be suffering covered from head to foot with the vile substance. More than once, we were force to stop writing upon her while she recovered from the pain. We could have progressed much faster with healing spells, but we were afraid the magic might interfere with the markings.


Zaraia remains resolute in all this, and even cheerful at times, commenting wryly on the vulgarity of the words we were writing on her flesh, the unflattering things they said about her, and the overblown praise for her "glorious" and "beautiful" Falmer Masters. Her courage shames us all, and I shall have no hesitation in recommending her for advancement upon our return. Nor I feel will any dare oppose my recommendation once my report is published.


Rain's Hand 24Edit

So much has happened in so short a time. As soon as Zaraia felt sufficiently recovered, she walked to the altar of offering and lay down upon it. She held her arms above her head and looked at me, inviting me to fasten the restraints upon them. This I did, while Fenand restrained her ankles to the far corners of the altar. After which ...

After which we preformed the ceremony. In truth, the vast majority of the ceremony is in the preparation. The actual ceremonial part consists of little more than chanting the Dwemeric equivalent of "Accept our offering, given in peace" over and over again.


When they came, the Falmer seemed to arrive from every direction at once. What seemed like dozens streamed through the portal as it opened, weapons ready. Many of them were accompanied by Chaurus Reaper, the giant black insects domesticated by the Falmer. Almost before we could react, we were surrounded on all sides. Four warriors interposed themselves between us and the altar and gestured with spears, forcing us back away from the altar.


Then a Falmer in a more elaborate outfit than the others, clearly the head of the delegation, approached Zaraia. He thrust his head in close and sniffed like a dog sniffs, taking her scent at her head, her breasts, her feet and between her legs. Fenand, standing next to me, stiffened at this point and might have moved to intervene had I not laid a hand on his arm.


The delegation head then placed both hands on the crown of Zaraia's head and began to trace the lettering as it spiralled down her head and on to her face. Slowly, methodically, he ran his hands over every inch of her body, following the lines of text, sometimes using one hand to raise her body up from the altar as the other continued to trace.


It occurred to me then, that this may be the Falmer way of reading, by feeling the welts raised by the caustic mixture. And with that realisation I recalled how we had laughed at the language used. How the writing on Zaraia's body proclaimed her to be the lowest form of woman, to be worthless and worse than worthless. How they beg the Falmer to take her and abuse her, to use her for whatever demeaning purpose they see fit, if they would only redeem her existence by taking her as the lowest of their slaves.


And for the first time, it occurred to me that the language might be interpreted in a way other than purely symbolic; that the Falmer might take the words entirely at face value. That they might act upon them.


As I pondered such things, the Falmer's hand continued its slow journey, reading its way down Zaraia's body until it reached her pubis, where it paused. The Falmer then extended one long finger and thrust it deeply into my assistant's sex, briskly finger-fucking her (if I may be forgiven the vulgarity) for a few moments. Then, continuing to massage her sex with his other hand he held his finger up before his face. Even from our vantage point we could clearly see (and smell!) Zaraia's arousal, dripping from his finger. The Falmer careful sniffed at the finger and then opened wide his mouth. A long, black, triangular tongue emerged and coiled itself along the finger, tasting along its full length, before whipping back into its mouth.


So engrossed was I in this remarkable display that I had quite forgotten about Fenand, who now pulled his arm free from my grasp and began charging a spell with a great cry of anger. And then died just as quickly, pierced through by the spear of the Falmer standing behind him.


For a long moment, I think if any of us had so much as sneezed it would have meant all our deaths. Then, slowly, the Falmer relaxed, and the head Falmer resumed his painstaking tracing of the words written on Zaraia's naked flesh. When he was done with that, he signalled some of his comrades over to perform their own inspection, and soon the Falmer were crowding around her, touching and tasting and sniffing and the Divines know what else as they sought to verify that the ceremony had been properly performed.


When all were satisfied, the head Falmer waved them all back. He mounted the altar, knelt between Zaraia's legs, and dropped his loin cloth.


I suppose we had always known that rape might be one result of the offering ceremony. We had even joked about the possibility, with Zaraia laughing that if there was no other way to get in, she would have to "lie back and think of Cyrodiil". There was little of humour about the reality however. The Falmer thrust himself in and out of my assistant with rapid, brutal strokes. There was no hint of pleasure, or lust, or even of cruelty about his performance. His attitude was very much that of a man performing a necessary but distasteful duty, and who wants to get it over with as quickly as he can. Perhaps the Falmer view filling the offering's womb with their semen as a necessary part of the ceremony?


Zaraia for her part fought to remain immobile and unresponsive in the face of this violation, as she had though the indignities that preceded it. As the rape progressed however, she began to utter a thin keening cry, whether from pain, passion (or some mixture thereof) we were unable to tell. And then slowly her hips began to buck in time with Falmer's thrusting. I can only think that days of arousing concoctions and perverse stimulation had finally worn down her resistance; I can hardly imagine that she would so shame herself before her colleagues of her own volition.


Once the head of the Falmer had shot his seed into Zaraia, he stepped back and gestured to his fellows. One at a time they mounted the altar and then the woman upon it, each performing the same passionless act of rape. Each time Zaraia rutted herself back at them, wailing with pain and lust and with humiliation. Since each new violation followed the exact pattern of the one before. I can see nothing further to be gained by dwelling on this matter. Let us therefore move on.


When the last of the Falmer had spent himself within Zaraia, the head of the Falmer delegation returned and dipped a finger into the reservoir of semen that had leaked from between my assistant's thighs and pooled in an indentation upon the altar. He sniffed at this cautiously, considered gravely, and then threw both arms in the air with a victorious cry. The cry was echoed by the other Falmer present. The offering was, it seemed, satisfactory, and I dared to hope that the worst might be over.


There is however one further horror from that day that I must relate while I can still muster the will to write of it.


After the cry of acceptance, I was brought forward by two of the Falmer to stand by the delegation head. Two more Falmer had unfastened Zaraia's bonds and held her by her upper arms, half restraining her, and half supporting it seemed to me. The delegation head gestured to an underling, and had placed in his hand a chitinous ball, a little bigger than a large loaf of bread. This he handed to me to examine. I found it lighter than I expected, segmented like an insect thorax, and slightly, disconcertingly warm to the touch.


Taking it back, held the ball upright and, in response to some subtle signal, the ball unrolled into a smaller version of the great chaurus insects twitching listlessly in his grip. Then, motioning for me to attend closely, the chief pressed the insect against Zaraia's naked back. Instantly the creature awoke fully with a writing and a spitting and clattering of pincers. Thin black insectile arms reached around her body to grasp her tightly across the breasts, belly and over the pubic bone. The creature's two large mandibles fastened around her neck where they locked into place, apparently powerful enough to bite though her neck without any great difficulty. Finally, and the Falmer Chief took care to draw my attention to this, the animal's tail curled between Zaraia's legs and a long black penile organ forced its way into my assistants sex. Finally the very end of the tail curled up again to cup Zaraia's pubis. The chief pulled it back down for a moment and motioned me closer. On the beast's chitinous underside were revealed rows and rows of tiny pincers, chittering as they opened and closed on the air. Indeed, as I watched the pincers sought out and fastened upon vaginal lips, while others seemed intent on grasping the clitoral hood, or even the clitoris itself. Then the chief released the final tail segment which again curled up and clicked into place against the legs already gripping the pubic bone.


Now the Falmer released Zaraia's arms and she fell, collapsing to her hands and knees, the chaurus creature seeming like an armoured carapace upon her back. The Falmer chief briefly inspected her again and then turned and walked into the gloom of the Falmer nest. Zaraia tried to rise only to collapse again, whimpering at some unseen pain. She tried again to move to the sides, with similar results. My attempts to help or console her were cut short by the Falmer watching over us. In the end, it was only when she began to crawl after the departing chief that the pain ceased; her sigh of relief was almost palpable in the gloom.


At this point, the chief turned and gestured that we too should follow him. And follow, reluctantly, we did.



Volume SixEdit

Rain's Hand 26Edit

Our hosts have allocated us some accommodation. It is a typical Falmer dwelling, conical in structure and made of layered black chitin from their chaurus beasts. It is also very small. There would scarcely be room for one of us, let alone three.

It does not help that my colleagues are refusing to talk to me. Medilo seems withdrawn within herself, almost in a state of shock, while Imarum has favoured me with a number of icy glares. I fear she holds me personally responsible for the events of yesterday. But how can I deny my responsibility? A brave young man was killed while under my command, and the woman he sought to protect, Zaraia ...


It is Zaraia that occupies my thoughts most of all. Last night the chief demonstrated his control to us, pointing hither and yon, and watching as Zaraia hastened to the indicated location, crawling on her hands and knees. I got no sense that she obeyed his directions willingly; but obey she did, though she hung her head and refused to look at me.


Once satisfied that his point had been made, he sent the poor girl crawling into another hut. Curved gates formed from razor pointed chitin closed behind her, and she promptly collapsed sobbing upon the floor of the hut, like a puppet whose strings had been suddenly severed.


I looked at her through gates that closed of their own accord, and longed to give her comfort. But the gates had unaccountably locked, even though there was no discernible latch or mechanism to prevent their opening.


Rain's Hand 27Edit

Our status among the Falmer is far from clear. While they do not slay us out of hand, neither are we allowed to roam freely. I had thought to visit Zaraia, whose cries and gasps and moans have so pricked at my conscience. I left our hut only to find myself confronting a huge chaurus of the Reaper sub-species. The creature hissed and shook its head and dribbled toxins upon the stony ground and generally made such a fuss that I came to fear for my life should I choose to proceed.

Later in the day, the Falmer chief came to visit and brought with him a naked Redguard slave who begged us to address her as "shop".


Shop explained to us in halting Cyrodiilic that her purpose was to serve as a conduit for the thoughts and commands of the "Beautiful Ones" and to facilitate trade. I told her that we were not there as merchants, a point she relayed to her masters, and which seemed to agitate the Falmer considerably. Apparently, the ceremony of offering constitutes a trade agreement, and with nothing to trade there would nothing to keep me alive. Fortunately inspiration struck, and I told them the simple truth: that we came to trade knowledge.


This proved acceptable to the chief and his cronies, and they left us then, talking among themselves, as much in signs and gestures as in words. This development seems to hold great promise, both for our mission on the one hand, and on the other, for a chance to negotiate for Zaraia's return to us.


Zaraia. I have not been allowed to see her since my last entry. I worry greatly about her.


Rain's Hand 28Edit

Shop disturbs me deeply. She is comely enough, I suppose, even covered in dirt and grime as she is. I think what upsets me is the look in her eyes. There is nothing in her expression. No fear; no anger; no hope; no joy; no misery. There is just a flat, blank acceptance. I dreamed last night, and in that dream, I saw Zaraia's face wearing that same expression and I felt that my heart must break.

They let me see Zaraia today. I found her curled upon the floor of her hut, much as I had left her. The thing on her back was obscenely active between her legs, and her body shuddered convulsively. I knelt to examine her more closely, and she looked up at me, complex emotions flitting across her face. I saw fear, and pain, and pleasure and need, all fighting for control. But underneath them all there I could still see the that steely resolve.


Zaraia opened her mouth to say something, managed nothing more than a series of quick, shallow gasps that showed no sign of abating. I leaned in closer that I might better hear, and her hand shot out grasping my wrist and pressing my hand against her belly, much as she had six days earlier. Gods, but that time seems so distant now. He flesh seemed feverish under my hand, and her eyes locked onto mine, and I could sense her willing me to understand whatever it was she wished to communicate.


I moved to embrace her then, to offer what little comfort I could. The thing on her back had other ideas, however, writhing and hissing in unmistakable threat. My Falmer guide placed a hand on my shoulder and drew me away, not unkindly, but brooking no resistance.


Second Seed 2Edit

The situation in our hut continues to deteriorate. Medilo, ever the introvert, never speaks at all now, save with mocking sarcasm, Imarum's cold fury remains unabated. In the cramped confines of the hut, the situation approaches the intolerable. Things might improve if the women would leave the hut more often, but they seem intimidated by the Falmer in a way I would never have expected from two such formidable wizards.

