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How is there no perfectly sexualised Skyrim/Fallout game?

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im just sitting around playing some Fallout 4 modding it with the skimpiest stuff i can possibly find and since I startet modding I am wondering: Why is there no game developer making a Video game for adults, thats just overly sexualised and like a life/sex/adventure simulator? I realy dont get this. Of course, there would be a lot of children, that wouldnt be allowed to buy it, but the amount of adults buying it, would be massive, right? I mean: normal sex games are complete trash, all of them. They are just a little tool to jerk off, but arent we all sitting at home, all alone, trying to emerge in the virtual world as real and immersive as possible? And wouldnt a be war ridden worlds like Skyrim or Fallout be heavily sexual and aggressive, just logically. 


Im just posting this because I am bored, maybe someone has thoughts about this. 


See ya :* 


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Game ratings and money, after all depending on what country the developer is based in they may be limited in just what they can do in that line anyway, for example no Japanese based company can show dicks or pussies, outright illegal in that country, I am pretty sure other countries also have similar problems, in America you would have the religious groups who think sex is evil after your company for doing things like that, other countries the same.  And of course finding somebody to fund it and then distribute it as well, steam well then may or may not allow it and they seem to be somewhat odd in what they do and do not allow.  And while in many places religious groups are not that powerful they are very very vocal in the media and social areas, which in the end gives the clout, screaming about protecting the children, which really means protecting their power and control over others.


Take fallout 4 for instance it is rated pegi 18, like most of the fallout game, yet I have seen posts from people saying that their 13/14 or so year old son is playing the game and they are fine with that, and then you get in the media about those teens doing or acting like in the game, and the game and developer gets the blame for it, not the adult who has bought the game that the children were playing, and knew they were playing even though the game is rated 18+.

Edited by Varithina
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A developer would also have to find a refutable pay host to use for their game and sorry to say paytyrant(pal) isn't one of them. If a game has rape - bestiality - incest or something else they don't like they'll either not allow them to make account or they will and then later ban it. I have also heard that when they ban someone's account if the person had any money they'll steal it and not give it back to the owner.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/23/2023 at 12:33 PM, Varithina said:

Game ratings and money, after all depending on what country the developer is based in they may be limited in just what they can do in that line anyway, for example no Japanese based company can show dicks or pussies, outright illegal in that country, I am pretty sure other countries also have similar problems, in America you would have the religious groups who think sex is evil after your company for doing things like that, other countries the same.  And of course finding somebody to fund it and then distribute it as well, steam well then may or may not allow it and they seem to be somewhat odd in what they do and do not allow.  And while in many places religious groups are not that powerful they are very very vocal in the media and social areas, which in the end gives the clout, screaming about protecting the children, which really means protecting their power and control over others.

While I would love to shit on religion the big wigs at loverslab say no :classic_sad: and I think this goes beyond religion. Pedophiles, baby kidnapping mothers, sad didn't really want children fathers, the so called Karens, lovers of the death penalty and other misanthropes are projecting their insecurities onto porn. And sadly this narrative gets carried on from parent to child. I identify as a misanthrope but even I know that porn is just a fun activity. Yes. Fapping is an activity that everyone should enjoy. If you don't you probably did something illegal and should turn yourself in. Or you have no sex drive(How is that even possible?) you know what whatever.

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8 hours ago, Darkpig said:

While I would love to shit on religion the big wigs at loverslab say no :classic_sad: and I think this goes beyond religion. Pedophiles, baby kidnapping mothers, sad didn't really want children fathers, the so called Karens, lovers of the death penalty and other misanthropes are projecting their insecurities onto porn. And sadly this narrative gets carried on from parent to child. I identify as a misanthrope but even I know that porn is just a fun activity. Yes. Fapping is an activity that everyone should enjoy. If you don't you probably did something illegal and should turn yourself in. Or you have no sex drive(How is that even possible?) you know what whatever.


