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AMD R9 290X high end card soon be released.


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AMD R9 290X seems(speculation for now) gonne take over top highend market with 512bit memory support, mantle support which all new consoles also use so easy port games its easy API prolly make the AMD cards super fast if supported by engines(forstbite3 for Battlefield 4 will).



Low level graphics API but if supported by enigines and developers its same as with consoles its alot FASTER and in this case PC'S will benefit alot by this mantle approach.


Specs leaked 290x http://videocardz.com/46407/amd-radeon-r9-290x-290x-specifications-confirmed-leaked-slide


Seems AMD have maybe winner on there hands(im fan AMD sorry:)).


Hopefully if it all go as it seems ill buy 290x for sure it seems at least huge improvement on my 7970




Btw only real new AMD videocard series called HAWAI.


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Crappy drivers oh as i recall that was maybe 4-5 years ago sinds DX11 there drivers are ok and most are even verygood.


Ive always manage with drivers and never used and third party AMD or Nvidia sometimes buggy both had this problem btw but i always manage to fix problems(PC hobbyist love tweaking fixing things).


After the ATI 9800pro i also switch over to nvidia and ive stayed with them up to 2009 then in end of 2009 when AMD released there 5800 series as first for DX11 era i was also sceptic but ive sinds then never been dissapointed.


Up untill now im very pleased with AMD and there drivers and 7970 is superb card and much cheaper sinds launch then nvidia who are over prices and not worth buying(i don't mean there bad but for money and performance no need to go nvidia)


If performance is good price is right and drivers no problem i buy AMD or nvidia.


Offcorse to each his own if you like nvidia good for you hehe.


For now im still in camp of AMD and it seems i stay in that camp future looks very bright and even better then it already was:)


My gues and prediction for 290x is faster then titan and also cheaper if thats case(speculation offcorse on my part(also hope)) its NO BRAINER which card will be my next:)

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I've never undestood the whole "AMD has bad drivers" statement. The problems that I've had with GPU drivers are not specific to AMD; NVidia has them also.


Anyhow, that Mantle API is getting an awful lot of flak despite it being what folks have been calling for (more or less); direct-to-metal programming.


The reduction in draw call overhead, just by itself, is a major reason to use it. Gives the CPU more room to breath. Hell, Bethesda's games would be much more effecient if Mantle was used to lessen the impact of draw calls. I've found that Skyrim's framerate plummets when there are around 2,500 draw calls or more.

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Guest carywinton

@ MajinCry Now that's getting some real information and technical data which shows the improvements, nice post.


evasiadutch Great report and find on this, well done! I have been an AMD partner and reseller for many years, I deal with both AMD/ATI and NVidia here at my company, we have run all kinds of tests due to our environment, we work directly with game developers and IT support staff for specific hardware requirements, system builds and networks to carry and balance the loads. The Catalyst line of drivers has really brought a great scope for AMD/ATI, the Control Center allows for a very wide range of tweaking and settings. This is the best course to go for drivers, no need for third party , go directly to AMD and get them. http://support.amd.com/en-us/download


It is also interesting to note this release is coming right about the same time frame as Dragon Age Inquisition's release date, which is also based on the Frostbite 3 engine. Is there a connection? You bet there is.

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I've never undestood the whole "AMD has bad drivers" statement. The problems that I've had with GPU drivers are not specific to AMD; NVidia has them also.


Anyhow, that Mantle API is getting an awful lot of flak despite it being what folks have been calling for (more or less); direct-to-metal programming.


The reduction in draw call overhead, just by itself, is a major reason to use it. Gives the CPU more room to breath. Hell, Bethesda's games would be much more effecient if Mantle was used to lessen the impact of draw calls. I've found that Skyrim's framerate plummets when there are around 2,500 draw calls or more.


