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Any way to forbid NPC random sex

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I would like to know if there is any way for me to disable NPCs having random sexual encounters with eachother. Basically I sometimes play the game with other people walking around me and I don't want to stumble upon an orgy of NPCs having sex while someone in my household is in my room. So is there a way to disable this, so only I can inniciate sex encounters, but NPCs cannot between themselves?

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Guest ThatOne

You can either...

-Disable mods that cause random sex to start.


-Change settings within those mods so that it won't start unless you trigger it.


To provide more details on what and how, we will need your load order.

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My load order is full of various other mods (what's the point of playing oblivion if you don't use a shitload of mods), so i cant give the load order. plus everything is in order, I always put it through BOSS and almost never have any conflicts.


I installed Oblivion yesterday after a period of not playing it, and I remember stumbling onto random sex with NPCs before (at that time I had even more lovers plugins). Now i only have adultplay plus, rapers, creatures and orgy. So should I expect to see npc=s having sex with eachother or can I normally play the game with my younger brother without thinking about it? (easy to hide lovers with pk, i just dont opet the spell list :P )

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Guest ThatOne

As Gregathit mentioned, RaperS may cause Lovers to start. That is, if I recall correctly, it's only function.

Adultplay adds a dialog line to every single npc, which you should be wary of.

I don't use Orgy, so I don't know.


You may want to use TachiCat2 instead (it gives you two spells with which to start sex).


Providing the load order is simple & easy, and should be the first thing you do. You can get it from Wrye Bash. Can't provide it, can't help you any more than this.

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I've always got my load order straighted out through BOSS and never experienced any problems (with lovers mods at least). this is maybe the 10th time ive used oblivion with lovers. My load order wouldnt help much since i have merged a number of optional esp files for frans and MM, plus a number of minor mods all with TES4 Gecko (so I could have less esp files).

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As for Orgy it doesn;t have spntaneous sex as long as I don't cast the orgy spell. I know there is a mod that puts markers on your map whenever sex is occuring near you, so what does that mean, does it mean if someone is being raped through Lovers rapers or can npcs have "consentual" sex with eachother through adult play plus?

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We can't guess about what you may have that "may" have sex.  Either post your LO so we can quickly help you or take a risk.  Folks here can review your load order and point exactly what lovers plugins you have that contain NPC initiated sex.  If you don't wish to post your load order and don't want to take a risk, then all I can recommend is disabling your LPK plugins.

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