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@ck2modfan I resumed development on a successor to this mod. Recently started playing Skyrim again with a brand new load order. I have been missing features from this mod. So I build them as I play.


I am rebuilding the features from the Enforcer that I miss. And this time I am building them exactly how I want. Here are the main conceptual shifts in the mod.

  • I am currently not limiting any slavery laws to just cities. Instead if you are a slave somewhere you are a slave everywhere. And even bandits have slaves. If you are sneaky, you may encounter them using their slaves in dungeons. Eventually I might reintroduce location checking. But for now I really like this expansion to slavery law.
  • Without Reloaded for backstory, it is assumed that Skyrim was enslaved before the player arrived. Before Helgen. Use your head canon to fill in why. Perhaps the entire Reloaded quest line recently played out, just before the player arrived. Or perhaps Skyrim has always had slavery, maybe it is part of Nord's culture like it was in ancient Rome. It is up to you to write the backstory.

    This means a city's slavery status won't change due to player actions. Because of this I was able to develop different and improved features that extensively use SPID.
    • SPID makes it is notably easier for users to customize which NPCs get enslaved. Just tweak the ini.
    • It is fast because it uses literally no scripts. Stripping was possibly the most intensive part of Reloaded.
    • Now you can not turn slavery on or off in cities while playing the game. If you want to unenslave a city you can close out the game and tweak your SPID file. But you can see why I would not expect people to do that to progress some story. Hence why I am assuming a city is always enslaved in the canon. But you can play that differently if you are willing to jump through hoops and modify SPID.
  • I am not adding slavers to cities, instead the entire city guard enforces slavery laws. I am currently using BM Licenses Enhanced to enforce player nudity instead of my mod. Although it is missing some features I would like to see. I need to talk to Gyra about possibly adding a couple more features into that excellent mod. In general I am integrating with existing mods that do something similar to a feature of the Enforcer.
  • Currently even males can be enslaved. Just need to tweak the SPID INI some. I am trying to not draw any distinctions along gender lines. Instead allowing the SPID file to do that since the user can fairly easily customize it. It is possible male slavery will not make the final cut. It depends on whether it complicates future features.
  • Slavery does not have to be permanent like it was in Reloaded. In my head canon, temporary Slavery is like indentured servitude. Similar to the Public Whore mod. You can write your own roleplay. Or make it permanent for all NPCs with SPID. I like temporary slavery because it has made Skyrim more varied. It also allows for better RP integration with a bigger variety of mods. My current character has already bought her way out of slavery once. But thanks to the Licenses mod it is expensive to stay fully free. She has to work in brothels quite a lot to make that happen.

I have already built NPC stripping and outfitting. It is mostly working great. Just needs some tweaks. I recently built NPC sex scenes. That needs more work. Sometimes I accidentally break it when adding a new feature. The last major features are those that apply exclusively to the player and current followers. For the most part I have not started on that portion of the mod. I can already get a somewhat similar experience from other mods like BM licenses and Public Whore. That is good enough for now.


In summary there are new features, there are changes, and there will be missing features. I wanted to temper expectations a little. It's unfortunate this successor may not please everyone that looked forward to it. But the only way it is going to get built if it is a mod I want to play. I burned out on V2 twice already. And it is partly because of much time I spent building features that other people wanted, while I was indifferent towards them.


@Millstallone If Nefaram demands you not start a new save that may be because it sets certain MCM options for you. In which case setting those MCM options yourself is probably okay. A guess from someone who has not looked into that specific modlist. Off the top of my head I have no idea why it's incompatible with Reloaded unless you start a new save.


@asdfmovie666 If you know how to compile scripts you could tweak the Enforcer script a bit. Find the part that limits gangbangs to slaves and make it random instead. It will be something like if IsSlave() { Gangbang() } else { Orgy() }. Instead of checking IsSlave() check Utility.RandomInt(0,1). Obviously this is pseudo code. And I'm going from memory. It might be more complicated in the end. That is where I would start. If memory serves, at that point in the script the code no longer cares whether a female is the player or not. So this will apply to everyone. The successor to this mod no longer draws a distinction between the two. Instead it will play either animation type. Even MMFF ones.

At this point I consider V1 of this mod to be complete. It has been ages since anyone found a proper bug. This mod has every feature I plan to add to it. Plans can change. But that is the current one. One day when I am feeling ambitious I will update the main mod page to reflect that, and actually post the final version there. The laziness is strong with this one.


@xyzxyz My Fallout 4 SlaveSex mod is similarly complete for now. No current plans to expand the feature set. Eventually I will do another FO4 play through and add stuff. But nothing new until then.

