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1 hour ago, JohnDWizard said:

Has anyone had any success getting Regula to work with AGOT? 
It immediately got fucked when I let loose the Keeper of Souls. Probably something to do with not being able to play theocracies. 


Works for me, did you try pick the religion that doesn't have the holy sites (Regula Magistri Noamds)? Its the last option when you need to select between regions.

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6 hours ago, csirke128 said:


Works for me, did you try pick the religion that doesn't have the holy sites (Regula Magistri Noamds)? Its the last option when you need to select between regions.


I did. But also, a second before it blew up, I noticed I'd been turned into a Drowned man, so I guess it could be a Ironborn only issue. I'll try it again with another faction. 

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On 2/15/2024 at 2:30 AM, Gabe Lincoln said:

I wonder if you're going to use the disease system in the DLC for Infecta when that comes out.


Also, I'd like to request an extra game rule to have all Magistrati wear revealing clothing. I just think it'd be funny with the men too.

Haha, yeah I'm honestly waiting for the next CK3 expansion to drop before diving back into a game, I'm personally really looking forward to the adventurer DLC because I like the whole "rags to riches" game progression.

I did make a game rule for everyone (including men) to have revealing clothing, regardless of religion status. I could do a bit of copypasta and make a rule for Magi men and women only.

On 2/17/2024 at 11:10 AM, Uzhirian said:

@ban10 Is there still an issue with female kids holy site? I find all my kids (playing 2.9.2 atm) have suddenly starting getting born as males, and no amount of save scumming is changing that.

I think its fixed, I do tend to find that babies born from mutare corpus all seem to share a gender?

Next time I do a campaign I'll keep track of every baby born and have a debug logging event running so I can see
- How many babies were born as the gender they started as
- How many babies were "re-rolled" and were born as women due to the holy site effect
Then I can compare and contrast that to see how much of an effect the holy site really has.

On 2/18/2024 at 10:23 PM, cgman19 said:

I made a patch to make the mutare corpus breast and penis modification work with the Physical Attributes CBO addon. I simplified it a bit because I'm no coder. It's set to make smaller if Carnalitas small is good and big is not good, otherwise make bigger. If anyone more competent wants to do anything with it, please do.

Physical Attributes Regula Magistri.zip 12.88 kB · 13 downloads

Nice, I know people want this so its defiantly something I'm thinking about.
I don't personally use PA but I would like to have a go someday on building compatibility for it into RM.

On 2/25/2024 at 1:07 PM, JohnDWizard said:

Has anyone had any success getting Regula to work with AGOT? 
It immediately got fucked when I let loose the Keeper of Souls. Probably something to do with not being able to play theocracies. 

Should work, as mentioned use the nomads special holy site option.
You do end up as the Head of Faith (the Magister) but you should be able to play it with the vanilla religion doctrines.

On 2/26/2024 at 1:14 PM, aondlo11 said:

Hello, is it possible to get the mutare_corpus decision as a standalone mode? Would really appreciate that 

Unfortunately, I personally don't have the time to make this, but to help you out, here are the relevant files:
- Interaction from https://gitgud.io/ban10/regula-magistri/-/blob/master/Regula_Magistri/common/character_interactions/regula_character_interactions_powers.txt#L1079
- Events from https://gitgud.io/ban10/regula-magistri/-/blob/master/Regula_Magistri/events/interactions/regula_mutare_corpus_events.txt
- Event Loc from https://gitgud.io/ban10/regula-magistri/-/blob/master/Regula_Magistri/localization/english/regula_interactions_and_schemes_l_english.yml#L156
- Script effects from https://gitgud.io/ban10/regula-magistri/-/blob/master/Regula_Magistri/common/scripted_effects/regula_mutare_corpus_effects.txt

You'll have to take those into a new mod and "un-Regula" it, changing the triggers/loc/effects to make it work without needing Regula Magistri.

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On 2/28/2024 at 3:02 AM, idkwhattoputy said:

Has there been a fix for the regular council bug?


Which bug are you talking about exactly? If it is the regula council window not showing up, then I suspect that is a compatibility issue with another mod you are using rather than a bug - the council window was merged into the main council window vs previously being an overlay. This is a lot more performant, and ends up looking nicer, but does mean that there are compatibility issues w/ things that modify `gui/window_council.gui`. Putting RM later in your load order or w/e might solve that? If you can't do that for some reason - copying `gui/window_council.gui` out of RM, and wrapping it in a separate mod that you put last in the load order is another option - something like this:

 RM Council Patch.zip


Do note, though...that any time the RM council window changes (e.g. every time a new councilor is added, or the game updates the council window), you'll need to update that patch by copying over the new RM `window_council.gui`.