Things were not improved today when Shop came to visit that she might answer any questions I might have. The big chaurus beast was on guard outside again, refusing to let us wander and so Shop squeezed into the hut alongside us. Oh, were I only a younger man! Forced into such tight confines in the company of three attractive females, one of them naked to boot! And yet there was little allure in Medilo's cool derision, or Imarum's icy stiffness, while Shop's dead acceptance of the world offered no attraction at all. And so very carefully I arranged myself into a position where I could jot down notes of our discussion, taking great care not to accidentally brush against anything that a gentleman should not touch brush against.


The most pressing questions on my mind naturally concerned Zaraia. In particular I wanted to know about the monster fastened around her back.


"That is her trainer", Shop said. "It teaches her the things she needs to know in order to live among us".


Imarum asked "and what lessons are these, that can be learned from rape and bestiality?" her tone conveying contempt as only the Altmer can. Shop accepted the scorn as she seemed to accept everything, and seemed not even to hear the question. I asked again, moderating the phrasing somewhat.


"What lessons does it teach her, Shop?"


"It teaches her pleasure. It teaches her pain. It teaches her that her body is not her own. It teaches her that her body's responses are not hers to control. It teaches her how to submit. It will teach her to serve. It will teach her to please."


"To please in what way, Shop? Do you mean sexually?"


"In all ways. Sexually most especially. It is the first duty of the slave to be available for use by the Beautiful Ones. Do you desire my use, master? As a guest of the tribe you have been afforded full privileges"


"Oh, this should be fun", said Medilo before I could respond. "Come on Val, show us what you can do with that wizened old prod of yours" she said, while Imarum merely laughed scornfully. Unsure how to respond to this, I hesitated, and this Shop seemed to take as permission. She pushed forward, reaching for me. Alarmed for my dignity, I leaned back as she pressed herself against me, and lost my balance in the process. In just a moment we were all four of us in a knot on the floor, limbs tangling and hands pressing where they must. While we mages fought to right ourselves, Shop wriggled herself delightfully against me, hands seeking the fastenings on my robes, her mouth planting quick hot kisses against my chest.


Somehow, I know not how, I managed to fend off her advances, and preserve my honour, if not my dignity. I dismissed Shop, telling her she had given us much to discuss, and assuring her that she had given no offence.


And then we were alone, the three of us, with faces flushed and hearts hammering. For a moment no one seemed to know what to say, or where to look. Then Imarum stated "We will not discus this!" and that seemed to be that.


And so the tension in the hut is even worse than it was before. When damned chaurus finally goes away, I shall go and visit Zaraia.


Second Seed 3Edit

I fear I shall sleep poorly this night, not that my sleep is ever sound in this place. The cold, the damp, the unending gasps of pain and pleasure wrought from Zaraia by her trainer beast; none of these are conducive to sleep.

Tonight brings a new distraction. I awoke to the sounds of muffled gasps and grunts of pleasure coming not from Zaraia's nearby hut, but from Medilo's bedroll. From the way her bedroll twitched in time with the gasps, it seemed clear that she was working to pleasure herself and trying not to let the fact be known. In this she failed completely. Imarum was already wide awake, and watching the process with apparent fascination. Noticing my attention, she fixed me with a warning glare, and then returned to watching Medilo, head nodding with every gasp as if counting them for the record.


It occurs to me that my colleagues' behaviour is increasingly aberrant, and I am forced to wonder about our diet here. There had been no opportunity to return to camp for our rations and so we eat the food the Falmer give us. This in many ways resembles the "food of friendship" eaten by Zaraia as part of the Ceremony of Offering. After Zaraia ate the ritual food, I remember noting her elevated physiological state, and wondered if it was arousal that caused her eyes to shine so.


If so, could the same food be having a cumulative effect on the three of us? A slowly building aphrodisiac would perhaps explain some of my comrade's behaviour of late.


There is one other datum I need to record in this regard. Medilo's jibe about my "withered old prod" was cruel but accurate. There is no shame in recording this. My arts have preserved me fit and active, far into old age, but I have long since passed the age when men are sexually active. Indeed, I had been confident that my staff of power had long since expended its last charge. Imagine my surprise then to find myself rising to the occasion when Shop ground herself against me.


Or again, listening to Medilo's furtive masturbation.


Or now, merely writing about it.


I fear I shall sleep poorly this night.



Second Seed 4Edit

Three of the Falmer sought me out today as I was visiting Zaraia. Shop, who accompanied them, spoke on their behalf.

"The Beautiful Ones wish to know: was the offering a particularly favoured slave of yours?"


"I think you misunderstand. Zaraia is not my slave"


"I think I do misunderstand. That you came here with slaves speaks of strength. That you mastered three such despite your age speaks of hidden strength. This is something the Beautiful Ones can respect. Must I now tell them that you are weak?"


"I suppose ... I suppose that, considered in a certain light, the relationship between Master and Apprentice could be considered a form of slavery."


"Then you were her master. She was your slave". I nodded, relieved that part of this at least was true. "So then, was the offering a particularly favoured slave?"


"I was ... am ... very fond of her, yes"


"Then the Beautiful Ones grant you this mark of their favour: you may feed the offering"


I suppose that from what I have learned on this expedition, I should have foreseen what followed. I think I imagined that I would sit on the ground, cradling poor Zaraia's head upon my lap while I pressed morsels of food between her quivering lips, encouraged her to swallow as I administered small sips of water.


Consequently, when I found no food there with which to feed her, I stood and dithered like an old fool, until one of the Falmer pushed me aside and barked something complex. Shop translated: "You are new to the Falmer and many of our ways are strange to you. Watch know and learn the correct way to feed this slave"


Then the Falmer revealed his stiffening member which he quickly thrust into Zaraia's mouth, Zaraia scrambling onto her knees to receive him. The Falmer then performed an odd little ritual, carefully running his hand around and around on Zaraia's still shaven head. A strangely gentle moment in this place, and one that passed all too quickly as the Falmer went on to grasp Zaraia's head in both hands and roughly thrust himself in and out of her mouth.


When the Falmer finished, one of his comrades pushed me forward.


"Now you do it" Shop translated.


Only recently I might have found myself unable to comply with the instruction. Of late though I seem to be tenting my robe at every opportunity, this occasion being one of them. I think I might have ... I hope I would have pulled away. But then Zaraia caught and held my gaze, and whispered "please". For a moment I stood there shocked, while my apprentice's hands sought to open my robe. And then she took me into her mouth and all rational thought fled from my mind.


And so I stood, lost in unexpected pleasure, while Zaraia swallowed me as deeply as she could, hands clenched on my buttocks to pull me close. When my moment of release came, I heard the working of her throat as she worked to swallow every last drop, keeping her nose buried in my pubic hair until my member finally softened in her mouth, eyes fixed on mine the whole time.


And when she released me, she mouthed something to me before fainting dead away. I swear the words were "thank you".


Second Seed 5Edit

Another poor night's sleep. I fell asleep transcribing my notes from yesterday, and awoke in the small hours to the sound of my esteemed colleague Wizard Medilo attempting to pleasure herself surreptitiously.

Happily absent were the sounds of Zaraia's endless gasps of pain and pleasure, which accords with some of my observations from yesterday. In the wake of the "feeding" incident, I had noticed that her convulsions seemed greatly abated, and that her trainer chaurus had largely ceased its ministrations between her legs. I was unsure then how to feel about the episode.


The Falmer seemed pleased with the outcome in any event. "Master, I am to tell you that you have gained standing twice over with the Beautiful Ones. Once in that you were able to bond a slave so strongly to your will, and again that you would willingly offer one so devoted as a sacrifice to the Falmer."


"At first the Beautiful thought that you intended to slight them by keeping your elven slaves for yourself and offering in their place a poor imperial. But my masters now appreciate the depth of your generosity.


"It seems there is much to learn from you after all. Your proposal to exchange knowledge is accepted".


With this the party departed, leaving me with more questions then I felt I could clearly articulate. I returned home to write up my notes, and fell asleep mid-way.


I have not yet explained to my colleagues that the Falmer believe them to be my slaves. In the light of recent events, I doubt such news would be well received.




The Falmer came to me again and through Shop told me to feed Zaraia once again. I resisted the idea, unwilling to take advantage of my apprentice, and especially so when in such a vulnerable state.


"She will die if you do not" Shop said. "The training will fail and she will die".


"Surely the Falmer would not kill her just because she could not be trained", I said.


"That is not why she will die. Come."


And I was led back to Zaraia's hut where one of the Falmer gestured for me to examine the trainer's mouth-parts. Looking closely I could see that the creature had bitten into Zaraia's neck, fastening itself to a blood vessel under the skin.


The Falmer spoke, and Shop translated: "The trainer feeds on the blood of the slave. The trainer needs to taste submission in the blood or the trainer will die. If the trainer dies, it will usually kill the slave in doing so. Even if it does not, the slave is often left too weak to survive."


And so I opened my robes and allowed Zaraia to feed, which she did, hungrily.


There are many in Cyrodiil who will question the propriety of my actions and the motivations behind them. I have no satisfactory answers to those questions. But I will say that looking at Zaraia afterward, she seemed much healthier. I had not been aware of her condition deteriorating particularly, but the improvement as she began to recover was striking.


Shop tells me that from now on I must feed Zaraia in this way, daily. I will do so. Judge me as you will, dear reader, I have no good answers you.


Second Seed 6Edit

As regards Zaraia and my feeding of her, one aspect troubles me particularly. If some special bond of submission exists between myself and Zaraia, how did it come to exist? I have had my share of an old man's fantasies regarding my pretty young apprentice. In each case however I have called myself an "old fool" and dismissed the matter from my mind. Nor do I think I have done anything to encourage her to think of me in other than a professional context. In fact, I had thought that she and poor Fenand were together.

Whence then comes this special bond? Granted that the Falmer know their business, and the bond exists, what is its nature? Is it exceptional loyalty on Zaraia's part? Or has she (and here I must call myself an "old fool" once more) has she been secretly in love with me the whole time?


I had not thought I could feel any greater guilt over Zaraia's fate. Apparently I was mistaken.




Shop came to me today. I still find her demeanour disconcerting. When she speaks with me privately, she is meek and submissive. When she directly translates for one of the Falmer, however, her language and tone and even posture reflect those of our hosts. The rather worrying flat, dead acceptance she initially exhibited has grown less common as my status with the Falmer has risen, but even so, she will still sometimes switch between personas with dizzying rapidity.


So then: it has been decided that she would tutor me in the speech of the Beautiful Ones, as she refers to her masters, and that I should also learn their ways, and that when suitably versed in both, I would be permitted to wander as one of the tribe.


This constitutes success for our mission beyond our wildest dreams. To go where we will inside the Falmer community, to interview as we see fit, without depending on interpreters.




I have been taking advantage of my increased freedom to do a little sightseeing. There is enough material here to fill two dozen notebooks, but today I simply enjoyed the freedom to wander a little. After days of fighting off boredom by making sketches of glowing fungus and documenting the social rituals of the chaurus this has been a pleasant change. I hope to sleep well tonight.


Sleep is still a problem. Medilo seems to worry less and less about concealing her nighttime auto-eroticism, while Imarum is more and more blatant in her fascinated observation of the same. It seems they are forming some strange bond of exhibitionism and voyeurism. Of course, given my own daily habit of shooting my seed down my apprentice's throat, perhaps I am not best placed to criticise.


I just hope I can sleep.


Second Seed 7Edit

Shortly after my last entry, Shop entered our hut as we were preparing to sleep. This was not a welcome intrusion after her last visit, but she insisted saying she had been sent to teach me of the Falmer way. This at least eased the tension somewhat. Whatever our differences, this was something to which we three academics could apply ourselves.

Shop began by asking me if I knew the meaning of the words we inscribed upon Zaraia for the offering; and also if Zaraia herself knew


"The words inscribed upon the Offering", said Shop. "Is their meaning known to you? Is it known to the offering?"


"Yes, and yes" I replied.


"Good, that will save some time", said Shop. "I was once Offered myself, and though the marks have faded to the eye, they are still apparent to the touch. Please, place your hands upon me." I quickly touched my fingertips to Shop's cheeks, fearful of where I might find my hands placed if I resisted.


"Now move your fingers", Shop said. "Feel for the words that were written". So I did.


The words were quickly apparent. It was an odd quality to the skin, not a roughness exactly, but a difference in texture. Not unpleasant to the touch, but unmistakable once you came to search for it.


