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Purple Jello Faces


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Your missing textures files or have a incorrect texture path.


You have most likely missed a requirement somewhere.


What race is she?

Well, to answer that question: Vanilla. 

I know the purple usually shows when textures are missing, but I think it's something else because when I prid'd my customized Lydia and typed "setnpcweight 40", she turns purple as well, and her face becomes a fat guy's face instead -.-"


Happens as well, if using DDSOpt on the wrong textures.

F.e.: Optimizing the textures from RaceMenu.


Had to learn this the hard way. -.-

Hm, I don't think I used DDSopt, I have HD for possibly everything. 



I was wondering if there was a mod that was causing this issue? I'm just really baffled because the only changes I've ever done so far was update my mods.

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Leads to the question, what mods you have installed and which of them you updated recently.
And last but not least: Does deactivating the recently updated mods solve the problem? if yes, go trial and error to find the mod, that causes it.

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Leads to the question, what mods you have installed and which of them you updated recently.

And last but not least: Does deactivating the recently updated mods solve the problem? if yes, go trial and error to find the mod, that causes it.

This is gonna take a while....I think I'm going to have to try this then ~_~"


See you guys in 8 hours... O_Q

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