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Picture Book "THE STORY TELLER" Post A Pic Tell a Story in TESV

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The Story of Miraak, the Dragonborn, and how he met my Dragonborn... kind of. Caution, many big pictures ahead.























Awesome ! Made me laugh :D



Thanks, then at least making this wasn't a complete waste of time :)


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Hello Everyone!


After Lanaya’s first appearance on Reidun’s story (great job by Robton BTW, highly recommended reading – you can check it out here), I was inspired to write Lanaya’s own story. So here is the first chapter.


This is my first story, so I hope you like it. Feedback is always appreciated.






Chapter 1



Well it all began when I was young. My mother, a dunmer named Liliah, died giving birth to me. I never met her. My father, Gaius, was a brilliant alchemist who had enlisted with the legion.




Though he had to perform his duties as a soldier when called upon, he was a primarily a medic. His real job was to save lives, not take them.




After he married my mother, things changed. Fascinated by dunmer culture, he started researching the use of unconventional ingredients in potion making. He added blood, both mortal and daedric, granulated soul gems and even skooma into his mixtures. One of his concoctions, which could make any man a veritable juggernaut, was the most powerful potion I had ever seen.




One day, in a battle, the Legion was being pushed back on all fronts. Every soldier brought to his tent was beyond healing, except by maybe one thing.




He gave the potion he had not yet perfected or tested thoroughly to all the imperials that still could fight. The resulting counterattack was a massacre. The imperial soldiers fought like dwemer automatons, devoid of pain or emotion, with simply power running through their veins.




But the victory came at a terrible price for father. His brothers-in-arms, who just a moment before walked as lions among sheep, now were writhing and convulsing.




One by one, they died in terrible pain. The potion had had a huge side- effect: the human body could not survive such stimulation and adrenaline rush without shutting down completely.




It was then that my father retired. He couldn't serve the Empire anymore after such tragedy. He swore to never raise a sword again and decided to live the rest of his life trying to make amends. From that day he chose the life of a travelling merchant, journeying across Skyrim and selling people curative and fortifying potions. He was the best in all of Tamriel.




When I was a little older, I began helping him, travelling at his side. The word about his potions had spread faster than we expected.




The Empire found him yet again. One day, an imperial soldier approached my father with a request. He asked us to concoct a formula for him. It was the same potion that had killed the soldiers a few years back, but of a much higher dosage. He promised us a compensation so obscenely large that we could retire and live on as the richest family in Skyrim. He said that with the civil war, the Empire needed all the help they could get.




My father would not have been able to live with the consequences. He turned down the offer.




Then the beast revealed its true self. He was a vampire. Being undead, the side effects wouldn't matter, and a brew like that would make a vampire powerful beyond imagination.




The only way he thought he could convince my father was by force. The vampire fell upon me with eyes burning with thirst. My father took up his old legionnaire sword and attacked the vampire, just as the first light of dawn broke over the horizon.




My father was grievously wounded. The vampire fled before it could finish us off, driving away by the sunlight. I survived, but my father’s wounds were fatal. He didn't make it.




With his dying breath, he asked me to cremate his corpse. He didn't wanted to rise again a vampire. I burned down our cabin, with my father’s remains inside. I watched on as it all turned to ashes and cinders.




I never detected that I was infected. I turned into a vampire on the third day.








To be continued…



Important notes:

Without these guys, I couldn’t have done this. So a huge thank you to:


NeonFireFly  - For giving me amazing tips on screenshooting.

Robton – For inviting Lanaya into Reidun's world.

Uncle_Sheo – For the great feedback and support regarding TES Lore and script improvement.

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Glorious unlife continues in


Machinations of a Lich - Chapter 2 Bloodlust


99 Images so a link to my blog here on LL to avoid blowing the thread up.


PS: Despite the amount of images, you shouldn't be afraid of reading. :P


For people who like adult themed (I'm not talking about porn here) necromancy/vampire stories (not the emo kind) and are new to LL and/or havn't read the story of my character Skana i suggest to start at the beginning with Unwilling Servitude.




Just be warned i didn't had a clue where i should take the stories direction until the 4th chapter of unwilling servitude.


Enjoy, or don't enjoy, leave a napalm bomb in my inbox , or flowers, i take it all!



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I totally forgot the great opportunities of shameless selfpromotion in here, so here it is:


The Dark Varla stone


After the short teaser now the first part of the story was reliesed; Nendalas first encounter in a land she never has visited before. But who is she anyway? Well, to find that out you will have to read the story. And with each additional chapter you will more and more see who she is - and how she changes.


Important note:

This is a story with pictures, not a bunch of pictures with a few sentences. In the future I might make more use of screenshots but they will remain secundary.


Small additional note:

While this story is basically within TES lore I changed a few things. For example: Screw Alduin.


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Rob and I threw together this brief preview of chapter three. I wrote the script, but all the credit for the title card and the idea itself goes to him!


Skooma Break

The Philosophy of J'Zargo Smith





This Collaboration was stellar had me SMH'n and LMAO! Great to have humor like this in story form, Great job and Outstanding screen Archery!


Hope to see them at the beach for skooma break...

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This is the intro chapter for my new story. I've been planning this story for ages and it's finally here. :D







Chapter 1: 25th Birth Week




My name is Ysgrette Iron-Heart. Today is the 2nd day of my 25th birth week.




Everyone in the tribe has a birth week when we reach our 25th birthday. During this week we prove to the rest of tribe that we are adults. On the 1st day, the birthday, we celebrate the day like any other birthday, but once the night comes we are given our first taste of mead. We drink 5 bottles of mead and then we are put in a ring with a Sabre Cat while we are probably tired and drunk. Those who kill the beast are then told to sleep.

On the 2nd day we leave the tribe with 6 people. We hunt, we kill, we pillage villages and we rape the men and women of those villages.... if we want to. We return home on day 4 of the week. I don't know what happens on days 5, 6 and 7.




When we return home, we are given a new name. This name is given to us based on our personalities and stuff.

I might look like a friendly person, but get on my bad side and my spear will find it's way into your heart.




Well... you're probably wondering who I picked to come with me and why I picked them....



Redd. Dangerous bitch. She earned her name by bathing in the blood of 10 men on her 25th birth week. I chose to bring her with me because I am helping someone. She uses 2 axes.





Grunt. He's a drunk, but he's one of the best warriors in the tribe. He got ill during his 25th birth week and he couldn't talk all week, but was making weird grunting sounds. He also uses 2 axes.





Cunt.... I only chose him because his brother Grunt wouldn't come with me if I didn't bring him. He raided a village full of weird Dibellan sex god worshippers. All the women were raped then killed. He left his mark by swinging his battleaxe at the dead women's cunts. He's a freak, but he's good with a battleaxe.





Haakon. Thinks all the women love him. He's my cousin and he's quite a good warrior. I brought him with me because he's been trying to bed Redd for months. I told him I'd help him if he helps me this week. He uses 2 axes.





Axes. Leader of the tribe Iron-Heart. He's not an Iron-Heart and he doesn't use axes. So why is he the leader and why is his name Axes?... I'll explain that another time.

Why do I get to bring the leader with me? I didn't chose to bring him, he's the leader of the tribe. The tribe was originally led by Roggi Iron-Heart, back when Ysgramor and the 500 came to Skyrim. And because my clan name is Iron-Heart, I get treated a little different to everyone else. He's the best warrior in the tribe and he uses a greatsword.





Odr. My father. He came with me because he's my father. All fathers leave the tribe with their children on the week of their 25th birthday. The fathers are the ones who watch us and decide on what to name us when we return home. Maybe one day I'll explain why he's not the leader. He uses a sword and shield.





So that's the group I've got with me. Soon we'll be having fun killing stuff.






Thanks to Robton for creating my story banner and for naming Haakon.



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And now... chapter that wasn't supposed to happen, but I'm glad that it did. (WARNING: Contains a BUNCH of words... for its lack of pictures)

Links to older chapters:

Arc One:


Arc Two:

Arc Three:

Current Arc: 






Flame-Child introducing One-Eye

Chapter Fifteen: The Returning...


Of [nouns] that used to be relevant

A returning soldier took a whiff in of the air and let out a content sigh. “Understone Keep.  So stuffy, so chilly… I’m home.”




The returning soldier walked onward and was met by a guard.  “Welcome back ma’am.” He saluted.  “Hope you had a safe trip.”


The soldier saluted as well.  “It could have been better, but I’m alive and I’m not complaining.”


“Understandable.  The Jarl will want to see you.”


“Indeed.  And I him.”


The soldier headed toward the throne room but was cut-off by another guard.  “Lady One-Eye! Glad to see you back in one piece ma’am.”  The girl saluted stared attentively at the soldier.


The soldier sighed.  “One piece physically anyway.”




The soldier called One-Eye leaned in closer and motioned the guard to do the same.  “Whiterun was attacked.”


“Damn Stormcloak bastards.”


“Actually I’m not sure about that.”  One-Eye said scratching her head.  “Actually only a tower outside of Whiterun was attacked, and the area around that seemed to have been razed by fire.” She shivered.  “Powerful magicks were at work there.”


“Master level?”


The soldier shook her head.  “No.  I don’t know.  But whatever it was, it wasn’t human.  And from what I’ve been hearing from rumors around the Whiterun-Riverwood area, if they are true, then this Civil War will be the least of our worries.” Seeing the guard’s face flush, the soldier patted her on the shoulder.  “But no worries, as long as we do our jobs there is nothing that can possibly breach Markarth’s walls.”  She saluted and gave the girl a nod before continuing.


Heading further in, One-Eye could see the Mournful throne and her heart skipped a beat.  (Igmund… my love…)  She shook the thought from her head and continued walking.  Her duty as a soldier and as a citizen of Markarth was to report her findings, and in her heart One-Eye knew this. Any feelings beyond this would have to be dealt with at a later time.


Just outside of the throne room the two guards posted were about to salute when One-Eye waved them off.  “No time for pleasantries I need to speak to the Jarl at once.


The guards on duty simply nodded and allowed her access.


As soon as she entered the throne room a loud voice shouted, “Halt! Who dares approach… Heilda!”


“I’m glad to see you as well, Faleen,” the soldier said, smiling.  “What’s with the hair?  One of the Jarl’s requests?”


Faleen smiled.  “Indeed.  I lost a bet, and this is the result.  But enough dilly-dallying. Please, approach the Mournful Throne.”


Heilda ascended the stairs toward the throne and stopped just short of it.


“Ah. So you’ve returned, Heilda,” Jarl Igmund said finally acknowledging the soldier’s presence.


She immediately took to a knee.  “That I have, and with grave news.”




“My lord, Whiterun was attacked.”


“By the Stormcloaks?” Igmund said.  “Damn Ulfric and his men to Oblivion.”


“No My Jarl, it was not the work of Ulfric’s men.”


“Then by who?  Quick now, hurry and tell me girl!”


Heilda swallowed hard, realizing how foolish her next words were about to sound.  “I believe, My Jarl, and I say this with full confidence, that Whiterun was attacked by a dragon.”


Silence fell over the throne room, everyone too stunned to say anything… that is until Igmund let out a laugh.  “Dragons? In Skyrim? Ha!” He rolled his eyes.  “This is all probably some ruse that Balgruuf, in his pacifist ways, is trying to put this war to a halt.” 


“Enough with the jokes One-Eye and give me your report,” Igmund said.


Heilda simply looked at the Jarl, which prompted his steward to act.


“Igmund, please at least entertain the girl’s words.  I would not believe that one of your best soldiers would lie to you outright like this.”


“But dragons?  Really Raerek?  Do you really believe that those creatures from legend have returned to Nirn? Do you know what that would mean?”


“Aye I do,” Raerek said.  “And that is precisely why we shouldn’t wave off the girl’s words.  Divines pray that she is mistaken.”