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3 hours ago, kaxat said:

@ck2modfan I resumed development on a successor to this mod. Recently started playing Skyrim again with a brand new load order. I have been missing features from this mod. So I build them as I play.


I am rebuilding the features from the Enforcer that I miss. And this time I am building them exactly how I want. Here are the main conceptual shifts in the mod.

  • I am currently not limiting any slavery laws to just cities. Instead if you are a slave somewhere you are a slave everywhere. And even bandits have slaves. If you are sneaky, you may encounter them using their slaves in dungeons. Eventually I might reintroduce location checking. But for now I really like this expansion to slavery law.
  • Without Reloaded for backstory, it is assumed that Skyrim was enslaved before the player arrived. Before Helgen. Use your head canon to fill in why. Perhaps the entire Reloaded quest line recently played out, just before the player arrived. Or perhaps Skyrim has always had slavery, maybe it is part of Nord's culture like it was in ancient Rome. It is up to you to write the backstory.

    This means a city's slavery status won't change due to player actions. Because of this I was able to develop different and improved features that extensively use SPID.
    • SPID makes it is notably easier for users to customize which NPCs get enslaved. Just tweak the ini.
    • It is fast because it uses literally no scripts. Stripping was possibly the most intensive part of Reloaded.
    • Now you can not turn slavery on or off in cities while playing the game. If you want to unenslave a city you can close out the game and tweak your SPID file. But you can see why I would not expect people to do that to progress some story. Hence why I am assuming a city is always enslaved in the canon. But you can play that differently if you are willing to jump through hoops and modify SPID.
  • I am not adding slavers to cities, instead the entire city guard enforces slavery laws. I am currently using BM Licenses Enhanced to enforce player nudity instead of my mod. Although it is missing some features I would like to see. I need to talk to Gyra about possibly adding a couple more features into that excellent mod. In general I am integrating with existing mods that do something similar to a feature of the Enforcer.
  • Currently even males can be enslaved. Just need to tweak the SPID INI some. I am trying to not draw any distinctions along gender lines. Instead allowing the SPID file to do that since the user can fairly easily customize it. It is possible male slavery will not make the final cut. It depends on whether it complicates future features.
  • Slavery does not have to be permanent like it was in Reloaded. In my head canon, temporary Slavery is like indentured servitude. Similar to the Public Whore mod. You can write your own roleplay. Or make it permanent for all NPCs with SPID. I like temporary slavery because it has made Skyrim more varied. It also allows for better RP integration with a bigger variety of mods. My current character has already bought her way out of slavery once. But thanks to the Licenses mod it is expensive to stay fully free. She has to work in brothels quite a lot to make that happen.

I have already built NPC stripping and outfitting. It is mostly working great. Just needs some tweaks. I recently built NPC sex scenes. That needs more work. Sometimes I accidentally break it when adding a new feature. The last major features are those that apply exclusively to the player and current followers. For the most part I have not started on that portion of the mod. I can already get a somewhat similar experience from other mods like BM licenses and Public Whore. That is good enough for now.


In summary there are new features, there are changes, and there will be missing features. I wanted to temper expectations a little. It's unfortunate this successor may not please everyone that looked forward to it. But the only way it is going to get built if it is a mod I want to play. I burned out on V2 twice already. And it is partly because of much time I spent building features that other people wanted, while I was indifferent towards them.


@Millstallone If Nefaram demands you not start a new save that may be because it sets certain MCM options for you. In which case setting those MCM options yourself is probably okay. A guess from someone who has not looked into that specific modlist. Off the top of my head I have no idea why it's incompatible with Reloaded unless you start a new save.


@asdfmovie666 If you know how to compile scripts you could tweak the Enforcer script a bit. Find the part that limits gangbangs to slaves and make it random instead. It will be something like if IsSlave() { Gangbang() } else { Orgy() }. Instead of checking IsSlave() check Utility.RandomInt(0,1). Obviously this is pseudo code. And I'm going from memory. It might be more complicated in the end. That is where I would start. If memory serves, at that point in the script the code no longer cares whether a female is the player or not. So this will apply to everyone. The successor to this mod no longer draws a distinction between the two. Instead it will play either animation type. Even MMFF ones.

At this point I consider V1 of this mod to be complete. It has been ages since anyone found a proper bug. This mod has every feature I plan to add to it. Plans can change. But that is the current one. One day when I am feeling ambitious I will update the main mod page to reflect that, and actually post the final version there. The laziness is strong with this one.