"The words fade to the eye, but never to the touch. The Beautiful Ones mark us for life with our declaration to them; we wear the words of our servitude and carry them until we die. Touch me elsewhere. Trace out the lines of my submission".


And so I did. I traced the lines of invisible text as they flowed around Shop's shoulders and spiralled down her upper arms. Imarum joined in, unasked, saying that someone would need to verify my findings. Medilo followed a moment later. There's a scene I may omit from my formal report: three stuffy old academics crowded into a tiny chitin tent, all of us fondling a naked slavegirl.


Eventually I had to call a halt to the tracing of words. The feeling of tension had returned to the air, and I motioned to Shop to continue, desiring to get the business concluded quickly.


"Master, please place your fingers against my scalp", Shop said. "My hair has grown back since my Offering, but the words are still there to be felt". Shop leaned forwards to give me easy access to her hair, almost putting her head into my lap in the process. I put my fingers into her hair and found the start of the inscription that spiralled down around her scalp.


"The words written on a slave's scalp are always the same. Among the slaves they are known as the Falmer Crown. Please master, trace the path of the words on my head, being sure to touch each one in turn."


I did as directed. The change in Shop was striking. She stiffened slightly, trembled, and then sagged down as if she was finding it difficult to support herself. Her body temperature rose (I could feel her heat through my hands) her lips parted, and her breath came more quickly. These last two data I was made particularly aware of, since her bowed head, by accident or design, had lowered to the point where her two lips were resting on either side of my rapidly stiffening erection, and even through my robe I could feel each hot breath from her mouth.


When I was done, Shop raised her head, and looked at me with shining eyes. "Master, do you see how this ritual affects me?" I said that I did. "So it will affect all the slaves of the Beautiful Ones. This is the ritual you must perform when you feed the Offering".


"What's that?" Imarum asked, "What have you been feeding Zaraia?" I frowned at her with a nod towards Shop and she subsided after giving me a we'll-talk-about-this-later look. One of the first things you learn is not to interfere with the data collection process.


Shop was speaking again. "Now Master, please, do that again, but first command me to recite the words as you trace them".


"Why must I command you?" I asked. "Why not simply say them if that is what you want?"


"This must never be done by my desire, Master. It must be commanded of me, and I must be forced to obey".


"Very well", I said in the best lecture voice I could muster, "Recite the words as I trace them".


And Shop did, eyes locked on mine and voice trembling, as she said: "I am a slut and a whore and a cunt", she began, "weak and worthless and worse than worthless, of no use save for the holes in this body, holes which are useless filled by my master. The mouth, ass and cunt of this worthless slut all ache with need, and their need is this slut's need a need that is greater by far than the slut who feels it, greater than any slut could resist: a slut is mastered by her needs, and through those needs shall she be mastered by others. This unworthy slut therefore begs though she has no right to beg, prays though she has no right to pray, that she might made to be the whore of one strong enough to master her and so master the needs which master her, she pleads to the Beautiful Falmer that they might enslave her as the lowest of their slaves, use her and abuse her, humiliate and demean her if they will only sanctify her filthy holes with the glory of Falmer seed, that they might someday redeem her worthless existence by filling her holes with their semen and her belly with their spawn"


This recitation had a profound effect on all of us. Medilo had looked up the original inscription in the field logs, and had been mouthing the words in time with Shop, her face flushed and her free hand buried in her lap. Imarum looked on wild eyed, looking as if she might explode, either from repressed lust or from pent up fury. Shop was on her hands and knees before me, with tears streaming down her face. We could feel the heat coming off her in waves, and her musk filled the cramped space.


She had been looking me in the eye throughout the recitation.


"Do you see, Master? Do you see how the ritual affects me?" I nodded, unable to speak. "This is the state of mind that the Offering must adopt in order to survive. This is why you must tutor her in the ritual when you feed her". I nodded again.


"Master", Shop continued, her demeanor shifting again, "this poor slut has done all that has been asked of her today. Now her needs have mastered her and she needs to be mastered by one stronger still. Master, an unworthy slut needs to feel you inside of her. Master, I beg you, please feed me, I need it so".


I think I must have nodded, and without further delay Shop freed me from my robes, and took me deeply into my mouth. Almost of their own accord, my hands sought the crown of her head and began to trace. In response, her hands gripped me convulsively and her throat spasmed around my penis.


I only became aware that Imarum was screaming when she bodily pushed Shop away from me.


"Stop doing that! I am talking to you! I demand that you pay attention" she shouted. "Is this the how Valerius has been 'feeding' Zaraia? Answer me!"


Shop rose to a crouch and turned on Imarum with a look of pure fury. "I will not be commanded by a slave", she said.


"Slave? Slave! What lies have you been telling, Valerius?"


And after that things deteriorated rather rapidly.


Rather than record the sordid details, suffice it to say that it took the arrival of three angry Falmer and two chaurus beasts before we came to our senses enough to stop yelling and behave like proper guests. And while the matter is far from resolved, Imarum assures me that she will do her utmost to have me expelled from the guild on our return.


I believe I will save her the trouble. I shall submit my resignation to the Arch-Mage together with my initial report.



Volume SevenEdit

Second Seed 11Edit

I spent the morning with Shop. To avoid the disapproval of my University colleagues, we have found an out-of-the-way place; a high ledge, probably intended as a sniping platform in the event of attack. No one passes this way normally, which makes it an ideal location.

Shop is teaching me the Falmer language. It is in many ways like the Falmer themselves; clearly Meric, but distorted in so many unexpected ways you might never realise its origin. Another part of the lesson plan is for me to practice the ritual of the Falmer Crown. "I am a slut and a whore and a cunt, weak and worthless and worse than worthless, of no use save for the holes in this body, holes which are useless filled by my master". How odd that such ugly words could find such a musical cadence in her mouth.


Of course, after I make her say the words, she usually finds herself with something else entirely in her mouth. And when that happens, I like to practice my ritual again, which means she barely gets a chance to swallow my seed before she's begging me to fill another of her holes.


Shop's persona as stern avatar of the Falmer seems to be receding now, replaced by a woman very much in thrall to her sexuality, and increasingly dependent on me for her release. Which is, let us be clear, a terrible, terrible thing. And yet her need is clear and evident, and I have no way to help her save to satisfy those needs. Ultimately, how can that be wrong?


Julianos preserve me, I've not ejaculated with such frequency since I was in my teens.




As my mornings have fallen into a pattern, so too my afternoons. Here I tutor Zaraia in the words of the Falmer Crown. There is a minor issue in that I am not supposed to pronounce the words myself, that being too demeaning an activity for a master. This is, of course, mildly problematic. Most Falmer slaves are drilled in the litany before inscription and are expected to recite it as the words are seared into their scalp. That, in the context of the ritual, is apparently sufficient to imprint the words and link them with the ritual.


Obviously in Zaraia's case we need to find another solution, so I'm using Shop to say the words while I feed Zaraia. We must make quite a sight: I kneel on the floor with my robe hiked up. Zaraia's trainer gets her to all fours in front to me, and she takes me into her mouth. Then Shop kneels beside Zaraia and whispers the words into her ear as I perform the ritual. That approach required Shop to use the second person form: "You are a slut and a whore and a cunt ..." which is apparently sub-optimal. So yesterday I tried performing the ritual on the scalp of both women, one with each hand and command Shop to say the words. This approach seems to result in Zaraia taking a much more active role with her mouth, which Shop tells me is a good sign.


The only drawback is that once I have finished with Zaraia, Shop needs to be fed as well. And since somehow I can never resist tracing the words on her scalp, she normally needs to be fucked immediately afterward.


I don't know what might be the active ingredient in the Falmer food, but I know that if I could sell it in Cyrodiil, I could become rich beyond dreaming.


Second Seed 12Edit

My university colleagues are a continuing source of concern. During sleep periods Medilo has apparently abandoned all attempts to conceal her auto-erotic adventures, while Imarum has taken to sharing her bedroll in order to get closer to the action. I don't believe there is any sexual contact between them, not that it's any of my business of course, but in a room as small as that, I believe I'd know if there were.

It is their day time habits, that most worry me however. Now that the restrictions on our movement have been lifted somewhat, I would expect them to be out and about, filling notebooks with observations. Instead they huddle together in the hut like two lost sheep, occasionally poring over the field logs, but increasingly often just staring into space. For the sake of all our sanities, we need to get out of this place as soon as possible. Just as soon as I find a way to free Zaraia from the trainer beast, we can leave.


Of course, that requires waking her from her current state of fugue. Shop tells me that this is part of the ritual, and that she will fully awaken once she can recite the words of the Falmer Crown on command. I remember feeling disappointed to find that after all the preparation, the Ceremony of Offering was no more than a simple chant. It never occurred to me that the ritual elements would continue with equal complexity on the Falmer side, much less that I would be a part of them.


So: my immediate task is to fully imprint the words of the crown.




My crown imprinting activities proceeded as well as expected today, but the subsequent feeding of Shop was interrupted by the arrival of a group of Falmer. They chased us away with grunts and snarls that I am starting to realise are thick with words and complex syntax. Outside, I was expecting to find Shop desperate with need. Instead, I found her straight backed and imperious, back in her avatar-of-the-Falmer persona.


"The Beautiful Ones are confused by you", she said. "They cannot decide whether you are an exceptional slave trainer, or one of the worst they have ever encountered. They continue to be impressed by the depth of your bond with the Offering, but they are appalled by the lack of discipline shown by your other slaves"


"I see" I said, not knowing what else might be safe to say.


"The Beautiful Ones propose a way to resolve this conundrum, however. They wish to test your slaves"


"I see. Perhaps a little more detail on the testing part would be helpful."


"They will take them away and use them", Shop said flatly. "I imagine the use would be at least partly sexual. They will wish to assess your training in all areas"


"I see" I said again. "And ... how many of them would be doing the testing?"


"As many as wish to do so. I doubt it would be more than a dozen"


"A dozen. Right"


"You would be without your slaves for no more than a few days, a week at most, but I doubt that this would pain you greatly." And then, with another shift of personality "If you have need of a woman, you have only to command me, master".


So all I need to do now is persuade my esteemed colleagues that, on top of my misdeeds to date, they are now required to submit to a week of gang-rape by the Falmer. That should be an interesting discussion.


Second Seed 13Edit

My discussion with my fellow wizards went better than I anticipated, if only in as much as Imarum did not try to slay me, and a party of armed Falmer was not required to break up the argument. The discussion was both frank and forthright, and the final decision is the very model of clarity: They will not do it. They will not consider it. They will not hear any further discussion of the subject. The matter is closed.

I mentioned this to Shop during our morning language study, and snapped out of that state characterised by the words "command me, master" and into one closer to "pay attention, worm".


"Do you mean to keep your slaves to yourself? The Beautiful Ones will not be pleased. Are you not aware that all the females in this place are available for your use? Will you not return the generosity of your hosts?"


I hastily assured Shop that I was most aware of the generosity of the Beautiful Ones, and that I had every intention of returning that generosity to the full measure of my capability, and then flannelled shamelessly when it came to specifics.


So, time to decide: Would I prefer to die at the hands of my hosts, or of my colleagues?




We have made a breakthrough. Today, before feeding Zaraia, I held her chin in my hands and commanded her to say The Words as I traced the lines of the Crown. She looked me in the eye, and started with "I am a slut and a whore and a cunt ..." and continued on with her voice gaining in strength as she went. It almost broke my heart to hear such ugly words in her mouth, even while it had the opposite effect on another part of my anatomy. By the time she concluded with "... redeem her worthless existence by filling her holes with their semen and her belly with their spawn" I was at full attention.


When she was finished, Zaraia smiled at me, then winced in evident pain and said "Hi there Val. How long have I been asleep?"


"About three weeks" I said.


"You'll have to tell me everything I've missed", she said, wincing again. Then her eyes dropped to my cock-head which was dancing just in front of her face. "Are you going to do something with that, or I can I have it?" she asked, and then engulfed me in her mouth when I nodded. Almost out of habit I traced the Crown on her head, and felt her shudder in delight as she sucked.


When I was spent she looked up again. "I think I need to sleep again. See you later". And she was out like a light.


According to shop, this is good news indeed. She should wake for longer after each feeding now, and soon return to a normal sleep cycle. After which it won't be long before we can have the trainer removed.


All I need to do is live long enough to see it happen.