Raerek turned to the soldier and said with a grave look on his face, “Heilda One-Eye, child of Markarth, warrior of the Reach, is the information that you delivered hear today indeed true?”


“Aye, it is sir.”


Igmund looked from Raerek to Heilda both who seemed to be expecting something from him.  “Dammit,” he finally said.  “If the dragons have returned, then we must send word to General Tullius. Now’s not the time for Skyrim to be fighting amongst itself.”


“I will get right to it,” Raerek said.


Igmund nodded then looked at Heilda.  “You’ve done Markarth, no, all of Skyrim a great service this day.  Well done.”  He looked around like he was contemplating something then nodded. “No longer will you be known by your failure, One-Eye.  Go onward from this day forth and be known as Oath-Keeper.”


“I think it suits you,” Faleen said, happily.


(As do I.) “It is an honor, My Jarl,” Heilda said, not able to mask the happiness from her face.


Igmund sat back on his throne and sighed.  “Now then, it there anything else you have to report?”


“Aye, My Jarl.  Apparently when they were dealing with the dragon—”


“I need to see the Jarl!  It is very very important that I talk to him!”


“We’ll decide whether or not what you have to say is important or not,” said one of the guards posted outside of the throne room.


“Would you like me to handle this, My Jarl?” Heilda said.


Igmund slammed his fist on this throne.  “No… I will do this myself.” 


“As you wish.” Heilda rose, descended the steps and posted up on a wall.


Igmund took a deep breath.  “GIRL, I SHALL GRANT YOU AN AUDIENCE!” His voice resounded throughout the keep.


The intruder eagerly made her way into the throne room.  “Thank you so much, your excellency.  I was afraid that—”


“Who do you think you are to approach the Mournful Throne so flippantly,” Faleen said, scowling.  “You are out of your element Nord.  The Jarl may have granted you an audience, but I suggest you leave.”


“But I have news regarding—!!” Faleen’s cold stare stopped the girl short.


Igmund waved his housecarl off.  “Who are you girl?”


“Lucari Pure-Shot,” she said, her fear of Faleen completely washed away.


“What is it that you wish to speak of?”


Faleen shot Lucari a look.  “Choose your words wisely.”


“Vampires, Daedra and Forsworn have breached Markarth’s walls,” Lucari declared.  “The people aren’t safe.  Something needs to be done!”


Igmund rose to his feet.  “So you’re the one who has been spreading vicious lies about my guards and the security of my city.”  He clenched his fists.  “I should haul you off to Cidnah for your fear mongering and blatant attempts at demoralizing my citizens.”


“Calm down nephew,” Raerek advised.  “Just like earlier, there may be some—”


“I will NOT be calm Uncle.  What I will do is end this nonsense here and now!”


“Pure-Shot, what pleasure do you receive from this?  Clearly you’re a wolf trying to set my sheep into disarray.” He looked Lucari dead in the eye.  “But you’ve made a grave mistake, girl.  I know who you are, what you look like, and from the rumors going about I know exactly who your accomplice is.”


“You don’t understand!  I’m only trying to—”


“If your name or actions find their way into my ears again,” Igmund said, ignoring the girl. “I promise you you’ll never see the light of day again.  That goes for your friend as well.”


“This is insane! People are dying by the day in your town and you choose to turn a blind eye to it?” Lucari said. “This is crazy… this is madness!”


“Madness?” Igmund laughed and nodded toward his housecarl.


“THIS, IS, MARKARTH!” Cheers filled the keep at the sound of her decree. 


“W-what is wrong with you people,” Lucari said, her eyes filled with bewilderment.


“It seems that this creature can’t seem to take a hint,” Igmund said as he sat back down.  “Maybe the guards she thinks so ill of can help her with that.  RAEREK!”


“He means you should go child,” Raerek said.  “Unless mining silver until you cough it up is how you envisioned spending the rest of your life.”


“This is hopeless,” Lucari said.  “I’ve got to find her… she’d know what to do.”  The girl turned and ran from the throne room.


Heilda watched her as she made her way out of the keep. “That was a determined look in her eyes, My Jarl,” Heilda said.  “She’s definitely going to stir up trouble if left alone for much longer.”


“Can I count on you to handle her, if things get out of control, Guard Captain?” Igmund asked.


“Of course.”


(Dragons, Vampires, Forsworn, Daedra, wannabe heroes, and a mortal that can slay dragons?  Now is definitely not the time for war… Nor is it the time for Heroes to be cooped up in cities playing guard.) Heilda smiled having come to a conclusion. “I guess I’ll have to remind them all why I used to be called the Steel-Warden of the Reach.” (And maybe I can get my hands on the bitch that gave me the moniker ‘One-Eye’.)




“What’s wrong Inferno?  Feeling a bit chilly.”


“N-no.” Niyleen said wiping her nose.  “I feel fine.”


“That bs about people talking about you isn’t real,” Carciel said, rolling her eyes. “So get your shit together Flame-Child.  We’ve got recon to do.”


Read only after the story:

Thanks everyone for reading. Hope you all enjoy.  This was supposed to be a... different chapter.  But I love how it came out so yeah... Anyway, development are about to... develop in the upcoming chapters, so I hope that's something to look forward to.

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The Blackreach Experiments Part 13 - Sacrifices

If you missed part 12, you can find it herehttp://www.loverslab.com/blog/148/entry-673-the-blackreach-experiments-part-12/
Who was favorite character out of all of these? If one comes up in a later story, which one would you like to see? 

**** A few months after General Tullius departed Riften ****

Celine had gone missing recently and Jarl Lawgiver had come to speak to Kiva. “Please, Jarl Laila Lawgiver, if you find anything out about my mother let me know. I don’t want to lose her too.” 

Laila looked down at Kiva with pity. “Kiva dear, we’ll do everything we can to find her. And don’t worry, even without your mother, you can still live here. Plenty of people around here will look after you.
“Thank you Laila. It means a lot.” Kiva said through sobs.

Laila was almost in tears herself. “Come here child.” Laila stretched out her arms to hug Kiva. “I have some good news. General Tullius was extremely impressed with the documents you gave him and so was I. He wants you to come live in Solitude and work in the palace. I’ll have Mjoll escort you there if you decide.

“What about my mom?” Kiva asked. Laila looked into her eyes, “I’m sure we’ll find her by then but if not, you’ll be fine. Solitude will be better for you I think. Anyway, you’ve been through a lot. Think it over.”
Kiva nodded her head. Laila excused herself and left quietly.

Kiva, now alone sat in front of the fire. “Hehe, that went better than expected. Soon I can complete the ritual.” She was almost giddy with excitement.

Everything in the city was going normally since Maven was arrested. No one had heard a word about her other than she had been shipped off to Cyrodil. 

With the rebellion over, many Stormcloaks laid down arms. Imperial and Dawnguard ranks in Skyrim swelled. The biggest news was now in the war against the dragons. No one knew why the Dwemer constructs turned on the dragons but they had pushed them all the way back to Skuldafn and most fled Skyrim completely.

**** Around the same time, inside the Bannered Mare ****

“I’m sorry Mani, but with the war, it’s been almost impossible to get to the eastern side of Skyrim.” 

“I know, but the battle is moving to Skuldafn so we should be able to make it to Riften starting tomorrow. 

They both agreed to leave early in the morning and went to their separate rooms.

**** North of Riften ****

A legion of soldiers were preparing for the journey to Skuldafn. The dragonborn was as ready as he was going to be and the Empire was not about to let him go alone. 

Meanwhile, the Dwemer automatons did such a good job patrolling that no dragons dared attack the armies gathering.

Several mages had gotten together and built an airship from parts found in Solstheim. It would ferry the troops to Skuldafn and after victory, it would be used to keep a constant garrison there. In the distance, the soldiers could see their ride approaching. The dragonborn was on board as well, having recently learned the dragonrend shout from a meeting with a moth priest.

The airship, loaded with soldiers, ascended toward Skuldafn.

**** At a quiet spot by Lake Ilinalta ****

Arissa was pondering the direction her life had taken. She came here because of a shipwreck, she’d killed to get back home, and now she was this…monstrosity. She couldn’t go to anyone for help without them attacking and she couldn’t even try for revenge. To add insult to injury, her magical armor vanished along with her ice powers when Alduin discarded her.

The dragon skin was still slowly creeping up her body. “When will the changes stop,” she said quietly.

**** Skuldafn ****

The soldiers were just now arriving and already the battles were fierce and bloody. 

Dozens were dying but they were cutting a bloody swath to the top of the ruins.

At the top they discovered an active portal to Sovengarde. The dragonborn was the first to leap into the portal.

He made his way down a path until he came to a bridge of bone and a guardian.

After defeating the guardian he was granted access to Shor’s Hall. The inside was splendid and filled with the spirits of great heroes.

He emerged with three heroes of legend. At the end of the bridge were a host of soldiers that made it through the portal.

Together, they battled Alduin. The fighting was fierce. The spirits in Shor’s Hall would have much company today.

After a long battle, Alduin was defeated. His scales exploded from his body. Burst by the eruption of stolen souls.

The guardian was extremely displeased that so many mortals had made their way into Sovengarde. “Mortals should not be here, never in such number. However, you have vanquished a great evil today. I will send all of you back to Nirn and disable Alduin’s portal.”

**** On the Ilinalta lakeside ****

Arissa could feel a huge burden lifted from her. Somehow, she knew that Alduin was defeated. She felt like she could finally relax.

**** At the abandoned Black Briar Estate ****

The sounds of labor echoed throughout the building. Kiva had cast a muffle spell around the estate so no one outside would hear anything.

Celine’s labor lasted a few hours.

Once the delivery was complete, Kiva wrapped the baby in a cloth and laid it on the floor. She placed her hands on the child to stop her from crying.

Kiva stood over the child, dagger in hand. She started reciting a spell in a daedric tongue.



She heard a deep voice all around her. “Very well, we have an accord.”
Kiva thrust the dagger into the child. The crying stopped.
She pulled the bloody dagger out and stabbed herself to complete the ritual.

She awoke on the floor, next a pile of ash that had been the child.

Kiva walked over to Celine who was still on the table, exhausted. “Mistress…my baby?” “There is no child, pet. Don’t concern yourself with that now. Rest.” Celine didn’t have much choice, her body was too weak to do anything. She closed her eyes. She was sad, but she couldn’t figure out why.”

Blue fire engulfed Kiva’s hand. “Thanks to you pet, I know have an immortal body. But what to do with you? You have been far too useful a pet to discard. I’m going to keep you around.”

“Now. Forget your pain, your sadness, your friends and enemies, your knowledge, your desires, your hopes and fears. Retain only what you need to be my pet.”

Sometime later, Celine woke up at home. “Good morning Pet.” Kiva said. 
“How did we get back home Mistress?”
“Well, we’re not at home. This is a replica of our old house. I have a new job in Solitude but don’t worry. I’ll take you with me, in fact we’re here now. Step outside and you’ll see.” Kiva walked to the door and seemed to teleport out.

When Celine opened the door, she found herself in a massive bedroom. 
“I must be the size of a child’s doll.”
“A little smaller actually.” Kiva’s voice was loud and had an odd echo to it.

Kiva was kneeling next to the house. “This is your new life Pet. Everything you need is in the house. You can’t leave the table though.” Celine just nodded her head dumbly.

Kiva sat down and asked. “Is there anything you want me to bring you Pet?” 
Celine thought for a second. “I want Mani….I miss him. He’ll be happy here with us right?” “Yes Pet, he will. I’ll see if I can locate him.”

Now, you have a good day Pet. I have to report to the castle to start my new job. Kiva waved good bye to her Pet. 

As she was walking to the castle she thought, “I always love getting new things. Maybe I’ll get her a collar with a little bell. I bet I can find some cute doll clothes in town…” she continued that line of thought all the way to the castle.




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Finally finished chapter 2. Enjoy!!





