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Proper nude mods for Khajiits and Argonians.

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I wanted to play Oblivion in climatic and realistic way (one death - end of game, eat, sleep, drink and stuff), this also included mods for faces and nudity. So yeah, they all seem to work good, but i have serious problem with nude mods for Argonians and Khajiits. What i mean is that these mods completely change their colours and to some point body shape. I gave screnshots examples :







Khajiit nude and vanilla, colours are different (used Female EyeCandy)








This shows how this mod makes vanilla textures conflict with new ones for Khajiit





Now for Argonian :






It also uses EyeCandy, however i also used mod, which increases textures for vanilla body (without this mod it still conflicted)










Comparison, vanilla and nude, respectively





I'm simply looking for mod, which won't make their body entirely different when wearing clothes and when NOT wearing clothes (and armor). Theire shape and colours stay the same, as vanilla, there's just no underwear.

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