OpenGL support, alone, has been poor since the initial release of the standard, as well as polygon rendering issues in DX11.  A quick Google search comes up with 633,000 results for homebrew fixes and problem reports for OpenGL, and a search for rendering issues comes up with over 8 million results.  I repeat, I don't trust a card that doesn't work with out of the box drivers and relies entirely on third party fixes as opposed to releasing their own.  ATI has had these same issues since I started building my own gaming rigs, and so long as they continue to happen, I won't buy their cards.

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Strange then that ive for past 4 years np with AMD drivers( never used any thirdparty software) while i hear nvidia have some problems with other(i remember not long ago many had so many problems with DayZ with nvidiacards or Guild Wars 2 while i never had any problems with my AMD card) games.


But it don't realy matter, you like nvidia and have bad experience in past with AMD and you stick forever with nividia fine by me:)


If Nvidia drop prices and i see it perform better then AMD highend card i won't mind switch camps, but that won't happen soon there just WAY to over priced for what they offer and lately there drivers airn't as good also as you claimed.

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1. AMD has better opensource support

2. AMD is in XBONE and PS4 --> better support for upcoming games

3. Mantle could be a game changer

4. True Audio reduces CPU load -- not a big deal with sound processing now, but could be in the future


My next computer will have CPU + GPU from AMD and Linux as the exclusive OS.

I'm on winXP now but haven't found a reason to upgrade because all the recent DX10,11 games have been shit. CS1.6, CS:Source for multiplayer and Oblivion and Fallout3/NV for singleplayer are sadly the best games of this generation.


Hopefully, a killer non-consolized old school PC game will come out to give me an impetus to upgrade.


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AMD drivers are fine.  I've had a 5850 Crossfire setup for years now, and I've had no driver issues.  I certainly haven't heard of AMD drivers killing GPUs, which apparently happens from time to time with Nvidia drivers:  http://www.overclock.net/t/1399104/mc-nvidia-320-18-whql-display-driver-is-damaging-gpus.


The AMD driver knee-jerk is a old canard that religious Nvidia people like to drag out and wave around.  It has no bearing in reality, especially not since 12.11 and the massive driver architecture improvements, and now with the attention to frame latency (which has never been apparent to me in crossfire anyway).


I'm a pretty agnostic guy, I almost bought a 780 last month, but I'm definitely getting behind the 290x.  The new audio DSP is pretty interesting, this thing has 64 ROPs so it's not going to break a sweat on 4K gaming, and the Mantle optimizations will come for free for any developer targeting the consoles.



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I never got over the fact too that one must download the package in pieces, and this was more noticeable in the early days when no bundle was provided.


I refuse to buy a card that you have to install 3rd party drivers for, as opposed to NVidia, which works great with the in box disk


What are you guys talking about?  Those opinions are really, really ancient.


AMD / ATI has had monolithic reference driver downloads since before our current millennium.



And the in-box disk /is/ the 3rd party driver.  The first party driver is from either amd or nvidia, and the latest reference driver is the first thing you should install regardless of your GPU.


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I never got over the fact too that one must download the package in pieces, and this was more noticeable in the early days when no bundle was provided.


I refuse to buy a card that you have to install 3rd party drivers for, as opposed to NVidia, which works great with the in box disk


What are you guys talking about?  Those opinions are really, really ancient.


AMD / ATI has had monolithic reference driver downloads since before our current millennium.



And the in-box disk /is/ the 3rd party driver.  The first party driver is from either amd or nvidia, and the latest reference driver is the first thing you should install regardless of your GPU.



I'm running an HD7750 right now, way better than the HD4670 that I bought as part of my first build, and I have no problems with the recent stable Catalyst drivers at 13.9 (I never use the driver disc that came with the box), so the only thing left to do is to make sure your Skyrim installation is stable.


Ontopic: The new line of GPUs are something to look forward to, hopefully an improvement to AMD's lot, which includes recent strides in APU development. Some may call them rebranding, but I think otherwise.


