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mods for male sub pc

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So, I never played modded NV. It never occured to me to look

up adult mods until recently. I am now VERY overwhelmed and have no idea

where to start apart from downloading the sexout basic files.


First I considered downloading the 'Humping the mojave' mod

because I want a mod/mods that allows me to play through the game properly

and have extended sexual content for a male pc. The contents should preferably have/include

gay encounters. I am also curious about the slavery mods but as far as I read, they are mostly done for

female pcs?

Please help me out? I went through the forum and other sites for HOURS and if no one can help me,

I will probably just give it up and deinstall NV. xD


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Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but most of the content is made by straight males and geared towards submissive female characters.  HOWEVER, there is some gay content.  There are several events in the consequences mod that lead to gay sex, and in the Tryout mods it's possible for male PCs to solicit prostitutes of either gender in the Gomorrah and you can attempt to trade drugs with Vault 3 fiends for sex.  I'm pretty sure the hookups mod also allows for gay encounters.


I'm also pretty sure the playerslave beta supports male characters.

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Thank you for your response Loogie.


I guessed so far that there aren't many mods suited for me. x)


Anyway, I might try out the playerslave beta. Is it this one? 




And if I download other sexout plugins and a different mod like the 'Humping the mojave',

will they conflict with each other? Or should I turn off a mod once I played through its content?

As I said, I have no experience with mods at all.

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I'm not 100% on this, but IIRC you can have gay encounters with SexoutSex and BrutalRapers/SexAssault as well. The former is a dialogue mod where you can ask people for sex and the latter is a mod where people randomly walk up to you and do what the title suggests. BR/SA comes (at least older versions came with it) with some options that should allow you to set it according to what you want to see, i.e. only m-m/f-f/m-f or a combination thereof.

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Thank you for your response Loogie.


I guessed so far that there aren't many mods suited for me. x)


Anyway, I might try out the playerslave beta. Is it this one? 




And if I download other sexout plugins and a different mod like the 'Humping the mojave',

will they conflict with each other? Or should I turn off a mod once I played through its content?

As I said, I have no experience with mods at all.


Nothing should conflict.  I'd definitely recommend turning off the playerslave alpha once you have your fill of it.

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Also, if you feel the gumption, you can try learning a little bit and modifying existing mods to add paths for male players.  Someone PMed me over a year ago asking if I was all right with them making a modification the the Tryout mods to include male sub paths with mostly gay content; I told him I'm fine with the idea but didn't hear anything since.  The two reasons I didn't do it back when I worked on them is because gay male sex doesn't do anything for me, so I wouldn't feel motivated, and since I'm not gay I was worried the dialog would come off hokey, and not in a fun way.

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While it is untested and unsupported, I think quite a lot of mods designed for female players may mostly work for a homosexual male, since the sexout framework supports any actors regardless of gender and starts animations appropriately (though I am not an expert on this), and I think many mods don't bother to check the players gender- the author assuming only female character will use them.


Added clothing will often cause problems because no meshes exist for male characters.


Its not really a solution, but if you are desperate for more mods you could try just using any (non-pregnancy) ones you like the look of with your character and they may at least mostly work, though dialogue might need some imagination to make sense... and again you will be in untested/unsupported territory.

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 It's not as hard as you might think to make small changes to

mods. The worst part is installing all the stuff you need to do

the mod-ing in the first place. As for changing dialog, it's

sometimes harder to find where the dialog you want to edit

is located, than to do the actual editing.

 You could also use the GECK to make NPC's more attractive

to you, or even turn women NPC's into men.

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