Previous Chapters:


Chapter 2


As a vampire, I hated myself. Be turned into the same monster that killed my father was worse than death for me. I was living in caves, just to be far away from everything and everyone.




Using my father’s notes on alchemy and his leftover ingredients, I concocted a potion to suppress my hunger and mask my vampiric appearance. I could even walk in sunlight for a little longer than a normal vampire could. But I was no Vaermina, after a short time I’d still have burnt to death.




Feeling ashamed of what I had become, I started wear a mask to hide my fangs.




But it’s not possible to resist the call for blood. I couldn’t handle anymore the urge to feed. Over time, my vampire instincts were becoming stronger and stronger. I started killing people while feeding.




And I liked it. I liked it so badly. The beat of a heart stopping as I sucked the life out of my prey was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard.




I got so skilled at killing and was enjoying it so much that soon my life would be twisted completely again.




I woke up in a cabin. Couldn’t remember how I got there. My mouth was dry and I was thirsty for blood.




At the other side of the room, there were three people in their knees, with hoods covering their heads. A man who looked like a bandit, a woman in a short dress, and a male khajiit.




I looked around saw a masked woman, dressed in red and black, who was watching me sleep.


“Sleep well? She asked.




I took off my mask.


 “I don’t know who you are, but thanks for the meal”, I said to her. I almost could saw her smile under the mask.




I approached the trio, listening their heart rate increase. They were crying for mercy.






“I don’t want your gold. And look at me. I already have all the power I need.” I said, showing my fangs.




“Oh, that’s right. You can’t see anything with this hood on. Poor kitten…I’ll put you out of your misery.”






“Nothing personal”.


I drank their blood until the last drop.




I joined the Brotherhood. I was in paradise. And it would get even better.




[A few months later….]


It was night. The place was unknown. But it was perfect.




I could feel the warmth of the fire, and smell blood and death. It was the best fragrance ever.




I used the golden sword in my hand, and cut off his head, his blood spreading across the floor.




I woke up in the Brotherhood’s Santuary. What was that? A dream? Felt so real…




Got up and found a book near my bed. I had no idea how it could have been put there. It was a really old book.




The cover had a picture of a woman wielding a burning blade, and the pages were stained with dried blood.




The moment I began reading, I knew that my time had come. I’ll revenge my father’s death. And I will kill the vampire that cast this curse upon me.




“I’ll honor your name. Deceiver. Devourer. Queen. Goddess. You called me and I will answer your call. You found me, Boethiah.”




To be continued…



Other appearances:


Silence, My sister - by Robton





Thank you notes:


A huge thank you to:


Robton - For helping me with the dreamshots.

Uncle_Sheo - Teaching me about TES Lore since The First Era.




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Hi everyone! So I created my first story and I wanted to share it with LL.


This is a story about my character Kass who is a Spell-Sword Warrior and has to take care of a task that the Jarl of Falkreath has given her.


Feedback is much appreciated.


My next task is to play with facial expressions to give the characters and scenes a more involved feel.


Anyways Please Enjoy!









**The Jarl of Falkreath has called forth Kass, a beautiful spell sword who has been working for the town for quite some time to ask a favor


Jarl: Ah Kass! Good to see you got my message…





Kass: No problem Jarl, I was in the area shopping for some material to make improvements to my house next to the lake. Is there another group of bandits terrorizing the town again?



Jarl: Actually I’ve got a task for you that’s quite different this time. I’ve got a cousin named Jakob, he’s an aspiring warrior and needs to shadow someone to hone his fighting skills.




Kass: Babysitting!? This isn’t a job for me I’m afraid…




Jarl: Ah but Kass, you owe me remember? I seem to remember you got quite a deal on that land where your pretty little house sits. It would be a shame if that cottage was to somehow be put up for sale….






Kass: You wouldn’t dare!


Jarl: Oh I would, and besides it’s only for a few hours, he’s really a good kid but needs some wisdom from a veteran…


Kass: Fine, but only this once!







Jakob: Okay, according to my map this should be the place….I wonder where Kass is?





Jakob: I think that’s her out there in pool. 




Jakob: “Hello, Kass?”





Kass: Yes, Hi Jakob I presume? The Jarl told me you would be coming today.




Jakob: Whoa, You’re naked! Why are you naked!?!





Kass: Calm down, kid. Haven’t you ever seen a woman naked before?




Jakob: uhhhh…Yes, once by accident. It was my sister’s friend and I was like 12….





Kass: Oh? Was that like 2 years ago? Hahahaha!


Jakob: NO!! I’m 22, not 14…


Kass: Relax kid, it was only a joke! Anyway before we get started why don’t you take a swim and get your muscles stretched and ready?


Jakob: Well, I didn’t bring a swim suit…


Kass: So? If you want to be a true warrior you cannot let being naked become a hindrance.


Jakob: Okay fine, just let me take these robes off.


*Jakob reluctantly removes his clothing 




*Kass notices that Jakob isn’t really packing heat


Kass: Well, let’s just hope you’re better at using a bow than your sword. Hahaha






To Be Continued?




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Finally the second chapter in the story around Nendala.


The Dark Varla stone


Slowly she gets closer to her goal; or at least it seems like she does. But who knows, maybe this new found help will turn out to be everything else but what she was looking for; and hoped for.


Important note:

This is a story with pictures, not a bunch of pictures with a few sentences. In the future I might make more use of screenshots but they will remain secundary.


Small additional note:

While this story is basically within TES lore I changed a few things. For example: Screw Alduin.

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Forgot to post this here.

Links to older chapters:

Arc One:

Arc Two:

Arc Three:

Current Arc: 





Chapter Sixteen: The Price


Of not heeding...

Niyleen's words are in red.

Carciel's words are in orange.

Lucari's words are in blue.

After a detailed search throughout Markarth bared no fruit, Niyleen and Carciel returned to the Silverblood Inn feeling beaten and tired.


“This is pointless,” Carciel said as she plopped herself down on the bed.  “Other than that one Forsworn there’s nothing in this god awful corrupt city.”


“Nothing that’s not being covered up,” Niyleen said, kicking off her boots and sitting down at the bedside.




“I wonder how Lucari’s doing…”


“You know how it is,” Carciel said with a laugh. “If she’s not back by now, then Markarth has her now.”


“Don’t joke about that!” Niyleen’s heart ached as the reality of the situation finally set in and she realized that she left her friend to fend for herself in this terrible city, and if yesterday’s events were any indication then Carciel may not be too far off from the truth.  “D-don’t joke about that…”




“I don’t even worship them, but even I have to say ‘By the Divines’ would you stop acting like such a sap,” Carciel said, sighing.  “Even if something happened to the girl we could get her out and to safety.  It’s not like you’re not accustomed to demolishing upwards of thirty people in a single instant, right?”


“Your jokes are getting more and more unfunny by the moment.”


“Well, excuse me Princess.  I’m sorry that I’m not blessed with your sense of comedy or importance in the universe. Please, enlighten me on how to be hilarious and almighty, oh great Inferno.” 






“Listen Flame-Child,” Carciel said coolly.  “I’m only here because of my sister.  I don’t like you, I don’t care about your lesbian friend, and pardon me if I don’t care about your feelings in the least bit.”


“I know, I know.” Niyleen rubbed the back of her head.  “But I thought we could at least act like partners for the time being.”


“You thought wrong.”




“And why are we staying at the Silverblood Inn?” Carciel continued.  “I know this one of your favorite spots, but don’t you have—”


Niyleen laughed. “Blame Lucari.”


“Figures that no nothing Nord would be behind—” Suddenly the doors to the room flung open and standing there in shock looking at the sad state the room was in was a female Nord clad in red. “Ha, well speak of the daedra. There she is.”




“Lucari!” Niyleen said as she got to her knees.  “It’s so good to see you.  I’m glad you made it back safe—”




“You don’t get to utter those words Niyle.” Lucari pouted.  “Not after the day I had.”


“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Niyleen insisted.  “I mean you’re not in Cidnah and you didn’t meet of with Forsworn or anything.”


“Say another word,” Lucari warned.  “I had a terrible day! I was attacked by vampires, threatened by a Daedric Prince, almost drowned, told off and threatened by the Jarl, and worst of all… I was left to fend for myself in this miserable city by someone I considered to be my friend.”




(I must admit, she looks kinda of cute when she’s mad.) “Come on now, you made it back didn’t you?  I knew you’d be alright when I left.  And I said I’d be back this evening.”


Lucari started to tremble. “You’re so… so…” She paused, then gave Niyleen an evil look.  “I should have let that Forsworn have her way with you in that abandoned house.”


“Y-you don’t mean that…”




“Screw all the melodrama bullshit,” Carciel interjected.  “Just say you’re happy to see each other and get the sappy reunion over with so we can get on with more important matters.”


“Who on Tamriel is she?” Lucari said directing her question toward Niyleen.


“Oh you know, just another stray I picked up along my way.” (If only it wasn’t true.)


“Does it matter,” Carciel said. “I have a deeper relationship with her than you ever will.”


“Why you…”




“Anyway, if your romance drama is over, can we please get on with finding these ‘forces beyond Niyleen’s control’ my sister was talking about.”


“Who do you think you’re—”


Carciel sighed.  “I’ll tell you what I told Niyleen: I don’t like you, your non-lesbian lover, or either of your feelings.  So before you step to me, know that I wouldn’t think twice before piercing you with my sword.” She chuckled to herself after realizing what she just said.




“And I won’t have a problem putting an arrow through your skull either.  You seem to not understand who you’re dealing with.”


“Oh my little apple dumpling, I’ve already done the whole ‘act tougher than you really are’ bit and to be honest, mine was immensely more convincing,” Carciel said shrugging her comments off.  “So what if you’re a great shot? I could kill you from where I am before you could even nock an arrow.”  She waited before adding, “Try me.”






“Come on guys,” Niyleen said.  “We need to work to—”


A piercing scream from outside made the three woman stop and turn in its direction.




Wordlessly, the three of them geared up and exited the inn and they felt a chill in the air. Turning the corner they came upon an unusual scene: a vampire clad in all black fighting off three other vampires.  From what they saw, the one had separated a vampire from the others and was excitedly going to work on it as the other vampires watched.


The vampire clad in black continued to assert its dominance shooting Shock spell after Shock spell at the vampire to keep it down.  It seemed like the other vampires weren’t going to get involved until a poor sod walked up and stabbed the vampire in the chest with a steel dagger.

Niyleen reacted just as fast as one of the other vampires and intercepted him before he could interrupt the fight between the two vampires. Landing slash upon slash, it wasn’t long before the vampire was felled to his knees but her onslaught.  However the vampire had another trick up his sleeve as he stealthily resurrected the fallen Forsworn from yesterday, Weylin.



Seeing this, Carciel and a wondering Vigilant leapt into action and together they helped keep the vampire off balance rendering his Reanimate spell futile.



At the same time, the black clad vampire seemed to have everything under control on her end as she continued to dominate her opponent with ease.



Assessing that Carciel and the Vigilant could handle their vampire on their own, Niyleen surveyed the battle and saw a bandit with a far off look in his eyes approaching the black clad vampire with nocked bow and she leapt in the way to deflect the arrow.  Infuriated, the bandit charged the one in black and Niyleen easily dropped him to his knees. 


“Watch your rear, vampire!” Niyleen shouted as she slashed the bandit across the chest. (Shit.  Where are all these random people coming from?)


“The name’s Teresa,” said the black clad vampire who was readying something in her left hand as she continued to wail on her targeted vampire.



After dispatching the bandit, Niyleen turned her attention to the vampire behind her and, with assistance from Lucari, began to overpower her as well.  However something was off; no matter how many times she was slashed or pierced with arrows or no matter how much blood she lost the vampire just wouldn’t stay down.  Even the Shock spells from Teresa were doing little to keep this vampire off her feet.



As Niyleen and Lucari handled her vampire, Teresa—now covered in blood—backed off and began to chant something.  At the end of it, an ethereal blade formed in her hand and her demeanor—and that of those throughout the battlefield—changed.