@xyzxyz My Fallout 4 SlaveSex mod is similarly complete for now. No current plans to expand the feature set. Eventually I will do another FO4 play through and add stuff. But nothing new until then.

I look forward to your new work! Always fun to have new mods and ideas!

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8 hours ago, kaxat said:

I am rebuilding the features from the Enforcer that I miss. And this time I am building them exactly how I want. Here are the main conceptual shifts in the mod.

  • I am currently not limiting any slavery laws to just cities. Instead if you are a slave somewhere you are a slave everywhere. And even bandits have slaves. If you are sneaky, you may encounter them using their slaves in dungeons. Eventually I might reintroduce location checking. But for now I really like this expansion to slavery law.
  • Without Reloaded for backstory, it is assumed that Skyrim was enslaved before the player arrived. Before Helgen. Use your head canon to fill in why. Perhaps the entire Reloaded quest line recently played out, just before the player arrived. Or perhaps Skyrim has always had slavery, maybe it is part of Nord's culture like it was in ancient Rome. It is up to you to write the backstory.

    This means a city's slavery status won't change due to player actions. Because of this I was able to develop different and improved features that extensively use SPID.
    • SPID makes it is notably easier for users to customize which NPCs get enslaved. Just tweak the ini.
    • It is fast because it uses literally no scripts. Stripping was possibly the most intensive part of Reloaded.
    • Now you can not turn slavery on or off in cities while playing the game. If you want to unenslave a city you can close out the game and tweak your SPID file. But you can see why I would not expect people to do that to progress some story. Hence why I am assuming a city is always enslaved in the canon. But you can play that differently if you are willing to jump through hoops and modify SPID.



If you're looking for more ideas for initialization settings, you could set it so that only Imperial-aligned regions start enslaved (due to Thalmor?) or only Stormcloak-aligned regions (due to misplaced traditionalism?)


This would allow the player to expand/abolish slavery in a vanilla-friendly way.  Not sure if SPID natively supports conditions that would allow that.


Could also create interesting situations re: NPCs with different alignment reacting to a player slave (or simply a female player) in different ways.

Edited by brewmasterhal
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@brewmasterhal SPID does all of its work when you open the game. Even before the main menu screen. This is part of why it is so incredible. It does not directly slow your game down once you load a save, because it has already stopped running at that point.


This means it has 0 awareness of what is happening inside of your save. It can not know if you advanced the civil war quest. It is only aware of how things will be when you start a new game. After that, changes made to the world inside your save are beyond its understanding.


It is fast. It is easy to configure. Many users learn to tweak its ini settings, just like many regular users learn to make small changes in xEdit. But it does have the caveat that it can not read your save.


Thanks for sharing the idea.

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22 hours ago, kaxat said:

This means it has 0 awareness of what is happening inside of your save. It can not know if you advanced the civil war quest. It is only aware of how things will be when you start a new game. After that, changes made to the world inside your save are beyond its understanding.


Mods can modify .ini files.  You'd have to set up your mod to make the modifications under certain conditions, but in principle it should be possible.


The caveat is that the changes would not be reflected within a given session.  The player would have to close the game and start up again to update the SPID config.

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@brewmasterhal I love the passion for the idea. Unfortunately I have to poke some holes in your reasoning.


Once installed a mods file are mostly set. The user made their preference choices during install. Those files will not change until they reinstall. In order for the mod to reasonably update the INI, you will have to reinstall it and select the new quest stage. That's a huge pain. As I said at the outset, "you can see why I would not expect people to do that to progress some story". Having to constantly quit the game and reinstall a mod is not a user friendly expectation.


Edit: As I noted before, if you want to implement your idea in your own game, SPID makes that relatively easy to do. That is one of the best parts about it! Its very flexible. The caveat is that you will have to quit the game and tweak your INI each time you capture or lose a city. Which you seem to be on board with. 🙂

Edited by kaxat
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On 1/27/2024 at 9:11 PM, kaxat said:


@asdfmovie666 If you know how to compile scripts you could tweak the Enforcer script a bit. Find the part that limits gangbangs to slaves and make it random instead. It will be something like if IsSlave() { Gangbang() } else { Orgy() }. Instead of checking IsSlave() check Utility.RandomInt(0,1). Obviously this is pseudo code. And I'm going from memory. It might be more complicated in the end. That is where I would start. If memory serves, at that point in the script the code no longer cares whether a female is the player or not. So this will apply to everyone. The successor to this mod no longer draws a distinction between the two. Instead it will play either animation type. Even MMFF ones.


