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Kaldor Draigo

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sorry to horn in on your request, but I'm posting this again here in hopes of favorable results.


(original post):


If this has already been requested then forgive me.  Took me forever just to get here (can't seem to find the "search" for lovers lab).

I've googled, read posts and went through all the mod lists but simply cannot find the one mod which should have been at or near the top of the list of "mods that have to be made".


That of course is my female character either in the wrong pub or drunk in the wrong place/time.


Maybe a new bar/pub/inn where only the foolish female enters?  Or, maybe "you had to much to drink - party time boys!"?

I'm impressed with the mods made by players - kudos all, you're the best (apparently better than that Beth bunch). So, a female laid or tied to a table being used by every male in the bar shouldn't be much of a problem (I don't know how to mod, but I know it's a little more complicated than that).

But please, please, please make this mod not just for me but all the testosterone flooded males out there.

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bumpy bumpy bump bump

This should be in the "Where Can I Find? Adult Requests" (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19121-where-can-i-find-skyrim-adult-requests/) thread.


If you are desperate or handy with programs you can also try making it yourself:


http://www.youtube.com/user/NightasyTutorials/videos?flow=grid&view=0 --- This is the best route because you'll learn to make anything you want but its not a route everyone can take.

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bumpy bumpy bump bump

This should be in the "Where Can I Find? Adult Requests" (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19121-where-can-i-find-skyrim-adult-requests/) thread.


If you are desperate or handy with programs you can also try making it yourself:


http://www.youtube.com/user/NightasyTutorials/videos?flow=grid&view=0 --- This is the best route because you'll learn to make anything you want but its not a route everyone can take.


nope i wont be able to take that route ive tried daz3d but couldnt get the hang of it so yeah :(

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