As Niyleen went to land a killing blow on the vampire, suddenly Teresa took its place and together with the other vampire and a Markarth guard they began their assault on Niyleen.



Friend of the Defiler, of the Unworthy,” Teresa said in an otherworldly voice as she continued draining Niyleen’s life away with every passing second. “She was warned and now you all shall perish.



Niyleen separated herself from the three of them and felt rather fatigued. (What’s with the sudden 180? And friend of the Defiler, of the Unworthy?  What the hell is she…!)  At that moment she remembered Lucari’s words, ‘I had a terrible day! I was attacked by vampires, threatened by a Daedric Prince…’  “Y-you’re one of Molag Bal’s—”


“Most worthy followers, yes.” Teresa said. “And that bitch, the Defiler, not only killed my brethren but also denied his blessing and even decided not to heed when warned by His Champion.  Most unfortunate are you that must pay for the sins of one most unworthy.” Teresa, the guard and the vampire surrounded Niyleen each ready to attack.  “Enough of this, goodbye friend of the Defiler.”



Hearing the loosing of multiple arrows, Niyleen attacked first charging straight for the more wounded vampire. The fight was harder than need be with arrow after arrow homing in on her, the vampire being continuously buffed by Teresa, and having to fight a vampire, but one thing was for sure; Niyleen’s attacks were working.



Continuing where she left off, it wasn’t long before Niyleen had the vampire on the ropes yet again.


“P-please,” it begged, realizing it’s time had come.  “I beg you.”


Niyleen severed the vampires head from its shoulders and watched as it disintegrated into ash.  “Tell Molag Bal I said screw off!”




“What now?” Niyleen said as a female Khajiit ran through the vampire’s ashes. She looked in the direction where the Khajiit came and her eyes got wide.  “By the Nine…”



Carciel had been literally backed into a corner and was surrounded by multiple warriors, guards, and the third vampire that was initially attacking Teresa.  The Breton was trying all that she could to fend them off, but their numbers were far too great and like the time she fought Niyleen, her weapon wasn’t meant for such closed quarters combat.



Niyleen started towards Carciel and Teresa was right on her until an arrow that barely missed her knee whizzed by.  The vampire looked at her attacker and smiled.  “So the Defiler decided to accept her fate.” Teresa charged spells in both of her hands.  “How foolish!”


“All I’ve got to do is buy them some time,” Lucari said with confidence. “So I may as well enter the fray as well.”


“I’ll bite,” Teresa said with a grin.  “Hit me with your best shot.”





“Shit… is this really the end,” Carciel said.  She took a defensive stance and slowly crept backwards.  “This was just supposed to be a brawl with some vampires.  How’d we end up fighting the whole damn city?!”  She blocked a warriors attack and the faraway look in his eyes gave her her answer.  “Damn Vampire’s Seduction… What’s going on?” She said noticing that some of her enemies had turned their attention elsewhere.



An angry feminine scream came from her right, and Carciel looked over just in time to see Niyleen hit the vampire with a blow so hard it sent him flying.


“Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Carciel grinned.  “Let’s deal with this rabble and catch up with your girlfriend, shall we?”





“Haa… haa… is that all… you got…”


“This is crazy,” Lucari said as she retrieved another arrow.  “Why won’t you fall down?  Why don’t you just die?”


“I’ll never die… to you… Defiler,” Teresa said, grinning.  “As long as you oppose my lord… I’ll oppose you…”


Lucari let loose another arrow and hesitated before retrieving another.  “You’re insane.” She then headed off towards the others.



It didn’t take long for Niyleen and Carciel to dispatch their attackers and upon returning to the city market—the start of the battle—Carciel, reinvigorated by seeing Niyleen in action, went to work on any and everything that wasn’t named Niyleen or Lucari.



When Niyleen caught up with her, the two of them found themselves fighting the first vampire from before.  However this time he had wrapped himself in flames and was shrugging off every attack he took.



However it wasn’t long before his flames turned on him and began to tear away at his skin.  Knowing how vulnerable this would make him—having had the same thing happen to her before—Niyleen began an unrelenting assault on the vampire.



Meanwhile, Carciel saw that Teresa was back and trying to harm Niyleen, so taking a page from Niyleen’s book, she hit the vampire with a blow so hard it flung her to the opposite end of the market crashing her into a large rock.  Trying to stand, she fell back to her knees in pain.  “Shit, a broken ankle. That’ll take a night to heal…”



Surveying the market Teresa saw that her forces were losing.  Having lost two of her most loyal brethren in this battle irked her and she wasn’t about to lose a third.  Snapping her fingers, her vampire comrade, and most of the other battle participants vanished leaving Niyleen, Lucari, Carciel, and a lone guard as the sole people left in the market.



Relieved, Niyleen and her party each dropped to the ground and began treating their injures with Restoration spells and potions.


“Thank the Divines we made it out of that in one piece,” Lucari said with a slight smile after just downing half a health potion.


“No,” Niyleen said. “Thank ourselves for being somewhat competent in a fight.  Are you both okay though? Make sure you check for any bites or scratches.”


Lucari smiled warmly.  “I’m fine mother.”



“How about you Carciel? You okay?”


“Thank the gods…”


“Huh?” Niyleen raised her eyebrows.  “I thought you didn’t pray to any of the Divines.”


“I don’t.  And I won’t, but…” Carciel had a far off look in her eye.  “I was going to die, and you just jumped into that mob and saved me…”


“I’m sure you would have done the same.”


“No.” Carciel said firmly.  “Before that incident I wouldn’t.  In fact I would’ve been happy to let you die like a dog, but now…” She took a deep breath.  “I guess… I’ll try, to be somewhat… nicer to you.”



“That’s all I could hope for,” Niyleen said with a smile.  “But as you already knew, that wasn’t even my final form.”


Carciel laughed.  “Markarth would be in flames if you would have gone that far.”



“You have my thanks for that then,” the guard said as she approached Niyleen.  “I know of the Nord, and I assume that you two are friends of hers, but…!”


“What is it?” Niyleen said still trying to calm her racing heart.


“It is… nothing,” the guard said narrowing her eyes.  “Markarth owes you three a debt.  So if you ever happen to get into any trouble, mention Heilda Oath-Keeper.  I’ll try to help you all out.”


“Thanks,” Niyleen said, smiling.



“Anyway I must be off,” Heilda said.


“Take care!”


As Heilda walked off she stopped for a second to look back at Niyleen.  (That fugitive doesn’t even remember me… what she did to me… This’ll make the look on her face all the more enjoyable when I take her down.)



“I’m so exhausted…”


“Well I guess you can have the bed,” Lucari said.  “Me and Niyleen can share the floor.”


Niyleen noticed the horny grin on Lucari’s face and the upset look on Carciel’s quickly said, “We can just go back to my place, ya know?”


“You have a place! Why didn’t you tell me?”


(Well you had already spent my money on room in the inn and I wasn’t about to let my money go COMPLETELY to waste…) “Oh yeah, it slipped my mind.”  Niyleen got to a knee.  “Anyway, if neither of you mind a quick climb, we can sleep in warm beds tonight.”


“Count me in.”


“Me too!”



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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 4 - Hard Reminders
If you missed chapter 3: http://www.loverslab...ome-sweet-home/
I've been working on this one since my PC imploded. I only need about $200 to fix it, so I should be up and running with the other story around next month. In the meantime, enjoy.

Tolfdir walked with Alania into the college. She recieved a few stares from various people. When they reached the gate, a woman named Colette
sneared at her. "Now we're taking in strays I see. And what is the little savage here to do?"
Tolfir repremanded her, "That is no way to treat or guest. She is the only nord I've ever heard about living with giants. She could have valuable
insight into their language and customs."
Mirabelle also spoke up, although she didn't look away from her book. "I think you should not be so quick to judge others after your.."
Colette interrupted, "...I think that's enough. My apologies little savage.
Alania shrugged off the comment and simply said an insult in the giant tongue.

Tolfdir escorted her to the library to speak with Urag. He greeted Alania and gave her his customary warning about taking care of the books.

"Hey, I didn't know orcs could read."

"And I didn't know girls could speak giant."

Alania shrugged and started looking around. She noticed a book sitting on a table. It looked familiar. The name on the spine, the cover, the
size. She turned around, "Where did you get this book!"

Her shout startled Urag. "We bought it off some khajiit traders a couple years ago."

Alania opened the book and read the cover message aloud:

"To my dearest Alania, I love you more than life itself.
You are my dearest child, my earth little princess.
One day I hope you read this book to your children.
Never forget who you are or where you came from and one day, we'll return home.

Love mom."

Alania dropped to the floor sobbing and clutching her book.

"Are you saying this is your book?" Tolfdir asked. Alania shook her head yes. Urag said in a consolitory tone, "Then you keep it."

Once she composed herself, she told Tolfdir she needed to go back home but she'd come back tommorow. He escorted her to the gate.

She arrived at the camp and showed her family the book. She read some of it for them before she went to sleep.

The next day, she arrived at the college around noon. Urag waved her over when she entered the library. "So I was meaning to ask you, why is the
book so important?"
Alania smiled, "It was a gift from my parents. My mom would read this to me every night. Well, before they were killed that is. The people who
kidnapped me sold off everything we had. The book tells about where we came from. Mom used to say it held the secret to going back there."

Urag was skeptical. "Are you sure it talks about a real place? The places it talks about sound like jungle but it also describes some places

"I know it's real. I remember it a little."

"If you say so. Anyway, while you're in this library you have access to most everything her. What can I help you with?"
"Could you teach me to speak right? I don't spend much time around non giants."

"Well, you're not that far off now but I can help you. Why don't you write out some phrases that you think you say wrong."
"Umm, write? Can I just tell them to you?"
Urag suddenly understood the problem. "Okay, lets start with some practice writing."

The lesson lasted most of the day.

It wasn't until Alania heard her stomach growl that she realized how late it actually was. "Oh no, it's getting dark. I have to go back home. I
can come back tommorow."
"That's fine, see you then," Urag said.
Alania ran home quickly, not wanting to be out alone after dark.





Let me know what you think.

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Arc One:


Arc Two:

Arc Three:

Current Arc: 







Chapter Seventeen: Entering One's Own


Something something... (It was past 3am when i posted... leave me alone)

Niyleen's words are in red.

Carciel's words are in orange.

Lucari's words are in blue.


As the trio made their ascent towards Niyleen’s house, the beating in her chest just wouldn’t subside.  Was it still adrenaline from the battle? Perhaps it was nerves overcoming her just like they did in the abandoned house a few days ago?  When they made it to her doorstep, Niyleen knew exactly what was wrong with her; however she didn’t know how she was going to go about counteracting it.


Turning to face her comrades she said, “Um… regarding my space… it may not be in the best of ways right now.  Last time I was home, I was… going through some things.”




“Dammit Redguard,” Carciel said playfully, but firmly.  “No one gives a shit about how you house looks.  You promised me a warm bed, that’s all I need.  Right Nord?”






Niyleen sighed and the three of them headed inside.  Halfway up the entranceway Niyleen turned to face the two of them once more.  “Seriously, this is a big deal to me.  I know it’s just a house, and I know it’s just a bit of a mess, but letting you two in… well it’s like I’m opening myself up to you both.  And while I owe both of you, and you two are both worthy of my respect, the last couple of people I truly let into my life… I truly regret it.”




“If only my sister could hear you,” Carciel sighed.  “Look Flame-Child.  My sister was THE last person you let fully in, whether you remember it all or not.  And whether you want to admit it or not, when you told her everything about you, when you opened yourself up, you were at the happiest you had ever been thus far in your life.  Don’t piss on her memory by saying that… please.”