I think I would try but I have no clue how to compile it or wich Software I would normaly use for it. I did a bit with SSEEdit but nothing more up to now :(


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On 1/27/2024 at 2:11 PM, kaxat said:

@ck2modfan I resumed development on a successor to this mod. Recently started playing Skyrim again with a brand new load order. I have been missing features from this mod. So I build them as I play.


I am rebuilding the features from the Enforcer that I miss. And this time I am building them exactly how I want. Here are the main conceptual shifts in the mod.

  • I am currently not limiting any slavery laws to just cities. Instead if you are a slave somewhere you are a slave everywhere. And even bandits have slaves. If you are sneaky, you may encounter them using their slaves in dungeons. Eventually I might reintroduce location checking. But for now I really like this expansion to slavery law.
  • Without Reloaded for backstory, it is assumed that Skyrim was enslaved before the player arrived. Before Helgen. Use your head canon to fill in why. Perhaps the entire Reloaded quest line recently played out, just before the player arrived. Or perhaps Skyrim has always had slavery, maybe it is part of Nord's culture like it was in ancient Rome. It is up to you to write the backstory.

    This means a city's slavery status won't change due to player actions. Because of this I was able to develop different and improved features that extensively use SPID.
    • SPID makes it is notably easier for users to customize which NPCs get enslaved. Just tweak the ini.
    • It is fast because it uses literally no scripts. Stripping was possibly the most intensive part of Reloaded.
    • Now you can not turn slavery on or off in cities while playing the game. If you want to unenslave a city you can close out the game and tweak your SPID file. But you can see why I would not expect people to do that to progress some story. Hence why I am assuming a city is always enslaved in the canon. But you can play that differently if you are willing to jump through hoops and modify SPID.
  • I am not adding slavers to cities, instead the entire city guard enforces slavery laws. I am currently using BM Licenses Enhanced to enforce player nudity instead of my mod. Although it is missing some features I would like to see. I need to talk to Gyra about possibly adding a couple more features into that excellent mod. In general I am integrating with existing mods that do something similar to a feature of the Enforcer.
  • Currently even males can be enslaved. Just need to tweak the SPID INI some. I am trying to not draw any distinctions along gender lines. Instead allowing the SPID file to do that since the user can fairly easily customize it. It is possible male slavery will not make the final cut. It depends on whether it complicates future features.
  • Slavery does not have to be permanent like it was in Reloaded. In my head canon, temporary Slavery is like indentured servitude. Similar to the Public Whore mod. You can write your own roleplay. Or make it permanent for all NPCs with SPID. I like temporary slavery because it has made Skyrim more varied. It also allows for better RP integration with a bigger variety of mods. My current character has already bought her way out of slavery once. But thanks to the Licenses mod it is expensive to stay fully free. She has to work in brothels quite a lot to make that happen.

I have already built NPC stripping and outfitting. It is mostly working great. Just needs some tweaks. I recently built NPC sex scenes. That needs more work. Sometimes I accidentally break it when adding a new feature. The last major features are those that apply exclusively to the player and current followers. For the most part I have not started on that portion of the mod. I can already get a somewhat similar experience from other mods like BM licenses and Public Whore. That is good enough for now.


In summary there are new features, there are changes, and there will be missing features. I wanted to temper expectations a little. It's unfortunate this successor may not please everyone that looked forward to it. But the only way it is going to get built if it is a mod I want to play. I burned out on V2 twice already. And it is partly because of much time I spent building features that other people wanted, while I was indifferent towards them.


@Millstallone If Nefaram demands you not start a new save that may be because it sets certain MCM options for you. In which case setting those MCM options yourself is probably okay. A guess from someone who has not looked into that specific modlist. Off the top of my head I have no idea why it's incompatible with Reloaded unless you start a new save.


@asdfmovie666 If you know how to compile scripts you could tweak the Enforcer script a bit. Find the part that limits gangbangs to slaves and make it random instead. It will be something like if IsSlave() { Gangbang() } else { Orgy() }. Instead of checking IsSlave() check Utility.RandomInt(0,1). Obviously this is pseudo code. And I'm going from memory. It might be more complicated in the end. That is where I would start. If memory serves, at that point in the script the code no longer cares whether a female is the player or not. So this will apply to everyone. The successor to this mod no longer draws a distinction between the two. Instead it will play either animation type. Even MMFF ones.

At this point I consider V1 of this mod to be complete. It has been ages since anyone found a proper bug. This mod has every feature I plan to add to it. Plans can change. But that is the current one. One day when I am feeling ambitious I will update the main mod page to reflect that, and actually post the final version there. The laziness is strong with this one.