Second Seed 14Edit

Today, Shop pressed me further about giving up my colleagues to the Falmer. "If they think you are being selfish, they may take what is not offered", she said. "What they take is not always returned. You should think on that". And then she reverted back to submissive slavegirl and would or could say nothing more on the subject.

So now I must present the choice that either Medilo and Imarum must submit to a week of rape by out Falmer hosts, or else they risk being taken against their will, raped anyway, and forced into slavery regardless.


Somehow I know that this is going to end up being my fault.




Zaraia shows continued improvement. I commanded her to say the words of the crown, and when she had finished feeding, she looked at me bright eyed and said "Hello, Val. I don't recall this form of greeting in any of the guild protocols". And promptly recoiled as if struck.


"What is the matter?" I asked.


"I ... don't know", Zaraia said, a little wary. "My ... my friend here", she indicated the chaurus on her back, "has some definite ideas about how I should behave, I think"


Interesting. The academic in me perked up. "What sort of ideas does it have?" I asked.


"It doesn't like it when I'm flippant ... ah ... or even informal with you, I'm learning that much", Zaraia said


"What sort of things does it like?"


"It ... ow! it likes it when you feed me. OWW! I .. like it when you feed me." Zaraia suddenly relaxed, relief pouring into her expression.


"It likes it .. it likes it when my thoughts are sexual. Ohhhh.. It likes it... master ... it likes it when I have sexual thoughts about you, master..." She moved closer, placing her hands upon my knees to pull herself into my lap. "Master" and here she flinched again, or so it seemed to me, "Master, I only have one hole to offer for your use, but I beg of you, please make use of me..." and she looked at me, lips parted in readiness.


How is a man supposed to resist an offer like that?


After I had finished feeding Zaraia for the second time, another group of Falmer arrived to chase us away. This time I watched through the hut door and saw them one at a time feed Zaraia while performing the Ritual of the Crown.


I suppose something of my reaction must have shown in my face, for Shop said "The Feeding Ritual binds the slave to the feeder. Because you have been feeding the Offering, her bond with you has been strengthened. Do not however imagine that she belongs to you alone. She belongs to the tribe, and she must feed of the tribe so she knows herself to be owned."


I must have still looked unhappy. I know I felt unhappy, although I tried to hide it. Shop continued "The Beautiful Ones do you great honour. They afford you privileges normally reserved for The Beautiful".


That should reassure me, I know. But for some reason all I can think of is the look on Zaraia's face as she fed from the Falmer. If only she didn't seem to enjoy it quite so much...



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User Blog Speaking of FNIS



Speaking of FNIS...

DocCloxx DocCloxx May 17, 2012

< User blog:DocCloxx


As pointed out by DL in the comments, Fore has removed the prohibition discussed in this post, and it seems the dispute may even by settled amicably.


The post below is therefore purely for reference.


Someone suggested I move to using FNIS for SSG. That inspired me to take a look at the latest release. On the plus side, he's moved the FNIS animations into their own hkx file which should make it easier to add in animations of our own without affecting his framework.


On the negative side are the "legal" requirements for the mod. This is a cut and paste, correct as of the date and time of posting:


"The FNIS Behavior Files can only be downloaded and used in the described way. Without my express permission you are NOT ALLOWED


to upload contents of the FNIS Behavior Files TO ANY OTHER SITE

to distribute contents of the FNIS Behavior Files as part of another mod

to distribute modified versions of the FNIS Behavior Files

to distribute tools which can generate modified versions of the FNIS Behavior Files"


I've omitted the huge font size and the yellow emphasis, but otherwise that's unchanged. I'd particularly like to draw attention to the fourth point:


"you are NOT ALLOWED ... to distribute tools which can generate modified versions of the FNIS Behavior Files"


Now I know Fore and I have had our differences in the past but ... someone give me a sanity check here. Is he really saying that he's denying me the right to use my time to write my own software from scratch in order to modify vanilla Skyrim files to include new animations?


The only IP here is held by Bethesda or Havok. Does he really think he has any right to say that no one else is allowed to use the insertion points he identified?


The bottom line, of course, is that he doesn't care if it would stand up in court. He just wants to stop JoshNZ or myself from releasing behavior patching programs. And if we do, he hopes this will give him the basis to run to darkone or ashal crying "Thieves! Copyright violators! Pirates!" and in doing so attempt to get us banned.


I may be doing him a disservice, but I can't see any other rational reason for adding such a hairbrained condition to his mod.


So like I say, someone give me a sanity check here. Because something about this is nuttier than a truckload of squirrel shit.

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Ryan Nocturne


When I went to Nexus to ask him about the fourth point you may or may not be still be going crazy about, Doc, I got this response from Fore himself:


"Some people seem to believe that copyright ends when they simply modify someones work, or make a program which generates someones work identically or in a modified version. This is not the case (ask Intel or MS what they do to protect their work against AMD or SUN). Usually I'm not restrictive at all with my work. But if it is used in a way that my mod, or the other mods using FNIS are severly hampered, I will do everything to avoid that."


Well, Doc?

3 days ago by Ryan Nocturne




The interesting thing about that line of argument is that his own work is simply a cut and paste of structures and of combinations of structures from vanilla Skyrim. So if his logic holds, he himself is generating "someones work identically or in a modified version" and he's thereby infringing on Bethesda's rights. If so, that means that (by fore's logic) Bethesda might have a bone to pick with me should they so choose, but I don't see how it gives fore any standing in the matter.


On the other hand, if his reangements of Beth's code are legitimate, non-infringing adaptations of Bethesda IP, then it's hard to see how that same justification wouldn't apply equally to my own efforts. He's yet to show how what I am doing is any different to what he himself has done. Except of course for his repeated assertions that I can't possibly be clever enough to figure all this out on my own. Really, he's in bit of a cleft stick here. One way he himself is infringing, the other way we're both justified in out actions.


Simlarly, if he wants to claim some sort of qualative difference between what I'm doing and his own actions, I'd also like to know just what exactly a behavior file generator would have to do in order not to infringe his supposed IP. In his opinion. I assume he isn't really claiming the rights to all possible behavior files and all possible programs that might generate them, from here until the end of time.


Finally, following on from the last point, and assuming he actually has an answer, I'd then like to know why he's so sure my program isn't going to meet those criteria, given that he's yet to see it. Because it seems to me that he's already decided the outcome in advance of any evidence. This leads me to worry that no behavior file generating program will ever be deemed non-violating in The World According To Fore.


If you're going to feed that back to him, I'd be interested in the response :)

3 days ago by DocCloxx




Thanks for posting that to the Nexus forum.


I see fore's now removed the objectionable clause from his licencing section, which is enough to satisfy me. I made a post to that effect on the forum.


Credit where credit's due: kudos to fore for doing the right thing in this case.

2 days ago by DocCloxx


Ryan Nocturne


Comment Removed*

3 days ago by Ryan Nocturne


Maybe you should use JoshNZ's Behavior file patcher. It could benefit you guys and him. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15906

12 days ago by A Wikia contributor




Could do. I worked with Josh on that one. Well kind of, anyway. But I'd like a few things:

I want compatibilty with FNIS 2.0 so people can use SSG without breaking their FNIS based mods. I know fore won't return the courtesy, but that's no reason why we can't do it right.

I want to be able to use descriptive names for the animation events

And if I can make it work, I want to auto-generate an esp file with ready made idles.


I also think we can be a bit more flexible in terms of things like head tracking and the like.

5 days ago by DocCloxx


Couldn't we try to make something similar to FNIS. He can copyright his work, but that shouldn't stop anyone from making something similar or something that does the exact same thing.

13 days ago by A Wikia contributor


Yeah about the only thing he would have a leg to stand on is if someone created something similar to FNIS and when the codes were checked they were exacty identical (or close enough ). If the people here made something similar he really couldn't stand on anything without somehow getting someone to force the people here to show them their code and explain how they made it.

13 days ago by A Wikia contributor




That's it. You can't write FOR I = 1 to 10: PRINT I: NEXT and then forbid anyone else from iterating over integers.


And this isn't even that case - all he's done is list 10 numbers in ascending order, and from that he thinks he can ban code to do the same.

5 days ago by DocCloxx


I would just ask him what he meant by that as he may have had something else in mind, if he did intend for it to block behavior patching programs he is being rather silly as copyright generally would not extend that far even if he held rights to the hkx files in the first place

13 days ago by A Wikia contributor


Something else I noticed just from reading the mod page, he seems to be planning to release his own wrapper to allow for additional animations and so this might be to try and either get people to recignize his as "official" or to disuade other modders from releasing their own

13 days ago by A Wikia contributor




Well, I'd ask him, but seeing as he has be set to ignore on LL, I suspect that his first act would be to report me for trolling. That "ignore" thing makes it difficult to negotiate.


And if he releases his wrapper and if it addresses my issues with the current implementation I'd be happy to use it. I've always said that, and while his current attitude is going to make it hard to back down, I'd still sooner work with him than against him. But he's been planning to release that wrapper for a long time now, and it's still not here.

5 days ago by DocCloxx


Bottom line is...FORE is a bit of a dick, that cant be helped, wouldnt supprise me if he tried sueing someone

14 days ago by A Wikia contributor


I can't see how he can possibly think he's got a leg to stand on... but he's welcome to try.

13 days ago by A Wikia contributor



14 days ago by A Wikia contributor




Like I said on the IRC channel, the "you are NOT ALLOWED ... to distribute tools which can generate modified versions of the FNIS Behavior Files" statement is *****


To make an example of what this statement means: I have created a small mod that affects some dialogue Guards utter about your skills. If I add an almost identical Copyright statement to my mod and am allowed to maintain it, it would mean no one is allowed to make another mod about guard dialogue, despite having the skills and imagination to create a much more fun mod than me.


If every modder uses this statement, it would mean the modding community dies....fast.

14 days ago by Dark-Lord-


It is just sad to see him try and cause a "monopoly" situation in a community that thrives on cooperation and sharing of information.

8 hours ago by A Wikia contributor




Fore already retracted that statement...making this blogpost obsolete

7 hours ago by Dark-Lord-




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The Journal of Falcedon Valerius part 2:



Second Seed 15Edit

I woke up this morning pleasantly surprised to find myself still alive. I passed along the latest Falmer demands and was greeted with calm understanding rather than fury and outrage. Somehow this scared me more than threats ever could, and I was more than half convinced that Imarum intended to murder me in my sleep.

Instead, I woke to find the women gone. They've taken the field logs with them, which is about all we had of value here. I expect they'll resupply from the camp-site by the engraving and then head for the surface. They were good enough to leave me my journals and a few empty notebooks so I can continue my records.


I hope they make it. I expect I'll have a price on my head by the time I return to Cyrodiil, but I hope they make it nevertheless.


Also, I hope they leave enough supplies at the camp-site for Zaraia and myself when we make our way back, which could be soon now, given Zaraia's continuing recovery. Today I asked her to tell me more about her trainer's likes and dislikes.


"Well", she said, "I've been able to perform a few experiments. For one thing it doesn't want me to stand up. I can crawl and kneel all I like, but if I try and stand it gets painful very quickly. Sometimes it feels like it's pushing pins into me, right along the length of my genitals".


I explained what the Falmer chief, the Shadowmaster as he is called, had shown me; the rows and rows of tiny pincers under the insect's tail.


"That's more or less what it feels like", Zaraia confirmed. "I think there must be something similar on my nipples where it has hold of my breasts. And then of course it has something long and hard shoved deep inside my sex, and something else sticking up my rectum. So it has all sorts of ways to hurt me, and it's not at all shy about using them".


"Anyway, it doesn't let me stand, it doesn't like me using magic. Even a simple Candlelight spell..." Zaraia cupped one hand and started to build the spell, ignoring the hissed warning from the trainer on her back. The energy started to coalesce, held for a second. Then Zaraia screamed, and the spell dissipated.


"It really doesn't like me doing that. I think I could probably cast, but I think I would pass out afterward. That's if it didn't just kill me. I think my days as a mage may be over" she said.


"You won't be hearing that thing forever", I told her. "You'll cast spells again".


"It's not just spell casting it doesn't like", she said. "It doesn't like me thinking like a mage. It doesn't even like me thinking like an academic."


"Are you saying it can read your mind?"


"I don't think ... ow! Ow! Ahgh!" Zaraia looked at me with a face become grey with pain. "Master, my friend here is growing impatient with all this thinking. Can we resume this later?"


