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Converting wigs to hair?


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Keep in mind that converting wigs back to hairs isn't a very good choice, especially if the wig consists of several NiTrishape/NiTristrips. It's related to the 'alpha channel interfere' that frequently occurs in multi-layered transparent objects.

There is my wig tutorial if you want to take a look.



1. Export the NiTrishape block, and import it into Blender. Importing option should be: Keep Vert Order turned on, X90 off.



2. Now, you need to adjust the orientation. How to? Import any head mesh, and adjust the location of the hair. Don't forget to set the center of the hair object to same as the head.

For example, snap the center of the hair to the center of the head. and move the hair to the global center.


- Keep in mind that you can't add any transparent mesh layer over the hair cluster. Or you'll get the crap. This is why I don't recommend converting a multi-object wig item to a hair. To 'fix' this issue, look over this place.


for example this one http://tesadventures.com/forum/index.php?topic=2893.0

I can't recall what post was exactly about alpha channel conflict issue. Sorry.

There are several wig/hair tutorials. To be honest reordering the rendering priority is the very last thing I want to do in Blender.


3. Export. The hair should not have any boneweight. After export, you'll need some post edits to make the nif look like other hairs. For exmaple add NiStringExtraData if it doesn't have any, attach NiVertexColorProperty, etc.

You also need two more highlight textures. _hl and _hh.dds


4. Conformulate the hair using the conformulator.

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