@xyzxyz My Fallout 4 SlaveSex mod is similarly complete for now. No current plans to expand the feature set. Eventually I will do another FO4 play through and add stuff. But nothing new until then.

I don't know if possible but you should allow slavery to be set to imperial or storm cloak. Like one side can be slave free and another one not.

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@Wolfen09 Reloaded is not a requirement. I love the mod but I have played with it enough times. It is not part of my current load order.


That is what I meant when I said the mod can no longer rely on Reloaded for backstory. You can write your own backstory. For my character the backstory bridges the gap between BM Licenses and Public Whore. It essentially applies those mods laws to NPCs, instead of just the player. When you think about it a Public Whore is basically a slave from Reloaded. And a stripped female is little different than a BM Licenses NPC who can't afford all her taxes. Since my new mod can strip some NPCs, and lock others in chains, it is effectively applying those laws to NPCs for a certain duration. This backstory influenced the choices I made in my SPID INI files. A different backstory might cause you to tweak how things are for you.



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Just a suggestion - post the latest release on the download page. I know you mentioned you wanted to try and fix the disappearing body bug prior to publishing but that was nearly a year ago now and, as you said, it's a rare and minor bug.


I was playing on 0.7 for around a week before a problem had me read more of the thread and stumble across the 1.0.4 download. Who knows how many other people are on 0.7 for the same reason.


Love the mod though - thanks for your work.

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On 2/5/2024 at 9:21 PM, noctred said:

Just a suggestion - post the latest release on the download page. I know you mentioned you wanted to try and fix the disappearing body bug prior to publishing but that was nearly a year ago now and, as you said, it's a rare and minor bug.


I was playing on 0.7 for around a week before a problem had me read more of the thread and stumble across the 1.0.4 download. Who knows how many other people are on 0.7 for the same reason.


Love the mod though - thanks for your work.

Agreed. I wouldn't have known either if I hadn't seen THIS post.


I'm new here, so please bear with me - does this mod have its own MCM, or does it just expand the Slaverun menu?  I did notice it changes some of the latter, but wasn't sure where to set outfits.


Found the answer in the instructions: "Once installed you will find all of the settings for this mod inside of the Slaverun Reloaded MCM".

And from the patch notes: "Free and Slave outfits can be specified in JSON config files"


Also, is BM Licenses a split-off of SL Survival?  (It looks like Enforcer and Licenses are divorcing themselves from the original mods)

Edited by rvhausen
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On 2/9/2024 at 9:06 AM, rvhausen said:

Also, is BM Licenses a split-off of SL Survival?  (It looks like Enforcer and Licenses are divorcing themselves from the original mods)

Licenses is conceptually a split-off of SLS, but the mod otherwise operates independently since the implementation, ideology, and feature-set is mostly divorced of similarity - and the fact that BananasManiac coded this mod from base one unlike CumSwallowNeedsAddon (which is a good and proper mod!). You can find a post categorically listing similarities at the bottom of the main listing.

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Spoiler alert!!!


Hello everyone! My name is Helen!


First of all, I apologize for my English, as it's not my native language!


Secondly, I want to thank the author of the original mod, and also the beautiful and wonderful @kaxat , who fixed many bugs and gave more instability to the mod. Thank you so much!


Well, I've never commented or analyzed a mod before (although I've been subscribed to loverslab for a while) so this will be my first time.


Skyrim is definitely my favorite game, even more so when you add mods. It's amazing that a game from 2011 has one of the largest mod and adult mod communities 😏.


I've always wanted to complete the entire Slaverun mod, but I could never do it because the mod was broken. But after playing this version, I managed to complete it and even did the 3 endings. (This mod gave me many hours)


I really loved this mod, I particularly love these fetishes of slavery, submission, BDSM and being naked. However, I do have some positive and negative criticisms of the mod.


First: I didn't really like the long missions of Ivana's family members. I think they could have been shorter.


Second: The 3 types of endings; I found the good ending very disappointing, where the PC simply kills the entire slave organization by himself and frees all of Skyrim from slavery in one fell swoop. We could have had the help of the slave sisters, and we could have liberated city after city until we reached Slaverun. The average ending: it was the one I liked the most but lacked more immersion, you simply manage to get rid of the death penalty by marrying Master Bellamy, and you become his slave wife. I think there could be a post-wedding, (there could be a sequel), the newlyweds could start a family, PC could get pregnant by Bellamy and be his maid/continue to serve her master husband/with household chores or something similar. Finally, the bad ending: it's the ending I particularly wouldn't choose, because PC dies toast. Although it makes sense, PC is enslaved, they take advantage of PC to enslave the whole of Skyrim, and then discard him.