And so we left it there.


As I write this, I once again find myself humbled, both by the courage of my apprentice, and by her dedication to her scholarship. I can think of few who would willingly suffer such pain simply to explore the boundaries of their captivity. I am also somewhat disgusted with myself for my fascination with the trainer itself, and the ways in which it controls its victim. Still, the situation being as it is, it is my clear duty to record such data as I am able.


Second Seed 16Edit

It seems I am destined never to get a full night's sleep in this place. I had thought that with Medilo and Imarum on their way back to the surface, I might at least sleep well. Instead, I have barely lain down on my bedroll when I find Shop kneeling at my side, pressing her forehead against the ground and begging me to find a use for her poor slavegirl body. There are worse causes of sleep deprivation, I suppose.

Eventually, I managed to get out of bed, and was able to resume my interview with Zaraia.


"What were you saying before about mind reading?" I asked her.


"It's more like reading emotions. If I call you 'master' while thinking of myself as a slave then it rewards me. If I call you "master" in the sense of 'master and apprentice' then it punishes me", she said.


"Another thing: it doesn't have to hurt me physically to punish me. Sometimes I feel weakness or nausea in response to some forbidden thought. It'd guess at some sort of toxin, but I don't feel any bite or sting".


I realised I had yet to tell Zaraia about the way in which the trainer was fastened on to her blood flow, and explained to her what the Shadowmaster had shown me.


"That would make sense", Zaraia said. "There are accounts of vampires who reportedly could taste fear or rage or ... or arousal ... in the blood of their victims. Maybe my friend tastes my emotions in my blood, and sometimes releases toxins into my system the same way". "Oh master, it hurts so much to continue like this. Please master, command me, make me obey. The reward for submission makes all the pain go away."


And so I held her head in my hands and make her say the words of the Falmer Crown. it seemed to make a fitting end to the session.


Second Seed 17Edit

I am considering publishing a pillow book on my return to the Imperial City. Beneath the Blackreach: One Wizard's Erotic Adventures Among The Sex Slaves Of The Falmer. It would destroy my credibility as a scholar, of course, but only if I have any left after Imarum returns, and that seems unlikely, somehow. So, if I am to be notorious in any event, why should I not be notorious and rich?

Certainly Shop is providing me with all the material I could ask for. She seems to have moved into my hut and seems intent on pleasing me in every way possible. As a result, I've been mentally reviewing the literature and, apart from case involving a hagraven and vagina dentata, I can't recall any cases where a penis really did drop off due to excessive employment. I find this reassuring.




Zaraia was already awake and waiting for me when I went to feed her. She caught my wrists and looked up at me.


"Val ..." she flinched at the pain of addressing my by my expedition nickname. "You know ... you know I'm not coming back from this, right?"


"Zaraia, we talked about this. I'm going to find a way to get you out of here."


"This thing ... it wants to change me. To change who I am deep down inside".


"We talked about this", I said again. "Just hold on and we'll get you out of there"


"You don't know what it's like! Ahh! Damn! It's working on me, all the time! It doesn't want me to use my brain. It wants me to think with my cunt, or not at all! It wants me to be your happy, sexy, brainless slut-puppy. And every time I do or thing something that moves me in that direction, it makes me feel good, and every time I try and move away from that, it hurts me. And every time you make me say the words to the crown, that locks all the changes in tight. It makes it so much harder to come back again".


"I had no idea..."


"It's going to win, I know that now. I've been hanging on, but I can feel my fingers slipping. It's only a matter of time before I fall, and all of a sudden it's a long way down. I'm going to be your happy, sexy slut puppy whether I like it or not. I'm going to fetch your slippers and warm your bed and cook your meals and suck your cock and clean your home and carry your children and I'm going to love every moment of it. I'm going to fuck and suck for you, and I'm going to do it how and when and where and with whom you say. I'm going to orgasm on command if it pleases you, or live a life of perpetual need and frustration if it doesn't, and I'm going to love you deeply no matter what."


"The only thing I won't be able to do is be the quick and clever scholar who helps you with your research, because that part of me is going to be burned away, and I don't know who I'll be without it and that scares me!"


Zaraia stared at me for a long time, panting with arousal and pain. Eventually I said "what do you want me to do?"


She looked up at me, eyes brimming with tears. "Please, master, get it over with. I don't want to have to wonder if I'll still be here when I wake up. Make me say the words, master. Make me say them over and over until. Destroy me now master, and let me be your slut puppy forever. Please, master, do it now. Promise me you will."


I took Zaraia's head in my hands and with a catch in my voice commanded her: "Say the words of the Falmer Crown" as I began to trace the spiral on her head.


I am a slut and a whore and a cunt, weak and worthless and worse than worthless, of no use, save for the holes in this body, holes which are useless unless filled by her master. The mouth, ass and cunt of this worthless slut all ache with need, and their need is this slut's need, a need that is greater by far than the slut who feels it, greater than any slut could resist: a slut is mastered by her needs, and through those needs shall she be mastered by others. This unworthy slut therefore begs though she has no right to beg, prays though she has no right to pray, that she might made to be the whore of one strong enough to master her and so master the needs which master her, she pleads to the Beautiful Falmer that they might enslave her as the lowest of their slaves, use her and abuse her, humiliate and demean her if they will only sanctify her filthy holes with the glory of Falmer seed; that they might someday redeem her worthless existence by filling her holes with their semen and her belly with their spawn.

I looked down at Zaraia. Tears were streaming down her face; her eyes silently pleading. I knew that the need to feed was strong in her. I steeled myself for what must be done. "Again", I said.

I am a slut and a whore and a cunt, weak and worthless and worse than worthless, of no use, save for the holes in this body, holes which are useless unless filled by her master. The mouth, ass and cunt of this worthless slut all ache with need, and their need is this slut's need, a need that is greater by far than the slut who feels it, greater than any slut could resist: a slut is mastered by her needs, and through those needs shall she be mastered by others. This unworthy slut therefore begs though she has no right to beg, prays though she has no right to pray, that she might made to be the whore of one strong enough to master her and so master the needs which master her, she pleads to the Beautiful Falmer that they might enslave her as the lowest of their slaves, use her and abuse her, humiliate and demean her if they will only sanctify her filthy holes with the glory of Falmer seed; that they might someday redeem her worthless existence by filling her holes with their semen and her belly with their spawn.

Zaraia breath now came in ragged sobs, her face the picture of grief. I steeled myself once again, but she spoke before I could give the command.

"Master? Please master, promise me something". I nodded. "Promise me you'll love your sexy little slut puppy? She is going to love you very much. She isn't going to be given a choice".


I swallowed with difficulty. "Again."


I am a slut and a whore and a cunt, weak and worthless and worse than worthless, of no use ..."

"No!" Shop snatched my hand away from Zaraia's head and pulled me away from her. "You may not do this now! There are formalities that must be observed!"

For a second I wavered. There was a moment when I could perhaps have completed the ritual. Then a squad of armed Falmer arrived brandishing weapons, and dragged me away. Behind me, I heard Zaraia's rising wail of anguish and frustration.


I can't write any more about this right now. I'll resume the account tomorrow.


Second Seed 18Edit

Yesterday's events upset me deeply and I fear Shop has borne the brunt of my displeasure; I was distressed by having to leave Zaraia in such anguish, but I was furious with Shop for her intervention.

When he time came for bed, Shop came and as is now her habit, knelt by my bedroll with her forehead pressed against the ground, awaiting my command. I left her kneeling there and went to to sleep.


Later in the night, I awoke to find myself standing proud. Then I called her into my bed and used her in the Falmer style, quickly, roughly and with no regard for her pleasure. After spending my seed in her, I sent her back to kneel again by the bed.


On the bright side, I have had my first good night's sleep in a long time. I should do this more often.




After rereading the above, I can't help but feel that I've been a little petty minded. It is not as though Shop had any choice in her actions, after all. As much as she seems to have attached herself to me, she serves the Falmer first and foremost.


I think I'll call her back into bed, maybe give her a little love and affection to show there's no hard feelings. I'll do it straight away after I finish this entry.


Then, I need to see if I can find out what happened yesterday. Can that creature really destroy a person's capacity for spell-casting and for analytical thinking? Zaraia seemed to believe it, and so did I at the time. Looking back on it, I wonder if we were not all caught up in moment of mass hysteria, somehow.


Looking back on it, I can't believe I was ready to destroy the mind of a good student and a fine scholar. No matter how prettily she begged me.


Well, I ought to finish up here, and help Shop get warmed through after what must have been a long cold night. Her knees must be sore after kneeling on the rocky floor all that time, so I think I'll start by rolling her onto her back.




When I went to see Zaraia, I found a guard outside her hut and a chaurus inside. I asked a few questions in halting Falmer and was given to understand that there will be a final ceremony tomorrow at which Zaraia's submission will be formally accepted. Up until which time there is to be no feeding of her, and no crown ritual. After giving grave assurances of my good behaviour, I was allowed to enter and speak with my apprentice.


The reaper chaurus remained, presumably to act as chaperone. It hissed and spluttered at me, and was answered by its smaller cousin on Zaraia's back. The trainer itself was active as it had not been for some time now, working at her breasts and groin and showing every sign of administering a brutal, continuing rape.


Zaraia nevertheless found a shred of her old humour and cheer when she addressed me.


"Greetings master. Your unworthy slave still thinks more than is fitting for one of her gender, but hopes you will soon find this defect to be rectified". She attempted a smile. "Command me Master, I am yours".


Suddenly, I felt overwhelmed by a sense of finality; as if this might be my last chance to talk to Zaraia, the real Zaraia. And for some reason, of all the things I needed to know, I could only think of one question to ask.


"Zaraia, everyone here tells me what a great slave trainer I am, about how we have a remarkable bond between us. Yet before we came to this place, I had never even thought of you as a slave, let alone trained you as one. Even so, the bond would seem to exist. How can this be?"


Zaraia screamed. It was a wail of pain and anguish and anger and frustration, and of pain again as the trainer disciplined her further for such an un-slave-like outburst. The chaperone chaurus spluttered at me and jerked its head in threat, and the guard entered with weapon drawn ... and then the wail subsided, leaving Zaraia weeping.


"This thing", she said, barely in a whisper, "this thing won't ... won't let me ... lie ... to you".


"Why would you lie to me?" I asked.


"It's ... embarrassing ... shameful."


"Tell me."


"I don't want you to know."


"Tell me!"


"Arrrgh! All right! I love you. I ... I always have".


"I ... I know it makes no sense", she continued. "I've told myself again and again that I was being foolish, that I'm too old to have a schoolgirl crush on teacher. I've tried to form attachments with students my own age ... nothing worked".


"I promised myself ... I promised myself that you'd never know. That I'd never embarrass you with my unwanted affections. And now even that is taken from me."


"I'm sorry", I said. I didn't know what else to say.


"It's all right. Soon I'll be good for nothing except cooking and cleaning and fucking and babies and doing as I'm told, and then it won't matter in the least. Except that I'll still love you. I'll always love you master. That's one thing the trainer didn't have to force upon me."


This all seemed too big and too complicated on top of everything else that had happened. Somehow, without any conscious decision on my part, I turned and walked out, walking without any destination in mind.


It was only much later when there was no one else to hear that I said the words I should have said back then.


"I love you too, Zaraia"



Second Seed 19Edit

As ever, Shop's changes of personality make my head spin. This morning found her missing from my bed. When she returned, Shop-the-Avatar was ascendant.

"Put these on!" she commanded, throwing a bundle in my general direction. it made a "clunk" when it hit the floor. With only mild trepidation, I examined the bundle to find a grubby loincloth wrapping a pair of chaurus chitin bracers and a one of the chitin groin guards worn by the Falmer rank and file.


I had thought to dress in privacy and try and gauge the effect, but Shop simply stared at me until began to dress. Stared down by a naked slavegirl! Is this really the same woman I left to kneel all night on a stone floor in punishment for displeasing me? How fleeting my dreams of mastery.


No matter. Returning to the garments, I was a little worried by the bracers, which looked poised ready to bite through my forearms. There were coiled wire thigh guards that i could not get to sit right, and the groin piece itself, which rather to my surpise proved unexpectedly comfortable. Dislocating my perceptions from my body (a surprisingly easy trick known to most university graduates) I was surprised at my appearance. I had expected to see a skinny old imperial drowing in too big armour, but found instead that the garb seemed to suit me, despite my being unquestionably skinny and old.