Asexual is a known issue, where the person simply has no sex drive at all, they simply are not interested, not to sure how common it is though, things can also happen to people that pretty much turn them off sex completely, they become asexual by choice, whether they still  fap or not no idea, may well depend on the individual and what happened.


And what I said was very simplified, but it basically falls down to control, those making the laws get you to do things the way they want you to, in some cases that is outright stupid, take a look at some of the laws that get passed or have been passed, the older the country and the more stupid they can get, and do not forget some laws that made sense hundreds of years ago are still on the law books, and have been contradicted and changed by new laws, in some cases those laws are so stupid everybody goes wtf when they hear about, problem is they are still valid laws, and if the cops and government want to they can enforce them no matter how stupid or out of date they are.

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Vor 3 Stunden sagte Varithina:


Asexuell ist ein bekanntes Problem, bei dem die Person einfach überhaupt keinen Sexualtrieb hat, sie einfach nicht interessiert ist, nicht sicher ist, wie häufig es ist, aber es können auch Dinge mit Menschen passieren, die sie ziemlich vom Sex abbringen, sie werden asexuell nach Wahl, ob sie immer noch keine Ahnung haben oder nicht, kann gut von der Person abhängen und was passiert ist.


Und was ich gesagt habe, war sehr vereinfacht, aber es fällt im Grunde der Kontrolle zu, diejenigen, die die Gesetze machen, bringen Sie dazu, die Dinge so zu tun, wie sie es wollen, in manchen Fällen ist das geradezu dumm, werfen Sie einen Blick auf einige der Gesetze, die bekommen verabschiedet oder verabschiedet wurden, je älter das Land und desto dümmer können sie werden, und vergessen Sie nicht, dass einige Gesetze, die vor Hunderten von Jahren Sinn machten, immer noch in den Gesetzbüchern stehen und in einigen durch neue Gesetze widerlegt und geändert wurden Fälle, in denen diese Gesetze so dumm sind, dass jeder wtf wird, wenn sie davon hören, das Problem ist, dass sie immer noch gültige Gesetze sind, und wenn die Bullen und die Regierung wollen, können sie sie durchsetzen, egal wie dumm oder veraltet sie sind.


from a medical point of view there is a hormonal A-sexuality...

...the complete lack of "testosterone" leads to this, among other things.
(yes - women also need a small amount of "Testo" and also produce this in their bodies)


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Am 23.01.2023 um 19:46 Uhr sagte RemusW0lfsblut:



Ich sitze nur herum und spiele etwas Fallout 4, modde es mit dem knappsten Zeug, das ich finden kann, und seit ich mit dem Modden angefangen habe, frage ich mich: Warum macht kein Spieleentwickler ein Videospiel für Erwachsene, das nur übermäßig sexualisiert und wie ein Leben/Sex ist /Abenteuersimulator? Ich verstehe das wirklich nicht. Natürlich gäbe es viele Kinder, die es nicht kaufen dürften, aber die Anzahl der Erwachsenen, die es kaufen, wäre riesig, oder? Ich meine: normale Sexspiele sind kompletter Müll, alle. Sie sind nur ein kleines Werkzeug zum Wichsen, aber sitzen wir nicht alle alleine zu Hause und versuchen, so real und immersiv wie möglich in die virtuelle Welt einzutauchen? Und wären kriegszerstörte Welten wie Skyrim oder Fallout nicht sehr sexuell und aggressiv, nur logisch. 


Ich poste das nur, weil mir langweilig ist, vielleicht hat jemand eine Idee dazu. 


wir sehen uns ?



there have been plenty of bad examples of porn games - that neither the gaming industry nor the porn industry are touching anything - that they would need to invest at least 50-100 million euros/dollars in today.

Ergo, the interested "customers" - that is, us - have no choice but to modify "normal" games accordingly

One could also have asked why there is no good latex porn or BDSM porn...
...the answer is simple -> high production costs and only a small clientele

And since "ordinary" capitalism also affects the erotic and prono industry - work is profit-oriented...
...little effort for a wide clientele.