Third: I really liked the improved integration with devious devices (I missed them in the old version).


Fourth: Towards the end it seems that the mod is getting slower, some animations don't happen, it takes a long time to save the game. some performance problems.


Fifth: I liked the pre-Quest, but I think it could use another context to bring slavery to Skryrim (it could be a better story).


Sixth: I really liked the fact that this version doesn't have that PC body bloat mechanic. Because in the other version, PC's breasts and ass would grow out of nowhere in an exaggerated way. (And what's more, my PC has Presets made by me, and I didn't want it to be changed.)


Seventh: I also liked that in the improved version, there are far fewer rapes on the PC.


And of course I loved the sex scenes and the submission. ❤️.


I want to thank everyone involved in this version of Slaverun, and I want to leave a message for @kaxat, don't give up! I want to see a continuation of this mod pls!

Thank you very much for your understanding!

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On 1/27/2024 at 8:11 PM, kaxat said:

@ck2modfan I resumed development on a successor to this mod. Recently started playing Skyrim again with a brand new load order. I have been missing features from this mod. So I build them as I play.


I am rebuilding the features from the Enforcer that I miss. And this time I am building them exactly how I want. Here are the main conceptual shifts in the mod.

  • I am currently not limiting any slavery laws to just cities. Instead if you are a slave somewhere you are a slave everywhere. And even bandits have slaves. If you are sneaky, you may encounter them using their slaves in dungeons. Eventually I might reintroduce location checking. But for now I really like this expansion to slavery law.
  • Without Reloaded for backstory, it is assumed that Skyrim was enslaved before the player arrived. Before Helgen. Use your head canon to fill in why. Perhaps the entire Reloaded quest line recently played out, just before the player arrived. Or perhaps Skyrim has always had slavery, maybe it is part of Nord's culture like it was in ancient Rome. It is up to you to write the backstory.

    This means a city's slavery status won't change due to player actions. Because of this I was able to develop different and improved features that extensively use SPID.
    • SPID makes it is notably easier for users to customize which NPCs get enslaved. Just tweak the ini.
    • It is fast because it uses literally no scripts. Stripping was possibly the most intensive part of Reloaded.
    • Now you can not turn slavery on or off in cities while playing the game. If you want to unenslave a city you can close out the game and tweak your SPID file. But you can see why I would not expect people to do that to progress some story. Hence why I am assuming a city is always enslaved in the canon. But you can play that differently if you are willing to jump through hoops and modify SPID.
  • I am not adding slavers to cities, instead the entire city guard enforces slavery laws. I am currently using BM Licenses Enhanced to enforce player nudity instead of my mod. Although it is missing some features I would like to see. I need to talk to Gyra about possibly adding a couple more features into that excellent mod. In general I am integrating with existing mods that do something similar to a feature of the Enforcer.
  • Currently even males can be enslaved. Just need to tweak the SPID INI some. I am trying to not draw any distinctions along gender lines. Instead allowing the SPID file to do that since the user can fairly easily customize it. It is possible male slavery will not make the final cut. It depends on whether it complicates future features.
  • Slavery does not have to be permanent like it was in Reloaded. In my head canon, temporary Slavery is like indentured servitude. Similar to the Public Whore mod. You can write your own roleplay. Or make it permanent for all NPCs with SPID. I like temporary slavery because it has made Skyrim more varied. It also allows for better RP integration with a bigger variety of mods. My current character has already bought her way out of slavery once. But thanks to the Licenses mod it is expensive to stay fully free. She has to work in brothels quite a lot to make that happen.

I have already built NPC stripping and outfitting. It is mostly working great. Just needs some tweaks. I recently built NPC sex scenes. That needs more work. Sometimes I accidentally break it when adding a new feature. The last major features are those that apply exclusively to the player and current followers. For the most part I have not started on that portion of the mod. I can already get a somewhat similar experience from other mods like BM licenses and Public Whore. That is good enough for now.


In summary there are new features, there are changes, and there will be missing features. I wanted to temper expectations a little. It's unfortunate this successor may not please everyone that looked forward to it. But the only way it is going to get built if it is a mod I want to play. I burned out on V2 twice already. And it is partly because of much time I spent building features that other people wanted, while I was indifferent towards them.


@Millstallone If Nefaram demands you not start a new save that may be because it sets certain MCM options for you. In which case setting those MCM options yourself is probably okay. A guess from someone who has not looked into that specific modlist. Off the top of my head I have no idea why it's incompatible with Reloaded unless you start a new save.


