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Skype chat anyone :3

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Guest carywinton

I got bored with Skyrim and Fallout NV pretty quickly too. I was not real thrilled with the lack of good choices for a "Good Guy" role in both. Oh Skype? I am sure you can figure out very easily what my Skype name is, I am kind of consistent that way, hope to speak with you on Skype soon. ;)

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I got bored with Skyrim and Fallout NV pretty quickly too. I was not real thrilled with the lack of good choices for a "Good Guy" role in both. Oh Skype? I am sure you can figure out very easily what my Skype name is, I am kind of consistent that way, hope to speak with you on Skype soon. ;)


I bought new vegas limited edition. pretty much played it sense. XD

<_< so yea 

my skype name is pretty easy to :3

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IM just looking for quests mods. 


i already have the game on like ultra diffacult or some shit. and im not using OP gear.

just want something with story to keep me glued

but sure u can name a view


Likewise here,I have played the vanilla and dlcs a lot,so I'm more looking towards new quests and dungeons myself.

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IM just looking for quests mods. 


i already have the game on like ultra diffacult or some shit. and im not using OP gear.

just want something with story to keep me glued

but sure u can name a view


Next stop The Witcher 3 i predict that game will blow skyrim of the planet and never to recover :D


Hopefully next year it will be released but its just a dream i have such high hopes for The Witcher 3.


For now good luck with Skyrim its not the best story telling deep questing game you have to make your own story hehe.

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Yeah there are not a lot of quest type mods out there well ones that are fairly big many are just small quests. There is these ones The Deserts of Elseweyr http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=73986018& Wrath of Nature: The Path of the Druid http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=128704892 there is The Valenwood Project which is half way done http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=90132554& and many thers.


Many times when I get bored I switch from fallout NV to oblivion or skyrim the only thing I hate about jumping back and forth is that with each game the developers decided hey they are use to these buttons lets totally screw them up and switch the buttons around. So you end up jumping for the next half hour instead of looting the raiders.


Another thing I do if I'm bored is to look for armors/outfit and then try to modify them for my female character remove pieces change textures make it transparent and so forth.

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IM just looking for quests mods. 


i already have the game on like ultra diffacult or some shit. and im not using OP gear.

just want something with story to keep me glued

but sure u can name a view


Next stop The Witcher 3 i predict that game will blow skyrim of the planet and never to recover :D


Hopefully next year it will be released but its just a dream i have such high hopes for The Witcher 3.


For now good luck with Skyrim its not the best story telling deep questing game you have to make your own story hehe.



I never cared for witcher in general, heard bad stuff XD

yea but i want a quest that like does that kinda shit. lets u create ur own story.  not like. OH GOT NEW WEAPON after 5 mins of nothing. -.- hate quests like that. lol raid dungeon main part of it is a weapon or something, only lasts 10 mins. like wtf! Lol

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Try Moonpath to Elseweyr. It adds new areas with tropical forest. You could also try Explorer Dungeon Pack which adds several dungeons to explore(without fear of spoiling a quest).

Other than that check the quests and dungeons sections on the Nexus.


Yea thats one quest i never tried, idk why.  Imma download now :3


sorry idk how to includ multiple quotes in one post <_<?

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IM just looking for quests mods. 


i already have the game on like ultra diffacult or some shit. and im not using OP gear.

just want something with story to keep me glued

but sure u can name a view


Falskaar maybe?


ill check this out to :3


CURRENTLY unable to download some shit on nexus due to they toke it down -.-

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IM just looking for quests mods. 


i already have the game on like ultra diffacult or some shit. and im not using OP gear.

just want something with story to keep me glued

but sure u can name a view


Falskaar maybe?


ill check this out to :3


CURRENTLY unable to download some shit on nexus due to they toke it down -.-



It's a big ass quest with more than 20h+ of fun and awesomeness.

And this guy got hired at Bungie, Inc. you know, the creators of Halo.

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IM just looking for quests mods. 


i already have the game on like ultra diffacult or some shit. and im not using OP gear.

just want something with story to keep me glued

but sure u can name a view


Falskaar maybe?


ill check this out to :3


CURRENTLY unable to download some shit on nexus due to they toke it down -.-



It's a big ass quest with more than 20h+ of fun and awesomeness.

And this guy got hired at Bungie, Inc. you know, the creators of Halo.


you know the creators of something that used to be good.  XD

ill fiddle with it. when i can download

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yea but when i treid to download it said the nexus downloading was down.


says this



The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below...

We've taken down the NMM download service temporarily while we work on the system. This functionality will be restored soon.


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