Here in my hometown of Berlin, the "Venus" takes place regularly - probably the world's largest public trade fair for the porn industry.
In fact, computer and video games do not occur at all.

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15 hours ago, Varithina said:


Asexual is a known issue, where the person simply has no sex drive at all, they simply are not interested, not to sure how common it is though, things can also happen to people that pretty much turn them off sex completely, they become asexual by choice, whether they still  fap or not no idea, may well depend on the individual and what happened.


And what I said was very simplified, but it basically falls down to control, those making the laws get you to do things the way they want you to, in some cases that is outright stupid, take a look at some of the laws that get passed or have been passed, the older the country and the more stupid they can get, and do not forget some laws that made sense hundreds of years ago are still on the law books, and have been contradicted and changed by new laws, in some cases those laws are so stupid everybody goes wtf when they hear about, problem is they are still valid laws, and if the cops and government want to they can enforce them no matter how stupid or out of date they are.

I don't know why I didn't mention the Asexual thing. And I think I may have accidently insulted the Aroace community. Oops sorry. Wait do they even visit loverslab?


On your second point I agree that people want control but despite what that 80s song says not everybody wants to rule the world. Just enough to mess shit up.

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On 2/16/2023 at 3:28 AM, Varithina said:

in some cases those laws are so stupid everybody goes wtf when they hear about, problem is they are still valid laws

Some of them did actually make sense in the time that they were written.  Example: In some Western U.S. towns, it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket. 

Sounds stupid, until you realize that horses LOVE sugar.  So if you want to steal a horse, you throw an ice cream cone in your back pocket and just walk out of town, with the horse following you for the sugar.  Ta Da! One rustled horse.

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12 hours ago, AKM said:

Some of them did actually make sense in the time that they were written.  Example: In some Western U.S. towns, it is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket. 

Sounds stupid, until you realize that horses LOVE sugar.  So if you want to steal a horse, you throw an ice cream cone in your back pocket and just walk out of town, with the horse following you for the sugar.  Ta Da! One rustled horse.


It is not so much as they made sense when they were made and passed, it is the fact that they are still on the books and valid laws now, that makes them the potential issue, if only for the shear stupidity of being potentially dragged to jail or court by using them, sure 99% of the time the courts/lawyers or whoever pretty much go do not be stupid, but there is always that 1% where you can end up with fines or jail time for breaking utterly stupid laws.

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9 hours ago, Varithina said:

there is always that 1% where you can end up with fines or jail time for breaking utterly stupid laws.

This is true, especially the whole "Hm, the laws we have don't seem to be 100% making bad people good / preventing 100% of crime.  What to do?  MOAR LAWS!!!" mentality. 

Edited by AKM
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  • 3 weeks later...

Because big studios that have money to do games like Skyrim are not into that. And smaller studios of enthusiasts who dedicate themselves to doing porn games usually don't have the resources to make a big sandbox game with integrated dating/sex simulator. And why the big studios are not into that? Generally what was already said here - they would have to make it strictly adult games (losing a share of the market), plus complicated legal situation of sexual themes that may lead to losing more market and possibly having to deal with a lot of nasty shit like "moralizing" complaints, possibly even smear campaigns.

Big companies are all about big, but more importantly safe buck. Because safe, constant growth and perspectives on it remaining safe and constant are things that attract investors. So the concept of such game dies between being too ambitious for niche studios that would be willing to do such game and too taboo for the big ones that actually have the means to do it.


But hey, times are changing. 10 years ago I wouldn't dream of NSFW games being available on Steam at all. Now it's a growing market. So it may just be a matter of time before it becomes safe enough for the big players to follow this trend.

Edited by Verrikan
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And of course you then have the other side of it, just how do you define perfectly sexualised in the first place, some people want every npc to be futa, others want them all to be male, others want them all female, some want male and futa only, others want female and futa only, others want various other variations on things.

Edited by Varithina
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