@asdfmovie666 If you know how to compile scripts you could tweak the Enforcer script a bit. Find the part that limits gangbangs to slaves and make it random instead. It will be something like if IsSlave() { Gangbang() } else { Orgy() }. Instead of checking IsSlave() check Utility.RandomInt(0,1). Obviously this is pseudo code. And I'm going from memory. It might be more complicated in the end. That is where I would start. If memory serves, at that point in the script the code no longer cares whether a female is the player or not. So this will apply to everyone. The successor to this mod no longer draws a distinction between the two. Instead it will play either animation type. Even MMFF ones.

At this point I consider V1 of this mod to be complete. It has been ages since anyone found a proper bug. This mod has every feature I plan to add to it. Plans can change. But that is the current one. One day when I am feeling ambitious I will update the main mod page to reflect that, and actually post the final version there. The laziness is strong with this one.


@xyzxyz My Fallout 4 SlaveSex mod is similarly complete for now. No current plans to expand the feature set. Eventually I will do another FO4 play through and add stuff. But nothing new until then.

This sounds quite nice. 
Only request I could think of, could we still have the chances of being called over like in slave run for both player and NPC? And also the choice of aggressiveness?

I have another question as well, how do I set it to strip the player of all visible slots? at the moment it automatically strips body and head, but I want to include feet and hands, and also include that in the checks.
I understand you may not do this as it seems like you are moving towards licenses.

Edited by nocturna
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/27/2024 at 2:11 PM, kaxat said:

@ck2modfan I resumed development on a successor to this mod. Recently started playing Skyrim again with a brand new load order. I have been missing features from this mod. So I build them as I play.


I am rebuilding the features from the Enforcer that I miss. And this time I am building them exactly how I want. Here are the main conceptual shifts in the mod.

  • I am currently not limiting any slavery laws to just cities. Instead if you are a slave somewhere you are a slave everywhere. And even bandits have slaves. If you are sneaky, you may encounter them using their slaves in dungeons. Eventually I might reintroduce location checking. But for now I really like this expansion to slavery law.
  • Without Reloaded for backstory, it is assumed that Skyrim was enslaved before the player arrived. Before Helgen. Use your head canon to fill in why. Perhaps the entire Reloaded quest line recently played out, just before the player arrived. Or perhaps Skyrim has always had slavery, maybe it is part of Nord's culture like it was in ancient Rome. It is up to you to write the backstory.

    This means a city's slavery status won't change due to player actions. Because of this I was able to develop different and improved features that extensively use SPID.
    • SPID makes it is notably easier for users to customize which NPCs get enslaved. Just tweak the ini.
    • It is fast because it uses literally no scripts. Stripping was possibly the most intensive part of Reloaded.
    • Now you can not turn slavery on or off in cities while playing the game. If you want to unenslave a city you can close out the game and tweak your SPID file. But you can see why I would not expect people to do that to progress some story. Hence why I am assuming a city is always enslaved in the canon. But you can play that differently if you are willing to jump through hoops and modify SPID.
  • I am not adding slavers to cities, instead the entire city guard enforces slavery laws. I am currently using BM Licenses Enhanced to enforce player nudity instead of my mod. Although it is missing some features I would like to see. I need to talk to Gyra about possibly adding a couple more features into that excellent mod. In general I am integrating with existing mods that do something similar to a feature of the Enforcer.
  • Currently even males can be enslaved. Just need to tweak the SPID INI some. I am trying to not draw any distinctions along gender lines. Instead allowing the SPID file to do that since the user can fairly easily customize it. It is possible male slavery will not make the final cut. It depends on whether it complicates future features.
  • Slavery does not have to be permanent like it was in Reloaded. In my head canon, temporary Slavery is like indentured servitude. Similar to the Public Whore mod. You can write your own roleplay. Or make it permanent for all NPCs with SPID. I like temporary slavery because it has made Skyrim more varied. It also allows for better RP integration with a bigger variety of mods. My current character has already bought her way out of slavery once. But thanks to the Licenses mod it is expensive to stay fully free. She has to work in brothels quite a lot to make that happen.

I have already built NPC stripping and outfitting. It is mostly working great. Just needs some tweaks. I recently built NPC sex scenes. That needs more work. Sometimes I accidentally break it when adding a new feature. The last major features are those that apply exclusively to the player and current followers. For the most part I have not started on that portion of the mod. I can already get a somewhat similar experience from other mods like BM licenses and Public Whore. That is good enough for now.


In summary there are new features, there are changes, and there will be missing features. I wanted to temper expectations a little. It's unfortunate this successor may not please everyone that looked forward to it. But the only way it is going to get built if it is a mod I want to play. I burned out on V2 twice already. And it is partly because of much time I spent building features that other people wanted, while I was indifferent towards them.


