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Nifskope hair editing is supose to be easy right? then how you explain this


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 I am really confused man, I just wanted to make an easy change in the game with nifskope, something that was supose to be quick ended up consuming all my time, I have spent some hours already since yesterday trying to fully combine 2 different hairstyles into a better one.


 This is what I am trying to do:






 it should be easy right?


 I just need to copy the branches of one hair in nifskope...






 ...and paste them into the other...






 ...that is what I did with both, the hairline nif and the hair nif...






 ... and it looked like this:






 In nifskope it looks perfect, but in game it looks like this:






 So my idea was simply placing the hairline.nif of 1 hair with a hair.nif of another one. this way I can have 2 hairs at the same time, and it kinda worked:






 But not perfectly....






 As you can see the short hair is kinda transparent, you can see through it if you're in front of some light sources. So I supose the hairline is what makes the hair look solid.


 And that's not the only problem, the eye of my character can also be seen through the hair...










 that wouldnt be so much of a problem because I can cover the left eye with a blindfold...






 But the main problem remains, half my hair is transparent and it looks really bad most of the time...






 So how do I solve this? how do I merge those 2 hairs without having to force one to be only hairline. I really cant seem to solve this problem.

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thanks a lot for the answer b3lisario.


 I tried to find the partition meshes, but I had no luck, instead this is the information I got from there:


 For the short hair:






 For the long hair:






 And this is a quick comparison gif I made so you can notice that nothing is really different except the value of vertices and triangles:






 With that gif you dont even need to look at both pics, you can clearly notice that only those two cyphers are different the rest seems to be the same.


 Could it be I forgot about something? or I pasted the branches where I shouldnt? or I need to change something else after pasting the branches? I always thought it was really simple, but it is obviously not working with only doing that.

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I believe hair and hairline are set with different NiAlphaProperty Threshold, might wrong but its worth to check. 


yes you are right, they were different.


as you can see in this gif:






 however I changed them both to the same value(40), but still the longer hair was not shown.

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If you're just slapping two hairs together, then you need to at least make a new hair slot in the ck. It would be easier to edit Apachi's esp/esm. Long story short you would need to duplicate hair 01 as a base. You need to duplicate the other hair and its hairline as well and change them to extra parts. Afterwards, you must add those extra parts to the duplicated hair 01 slot and save.


load game , use showracemenu, switch to new hairstyle





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 I see where to find it, but it was not there, instead this is what it says:






 However in your initial message you said that my current esp would be set to not allow long hair, if that were true then replacing the short hair with the long hair would not work.


 But look at this:






 The long hair nif files works perfectly.


 And the short hair works as well.


 So the problem must be something regarding what I am doing when I paste one file on the other.


 Any other idea of what it could be?

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As b3liasrio posted, it is the proper dismemberment for hair and hairline there supposed to be two partition, couldnt think other way except doing it with 3D apps...


But since both hair showed only the other one is much more transparent got me think again. Have you tried to edit the shader flag 1 & 2...The best way is simply using any vanilla hair BSLightingShaderProperty and hairline BSLightingShaderProperty, if it work you can simply edit it again according to the original BSLightingShaderProperty for hair that you want to use.

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If you're just slapping two hairs together, then you need to at least make a new hair slot in the ck. It would be easier to edit Apachi's esp/esm. Long story short you would need to duplicate hair 01 as a base. You need to duplicate the other hair and its hairline as well and change them to extra parts. Afterwards, you must add those extra parts to the duplicated hair 01 slot and save.


 Thanks a lot for the answer.


 I tried merging the nif files and then adding them to the ck, and this was the result:






 I got the same result as doing the replacing process.




 I tried adding both the hairline and hair nif files as extra parts to the hair 01, and same as before:









 And lastly, just out of boredom I tried to change to other hairs using showracemenu:








 And it automatically changed!!!! fuuuck yeahhhhh














and this time it doesnt become invisible or anything:





 The eye of my character is not visible now











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As b3liasrio posted, it is the proper dismemberment for hair and hairline there supposed to be two partition, couldnt think other way except doing it with 3D apps...


But since both hair showed only the other one is much more transparent got me think again. Have you tried to edit the shader flag 1 & 2...The best way is simply using any vanilla hair BSLightingShaderProperty and hairline BSLightingShaderProperty, if it work you can simply edit it again according to the original BSLightingShaderProperty for hair that you want to use.


 Thank you for the help, it seems it's been working the whole time with all the changes, but I just needed to enter the showracemenu to make the hair load properly or something.

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