“I-I didn’t mean…”




“I may still be mad at you Niyle, but if being here can make us closer than there is nowhere I’d rather be.  As a friend [and potential lover] I don’t want to be left out in the dark.  If something’s bothering you, you can tell me.  If you’re afraid, I want to be able to comfort you. If you’re in pain, I want to be able to help you.  Niyle,” Lucari said with a faint smile on her face.  “I lov… I care about you a lot.  And I don’t want you to hesitate about telling me what you’re feeling inside.”




Holding back her emotions, Niyleen turned away from them.  “Dammit you guys.” She wiped her eyes.  “Fine fine fine… a promise is a promise anyway.”  At the top of the entranceway, Niyleen said, “Well… this is my house.”




“By the Divines…”




“Oh crap… don’t… don’t mind the food that’s kinda everywhere.  I was on an eating binge the last time I was home.  Gods… I don’t know how much of it’s bad, but I could use my savings to get more if need be.”




“This is your house?  How could a frugal tight ass like you, no offense, even afford Vlindrel Hall?”




“Y-yeah. Well…” Niyleen looked around to make sure no one else was in her house  and then lowered her voice. “I may or may not have stolen about 13,000 gold from the Silverbloods, the deed and keys to the house, placed the money in an exact spot where the Jarl’s steward could find it when he called me up on how I just arbitrarily owned this place, and I’ve been lying low ever since.”




“This is what a life of crime can get you… No Lucari, don’t give into temptation!”




“B-but yeah, sorry for the mess.  I’ll get around to straightening up later.”




“For now, let’s get you both settled in…!” Niyleen winced, but it seemed to go unnoticed.  (It’s definitely that acting up again. Why now…)  “Follow me you two!”




“This will be where you’re going to be sleeping Carciel.  Please don’t mind the spider webs or the lack of much else.  I’ve been meaning to upgrade my guest room for a while now, but haven’t gotten around to it.”




“You insecure broad, I could kiss you… if I swung that way.”




Carciel went into her room but not before stopping next to Niyleen and whispering, “The air around you is warm.  Make sure that you don’t burn the place down with the two of yours lovemaking.”


“C-Carciel!” Niyleen blushed.


The Breton laughed saying,  “Night you two,” before finally heading in.




“What were you two talking about?”




“Sure didn’t sound like nothing.  Are you positive you’re not hiding secrets from me again?”




(Other than that I’m the Raging Inferno of the Reach that you’re chasing after?)  “No Lucari,” she smiled.  “I’m not hiding anything from you. Now let me show you to where you’ll be sleeping.”




“This is it, the Master bedroom,” Niyleen said after they had crossed the room.




“It’s… amazing….”




“I don’t use it much, because I’m usually not in a lot, or I end up crashing in the living room floor due to exhaustion. But yeah, this is my bed.  I promise it’s a lot better than those stone slabs at the Silverblood inn.”




“Over there are some of my wardrobes.  They mainly contain clothes too fine for one such as myself, but there may be an outfit or two in there you might like to try out, if you’re okay with readjusting the size a bit of course.”




“And this is my personal workbench/treasury/command station.  Whenever I wasn’t actively thieving, I would come here to reallocate funds, update guard, caravan, and merchant routes, and make note of any areas noted for having suspicious activity.  Since I haven’t been in recently, it’s definitely outdated, but give it a look through if you want.”




“And that’s about it,” Niyleen said with a sigh of relief.  “You may sleep here by yourself, because regardless of what you may have said earlier in reference to me, I know you’re still a bit peeved at me for leaving you alone today.”  Niyleen cautiously chose her next words carefully. “…So I want you to be able to relax in complete comfort, a-at least for the night anyways.  And if you want, we try and force ourselves to act normal towards each other in the morning.”




“Thank you Niyle.  As much as I would like to hug you right now, you’re right. Thank you for the space tonight.”  She paused.  “W-where will you sleep?”


“Don’t worry your pretty little head about me too much.  Like I said, I’ve made due with the floor plenty of times.”


Lucari nodded and let out an affirmative sound.  “Well then, night.”




“May the dawn keep you,” Niyleen replied.  Seeing the look on Lucari’s face, she followed up with, “It’s a saying my mother always said to me when I was younger.  It always helped me sleep well, l-like she was making a deal with the Divines to carry me throughout the night and into the dawn.” Feeling her face flush Niyleen quickly said, “A-anyways, night,” before exiting the room in a hurry closing the door behind her.


Looking around her living room/kitchen area she sighed.  (Mother would kill me for letting anyone see my house in such a state.)




Walking around her house, Niyleen could feel her temperature rising and just like Carciel said, if she couldn’t contain it she’d definitely burn her house down.  (A poor way to squander a 13,000 gold investment.)  So she began searching for anything that might calm the flames inside her.




Normally she’d keep a concoction of Dragon’s Tongue, Snowberries and Fly Amanita she picked up from a Khajiit caravan on hand, but try as she might she couldn’t find it or any of its ingredients anywhere in her house.  (Just my luck.  I’d have enough wine to help me survive Frostfall, but I don’t have a single ingredient that helps me resist fire… logical move Niyleen…)




Continuing through her house she came upon a room that filled her with glee when she saw it.  “Oh old friend, how I’ve forgotten about you.  Truly, only you could comfort me in times like this.”




The room was an add-on that she actually paid for because going to the public baths was not only a hassle, but always an awkward experience.  Through they might not admit it or hound her about it, the guards know for a fact that she’s a thief, former or otherwise, and every time she visited the public baths she felt their eyes lingering just a bit too long for her tastes.  It got to the point where she actually saved two thousand gold to get a private bath installed, but it was definitely worth it.




Stripping off her clothes, Niyleen entered the bath and the cool water was refreshing and calming to the touch.  (Haaaa… I’ve needed one of these.)




Easing her way into the water, she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Lucari bursting into the bath and seeing her like this.  (If it were any other day, she’d definitely pounce on me, and I’d have to succumb to her whims…)  The aching in her chest and the warmness of her told her a different story altogether.  She was the one that would be doing the pouncing at this point in time.  Everything just felt so sensitive.  She could hear Carciel softly purring away and Lucari tossing in the bed trying to maintain a comfortable position. (I’ve heard the stories of the heightened senses of vampires, werewolves, and the like… so this is how it feels.)




Deciding to get completely comfortable herself, Niyleen slowly rested her back onto the cold bath wall and let out a sigh.  “This is life…”  Immediately she could feel her body temperature stabilize, but it wasn’t just that.  Her nerves about the battle, her situations with Carciel and Lucari, her issues with the Forsworn, the Silverbloods, her father, and this damned power she had bottled inside her… all of it seemed to melt away and helped her to just simply relax.




“Maybe I could just sleep… here…” Her eyelids got heavy, her mind cloudy and her words became reality as she indeed slowly drifted off to sleep.




“Ugh… h-huh?” Niyleen said trying to make sense of where she was.  “Darkness…”




Clumsily, she got to her knees and looked around, and all she saw was that, darkness.  No trace of her house, her friends, or any part of Nirn; just an abyss.




“Am I dead?”  Though she thought the words escaped her lips, Niyleen wasn’t sure that she had indeed spoken them.


“You’re not dead… just barely breathing,” said a voice from right behind her.




“AH!” Niyleen stumbled away from where she was and gripped for something, anything, in the darkness to reach out in grab.  Her heartbeat was racing and for some reason it was hard to put on the tough air she liked to portray while in this space.




Looking up at the figure in the dark, the obvious question crossed her lips, “W-who are you?”


A quick glance into the figure’s eyes gave her the answer she sought, but the being spoke anyway.  “Who am I? I’m the daughter of the Redguard Bandit Warlord Nanika and the Nord  Necromancer Narndir the Elfkiller; I’m the true Raging Inferno of the Reach; I’m the darkness cast into the shadows because you are too weak to claim the power that your former lover generously awoke within you.  I am Niyleen Flame-Child—but fir simplicity’s sake call me Nega Niyleen—and it’s a pleasure to once again meet my other half.”




(Once again?) “We’ve never—”


“You don’t remember?  How about if I say this: ‘And your father said it was a gift when he raped then all but killed you so he could reanimate your corpse and have his way with you.  Have you not realized that the Divines have given you a big Fuck You since the day you’ve been born?’


A light bulb went off in her head and suddenly it was five years ago and Niyleen was undertaking the Ascension ritual all over again.  She could feel the pain of her skin cracking, of the flames engulfing her body, of time seeming to completely stand still, and then the blinding light. 


Before she had just thought she was having a monologue with herself, but in retrospect she—or at least this side of her at that time—had complete faith in Eolri.  That fact alone should have alerted her to the presence of another side of herself, a cold, sadistic, bloodthirsty side that would be brazen enough to say, ‘Foolish girl, another one you trusted has you crying for death.  First your father, now this?’




And this… this Nega Niyleen was the embodiment of all of her doubt from back then; and the embodiment of when she gave in completely to her Ascension… Her other side stretched and said joyfully, “It’s so great to get out once in a while.  I felt like wild animal suddenly thrust into a cage.  I wanted to be free, I wanted a release. And so I waited… and waited…”




Niyleen gathered herself and stood to her feet.  “So you think that now is that time?  Now is the time for you to take over and for me to be cast into the darkness?”




“Why wouldn’t it be? I’m the stronger one, the smarter one. The real question is, which sick and twisted Aedra or Daedra thought that a weak bitchy persona like you should be in control of this body?  Clearly it wasn’t Julianos, because it just isn’t logical.”




“I don’t know if whether you said is true or not, but if I’m in control, that’s because the world isn’t ready for us… for you to be released in it.”


“Those are just the empty words of those that have everything handed to them.  So because I’m too strong, because I have too much power, I can’t be released into the world?  And yet the Daedric Princes are allowed to just take a dump on Nirn at every turn?”


“I never said it was perfect.”


“And I never said you were right.”




Nega Niyleen got into a fighting stance and instinctively Niyleen did so as well.  “I will end you Niy.  I will force my will into you, and without fail I WILL be unleashed.  And when I am released, I’ll do you the favor of ridding you of that nuisance called Pure-Shot.  I can’t imagine how good it will feel when I have her neck between my hands and then,” *snap* She snapped her fingers.




Niyleen’s chest throbbed and she knew that she spoke the truth.  “I... I’ll never  let that happen!”


“Then stop me.”




It was over in a single instant.  Niyleen rushed in and was caught on the chin by a vicious roundhouse kick.




As she fell, all she could see was herself failing yet again.  She had failed her mother, her comrades, and ultimately herself.  Maybe it was the influence of her words, but for an instance even she thought that Julianos would never let her be the dominant persona with such a beast trapped with her.  It wasn’t… logical…




A smug look appeared on Nega Niyleen’s face.  “Down goes Niyleen. DOWN GOES NIYLEEN!” She laughed and continued to hold her pose.  “It wasn’t even close.”




“This is the gap in our strength.  No… it’s even greater than you could ever imagine.  And yet… why is it you…”




(Shit… I-I can’t think straight… How did I end up on the ground? Is this even the ground?)






Nega Niyleen’s voice surrounded Niyleen from all sided and she began to feel suffocated by her presence.  (Something isn’t right… this feeling is… familiar…)  The air around them intensified and it suddenly felt like Niyleen was on fire.  She couldn’t think, couldn’t see straight, but was taken over by an immense feeling of strength that was not her own.  (I know this feeling… it’s just like then…)


The ecstasy… the shock… the awe… suddenly she was back in Karthwasten... suddenly she felt like a god again.




But coming back to reality, Niyleen soon realized that this was not power for her to control.  In fact it wasn’t her power at all.


“I HAVE THE POWER! I HAVE ASCENDED! And yet… YET!” Wave after wave of heat emitted from Nega Niyleen’s body until what she was keeping inside finally was finally released.  “And yet it is you that gets to bask in the sunlight… why?”


A quick glance at her other self was all she needed to confirm her suspicions… (She’s an actual monster!)