Edited by OzcarMike
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46 minutes ago, OzcarMike said:


Which bug are you talking about exactly? If it is the regula council window not showing up, then I suspect that is a compatibility issue with another mod you are using rather than a bug - the council window was merged into the main council window vs previously being an overlay. This is a lot more performant, and ends up looking nicer, but does mean that there are compatibility issues w/ things that modify `gui/window_council.gui`. Putting RM later in your load order or w/e might solve that? If you can't do that for some reason - copying `gui/window_council.gui` out of RM, and wrapping it in a separate mod that you put last in the load order is another option - something like this:

  RM Council Patch.zip 6.83 kB · 1 download


Do note, though...that any time the RM council window changes (e.g. every time a new councilor is added, or the game updates the council window), you'll need to update that patch by copying over the new RM `window_council.gui`.

Yea I use character ui overhaul ill try the patch out thank you

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12 hours ago, stephanos603 said:

Hi. Im really enjoying the mod. :) is there any quick way to mod the province ids or something on the holy sites to make this compatible to either Game of thrones mod  or Elder Kings?

The nomads mode removes the dependency on holy sites. Otherwise you'd have to find it in the files, and hack it yourself. 

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56 minutes ago, false0528 said:

new current bug:

Feudalism rulers has no legitimacy button gui , tribalism rulers are normal .

You can edit regula_government_types to add a line legitimacy = yes below royal_court = yes for both feudal and clan government types.

Edited by Armin487
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I'm absolutely in love with this mod, huge props to the developers.


I have some suggestions for potential new features:

* You should be able to do mutare corpus to yourself as well (it is very strange that I can heal lovers pox for anyone in my harem but not for myself -- for that one I need to hold an orgy)

* You should be able to do "negative" mutare corpus for males (especially for prisoners), reduce their penis size, give them negative congenital traits and make them more submissive, potentially chaste as well so they don't try to fuck with your harem

* Something should be done about "female adultery accepted"... it is not right that my harem members can fuck around without consequences. I get that it's so that I can fuck other women instead, but is it not possible to make it so that adultery with the Magister doesn't count as adultery? There could be a "magistral adulterer/fornicator" trait for women who fucked the magister out of wedlock, which could be made into a virtue for magistrians

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I would also like it if we could make our harem members all have soulmate so they don't fuck around. I usually use debug mode to do it but it would be fun especially since it seems my wives have fallen in love with each other and are having fun without me.

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5 hours ago, MisterGrim said:

I would also like it if we could make our harem members all have soulmate so they don't fuck around. I usually use debug mode to do it but it would be fun especially since it seems my wives have fallen in love with each other and are having fun without me.


Or at least reduce the chance, and or give us some Magistri-specific options to deal with it.


A suggestion @ban10:

Can we change the Assistance from Paelex perk, so that it has ranks?
Eg, a Ducal Paelex gives more than a Commital Paelex and upwards. 
Then you're less compelled to micro hundreds of Paelex for that sweet sweet +%Development buff. 

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On 3/9/2024 at 5:19 PM, Armin487 said:

You can edit regula_government_types to add a line legitimacy = yes below royal_court = yes for both feudal and clan government types.

Thanks! That did it.

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I'm releasing RM 3.0.0!
Changelog can be found in OP, or on Gitgud

Though not a huge number of changes, the addition of the Regula conspiracy and the needed refactor for Carnalitas has made me decide to up a major version.

Lots of great ideas in the thread btw, I do take note of all of them, hopefully I can start getting to the easier ones every now and then while working through backlog (and new features from the expansion!)

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1 hour ago, ban10 said:

I'm releasing RM 3.0.0!
Changelog can be found in OP, or on Gitgud

Though not a huge number of changes, the addition of the Regula conspiracy and the needed refactor for Carnalitas has made me decide to up a major version.

Lots of great ideas in the thread btw, I do take note of all of them, hopefully I can start getting to the easier ones every now and then while working through backlog (and new features from the expansion!)


Is this compatible with Carnalitas 2.3 or 2.4?

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Ok, thanks to OzcarMike for putting our a PR to update RM for Carn 2.4 I was able to upload a new version quickly!

For those wondering, my current mod list for RM is:

Regula Magistri 3.0.1
Carnalitas 2.4
Cheri Lewd COAs
CBO 1.84 (with the 1.12 unofficial fix in that thread and CBO vanilla)

Then I use a bunch of normal mods from the steam workshop, main ones being

More Game Rules
Congenital Beauty
Auto promote culture/faith/control
Education Automation
Death Cascade
Less Event Spam

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This has quickly become my favorite ck3 mod. Any plans for incorperating the new legend mechanics in the mod somehow? I dont know much about modding, but a system that involves slowly spreading something across the map could probably be changed into some kind of mind control power or something.

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