Shop appraised my appearence and pronounced me as respectable. "You will be part of the ceremony today. You are being afforded an unprecedented honour. Make sure you are worthy of it". And then she turned on her heel and walked out. That woman will be the ruination of me.


Second Seed 20Edit

I am in a large room made entirely of copper and gold. With me are family and friends; some of them I have not seen for a very long time; some of them I thought long dead. All are happy to see me, and I feel a great sense of joy at being in their company.

There is a great screech of metal and the ceiling moves. The room is a box and the ceiling a lid that has just been removed by a Dwemer of godlike stature, hundreds of feet high. The Dwemer stares impassively down at us, and then reaches into our box and picks up my mother. The Dwemer places my mother on a giant anvil and beats her with a hammer. My mother rings like a bell under the force of the blow, then vibrates and transforms before my eyes into one of the Falmer, who hisses defiance at us all and scurries away into the shadows.


The giant Dwemer, unperturbed, reaches into the box and picks out my father who calls out "we'll always be proud of you son!" as he is placed on the anvil and similarly transformed. I watch aghast as one by one everyone I have ever cared about is transformed into Falmer by an uncaring smith-god.


Imarum and Medilo are among the last to be taken. Imarum shouts out "this is all your fault" as she is taken. Medilo says nothing but makes childish faces at me as the great hand reaches for her. Shop splits into two women to try and escape the hand, but the Dwemer is not fooled and hammers both back into one, before transforming her.


Last is Zaraia, still locked in her trainer chaurus and wearing an expression of silly, mindless pleasure as the insect fucks her vigorously. She too calls out to me as the hand takes her away, but the noise of the forge is suddenly very loud and I cannot make out the words. I feel a sense of great loss as the giant hammers away the last of her humanity.


And then the hand reaches for me. it picks me up and pins me effortlessly against the anvil. The Dwemer god looks at me with pitiless eyes, raises the hammer, and strikes. Just as the blow is about to land, I awaken in my hut, drenched in sweat.




I must have dreamed the last entry, and then woke up to write it down. I can not now remember doing so, but on reading the entry I recall the dream vividly. I must have slept again after making the entry, although after reading it, I know not how.


But enough of dreams. There is much to record from yesterday. I should write everything down while the details are fresh in my mind.


The main portion of the Falmer warren (or at least that part I have explored) is a vast abyss with rocky ledges and outcroppings cling to the edges. These protrusions spiral down into the deeps (how deep I have yet to determine) aided by the occasional tunnel or chitin board.


Near the top of the abyss, a shattered remnant of some Dwemer ruin intersects with the pit, with two walls and section of floor having long since fallen away. Benches of Dwemer metal were fixed to the two surviving walls, and a fire had been built in the middle of the floor.


This was the site for the ceremony. A dozen or so Falmer stood at the edge of the room, their backs to the pit, apparently unconcerned about the yawning drop behind them. Shop carefully herded me into place in the middle of the line, and then stood behind me ready to advise me on my duties if necessary. Our position on the edge of the abyss forced her to stand pressed up against me, and I was acutely aware of her breasts pressing against my back.


The Shadowmaster gestured and Zaraia entered the area. She was crawling still, still controlled by the trainer.


Shop eased herself against my back, gaining my attention instantly. "She has the compulsion to submit", she murmured, "but not the habits of mind necessary for acceptance. This will not be an easy submission".


At some signal, the trainer made Zaraia turn and crawl, presenting her to the Shadowmaster, who promptly began the feeding ritual, with the oddly tender tracing of the crown, followed by a brutal face-fucking. Zaraia had hardly had time to finish swallowing before the trainer was urging her toward the second Falmer in the receiving line, there to receive the same treatment. Then the third. Then the fourth.


I was number seven in line. Zaraia looked up, her face spattered with drying semen, her thoughts clearly in the grip of some powerful, complex emotion.


"Feed her", Shop prompted me.


I did so, tracing her crown with all the tenderness I could muster, teasing out the moment while Zaraia held me in her mouth. Then, when I reached the final word, I emulated my Hosts, gripping Zaraia's skull in both hands and pumping my hips against her face, seeking to climax as quickly as possible. Behind me, Shop wrapped her arms around my chest to keep from being thrust backwards over the edge by my reverse thrusts. Then the moment arrived and I held her face mashed against my groin while I shot my seed directly down her throat.


Then it was the turn of number eight. Eventually, Zaraia had serviced all of us (apart from Shop, that is) and the trainer returned her to the middle of the room.


The Shadowmaster gestured to me, and I stepped forward. Shop murmured into my ear again: "Now: make her say the words. Do to her what you tried to do two days ago".


I took Zaraia's face in my hands and looked down upon her, searching for some emotion I could recognise. Was that acceptance I saw there? Permission? Forgiveness? I fear I saw only what I wished to see: my objectivity is compromised in this matter.


In any event, it mattered not. I saw no way forward but one. "Say the words", I told her, beginning to trace the spiral on her head, and she did. I listened to her recitation, and then ignoring her look of need, I said "again". Zaraia began again to recite the words of shame and submission. I could feel her body shaking as I held her head in my hands.


At the end, she said "Master, I ..."


I didn't let her continue. "Again!", I commanded, leaving her no choice to obey. I that if she begged me, I might weaken. And I feared for both of us if I did.


When Zaraia finished this time, her breath was coming in ragged sobs. "Master, no , please..." she said.


"Again", I said, my voice barely above a whisper. And so she began with "I am a whore and a slut and a cunt", sobbing out the litany of her slavery, her voice rising until she to a screamed the final words and threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around my legs and pressing her head against my groin. I reached for her head, to pull her up so I could repeat the ritual ... and then I realised what was NOT there. The chaurus mandibles were no longer wrapped around her neck!


Looking over Zaraia's shoulder, i could see the insect curling up on the floor, it's member seeming obscenely long as it withdrew from Zaraia and vanished into some internal space. Then it curled up completely into a small round ball of chitin and rolled away, to be snagged by one of the Falmer before it could roll off the edge of the room.


Zaraia continued to press herself against my legs. With her head buried in my crotch I could feel her lips moving. I believe she was repeating the opening words of the crown: "I am a whore and a slut and a cunt" over and over again. I could feel her shuddering against me, but somehow I believe she was shaking with relief.


The Shadowmaster raised his arms as he had on the day of the offering and shouted; a rising snarl that I now recognised as meaning "it is done". Then two of the Falmer took hold of Zaraia's arms, prising them from my legs and carrying her back and lowering her to the floor. Others took hold of her legs and pulled them widely apart, all of the Falmer crowding to help, or to touch and fondle. Not wishing to be seen as reticent, I took one of Zaraia's hands and squeezed it, getting a squeeze in return, which I found reassuring.


Then the Shadowmaster knelt between Zaraia's thighs and had his way with her. Then he swapped places with one of the lesser Falmer who took his place between her legs. And so it continued, each of the Falmer taking his turn with the helpless woman they held pinned against the ground.


Observing the rapes (who would have thought the life of an academic would lead me to such voyeurism?), it seemed to me that there was a difference from the last time I had watched this scene unfold. On the previous occasion the sexual activity had been dispassionate, almost detached. On this occasion I could sense definite passions at play. Still not lust somehow, but more like triumph, I thought.


The other difference, of course, was that on this occasion I too was expected to take a turn.


Taking up position, I looked down at the woman spread before me. I felt it was vital to enter the spirit of the ritual, that our lives might still depend upon my following the customs of our hosts. And so I tried to set my mind to that same attitude of triumph. This was the woman of my enemy, I told myself, an enemy lying slain on the field of battle, and now I would further avenge myself upon him by violating his woman, by taking that which he treasured most.


When I entered her, I thrust in hard, sinking myself to the hilt in her sex. Each stroke I imagined was another spear through the heart of my enemy. With each thrust I claimed for my own what was rightfully his. With each stroke I sought to occupy enemy territory, that it might know itself occupied, conquered and laid to waste. I sought to make the act of sex an expression of hatred and revenge. My orgasm, when it came, was overwhelming, and I felt Zaraia spasm around me as I slumped forward, spent.


And then her lips were against my ear, still whispering those ten words: "I am a slut and a whore and cunt".


Falmer hands helped me to rise, and I returned to my position on the outside of the group, holding Zaraia's hand, shocked by how deeply I had entered my role; how easily the attitude of conqueror came upon me.


Soon all the Falmer had taken their turn, and more slaves appeared, this time bearing wine. The wine was passed round and the slaves promptly put to use. Zaraia continued to draw attention with three of the Falmer exploring ways in which they could all make use of her at once. Shop too was squirming under the weight of a Falmer. I drank from a bottle that had been pressed into my hand, and watched the orgy unfold.


My recollections get a little hazy after that. I know I took my turn with some of the serving girls, as well as twice more with Zaraia. The second time she was no longer restrained and wrapper her arms and legs around me, still whispering the same words in my ear. At the time I found this almost unbearably erotic; now I can only hope that she will stop in due course.


One recollection is clear: toward the end of the proceedings, the Shadowmaster gestured me to one side, and we sat together on the Dwemer metal benches against one of the walls. As sometimes seems to happen, inebriation seemed to improve my grasp of the language, and we had quite a long talk. he seemed pleased by my performance in the earlier ritual, and encouraged me to ask questions. I remember asking about the trainers: how the Falmer had created them (they must surely be bred for one specific purpose) how they were controlled.


The Shadowmaster promised me I would learn these things in time. Then he told me he had a gift for me and handed me a potion bottle. The contents looked and smelt vile, but I forced the liquid down thinking that if the Falmer desired my death, there were easier ways to accomplish this than to poison me.


Afterward I felt no different and said so. The Shadowmaster made what could have been a smile: "That was not your gift", he said. "Go home now. Seek me out tomorrow".


So I went home, and must have been asleep moments afterward.


And now that this journal is up to date, I suppose I should seek the Shadowmaster as instructed.


One thing that disturbs me from yesterday, one of many but the main one I suppose, is how easily I fell into the role of the vengeful conqueror. I am not a violent man. I am a mage, and one not greatly inclined to adventure. I prefer scholarship to spell-casting by far. And yet if will and intent are to count for anything, I wholeheartedly raped Zaraia yesterday. With every thrust I sought with all my power and all my force and all my will to dominate her, to drive home to her who was the master and who the servant.


Zaraia feared she might not return from this place except changed beyond her own recognition. I fear she may not be the only one.



Second Seed 20, ContinuedEdit

I met the Shadowmaster outside the hut where Zaraia's "training" had taken place. My drunken confidence in the Falmer language had evaporated overnight, and I was largely dependent on Shop to translate once again.

The Shadowmaster gestured toward the hut. Inside I could see a new slave shuddering in the grip of a trainer chaurus. More than one in fact.


"Your slaves ran away", Shop said, speaking for the Shadowmaster.


The slaves were elves I realised as my eyes adjusted to the gloom. Altmer and Dunmer.


"As a gesture of friendship", Shop continued, "we return them to you".


I cannot describe the feeling of dismay that came over me. My escaped slaves could only be Imarum and Medilo. I would have gone to them, but one of the Shadowmaster's entourage barred my way.


"Call them to you", said the Shadowmaster. So I called out the names of my colleagues. This seemed to amuse the Falmer greatly.


"Not like that. Call them!"


I didn't know what was expected of me. The Falmer were all looking at me expectantly, but my mind had gone blank. I frowned at the floor, hoping they would take it for furious concentration.


"How did you sleep last night?" I blinked, startled by the sudden recollection of a giant hammer descending upon me. It must have shown in my face. "You dreamed of the Hated Ones, yes? You were struck with the Soul Shaper? Then you know how to call them."


I turned my attention inward then, and found something that surprised me greatly. There was a spell, or something very like a spell, and one that I had no recollection of learning. Warily, I focussed my will upon the newcomer and cast. I had a momentary impression of strange energies flowing all around us, and then the feeling faded leaving me acutely conscious of the two trainer beasts.


"Call them!" repeated the Shadowmaster. I reached out with my mind and gently touched the one of trainer chaurus. I felt its answering attention, alert and ready to obey my commands. I touched the other one similarly.


