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New Attack Animations?

Ark of Truth

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You probably need to read FNIS FAQ for modders, there is info how to add your animation to FNIS, then generate behavior files and use idles as they were vanilla, so you can call them with any methods. There are many of them I believe.

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Does any one know if it is possible to add new attack animations into the game?


(Theoretically) it's possible. But I haven't heard that it was done yet. Problem is that combat animations are heavily integrated in the behaviors. So I cannot just create additional ones independent of the environment, similar to the idles.


But I have a goal. In FNIS 4.1 I want to implement "alternate" animations. For some selected animations I will hook up entry points to add animations of the same kind. Then these new animations can be activated based on some animvar conditions. This is possible for standing idles, or (non-FNIS) sit and sleep animations. And it should also be possible for walk, run, sneak, unsheathed weapon movement and similar.


When things work out fine, I would like to extend that to combat animations. Maybe 4.2. But I can't promise yet, because I haven't looked enough into the combat behaviors. And it's very tedious, because every animation needs to be individually hooked up at it's specific place.

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