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Pregnancy mods Hearthfire Child Diologue ?...


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Could anyone do that? There is already some pregnancy mods like SexLab Procreation, but children you have in this mod have no diologue option. They say nothing, they have no option. Children on the streets friendlier than they. 


My question is that could anyone add them heartfire child diologues for heartfire users. By default they can have those diologues, they are our kids eventually. We aren't have to adopt them.



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You can do it yourself with a bit of console trickery


When near the kid, enter console, click on the kid and type


addfac XX004290


Note the XX depends on where Hearthfire is in your load order, in my case, 03. But once you have it you should be able to talk to the child and adopt them like any other adoptable kid in the game.

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