BTW, reading this: http://semiaccurate.com/2013/10/07/nvidias-program-get-oems-like-origin-pc-dump-amd-called-tier-0/ It just changed my opinion towards nVidia in general.


Don't let a single fancy boutique builder or two influence your GPU buying decisions.

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I don't know exactly what I think about this card yet, personally I am not a big fan of AMD, I have just heard alot of bad and mediocre stories about the quality.


That was five or ten years ago, and I used to stick to nVidia as the GPU brand of choice for gaming. nVidia nearly had a monopoly until AMD started cleaning up its act and improved product quality; the R series TBH got nVidia rattled, for they haven't got anything new to come with but high-end Titans.


Also, the quality and performance lies in the card manufacturers, for they build the cards around the GPUs they obtain from both competitors.


BTW, using AMD GPUs makes me different. :lol:

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Well, I've been using Ati/AMD for quite a while; my T43 had an Ati x300 GPU in it; didn't have a problem with drivers or the GPU. Also got a bunch of legacy desktop GPUs (Radeon 9200, x300SE, amongst others I forget) that my pops used back in the day. They still work and there was no issue with drivers.


And if you just don't like the CCC, there's always RadeonPro.



Back on-topic: Considering how DirectX 11 has multithreaded rendering (a feature intended to negate the impact of 'high-level' draw calls), it still can choke out due to the woes of multithreaded programming. If Mantle also supports multithreaded rendering...I do suspect that we could see some seriously awesome Total War games, supposing Mantle will be supported. I want my 100,000 man battles!


I wonder if True Audio will be open to wrappers, like DirectSound and OpenAL are. Would hate to have my £80 Soundblaster go obsolete in the world of gaming.


Might even be a boon to those who play XP-era games on Windows Vista/7/8, if it's possible to wrap DirectSound to True Audio. Low-level wrapping would be glorious.

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AMD has change alot they and seems to smell blood(both consoles AMD and with mantle for PC also soon) it seems there aggresive thesedays like nvidia and intel are for years.


Look at this news on AMD showcase 290x on nvidia doorstep lol.


No more mister niceguy hehe



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My gues and prediction for 290x is faster then titan and also cheaper if thats case(speculation offcorse on my part(also hope)) its NO BRAINER which card will be my next:)


The 290x will (probably) be faster than gtx780 but slower than titan.

The upcoming gtx780 ti could be a sign for these rumors.
However, it's still possible that the 290x will be able to beat titan in the future.
AMD's software-section usually needs some time to "unlock" the full potential of the hardware.
Let's also see what mantle can do in the next years.
The BF4 mantle-version could be interesting, and of course new titles with support for this new api.  ;)
And with regards to drivers: AMD was bad in the past, especially during the windows98-era.
Partly then during XP.
No problems so far since windows7.

Seems every thread that someone starts trying to give some good information on whatever the product may be, the fanboys have to try there best to ruin it for everyone. If you don't like AMD/ATI then so be it. but stop trying to begrudge others if they do. This whole MY CARD IS BETTER THEN YOUR CARD Bullsquat is pointless and childish to say the least. I could go on a rant all day long as to why I don't like Nvidia but I won't, it's pointless and would be childish on my part bringing it into somone else's thread. It goes the same way when talking about Intel and AMD. senseless drivel.  


Ahahaha true words. :D

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Just FYi in case you didn't see it Nvidia announced they are planning the release of the GTX 780Ti which is supposed to be on the same level as this card (but probably more expensive).

Personally I don't care either way if it beats titan or not, Im holding out for the Nvidia GTX 800 series.  It supposed to release first quarter of next year (2014) featuring the Maxwell architecture.  Its going to have a unified memory system so that the CPU and GPU can share the their ram with each other, and is also supposed to double the power of the current gen architecture from 6-8 Gigaflops to 14-16 Gigaflops.


You can call me a fanboy if you want but to me that seems like a pretty great technological jump and I'd rather wait 4-6 months for it.

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