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Mick Gordon / ID Software

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Jesus... I can't imagine going through that. I remember seeing that post and thinking it seemed a bit off even back then, there was too much PR speech in it.


Hearing what actually happened behind the scenes.... That's just sad he got treated like that.

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Nothing interesting about it, other than perhaps Jeremy Soule not telling Gordon how Zenimax companies work. This is standard modus operandi for Tim Willits and he essentially taught Stratton everything he knows, which is how to be an asshole and not much else.


You can see from the responses Stratton knew he was in the wrong from day one, and yet attempted to ride this shit out to a literal comic book conclusion that would make him look like some kind of hero battling a prima donna creator.

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1 hour ago, Mr. Otaku said:

Watched critikal's video on this, damn what a shitty situation. What did Mick even do to make them hate him so much? lmao

Don't know, it's my introduction to that Stratton dude, never paid much attention to Id software. What 27x said sounds about right though.

Still like reading about it, makes it easier to put 2 & 2, about "crunching", their "friendly nerd who cares about gaming" PR yearly presentations, employees & contractors treatments, etc

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