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Pregnancy Normalmap Swapper

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WARNING: This mod may be unstable. Do not use this mod in serious play.☢

There is a procedure, but basically uninstalling in mid-game is not recommended.

Also, I recommend using Clean Save Auto-reloader(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88219)




Pregnancy Normalmap Swapper is a mod that automatically changes the normal map according to the Body Morph value.

Created for older pregnancy mods that have a pregnancy function but no normal map replacement function.

This effect can also be applied to NPCs using SPID.

However, several steps are required for implementation. Failure to do so, or making a mistake, could result in your PC exploding. Even if you are lucky and it does not explode, your Skyrim will be looks cringe.
















  • Skill Based Muscle 5.4
  • The behavior is that the SBM normal map is first applied and then overwritten by the PNS normal map.
  • NOTE1: PNS and SBM must have the same effect coverage. If DISTR is set so that only one is applied, the appropriate normal map will not be applied.
  • NOTE2: In ModManager, the priority of PNS should be lower than that of SBM.
    • In other words, for any conflicting files (the pex file will conflict), be sure to set the PNS file to overwrite the SBM file.
    • These conflicting files are needed in an environment where SBM is NOT installed; if PNS files overwrite SBM files, SBM will not work.
      • I don't know why, but it seems that in SkryimAE 1.6.1170, the mod does not work well unless all the necessary scripts are present at compile time, even if they are not actually used.
      • I don't think that was the spec in the SE... I am not sure.





  • Anything that changes the normal map and is not on the compatible mod list above.



Installation - Horribly tedious, lengthy, esoteric, and tedious.

Note: Before installing, please take a quick look at the uninstallation procedure. If you are likely to uninstall and are fed up with the procedure, you should not install it.



1. Normal map preparation

I have prepared a sample using dw's Pregnant Normal Maps for CBBE 3BA Fair Skin Complexion (Curvy)

Please check "Download this file".

If you are satisfied with only this sample file, skip to step 3.

  • First you need to prepare a normal map according to the stage of pregnancy.
  • If you want to apply the PNS effect to several skin textures, you must prepare them all.
  • File name <male|female>body_1_msn_pX.dds 
    •  Note 1: The gender here is Skyrim's original gender; the SexLab Framework allows you to set your own gender, but not this one.
    • Note 2: In Skyrim, Argonians and Khajiit have different file names than Humanrace, but in PNS, all should be unified to (fe)malebody_1_msn.
    • Note 3: The number of normal maps to be prepared must be the same for all races. For example, you cannot prepare 5 maps for Nord and only 3 maps for other races.
  •  pX should be p1,p2,p3,..., according to the progress of the pregnancy.
    •  Note: Until version 1.2.2, p0 was required, but is not required in version 2. Please remove p0.
  •  If you are assigning multiple textures to a single mesh according to actor's weight, as in CBBE Muscle Solution, then create like this:
    •  femalebody_2_msn_p1.dds, ..., femalebody_2_msn_pX.dds, femalebody_3_msn_p1.dds ....


2. Place the normal map in the PNS folder

The sample normal map uses the same normal map for all Actors to which PNS is applied.

  • All normal maps used in PNS should be placed under "textures/PNS".
  • In the folder directly under textures/PNS, you can assign different normal maps for each Race.
  • The folder structure will be like: textures/PNS/<Race's EditorID>/<male|female>/<male|female>body_1_msn_pX.dds
  • Now, as an example, let us assign different normal maps to Nord and Redguard.
    • 2-1. First, check the EditorID of the race you wish to specially assign, such as SSEEdit.
      • In the example, Nord is "NordRace" and "NordRaceVampire" and Redguard is "RedguardRace" and "RedguardRaceVampire".
        • The vampire race is treated as a separate race.
    • 2-2. Create a folder in the textures/PNS folder with the name of the confirmed EditorID.
      • As a result, your textures folder will contain...
        • Spoiler
          • textures/PNS/_Default
          • textures/PNS/NordRace
          • textures/PNS/NordRaceVampire
          • textures/PNS/RedguardRace
          • textures/PNS/RedguardRaceVampire
          • textures/PNS/ArgonianRace
          • textures/PNS/ArgonianRaceVampire
          • textures/PNS/KhajiitRace
          • textures/PNS/KhajiitRaceVampire
      • _Default folder applies to Actors for which no Race folder exists.
        • In other words, it is easier if you place a generic normal map in _Default and create a folder for the species for which you want to use a different normal map.
    • 2-3. Place Use.txt, a file that references other Race folders.
      • For example, Vampires usually refer to the same normal map as non-Vampires. In this case, you could place a normal map for each in the PNS, but it would be tedious.
      • Another example is when you want to assign the same normal map to Nord and Redguard.
      • Use.txt file should be created in the Race folder you just created.
      • Open Use.txt and JUST fill in the EditorID of the race you are referring to. No spaces, line breaks, comments, etc. are allowed.
    • 2-4. Create "male" and "female" folders in the folder where you did not place the Use.txt file (i.e., the Race folder where you put the normal map).
      • As a result, your textures folder will contain...
        • Spoiler









    • 2-5. Place the normal maps in the folders for each tribe created in step 1.


