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Follow first few instructions on framework but haven't got the folder, help please.

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Hello, I just downloaded the framework. I am a noob and am not sure what to do.

The first few steps. I bought the game at quote and it makes you install with stream so the game is in my streamapp common then skyrim.

I saw a video of this mod on naughty machinia something so I wanted to buy game and try but I am pretty slow on how to set it up.




I would appreciate for you to guide me.

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Thanks mate i will give it a read when I get home. I am not really good with these things unless it's step by step . Seems like my skyrim is different maybe cause of stream? I really want to work it out and understand how to work these. Like the wife ones on naughtymachina was awesome same as the two mages. You can mod the look of characters too right? Maybe mod it with better hair works with the sex animation.

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yeah i think i have done something wrong. I downloaded all of those and 7zip them into the data folder of skyrim.

I got the two spells irrestible aura to me and to target but nothing happens but when i take armor off females they become naked.

so something has happen lol, i got the hair package and face thing but don't know how to use them or if they show up in creation.

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yeah i think i have done something wrong. I downloaded all of those and 7zip them into the data folder of skyrim.

Then you haven't paid any attention to what I've linked you.

Use a mod manager like Wrye Bash, and use BOSS.


Then, read the description of the mods you've downloaded; have you e.g. executed "GenerateFNISforUsers.exe"?

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Thanks man.

With Wrye Bash where do i store the files i want to extract/install into it. I know with some H games like the illusion company there is a mod thing called wizard and every mod you just put the rar file packed in one of the wizard mods folders and open wizard and install it.

Here are some pictures of probably what I am doing wrong. Sorry for being a pain but i really apprieciated it


I can now convince people to do it with me and they say yes but nothing happens do i need to prompt something?






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Look at the link I've provided in my very first post, it leads to this Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide. Even if the guide is a little outdated it will still explain you all the basics.


Read what FNIS tells you: You have not installed it to your Skyrim folder (the two .exe files that come with FNIS are two of the very few files you should manually move/copy to your Skyrim folder, use Wrye Bash for the rest), and you haven't installed the mods you have selected a patch for.

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Use Wrye Bash to install FNIS, too. However Wrye Bash won't install any .exe files so you have to move/copy the two .exe files (GenerateFNISforUsers.exe and hkxcmd.exe) manually; you may have to reinstall the two .exe files if you update FNIS later.

At least that's what I'm advising you to do; the more mods you install via a mod manager like Wrye Bash the less troubles you'll have later.



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Thanks mate, I am just dumb/noob on these things. I saw on youtube a clip of sexlab so bascially its in game esc above the control settings part so once i see it there i have done it right.

Do i in bash installers put it in there or one of the folders in that ~ bash or bain convertors.


ooo i got them to pop up in installers and right click and installed them hopefully that works ^^


yay i got that menu i saw from youtube with sexlab.

So looks like its good now but for some reason BOSS isn't detecting the game, i went to gui picked skyrim says not detected.

went to data and tools to GenerateFNIS_for_Users theres no exe file for it.


basically now it lets them hook up but nothing happens just the moans, they stand frozen and when i walk around i am floating same as all.


so i open the fnis rar and moved it to tools and replaced it it makes me do doggy style nothing else cant do a thing and guy no penis lol but progress!

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Well got fnis working has the installs so with NMM but when sex starts the game crashes.

took off the sos penis thing and its not crashing anymore but to talk to people i have to look down. I can't use the controls its just random scene.

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Basically the camera/cursor on somebody I have to positon it down at the npc feet to get the E option to talk.


When I use enthral it strips them and does doggie if i am a female it does doggie but the female is man in that part.

The other talk option has me do the same while another ask them for help then does a random position from the options of i want to do anal, rough, w/e you like and suck me if the npc agrees. The magic I use to me and them makes a random sex pos too but i can't change that i can't move or anything so once they do it i have to load last save. So the options I turn on in sexlab don't change it and the hotkeys etc don't work but one does which says at top left random sex activated/deactivated.


I think the camera thing, it was from the body mod when having the top point of view. Being in first person with that was terrible lol.

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