"Call them!" I called, and the trainers answered. I found myself aware of the ways in which the insects motivated their hosts into compliance. The stinging pain used to provoke movement, the pains and rewards (some most subtle) that guided movement and muscles. It must have seemed to the women almost that their bodies moved of their own accord.


Imarum approached first, her face streaked with tears and contorted in pain. Clearly she was fighting against the trainer's control every inch of the way. Medlio was perhaps wiser, submitting herself to the guidance of the creature. She approached with lowered eyes and parted lips her face showing, if not serenity or pleasure, then certainly relief.


Guided by the trainers, the two elven women crawled to me and lay at my feet. I looked down at them and wondered what I should make them do next.


Mara have mercy, I could learn to like this.


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Add a photo 6th of Evening Star, 4th Era This assignment for the archmage is not only profitable...


The Journal of Dar'kan

In creating this book, I thought, "Well, the slavers guild has become somewhat known in its...


The Skyrim Slavers Guild: A Report for Madanach

This is about the Breton mage Jaylena who goes researching the Rapevine. She... ah... gets a bit...


The Field Journal of Jaylena

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I found your characters more memorable then skyrim's. I'd very much like to have a way of aquiring the girl zaraia somehow ingame, provided there'l be some way to reverse the falmer training procces, at least partialy. No sense brining in a character that lost it's personality for the sake of it's personality, right?


But if the pc female can somehow recover from the same ordeal...


2 days ago by A Wikia contributor Reply


If you are not currently a professional writer, you certainly could be.


15 days ago by Zellous Reply


Does writing software count? :)


I have actually made a couple of attempts a professional writing. It's a difficult market to break into though, and software has always been a more reliable money-spinner.


Maybe one day.


15 days ago by DocCloxx


DocCloxx, I just remembered, You know that dragon? In Blackreach. The one you get by 'Fus Ro Dah'ing the giant glowing ball? Maybe... A: all those forsworn servants were offerings to that dragon. B: The falmer have their own shout of... say... Submission? This shows to the dragon that the falmer submit another slave to him. But you use "Unrelenting Force" which is a very arrogant shout in the dragon's eyes, explaining why he comes to kill you? Maybe you could learn the Shout of Submission from the Falmer. You'd need to use their understanding though, because Dragons just don't submit to each other!


February 24 by 4onen Reply


Interesting. I do definitely do something with the dragon.


I was thinking a Daconic shout of "Submit!" as a command, rather than "I submit" as a plea. Still, the ancient slaves of the dragons must have had some way to communicate that submission.


I think if falmer could should like Draugr we'd all know about it by now. So I'm guessing the talent, if it exists must be very rare, maybe confined to that one city.


I do like the idea of the human servants being there (partly) as dragon food. That appeals greatly.


February 24 by DocCloxx


This idea made me think if there was a shout to make someone submit wouldn't there also be one "to" submit. Maybe someone can make this as part of this mod and going with the dragon and falmer in Blackreach you could have with the slave of falmer slavery get sold from falmer band to falmer band till you reach Blackreach (of course being repeatedly if not permanently broken in the process) where the falmer there have learned the words for a shout that the draugr used to submit themselves as slaves to the dragons. The falmer after learning this word and its affects have since learned ways to force slaves to learn the word and they then force the slave to shout it (maybe make the shout (if created) cause your pride to drop tremendously when used and those in hearing distance turn from hostile to friendly and also try and rape the shouter) so that the slave might be made to use the shout on command. The falmer then take the slave to the dragon where tehy make the slave shout her submission to the dragon who then does whatever he wants with the slave.


February 24 by A Wikia contributor


Possibly, the perk for giving yourself up to enemies could be used as a Power instead. That way you'd have a way to activate it without new key bindings ETC. The shout could have the same effect just without the perk... Although I like A Wikia contributor's idea.


February 25 by 4onen


Three books? should be like 7 with the size these are. Valina books are about 7 pages average, maybe less.


February 20 by A Wikia contributor Reply


And more to come. It's very likely some savage edits will be needed.


February 20 by DocCloxx


This thing is definitely growing by the hour. At this rate I really will end up writing a novel for the mod.


On the other hand, until the CK arrives, why not?


January 28 by DocCloxx Reply


I agree. At least by writing this you keep people interested in this mod and you put your ideas down for anyone who might take this up if you have to much of a problem making it.


January 30 by A Wikia contributor


I'm just saying. The 'entry' for Rain's Hand 24 is more than half of the book. I can understand why it is, but it seems like if the guy's not just utterly obsessed with sex he might've written about other stuff as in depth as well. Where's the page and half of him talking about how the Falmer use taste & smell to identify ingredients for their cooking; and theories about how this may have lead them to develop their natural poison resistances due to long term low-level exposures to poisonous ingredients.


I get that You're focusing on the 'horror/sex' scene, but the author doesn't know that' tomorrow he's gonna need the rest of the book to write about this horrific thing he's going to witness.


January 27 by A Wikia contributor Reply


I did think about making it clear early on that this was his personal journal, and that his research data was being kept in a separate volume, which might have helped. This is very much Valerius' account of the things that happened to his expedition at this point, rather than his formal field log. Maybe I should make the point plain, early on.


Beyond that though: I'm not convinced my own grasp of TES lore is good enough to delve any deeper into it than I am doing. Equally, this work is in danger of turning into a novel as it is. I thought that lecturing the player on the declensions taken by Chimeric nouns when subjected to the syntactic conventions of the Dwemer might be pushing my luck a bit too far.


It's not that it mightn't be fun to explore some non-sexual matters, and hope to have Valerius continue to record the occasional academic insight or speculation. But the priority is to tell the story.


I suppose that, like most things in the TES world, there's a compromise between immersion, realism, and getting the story told. I think my priority here has to be the story.


January 27 by DocCloxx


This might just be me: But this doesn't really read like a Skyrim book.


January 27 by A Wikia contributor Reply


Well, the style I'm going for is "dry, old fashioned and academic". Combined with the horrific events and the diary format, the whole thing ends up a bit "H.P.Lovecraft" in tone. But then, I figure there's such a range of writing styles and tones in the TES Lore already, it can probably cope with one more.


In any case, I'm not sure how else I could really write it, to be honest.


January 27 by DocCloxx


Don't be bothered by his/her comments. It's entirely workable. Besides, there is no such thing as a Skyrim-style book, which is what I presume this poster is trying to say. In the game books come in so many different style that to subscript them all to a single style is meaningless, all written by different authors (Both ingame and in real life).


January 27 by Shinteo



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The Field Journal of Jaylena



The Field Journal of Jaylena Edit Comments12 125PAGES ON


What is this about?Edit

This is about the Breton mage Jaylena who goes researching the Rapevine. She... ah... gets a bit more up close and personal than most would like. ;)


Date, First of Frostfall, 4th Era

I hear from all the other mages that I have a bit of a morbid obsession with dangerous plants. I heard about the Conpressor Vitis, commonly known the 'Rapevine', in alchemy lessons, with the mages guild, and haven't really been able to take my mind off them. The thought of a plant, that bases its entire survival and reproduction system on that of other animals and creatures... It's a concept that just, just draws me in. I don't even know what I'm doing, writing a journal about such a morbid topic. I might even get expelled from the guild if this gets out. Still, I feel compelled to document my work. Any good mage does right?


Date, Fith of Morning Star, 4th Era


I've been travelling to Skyrim. It seems the plant is most common to this area, and may even be native. I'm going on the pretence of exploring ruins, but nobody ever asks more deeply about expiditions exploring ruins in Skyrim. Those expeditions tend to... disapear. I guess people don't want to get involved with these ill fated expeditions. I don't blame them. Anyway, its a perfect cover for the actual subject of my research.


Date, Eleventh of Morning Star, 4th Era


I have been talking to victims of the rapevines in Falkreath. It was the first city I came to, and it seems to have the densest population of the plants. One of the men in town lost his wife to one of them. The Blacksmith's wife had been attacked by one, but was found before the vines hardened. The blacksmith created a special blade to slice through the semi-hardened bark of Conpressor Vitis . He seems to have lost the blade though. He's hoping that someone could find it so that he could free other townsfolk that get trapped. He last remembers having it near .


Date, Twelth of Morning Star, 4th Era


Talking to townsfolk is informative, but doesn't give me very much detail on the plants. Today I'm venturing out to look for one myself, if I find it I'll make a sketch of it for the record.


Date, Cont.


It grabbed me! I not exactly sure what happened, I stepped on something thick in the grass. It flicked up, knocking me over, and dragged me in closer to the center plant. I'm writing this in a very... akward position. It's violating me in... All three major oriphices! Writing is my only voice right now. Gods, I hope someone finds me before these harden. I wouldn't mind the embaressment!


Date, Thirteenth of Morning Star, 4th Era


I can feel it getting harder as I struggle to free myself. I also feel something else, deep inside. Gods, it might already be too late. I heard about the metabolic changes, but I never thought that they were serious. Please! Someone find me!


For the record, the 'Akward position' described above is hanging upside-down by my legs. The plant doesn't seem to realize I have arms or something. Also, the vine in my sex isn't hardening along with the others. Sometimes it actually slides out leaving my sex open for squirles and foxes. Someone, I could really use a hand right now!


Date, Fourteenth of Morning Star, 4th Era


I know its too late at this point. The sap, described by earlier researchers, it's already starting. I barley feel any give in the vines anymore. Great Kynareth! Why?


Hanging like this gives one a lot of time to think. I'm going through all my memories but I don't remember anything about a version of the Conpressor Vitis like this, leaving the victims arms free. If only I kept a dagger on me before I got trapped up here!




I don't even remember the date. Writing is near impossible now. I can barley move. No point struggling anymore. To anyone who finds this, I don't even care. I'm gone.


~Jaylena, I think that's my name


Other infoEdit

This book will be found nearby a Rapevine at Falkreath. The Rapevine may have a Breton Mage strapped in for a ride, but she will be weeks beyond the point of saving. This particular Rapevine can only appear between January and March, ingame. It will only appear once.

This could lead to a questline involving the Falkreath Blacksmith to find the Rapevine Bane


A more sensible term for the name has been decided. Conpressor Vitis.


Thanks Doc!


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I came up with another nasty idea for the Falmer, and realised it far too complicated to, model,...


The Journal of Falcedon Valerius

Add a photo 6th of Evening Star, 4th Era This assignment for the archmage is not only profitable...


The Journal of Dar'kan

In creating this book, I thought, "Well, the slavers guild has become somewhat known in its...


The Skyrim Slavers Guild: A Report for Madanach

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I know she wrote it in an "uncomfortable" position. But I have to ask anyway, she is tied and has no way to move. How on earth did she write this?


February 29 by Windu190 Reply


You know what would work here really well? Twins.


Have a pair of sisters with a common obsession. They know that whoever gets captured by the vine is unable to record their findings. However, being twins, they've been able to develop a special telepathy spell that only works between the pair of them. So the deal is one of them offers herself as a victim while the other shares the experience vicariously and records it.


Maybe they only intended to get an initial record of the experience with the free sister rescuing her captured sibling before things passed the point of no return. Maybe the sisters were seduced by pleasure or aphrodisiac scent, or maybe the rescuer was delayed by guardian trolls or swooned from pleasure, or was detained by bandits - or some combination thereof. Maybe it was outright betrayal that made her leave her sister long enough for the vines to harden into wood.


But it lets us record the feelings of total helplessness and exposure felt by the rapevine victims. And it lets us establish one thing: that the victims retain their mental faculties after being captured. They're very highly aroused certainly but never to the point where the conscious mind shuts down. That's the essential moral dilemma of the Rapevine. Do you kill it, knowing your actions spell the death of its captives? Or do you let it live and enslave more victims, maybe to fruit and spread new vines across Tamriel. (That could be a good way to encounter the first Rapevine - in an sealed enclosure somewhere, or one of those open-topped cave systems sealed with magical wards. Some wizard tried to find an ethical solution by letting the victims live, but preventing the plant from claiming any new victims).


And, getting back to the journal, for a final twist the second sibling could eventually offer herself to the plant voluntarily. Either out of guilt or lust or a mixture of the two. The two women could be found lashed to the plant's trunk, side by side, with the journal (somewhat stained by honey-like secretions) at the ground by their side.