As if Nega Niyleen could read Niyleen’s thoughts, she said, “Yes.  That’s exactly what I am.  A monster that was awakened by your lover and is constantly clawing to get out.”  She gave her an evil smile.  “And continue to claw I will.  I’ve already kept you here long enough better half. May the dawn take you.”


Everything began to blur and the last thing Niyleen could see was Nega Niyleen standing over triumphantly, her menacing laughter echoing through the darkness.




Niyleen awoke with a shriek.  Her chest felt tight and was pounding harder than she could ever remember, and though not literally, her skin was on fire.  She could barely breathe.  Between shrieks she meekly cried out for help.




“I’m here Niyleen.  I’m right here.”


(No… not Lucari…) She couldn’t be found out now, she was just opening up to Lucari and she wasn’t ready to let Lucari know that she was the one that she was looking for.




Lucari saw the pained look on Niyleen’s face and couldn’t help but be sad herself.  “W-what happened?  You were doing fine.  Were you infected?  Were you—”




“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Niyleen’s piercing scream resonated throughout the room and she could feel herself coming undone by something foreign that was oppressing her. Frantically she tried to remove the foreign objects [her clothes] from off of her skin but to no avail.




“I-I-I t-thought you wouldn’t want t-to be naked when you awoke s-so I… I’ll… I’ll fix this!” Lucari reached towards Niyleen and while reaching for her clothes brushed her hand on the Halfling’s skin.  “Oww!” She yelled drawing her hand back.  “Y-you’re so hot… literally.  What’s going on?”




As quickly as she could, Lucari disrobed Niyleen, and though this would normally this would be a sight she would relish in, seeing Niyleen so weak and defenseless was borderline driving her mad.  “I don’t know what to do,” she cried.  “I want to help you but I don’t even know the first thing about you. Please Niyleen, tell me what to do.  Tell me how to help you!”




Be it due to Niyleen’s former cries or Lucari’s current ones, Carciel burst into the room seemingly to get a handle on things.




“I see that you two have been hitting the bed hard?” Carciel joked, though it wasn’t even funny to her.  Seeing the distraught look on Lucari’s face, she knew the situation without asking, but decided to handle the situation delicately.  “What happened, Nord?”


“C-Carciel… Niyleen… she… she…!”


“Calm down and tell me everything.”




“I… I woke up and t-tried on some clothes like Niyleen said I could.  When I finally found an outfit that I liked, I looked for Niyleen through the house and when I happened upon her s-she was passed out in the bath.  So… so I got her from the bath and took brought her here.  But she was shaking all the while.  I-I don’t know why.  S-so I thought to clothe her, because I… I didn’t think she’d like to sleep nude if she could help it.  Then she started screaming, and then…”




“I think I understand,” Carciel said frowning.  “I also think I know what ails her.  However, the only way I can cure her is to use magic from the Old Gods,” she lied.  “These magicks require the utmost concentration and if you want me to help her it would be best if you left the room so I could get on with it.”




Lucari slumped her shoulders. “I… I understand.”  She hung her head and slowly went to exit the room.  When she got to the door, she stopped and said, “Tell Niyle… no I  don’t deserve to call her that.  Tell Niyleen that I’m sorry I couldn’t help her.”






Lucari shut the door behind her and left Carciel and Niyleen alone.


“Shit girl, by the Divines what did you do?”




“Haa… haa… is she gone?” Niyleen asked weakly.


“She is.”


“Good… Maybe we can keep being friends for a little while longer now…”




“Stop talking like that!” Carciel said unable to control herself.  “Don’t you remember what Lucari said?’ If you’re in pain, I want to be able to help you.’  That counts for the both of us you dummy.  I may not feel for you the way that she does, but I’ve come to consider you as a comrade.  Maybe even a friend.  So stop shouldering everything yourself you idiot.  Even if Lucari knew who you really were, she’d still be worried sick about you.”




“Eolri… always said… she had cute sister that she loved to dote on,” Niyleen said dreamily.  She couldn’t focus, be it her vision or her mind, nor could she feel.  Her senses were shot from the fire raging in her chest that was begging to escape. Niyleen was numb, body and soul, but her words were warm.  “I’m glad I was finally able to see this side of you…”


Carciel could feel her face heat up. “S-shut up idiot.  Anyway, do I need to move you anywhere?  You know, so that you won’t mess up your house?”


Niyleen shook her head slightly and patted her sheets softly.  “Fireproof.”




“Of course…” Carciel said while sighing. “This isn’t fair!  Why do I have to carry your secret?  Why do I have to lie for you?  Why can’t you tell Lucari that you’re the Raging Inferno—”


“Can you… haa… ha… do something for me?” Carciel nodded.  “Could you… tell her that she’s wrong? She’s… haa… more than worthy… as are you…”


“Damn you Flame-Child…” Carciel said as she held back her emotions.  “I’ll definitely get you back for this.”




“I’ll be waiting…” Niyleen finally stopped fighting it and allowed herself to be consumed by the flames.  She knew that she should be screaming, she knew that it hurt more than she could imagine, but she just couldn’t feel anything.




(This is… her doing…) Niyleen looked over towards Carciel as the flames covered almost all of her body, and said as strongly as she could, albeit it was still weak, “I’m sorry… for everything…”


Something within Carciel finally broke a she heard those words and she couldn’t help but weep silently, whilst making sure she took in every moment of this, for both their sakes.






Lucari knelt outside of the door doing all that she could currently do for Niyleen, pray.  “Stendarr, Arkay, Kynareth, Mara, Zenithar, Dibella, Julianos, Akatosh, Talos… I know that you all don’t care about the single life of one your children when weighed against what is best for the Realm, but please… If it isn’t against your will, please aid Niyleen.  See that she gets—”


“This isn’t fair!” She heard Carciel shout from the inside.


(What’s going on?) She thought as she continued to pray.


“Why do I have to lie for you?  Why can’t you tell Lucari that you’re the Raging Inferno—”


Lucari kept her eyes shut and raised her head towards the sky.  (I must have heard wrong… she can’t be the Raging Inferno.  She must be a relative or something… she can’t even use magic right?)


A memory suddenly flashed before Lucari’s eyes.


“Yeah, something about how that woman set Sanuarach Mine ablaze and killed some of the Silver-Blood’s men,” the Orc began looking at her even closer.  “Yeah, no doubt.  You’re exactly the type of woman he described.”




“Right… Niyleen?”




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Links to older chapters:

Arc One:


Arc Two:


Arc Three:


Current Arc: 







Chapter Seventeen: Entering One's Own


Something something... (It was past 3am when i posted... leave me alone)

Niyleen's words are in red.

Carciel's words are in orange.

Lucari's words are in blue.


As the trio made their ascent towards Niyleen’s house, the beating in her chest just wouldn’t subside.  Was it still adrenaline from the battle? Perhaps it was nerves overcoming her just like they did in the abandoned house a few days ago?  When they made it to her doorstep, Niyleen knew exactly what was wrong with her; however she didn’t know how she was going to go about counteracting it.


Turning to face her comrades she said, “Um… regarding my space… it may not be in the best of ways right now.  Last time I was home, I was… going through some things.”




“Dammit Redguard,” Carciel said playfully, but firmly.  “No one gives a shit about how you house looks.  You promised me a warm bed, that’s all I need.  Right Nord?”






Niyleen sighed and the three of them headed inside.  Halfway up the entranceway Niyleen turned to face the two of them once more.  “Seriously, this is a big deal to me.  I know it’s just a house, and I know it’s just a bit of a mess, but letting you two in… well it’s like I’m opening myself up to you both.  And while I owe both of you, and you two are both worthy of my respect, the last couple of people I truly let into my life… I truly regret it.”




“If only my sister could hear you,” Carciel sighed.  “Look Flame-Child.  My sister was THE last person you let fully in, whether you remember it all or not.  And whether you want to admit it or not, when you told her everything about you, when you opened yourself up, you were at the happiest you had ever been thus far in your life.  Don’t piss on her memory by saying that… please.”


“I-I didn’t mean…”




“I may still be mad at you Niyle, but if being here can make us closer than there is nowhere I’d rather be.  As a friend [and potential lover] I don’t want to be left out in the dark.  If something’s bothering you, you can tell me.  If you’re afraid, I want to be able to comfort you. If you’re in pain, I want to be able to help you.  Niyle,” Lucari said with a faint smile on her face.  “I lov… I care about you a lot.  And I don’t want you to hesitate about telling me what you’re feeling inside.”




Holding back her emotions, Niyleen turned away from them.  “Dammit you guys.” She wiped her eyes.  “Fine fine fine… a promise is a promise anyway.”  At the top of the entranceway, Niyleen said, “Well… this is my house.”




“By the Divines…”




“Oh crap… don’t… don’t mind the food that’s kinda everywhere.  I was on an eating binge the last time I was home.  Gods… I don’t know how much of it’s bad, but I could use my savings to get more if need be.”




“This is your house?  How could a frugal tight ass like you, no offense, even afford Vlindrel Hall?”




“Y-yeah. Well…” Niyleen looked around to make sure no one else was in her house  and then lowered her voice. “I may or may not have stolen about 13,000 gold from the Silverbloods, the deed and keys to the house, placed the money in an exact spot where the Jarl’s steward could find it when he called me up on how I just arbitrarily owned this place, and I’ve been lying low ever since.”




“This is what a life of crime can get you… No Lucari, don’t give into temptation!”




“B-but yeah, sorry for the mess.  I’ll get around to straightening up later.”




“For now, let’s get you both settled in…!” Niyleen winced, but it seemed to go unnoticed.  (It’s definitely that acting up again. Why now…)  “Follow me you two!”




“This will be where you’re going to be sleeping Carciel.  Please don’t mind the spider webs or the lack of much else.  I’ve been meaning to upgrade my guest room for a while now, but haven’t gotten around to it.”




“You insecure broad, I could kiss you… if I swung that way.”




Carciel went into her room but not before stopping next to Niyleen and whispering, “The air around you is warm.  Make sure that you don’t burn the place down with the two of yours lovemaking.”


“C-Carciel!” Niyleen blushed.


The Breton laughed saying,  “Night you two,” before finally heading in.




“What were you two talking about?”




“Sure didn’t sound like nothing.  Are you positive you’re not hiding secrets from me again?”




(Other than that I’m the Raging Inferno of the Reach that you’re chasing after?)  “No Lucari,” she smiled.  “I’m not hiding anything from you. Now let me show you to where you’ll be sleeping.”




“This is it, the Master bedroom,” Niyleen said after they had crossed the room.




“It’s… amazing….”




“I don’t use it much, because I’m usually not in a lot, or I end up crashing in the living room floor due to exhaustion. But yeah, this is my bed.  I promise it’s a lot better than those stone slabs at the Silverblood inn.”




“Over there are some of my wardrobes.  They mainly contain clothes too fine for one such as myself, but there may be an outfit or two in there you might like to try out, if you’re okay with readjusting the size a bit of course.”




“And this is my personal workbench/treasury/command station.  Whenever I wasn’t actively thieving, I would come here to reallocate funds, update guard, caravan, and merchant routes, and make note of any areas noted for having suspicious activity.  Since I haven’t been in recently, it’s definitely outdated, but give it a look through if you want.”




“And that’s about it,” Niyleen said with a sigh of relief.  “You may sleep here by yourself, because regardless of what you may have said earlier in reference to me, I know you’re still a bit peeved at me for leaving you alone today.”  Niyleen cautiously chose her next words carefully. “…So I want you to be able to relax in complete comfort, a-at least for the night anyways.  And if you want, we try and force ourselves to act normal towards each other in the morning.”




“Thank you Niyle.  As much as I would like to hug you right now, you’re right. Thank you for the space tonight.”  She paused.  “W-where will you sleep?”


“Don’t worry your pretty little head about me too much.  Like I said, I’ve made due with the floor plenty of times.”


Lucari nodded and let out an affirmative sound.  “Well then, night.”