@Millstallone If Nefaram demands you not start a new save that may be because it sets certain MCM options for you. In which case setting those MCM options yourself is probably okay. A guess from someone who has not looked into that specific modlist. Off the top of my head I have no idea why it's incompatible with Reloaded unless you start a new save.


@asdfmovie666 If you know how to compile scripts you could tweak the Enforcer script a bit. Find the part that limits gangbangs to slaves and make it random instead. It will be something like if IsSlave() { Gangbang() } else { Orgy() }. Instead of checking IsSlave() check Utility.RandomInt(0,1). Obviously this is pseudo code. And I'm going from memory. It might be more complicated in the end. That is where I would start. If memory serves, at that point in the script the code no longer cares whether a female is the player or not. So this will apply to everyone. The successor to this mod no longer draws a distinction between the two. Instead it will play either animation type. Even MMFF ones.

At this point I consider V1 of this mod to be complete. It has been ages since anyone found a proper bug. This mod has every feature I plan to add to it. Plans can change. But that is the current one. One day when I am feeling ambitious I will update the main mod page to reflect that, and actually post the final version there. The laziness is strong with this one.


@xyzxyz My Fallout 4 SlaveSex mod is similarly complete for now. No current plans to expand the feature set. Eventually I will do another FO4 play through and add stuff. But nothing new until then.

I really like what you're putting down here! I was never particularly interested in the narrative of SR, I just like the sandboxy slave girls and sex happening around/to my character. It really sounds like you're focusing in on what works about this mod and moving away from what doesn't. I had a lot of fun with Enforcer my last run through near the end of last year and was curious if and how I'd add it into my new mod setup this time - now I just wanna wait and see what you cook up! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nafaram put out a new version and I am replaying skyrim now. By the way I haven’t experienced any incompatibilities with this mod and Nefaram in the past. I am thrilled to hear that you are planning to make PCs slavery statues removable. it would be really nice if you can incorporate things like freedom license restrictions while wearing a slave collard. One can still have a slave statue while not being collared, as the statues is written in the official ledgers. Maybe there can be a vulnerability system similar to deviously enslaved (without using that mod) where the PC can get enslaved if running around naked and tied up. The system itself should rely less on restraints and more on laws. If tied up while having a devious follower the follower may protect the PC from being captured. The cost or difficulty of getting released should be customizable in the MCM. Homes and followers are confiscated/dismissed in slavery statues. I could go on, but this is your mod, so I guess we will see what you release if you release something new.

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On 3/11/2024 at 11:41 PM, PureMadness said:



Okay, Slaverun is no longer needed. PW or BM Licenses can be used instead. Got it. 




I read it like that too


So I downloaded 1.0.4 but it still has Slaverun Reloaded as a master.


Is that right?



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4 minutes ago, DonQuiWho said:




I read it like that too


So I downloaded 1.0.4 but it still has Slaverun Reloaded as a master.


Is that right?



I think that was about the new mod kaxat is developing for his own playthrough, not the actual released one. And I need to point out that he never said if he would release it publicly or not. He also stated that burnout from trying to add people's requests left and right prevented him from continuing work on this mod, so I would suggest to let the man cook, and maybe we'll see a new mod appear someday soon.

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4 hours ago, Cleave said:

I think that was about the new mod kaxat is developing for his own playthrough, not the actual released one. And I need to point out that he never said if he would release it publicly or not. He also stated that burnout from trying to add people's requests left and right prevented him from continuing work on this mod, so I would suggest to let the man cook, and maybe we'll see a new mod appear someday soon.

I’m a patient man. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/2/2024 at 9:17 AM, kaxat said:

@Wolfen09 Reloaded is not a requirement. I love the mod but I have played with it enough times. It is not part of my current load order.


That is what I meant when I said the mod can no longer rely on Reloaded for backstory. You can write your own backstory. For my character the backstory bridges the gap between BM Licenses and Public Whore. It essentially applies those mods laws to NPCs, instead of just the player. When you think about it a Public Whore is basically a slave from Reloaded. And a stripped female is little different than a BM Licenses NPC who can't afford all her taxes. Since my new mod can strip some NPCs, and lock others in chains, it is effectively applying those laws to NPCs for a certain duration. This backstory influenced the choices I made in my SPID INI files. A different backstory might cause you to tweak how things are for you.



If you ever get the chance, maybe we can get a preview of what the mod looks like in the latest iteration? The only one that is available so far is the old 1.0 build.

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