In fact, we can combine that with the sealed cave - the girls were caught and when someone came looking for them, sealing the cave was the solution they chose. The book is left there on a pedestal as a warning to those who would break the seal. Inside, the two sisters still alive and bound side by side, half mad with lust since the seal kept visitors out, meaning no release for their vine-enhanced lusts.


And if a male player decides to take advantage, he could be responsible for the first rapevine seed event in a century or more :)


March 1 by DocCloxx


Wow.. you really thought this through. I think this page could use some major renovation. With the content you just wrote it will also be considerably longer because it's far too short atm.


@4onen I support Doc's idea. It would makes this journal a lot better and longer. More like the Falcedon Valerius Journal.


March 1 by Windu190


Strictly speaking, (and in my best academic terminology) the Conpressor Vitis only makes permanent intrustions into the mouth and anus; the vagina left free to be repeated penetrated both by the plant's flower and by visiting creatures attracted either by the captive's honey-like secretions or by the female's blatant (if involuntary) display of sexuality.


That said, it also usually restrains the arms, which would make journal keeping impossible. Maybe Jaylena discovered a mutant strain. That would be ironic.


February 29 by DocCloxx Reply


Yeah it would be interesting to showcase various mutant strands of the plants. Maybe one that instead of keeping the victim in one place allows the victim to leave (with a seed pod in them) and once the seed pod has received enough nutrients it begins to grow eventually growing out of the women's vagina and then going through the process of trapping her in place.


February 29 by A Wikia contributor


@A Wikia Contributor, you need to register! That idea seems perfect! @DocClox I'll see if I can fit that mutant strain info in. I'm also going to do something with one of Jaylena's roommates in the mage's guild, and DASTARD. ;)


February 29 by 4onen


Thanks for the compliment but all i can really do is come up with ideas for various components.


February 29 by D Knight Pen


This mutant strain attracts females and fucks a seedpod into them? I mean does it grow some kind of anchor before it sprouts out of the sex so that it can't be pulled out of the slippery orifice? If it acts like the original Conpressor Vitis after rooting into the ground then it needs to vacate the vagina, after entering the mouth and anus, so males can cross pollinate the plant. It reabsorbs the original anchor? Are these smaller, single woman, plants? Does it sprout from one woman, root to the ground, use her as a lure for pollination, when the seed is ready catch another woman and insert a seed pod, lets her go, and then starts attracting males again?


13 days ago by Zellous




February 29 by A Wikia contributor Reply


@DocClox What do you think? We really need a scientific name for Rapevines. Lilyvine is a placeholder. Also, if this book is made maybe we could get an orange-ish splatter on it? (Rapevine sap)


February 28 by 4onen Reply


I like it. This one definitely ought to go in :)


Not sure about "Lilyvine" though I agree it needs a more formal name. "Maidensbane" maybe? Naw, that's a folkname if ever I heard one.


The latin for slaver vine or captor vine would be "raptor vitis" which might do, although too many people can't hear raptor without thinking Jurassic Park.


Conpressor Vitis would apparently translate as "rapist vine", which at least sounds academic enough.


February 28 by DocCloxx history


4onen: Posting on my mobile device, srry. Anyway, Conpressor Vitis! Perfect! As soon as I can get online I'll edit that into this page and the Rapevine Wiki page. Thanks!



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Chaurus Trainers



Chaurus Trainers Edit Comments0 155PAGES ON



The Trainer Chaurus is a smaller version of the chaurus insects used by the Falmer as pets and guard dogs. The trainer variety has been specially bred and adapted to help the Falmer break in new slaves,

The insect placed on the slave's back, where it is worn like a garment. When "equipped" the chaurus reaches around the slave's body with its legs, grasping the slave across her breasts, belly and pubis. The chaurus mandibiles close around the slaves neck, and lock together. The creature's lesser mouth-parts fasten onto a vein in the neck from which the beast can draw sustenance, and through which it can introduce venom into the bloodstream.Finally, the creature's tail curls between the slave's legs. A long ovipositor forces its way deep into the slave's vagina, while rows of tiny pincers fasten themselves to the vaginal lips and clitoris


Securely fastened against her body, now the creature can quickly administer pleasure and pain to the slave, as well as instant weakness or paralysis (by means of toxins) or death by decapitation.


The creatures instinctively understand a number of commands from their handler, and may be instructed to follow, stay or go to an indicated position. The beast guides its host to comply using pleasure and pain stimulus, and the host quickly learns to obey (or at least gets a quest marker to see where she needs to go). The creature can also be commanded to inflict punitive pain, as well as stimulating to orgasm, and stimulating and maintaining arousal at a level just shy of that needed to climax. Weakness venom can be administered to make a violent slave more tractable, or just to compel her to crawl or to lie down. The paralytic venom may be used to cause a loss of consciousness while more complex adjustments are made. In some ways, it's like a sticky, insect version of a chain beast, but with operator remote control.


The creatures rely on their hosts blood supply for nourishment and quickly die without a host. However, properly stimulated, they can be induced to curl into a ball and estivate until needed. If the guild relations with the Falmer are good enough, the Falmer will sell Chaurus Trainers in this form, along with the spells and recipes needed to control them.



Enslaved PlayersEdit

The usual procedure for slaves new to the Chaurus Trainer is to make them crawl into a secure location and then to reduce their effective strength to zero. Thereafter the trainer will slowly ramp up the PC's levels of pain and arousal. At 50% levels in each, the player will be given the choice of allowing herself to orgasm, or continuing to resist. If she submits to the orgasm she loses some pride and gets to sleep for a while before the process begins again. If she resists then the pain and pleasure continue to ramp up with the option being presented again at 75/75 and 100/100.

Usually at some point in this process the slave's effective willpower will be reduced to zero by the combination of pleasure and pain. When this happens, even if the PC resists she will be told that she finds her orgasm forced upon her and she will get a slightly smaller loss of pride than had she submitted. The PC will then pass out, which is more or less the same as sleeping, but less restful.


If the PC somehow continues to resist past 100/100 then she will begin to lose heath. This is a process that can be fatal.


If the player is a captive as result of a Falmer Ceremony of Offering, then when either the player's pride or health has dropped low enough, the Falmer will begin the feeding ritual intended to imprint the Falmer Crown upon the player.



For the player experience, it could be really cool to throw in a few dream sequences for the passing out phase. (These are probably more effort than is practical, but I might as well record the ideas). For instance:

The PC finds herself in Dragonsreach, but the doors have been replaced with swirling energy and she cannot pass. Everyone in the hall is as she remembers save that when she talks to them, all they will say is the words of The Falmer Crown, transposed into the second person "You are a slut and a whore and a cunt, weak and worthless and worse than worthless ..." The inhabitants gradually converge upon the player and herd her towards the doorway into the great porch, which is the only working door in the dream world. The player is not forced to use the door, but the dream will not finish until she does. When she enters the great porch, she will find it contains not a dragon but a dragon sized chaurus, which will attack and kill her ... and then she wakes up.

The PC is in Jorrvaskr and all the Companions have the heads of Chaurus beasts. The attack the PC and proceed to strip and rape her. As the rape continues the Companions chant the words of The Falmer Crown, as above. The player wakes as the rape concludes, being presented with another option to allow herself to orgasm or continue to resist.

We wouldn't want to do those more than once each, although there's room for a few more variations on the general theme.



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Order of the Silver Dragon



Order of the Silver Dragon Edit Comment1 138PAGES ON


A Breton Knight order, the Order of the Silver Dragon is founded on the remains of an older Order, The Order of the Golden Dragon, itself an off-shot of the famed Order of the Dragon founded by Tiber Septim himself.

The Order of the Golden Dragon was initially founded in High Rock as a branch of the Order of the Dragon from Cyrodiil. It became it's own order after the near-collapse of the Empire following the Oblivion Crisis.


After the White-Gold Concordat was signed, the order came down to disarm all of the Knight Orders. Many ancient Orders, who could trace their lineage back even beyond the First Era, were lost. However, the Knights remember, and have kept their swords ready for the day they can return.


The Order of the Golden Dragon is no different. However, the Knight-Commander of the Golden Dragon found a loophole in the Concordat, which states that "No man may bear arms in a Knightly Order." Instead, he recruited female squires, and trained them as best he could within the year given to disarm. At the end of the year, he knighted the whole lot, and handed command over to the most promising pupil before stepping down. So was born the Order of the Silver Dragon.


Many others, seeing the example set by the Golden Dragon, did the same. Thus were the Knight Orders of Breton preserved. The Thalmor, naturally, weren't pleased with the whole thing. But as it is in their own Concordat, it was not something they could change on a whim. So they had no choice but to accept it. That didn't stop them from limiting the new Knight Orders as best they could, reducing their recruitment and armaments to the absolute minimum.



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Straitjackets Edit Comments7 149PAGES ON


Straitjackets work almost the same as cuffs, in that they remove the use of arms, but also cover the torso slot of the body. Its main advantage over cuffs is that once applied to a girl, she cannot easily remove it, as the use of her hands is entirely disabled. A side effect to the straitjacket is that failed escape attempts raise the arousal of the wearer due to the crotch strap.

The main disadvantages of the straitjacket is that it takes a lot of weight in the inventory of the slaver and also take a long time to properly apply to a girl.


List of straitjackets availableEdit

Cloth straitjacket:

The weakest jacket available. It can be very easily crafted, using little resources and takes not much weight in the inventory. This means it is also not the best item to restrain strong defiant slaves with. This jacket does not cause any penalty or bonusses in escape attempts. Because cloth is easily ripped, the close presence of reachable sharp objects, such as knives, will give the wearer a bonus in escapology.



Canvas straitjacket:


The more average jacket. This straitjacket alone can be considered enough to contain most girls. It will give the wearer an escapology penalty of 10%. The presence of a reachable sharp object does give a slight bonus, but not much.


Leather straitjacket


Stronger than the canvas jacket. It also takes up a lot of weight in the inventory, comparable to vanilla leather armor (6). The wearer will get an escapology penalty of 20%, as leather is very stiff. Sharp objects can't help the wearer either. This straitjacket also has an armor rating, giving the wearer a little bit protection and is improvable at the workbench. Its double use as armor makes it an effective tool for slavers who like to take their girls on a date.


The straitjacket enchantmentEdit

Here is an idea for a fun enchantment a slaver can add to the jacket: Once a slave wearing the jacket leaves a certain distance away from the slaver, or her prison, the crotch strap will tighten and start to vibrate driving the girl near orgasm and keeping her at that point. It will stop doing so when the slave returns withing the desired distance. For a slave wearing an enchanted straitjacket it means her arousal will hugely raise, which also lowers her pride.

Painted straitjacketsEdit

It might be fun to allow players to paint a straitjacket with certain colors or drawings. This is done by using an unpainted jacket as part of a crafting recipe along with a bottle of dye. This can cause some amusing effects, such as a tough warrior girl wearing a girly pink straitjacket with colorful flowers.

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Any chance of an armbinder ? Or simply elbow cuffs that can be added to wrist cuffs to increase the escape difficulty without being quite so heavy as a full straightjacket ?


5 days ago by Flash Novice Reply


Elbow cuffs might have the same inescapability as a straitjacket, but lack, in my opinion, the appeal an SJ has.


5 days ago by Dark-Lord-


I like elbow cuffs, but from what I saw of aeon's work with the hogtie, I think we'll get distortions in the mesh if we force the skeleton into that postion.


Let's face it, human skeletons aren't designed to bend quite that way, so we can't blame Beth. It's a bity really since I quite like elbow cuffs. We might be able to sort out something with a short chain I suppose.


Armbinders might be easier, but the problem area is the shoulders which tend to deform. Straitjackets might at least allow us to cover the deformation.


Alternatively, we could always have a combined wrist, elbow and shoulder yoke, and use the yoke to hide the mesh errors.




My comment: must have forgotten to log in DocClox 15:59, May 17, 2012 (UTC)


5 days ago by A Wikia contributor


A straitjacket pose can be realized by using a modded version of the armfold pose. At least, that is what I think


5 days ago by Dark-Lord-


Thinks ... Flash Novice ... armbinders ... elbow cuffs ...


You're thinking "ponygirl" aren't you? ;)


5 hours ago by DocCloxx


And I've been looking at the two wheeled carts funny. I did try to edit a nif file but since I have NO clue what I'm doing, that was an utter failure.


4 hours ago by Flash Novice


I can point you at a couple of decent tutorials :)


Or see if you can catch aeon or calyps on IRC



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