“May the dawn keep you,” Niyleen replied.  Seeing the look on Lucari’s face, she followed up with, “It’s a saying my mother always said to me when I was younger.  It always helped me sleep well, l-like she was making a deal with the Divines to carry me throughout the night and into the dawn.” Feeling her face flush Niyleen quickly said, “A-anyways, night,” before exiting the room in a hurry closing the door behind her.


Looking around her living room/kitchen area she sighed.  (Mother would kill me for letting anyone see my house in such a state.)




Walking around her house, Niyleen could feel her temperature rising and just like Carciel said, if she couldn’t contain it she’d definitely burn her house down.  (A poor way to squander a 13,000 gold investment.)  So she began searching for anything that might calm the flames inside her.




Normally she’d keep a concoction of Dragon’s Tongue, Snowberries and Fly Amanita she picked up from a Khajiit caravan on hand, but try as she might she couldn’t find it or any of its ingredients anywhere in her house.  (Just my luck.  I’d have enough wine to help me survive Frostfall, but I don’t have a single ingredient that helps me resist fire… logical move Niyleen…)




Continuing through her house she came upon a room that filled her with glee when she saw it.  “Oh old friend, how I’ve forgotten about you.  Truly, only you could comfort me in times like this.”




The room was an add-on that she actually paid for because going to the public baths was not only a hassle, but always an awkward experience.  Through they might not admit it or hound her about it, the guards know for a fact that she’s a thief, former or otherwise, and every time she visited the public baths she felt their eyes lingering just a bit too long for her tastes.  It got to the point where she actually saved two thousand gold to get a private bath installed, but it was definitely worth it.




Stripping off her clothes, Niyleen entered the bath and the cool water was refreshing and calming to the touch.  (Haaaa… I’ve needed one of these.)




Easing her way into the water, she couldn’t help but smile at the thought of Lucari bursting into the bath and seeing her like this.  (If it were any other day, she’d definitely pounce on me, and I’d have to succumb to her whims…)  The aching in her chest and the warmness of her told her a different story altogether.  She was the one that would be doing the pouncing at this point in time.  Everything just felt so sensitive.  She could hear Carciel softly purring away and Lucari tossing in the bed trying to maintain a comfortable position. (I’ve heard the stories of the heightened senses of vampires, werewolves, and the like… so this is how it feels.)




Deciding to get completely comfortable herself, Niyleen slowly rested her back onto the cold bath wall and let out a sigh.  “This is life…”  Immediately she could feel her body temperature stabilize, but it wasn’t just that.  Her nerves about the battle, her situations with Carciel and Lucari, her issues with the Forsworn, the Silverbloods, her father, and this damned power she had bottled inside her… all of it seemed to melt away and helped her to just simply relax.




“Maybe I could just sleep… here…” Her eyelids got heavy, her mind cloudy and her words became reality as she indeed slowly drifted off to sleep.




“Ugh… h-huh?” Niyleen said trying to make sense of where she was.  “Darkness…”




Clumsily, she got to her knees and looked around, and all she saw was that, darkness.  No trace of her house, her friends, or any part of Nirn; just an abyss.




“Am I dead?”  Though she thought the words escaped her lips, Niyleen wasn’t sure that she had indeed spoken them.


“You’re not dead… just barely breathing,” said a voice from right behind her.




“AH!” Niyleen stumbled away from where she was and gripped for something, anything, in the darkness to reach out in grab.  Her heartbeat was racing and for some reason it was hard to put on the tough air she liked to portray while in this space.




Looking up at the figure in the dark, the obvious question crossed her lips, “W-who are you?”


A quick glance into the figure’s eyes gave her the answer she sought, but the being spoke anyway.  “Who am I? I’m the daughter of the Redguard Bandit Warlord Nanika and the Nord  Necromancer Narndir the Elfkiller; I’m the true Raging Inferno of the Reach; I’m the darkness cast into the shadows because you are too weak to claim the power that your former lover generously awoke within you.  I am Niyleen Flame-Child—but fir simplicity’s sake call me Nega Niyleen—and it’s a pleasure to once again meet my other half.”




(Once again?) “We’ve never—”


“You don’t remember?  How about if I say this: ‘And your father said it was a gift when he raped then all but killed you so he could reanimate your corpse and have his way with you.  Have you not realized that the Divines have given you a big Fuck You since the day you’ve been born?’


A light bulb went off in her head and suddenly it was five years ago and Niyleen was undertaking the Ascension ritual all over again.  She could feel the pain of her skin cracking, of the flames engulfing her body, of time seeming to completely stand still, and then the blinding light. 


Before she had just thought she was having a monologue with herself, but in retrospect she—or at least this side of her at that time—had complete faith in Eolri.  That fact alone should have alerted her to the presence of another side of herself, a cold, sadistic, bloodthirsty side that would be brazen enough to say, ‘Foolish girl, another one you trusted has you crying for death.  First your father, now this?’




And this… this Nega Niyleen was the embodiment of all of her doubt from back then; and the embodiment of when she gave in completely to her Ascension… Her other side stretched and said joyfully, “It’s so great to get out once in a while.  I felt like wild animal suddenly thrust into a cage.  I wanted to be free, I wanted a release. And so I waited… and waited…”




Niyleen gathered herself and stood to her feet.  “So you think that now is that time?  Now is the time for you to take over and for me to be cast into the darkness?”




“Why wouldn’t it be? I’m the stronger one, the smarter one. The real question is, which sick and twisted Aedra or Daedra thought that a weak bitchy persona like you should be in control of this body?  Clearly it wasn’t Julianos, because it just isn’t logical.”




“I don’t know if whether you said is true or not, but if I’m in control, that’s because the world isn’t ready for us… for you to be released in it.”


“Those are just the empty words of those that have everything handed to them.  So because I’m too strong, because I have too much power, I can’t be released into the world?  And yet the Daedric Princes are allowed to just take a dump on Nirn at every turn?”


“I never said it was perfect.”


“And I never said you were right.”




Nega Niyleen got into a fighting stance and instinctively Niyleen did so as well.  “I will end you Niy.  I will force my will into you, and without fail I WILL be unleashed.  And when I am released, I’ll do you the favor of ridding you of that nuisance called Pure-Shot.  I can’t imagine how good it will feel when I have her neck between my hands and then,” *snap* She snapped her fingers.




Niyleen’s chest throbbed and she knew that she spoke the truth.  “I... I’ll never  let that happen!”


“Then stop me.”




It was over in a single instant.  Niyleen rushed in and was caught on the chin by a vicious roundhouse kick.




As she fell, all she could see was herself failing yet again.  She had failed her mother, her comrades, and ultimately herself.  Maybe it was the influence of her words, but for an instance even she thought that Julianos would never let her be the dominant persona with such a beast trapped with her.  It wasn’t… logical…




A smug look appeared on Nega Niyleen’s face.  “Down goes Niyleen. DOWN GOES NIYLEEN!” She laughed and continued to hold her pose.  “It wasn’t even close.”




“This is the gap in our strength.  No… it’s even greater than you could ever imagine.  And yet… why is it you…”




(Shit… I-I can’t think straight… How did I end up on the ground? Is this even the ground?)






Nega Niyleen’s voice surrounded Niyleen from all sided and she began to feel suffocated by her presence.  (Something isn’t right… this feeling is… familiar…)  The air around them intensified and it suddenly felt like Niyleen was on fire.  She couldn’t think, couldn’t see straight, but was taken over by an immense feeling of strength that was not her own.  (I know this feeling… it’s just like then…)


The ecstasy… the shock… the awe… suddenly she was back in Karthwasten... suddenly she felt like a god again.




But coming back to reality, Niyleen soon realized that this was not power for her to control.  In fact it wasn’t her power at all.


“I HAVE THE POWER! I HAVE ASCENDED! And yet… YET!” Wave after wave of heat emitted from Nega Niyleen’s body until what she was keeping inside finally was finally released.  “And yet it is you that gets to bask in the sunlight… why?”


A quick glance at her other self was all she needed to confirm her suspicions… (She’s an actual monster!)




As if Nega Niyleen could read Niyleen’s thoughts, she said, “Yes.  That’s exactly what I am.  A monster that was awakened by your lover and is constantly clawing to get out.”  She gave her an evil smile.  “And continue to claw I will.  I’ve already kept you here long enough better half. May the dawn take you.”


Everything began to blur and the last thing Niyleen could see was Nega Niyleen standing over triumphantly, her menacing laughter echoing through the darkness.




Niyleen awoke with a shriek.  Her chest felt tight and was pounding harder than she could ever remember, and though not literally, her skin was on fire.  She could barely breathe.  Between shrieks she meekly cried out for help.




“I’m here Niyleen.  I’m right here.”


(No… not Lucari…) She couldn’t be found out now, she was just opening up to Lucari and she wasn’t ready to let Lucari know that she was the one that she was looking for.




Lucari saw the pained look on Niyleen’s face and couldn’t help but be sad herself.  “W-what happened?  You were doing fine.  Were you infected?  Were you—”




“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Niyleen’s piercing scream resonated throughout the room and she could feel herself coming undone by something foreign that was oppressing her. Frantically she tried to remove the foreign objects [her clothes] from off of her skin but to no avail.




“I-I-I t-thought you wouldn’t want t-to be naked when you awoke s-so I… I’ll… I’ll fix this!” Lucari reached towards Niyleen and while reaching for her clothes brushed her hand on the Halfling’s skin.  “Oww!” She yelled drawing her hand back.  “Y-you’re so hot… literally.  What’s going on?”




As quickly as she could, Lucari disrobed Niyleen, and though this would normally this would be a sight she would relish in, seeing Niyleen so weak and defenseless was borderline driving her mad.  “I don’t know what to do,” she cried.  “I want to help you but I don’t even know the first thing about you. Please Niyleen, tell me what to do.  Tell me how to help you!”




Be it due to Niyleen’s former cries or Lucari’s current ones, Carciel burst into the room seemingly to get a handle on things.




“I see that you two have been hitting the bed hard?” Carciel joked, though it wasn’t even funny to her.  Seeing the distraught look on Lucari’s face, she knew the situation without asking, but decided to handle the situation delicately.  “What happened, Nord?”


“C-Carciel… Niyleen… she… she…!”


“Calm down and tell me everything.”




“I… I woke up and t-tried on some clothes like Niyleen said I could.  When I finally found an outfit that I liked, I looked for Niyleen through the house and when I happened upon her s-she was passed out in the bath.  So… so I got her from the bath and took brought her here.  But she was shaking all the while.  I-I don’t know why.  S-so I thought to clothe her, because I… I didn’t think she’d like to sleep nude if she could help it.  Then she started screaming, and then…”




“I think I understand,” Carciel said frowning.  “I also think I know what ails her.  However, the only way I can cure her is to use magic from the Old Gods,” she lied.  “These magicks require the utmost concentration and if you want me to help her it would be best if you left the room so I could get on with it.”




Lucari slumped her shoulders. “I… I understand.”  She hung her head and slowly went to exit the room.  When she got to the door, she stopped and said, “Tell Niyle… no I  don’t deserve to call her that.  Tell Niyleen that I’m sorry I couldn’t help her.”






Lucari shut the door behind her and left Carciel and Niyleen alone.


“Shit girl, by the Divines what did you do?”




“Haa… haa… is she gone?” Niyleen asked weakly.


“She is.”


“Good… Maybe we can keep being friends for a little while longer now…”




“Stop talking like that!” Carciel said unable to control herself.  “Don’t you remember what Lucari said?’ If you’re in pain, I want to be able to help you.’  That counts for the both of us you dummy.  I may not feel for you the way that she does, but I’ve come to consider you as a comrade.  Maybe even a friend.  So stop shouldering everything yourself you idiot.  Even if Lucari knew who you really were, she’d still be worried sick about you.”




“Eolri… always said… she had cute sister that she loved to dote on,” Niyleen said dreamily.  She couldn’t focus, be it her vision or her mind, nor could she feel.  Her senses were shot from the fire raging in her chest that was begging to escape. Niyleen was numb, body and soul, but her words were warm.  “I’m glad I was finally able to see this side of you…”


Carciel could feel her face heat up. “S-shut up idiot.  Anyway, do I need to move you anywhere?  You know, so that you won’t mess up your house?”


Niyleen shook her head slightly and patted her sheets softly.  “Fireproof.”




“Of course…” Carciel said while sighing. “This isn’t fair!  Why do I have to carry your secret?  Why do I have to lie for you?  Why can’t you tell Lucari that you’re the Raging Inferno—”


“Can you… haa… ha… do something for me?” Carciel nodded.  “Could you… tell her that she’s wrong? She’s… haa… more than worthy… as are you…”


“Damn you Flame-Child…” Carciel said as she held back her emotions.  “I’ll definitely get you back for this.”




“I’ll be waiting…” Niyleen finally stopped fighting it and allowed herself to be consumed by the flames.  She knew that she should be screaming, she knew that it hurt more than she could imagine, but she just couldn’t feel anything.




(This is… her doing…) Niyleen looked over towards Carciel as the flames covered almost all of her body, and said as strongly as she could, albeit it was still weak, “I’m sorry… for everything…”


Something within Carciel finally broke a she heard those words and she couldn’t help but weep silently, whilst making sure she took in every moment of this, for both their sakes.






Lucari knelt outside of the door doing all that she could currently do for Niyleen, pray.  “Stendarr, Arkay, Kynareth, Mara, Zenithar, Dibella, Julianos, Akatosh, Talos… I know that you all don’t care about the single life of one your children when weighed against what is best for the Realm, but please… If it isn’t against your will, please aid Niyleen.  See that she gets—”


“This isn’t fair!” She heard Carciel shout from the inside.


(What’s going on?) She thought as she continued to pray.


“Why do I have to lie for you?  Why can’t you tell Lucari that you’re the Raging Inferno—”


Lucari kept her eyes shut and raised her head towards the sky.  (I must have heard wrong… she can’t be the Raging Inferno.  She must be a relative or something… she can’t even use magic right?)


A memory suddenly flashed before Lucari’s eyes.


“Yeah, something about how that woman set Sanuarach Mine ablaze and killed some of the Silver-Blood’s men,” the Orc began looking at her even closer.  “Yeah, no doubt.  You’re exactly the type of woman he described.”




“Right… Niyleen?”




Very good story. I l always end up guessing which way you're going when I get to the end of one.

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A dunmer, unmistakingly female by her form, clad in what couldn't pass for clothing, strode up to the deserted altar of Boethiah. Each step echoed loudly as her leather boots struck the stairs carved from stone.



"Pweh." sighed the dark elf as she reached the top. "Darling, you would not believe the day I've had, even if I told you."



"Though honestly, I think the townsfolk had an even harder time believing it." she jokingly continued. "But it's all been worth it. Now that the last puzzle pieces are mine, it's time we set the gears in motion, wouldn't you say?"



A stern face full of defiance met her gaze as the horned dunmer observed her prisoner, the Jarl of Solitude: Elisif the Fair.

"Oh come now, that's no way to welcome back she who so unselfishly decided to help your cause to force Ulfric to face justice. It might not be the way you would do it, but the result will be all the same, believe you me."




Shifting her eyes away from the Jarl in a way a child would caught red handed doing misdeeds she added: "All right, all right! So your goal will only play a minor role in my schemes. But it's the thought that counts, right?"



"Whatever plans you have, monster, are certainly not for the benefit of Skyrim! Pretending to act to the contrary is unforgivable!" Elisif angrily replied. "Had it not been for your underhanded and cowardly tactics, Falk would have seperated your body from that twisted head of yours!"



"Don't overstep your bounds, 'highness'. The only reason your pathetic life still lingers in this world is by my choice! So don't mock me, mortal!" the half naked dunmer shouted back at her prisoner.



Elisif smiled to herself inwardly as her comment seemed to have struck a chord with her captor.

"Just for that," the angry elf spat out "I'll ruin your surprise and instead reveal my plan to you. Which, by the way, won't have a very happy ending for you!" Turning her head back to the stairs she had ascended, she roared: "To me, dogs!"



A wicked smile replaced her angry scowl as the figures climbing the stairs had been recognized by her captive.

"Aha, so even in their current miserable forms you recognize them, do you? Maybe the rumors are true after all? Though soon enough they will all be forgotten."

The Jarl of Solitude stared in horror and disbelief as the man who she personally wanted to kill walked towards them. Following right behind was another man of power, Balgruuf the Greater, Jarl of Whiterun. With both blindfolded one way or another, it was a miracle either of them were able to reach their position without falling.



The two men obediently stationed themselves on either side of the pale woman, occasionally letting out pained grunts and coughs.

"These pets of mine have recieved obedience training all day by yours truly. They've still got some ways to go, but we've made steady progress so far, isn't that right dogs?" she asked as her hands firmly grasped their genitalias in a merciless hold.



"Now, about my plans, dear Elisif; the last two ingredients stand before you. In a few days we'll be ready to begin. But before that, I've got to make sure these two are one. Hundred. Percent. Obedient." the last words said as she twisted her new pets genitals. Elisif symphatized for the man who'd always taken a neutral and compassionate stance on matters regarding Skyrim, finding some small comfort that the traitorous Jarl experienced the same pain.



The ruthless mistress let go of her victims and began to explain her master plan as she made her way to the rightful High Queen.

"You see, the current situation in Skyrim is to me like the perfect harvest is for the common farmer. His highest dream come true in the form of fruits and vegetables. In my case, souls." as she reached her bound prisoner she leaned against her and observed her new slaves.



"As their pathetic war over concordats and deities rages on, I consume every soul slain in their cause. Your late husband Torygg was the first, and I must say, the tastiest."

Elisif's mind was filled with shock and disbelief as this abomination in the form of a female belittled the tragedy going on in Skyrim. The mention of her dear Torygg had almost forced her to vomit.

"Unfortunately, the souls are coming in far too slowly, so to speed up their progress I have acquired the three of you. What do you think would happen if the head of the fair Elisif made its way to the leader of the Imperial troops, sullied in the nectar of the traitorous Ulfric and the ever so loved Balgruuf? General Tullius would demand the Stormcloaks wiped off of the face of Tamriel. The amount of souls I'd be able to feed on would make me more powerful than Alduin himself!" she declared, drunk on power.

"Then, my dear, I'll personally see to it that the wars you so detest be stopped forever. On that, you have my word."


To be continued...



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That was really good. I always like when I like the villian. Also you can put the whole thing in one spoiler to save time.



You're right. I've fixed it so hopefully it's easier to read and watch now. :)

I'm glad you like her, it took some work but I think she turned out rather good, though I envy the people who manage to make their stories look almost movie-esque with their beautiful visuals and ENBs. :D

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Part 2



"Sorry to have kept you waiting so long, 'my queen'." an all to familiar voice said, breaking the silence Elisif had welcomed. Mostly because it meant her captor was too busy elsewhere to further humiliate and abuse her, something the horned elf took great pleasure in.
Elisif hadn't heard anyone approach and was taken by complete surprise when her tormentor stood in front of her once again.

"My new pets have demanded most of my attention, I'm afraid. But I haven't forgotten about you. In fact, I have a surprise for you!" the dunmer continued. "To make up for my neglect of you, we're gonna have a little bit of fun." Noticing her emphasis on fun brought no comfort to the nord, instead making her dread what was coming next.

"Don't worry, I won't participate." the dark elf said as she noticed the worry spreading across her prisoner's face. "No, this one is all for you. I'll just hang back and make sure nothing goes wrong. We wouldn't want your pretty little self mangled and torn apart just yet, would we?" she cooed as she brought a crop into view in her hand.


A soft and discomforting hum could be heard making its way closer and closer towards their position. The Jarl stared in horror as an apparition straight from Oblivion hovered over the stairs as it ascended. The noise it emitted crept inside her mind and prevented her from thinking clearly as everything around her became muddled.

The next thing she knew, the crop in the dark elf's hand forced her chin up towards her. Hadn't it been for the horns and her twisted personality, Elisif would have found her rather pretty.
"Hey now, focus!" her captor commanded. For some reason, her voice cut straight through the humming, "By now, you must have figured out this is a Seeker from the Oblivion realm. More specifically Hermaerus Mora's plane. They possess strong magic by their own rights, but that isn't why I've summoned it."

"These things sport rather curious tentacles and with the right mindset they can bring you great pleasure." Torygg's widowed wife couldn't believe what she was hearing. Not only would her severed head serve as the means for her perverted jailer to gain tremendous power, but she was going to humiliate her in every way until then. And by such a creature. A daedra!


An invisible force drew her towards the Seeker. Tentacles wrapped around her body as her face met its. Black eyes probed her very being as its tentacles made their way towards her lower half. Unable to move a muscle, most likely due to its magical powers, the Jarl could do nothing as the biggest of the appendages began to play with her vulva.

Against her will, she found herself getting more aroused by the second. She hated it. The thought that such an evil creature could make her feel this way. Throwing a quick glance towards the elf, she was even more disgusted as the scantily clad woman had begun to rub herself to the scene playing in front of her.

"That looks so good. I really envy you." the elf moaned as Elisif watched her in disgust. Unable to control herself, she ran her other hand down towards her nether region as well. "You two look great together!"


The dunmer matched their pace and soon found herself close to climax. The daedra's humming was now so loud that Elisif couldn't even hear her moans or anything else for that matter. The only thing confirming she was still concious was her rapists demonic face right in front of her and its forceful tentacles thrusting into her. But even those senses began to dull down, her vision began to swim as white light was all she could now see.



"That's enough!" cried the dark elf. "Stop, I said!" she repeated as a spell formed in her hand.



"Know your place, insect!" A red aura enveloped the daedra as it dropped its victim in shock. It acted surprisingly fast as before Elisif had a chance to touch the ground it had already begun to cast a counter spell to defend itself as it turned toward its attacker.



But not fast enough. Before it had a chance to release the spell, it was already dead. The last of its life force was sucked up by the dark elf as it fell toward the ground, lifeless.



"Tch! Cocky bastard, know your place." she said to the dead demon laying next to her prized prisoner. The Jarl had lost all her strength and it was a struggle to even breathe. "I'll heal you up before we begin with the next one." she assured the exhausted Jarl.




"Get up here!" she yelled as she turned toward the stairs where the Seeker had appeared from minutes ago.




Heavy footsteps began to make their way up the stairs before she had even finished her sentence. Smiling, the elf once again faced toward her prisoner laying still on the ground. "This next one will make up for it all, I swear. And I'll be sure to keep you alive as there are still a dozen more creatures to go through, all with their unique abilities that you've never experienced before." she gleefully said.



"I think it's your turn to experience something new, elf." a deep voice remarked. Stunned, the pale dunmer spun around to face this new intruder.



"I've come to bring Elisif, Balgruuf and Ulfric back to their rightful places." the warrior continued. "I advise you to surrender before it is too late if you value your life." He spoke with confidence, as if he'd already won the battle.



"I don't remember inviting someone so droll. But now that you're here, I can't let you leave alive." the dark elf said, ignoring his previous comments. "The fact that you found this place and dared approach me proves you're either the king of all fools or delusional enough to believe you can best me"



"I can assure you, I am neither. You face the dragonborn, slayer of dragons. What chance do you think a measly dunmer, however skilled in sorcery she is, stands before a warrior who has slain and absorbed the souls of countless dragons?"

"The armor you wear speaks volume of you, but not of a warrior, but a fool." she dryly answered. "To face me equipped with the bones of dragons fashioned in armor and weapons is the last mistake you'll ever make!" she said, her eyes flaring with power and rage.



"This is your last chance, stand down and surrender yourself!"



To be continued...



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