3. Configuration of SPID

  • PregnancyNormalmapSwapper_DISTR.ini allows you to target the application of PNS effects.
  • The Spell to be distributed is "0x801~PregnancyNormalmapSwapper.esp". PNS effect will be applied to NPCs to which this Spell is distributed.
  • See reference (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/articles/6617) for SPID description.
  • Note 1: SPID does not apply to players. Whether or not it is applied to the player is set in Config.json, described below.
  • Note 2: If you comment out all lines, you may CTD when you select an actor in console. If this is the case, please move DISTR.ini or otherwise prevent it from being loaded into SPID.


4. Configuration of Config.json

  • Config.json is a file that configures PNS behavior.
  • There is no MCM in PNS (because the author is a lazy bastard). All settings are determined by Config.json and the aforementioned SPID.
  • MorphName: The name of the Morph that PNS refers to.
  • MorphMode: It should be the same as the value in Racemenu/SKSE/Plugins/skee64.ini. Probably 0 if you don't remember changing it.
    • It makes no difference if you enter the wrong value. maybe.
  • MorphValueMin/Max: The minimum and maximum values that MorphName can take. If the actual value exceeds this value, PNS will round to this value.
  • NumberOfPartitions: X for p1~pX created in step 1. If the sample normal map is used, it is 5.
  • EnablePlayer: If "1", Apply the effects of PNS to the player. If "0", it does not apply to the player.
  • IgnoreMorphKeys: Of the mods that modify Morph, this is the source that PNS ignores.
    • Morph can be changed from multiple mods. Pregnancy mods are an example, and you are probably reading this now for that reason, but actually Racemenu is one of them.
    • IgnoreMorphKeys specifies who changes Morphs that have nothing to do with pregnancy, such as Racemenu.
    • The default Config.json specifies RaceMenu keys as invalid keys for users of CBBE family body types.
  • NodeNames: This is the list of node name needed to apply the normal map. This depends on the body type mod and equipment mod you are using.
    • We have listed the common NodeName, but if there is a body type or equipment that does not apply with it, please check the contents of that mesh file as shown in the following image.
    • Spoiler


  • ForceUpdateKey: This key immediately updates the effect of PNS. The default is LShift+LAlt+Enter. See key codes(https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/Input_Script) (input decimal).
  • UpdateInterval: If a value greater than 0 is specified, it is updated every that number of seconds. 0 or less disables this feature.
    • Even if disabled, updates are performed at specific times.
  • EnableDebugMode: If "1", outputs PNS logs to Papyrus log. Also available Morph change function for debugging. "0" to disable.
    • To change morph for debugging, crosshair the target and press "LAlt+RArrow" to increase MorphName or "LShift+LAlt+RArrow" to decrease MorphName.
    • If there is nothing in the cross hairs, the same effect is applied to the player.
  • DebugMorphChangeMult: The amount of change due to the above functions.


Congratulations! That is all.

Note that PNS does not work immediately after a new game. It will work once you save and load the game.





同時に「Clean Save Auto-reloader(https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88219)」の使用をおすすめします。


サンプルとして、dw's Pregnant Normal Maps for CBBE 3BAからFair Skin Complexion (Curvy)のものを作成しました。
  ・注意1:ここでの性別はSkyrim本来の性別です。SexLab Frameworkでは独自に性別を設定できますが、この性別ではありません。
・もしあなたが CBBE Muscle Solutionのように1つのmeshに大してweightに応じた複数のテクスチャを割当てている場合は、femalebody_2_msn_p1.dds, femalebody_2_msn_p2.dds...のように作成してください。









  1. Disable PregnancyNormalmapSwapper_DISTR.ini.
    • Spell cannot be deleted without disabling it.
  2. In Config.json, set "EnableDebugMode" to 1.
  3. Start the game, load the saved data and type "coc qasmoke" in the console.
  4. Hold down Force Update Key (LShift + LAlt + Enter by default) for at least 5 seconds. Release to start uninstallation.
  5. When a message box appears indicating that the uninstallation is complete, save the data and exit the game.
  6. Disable PNS in your mod manager.
  7. Clean with Resaver, etc. as desired.


As for the NPCs with incorrect textures, this can be fixed by reequipping them with body armor.



Update from ver1.2.2

New game is strongly recommended. 

With the change in the method of applying effects, there will be an additional process to delete past effects, which will increase the process slightly.



  1. Back up Config.json and DISTR.ini
  2. Install the latest version of PNS.
  3. Integrate the settings in Config.json. Your old version's settings should remain the same, but add the added items. In no particular order.
  4. Overwrite DISTR.ini with your back up file.


Uninstall data prior to version 1.2.2

  • You cannot disable this mod with the ModManager. If you want to disable it completely, please play a new game.
  • This procedure repairs the texture anomaly and removes it from PNS monitoring.
  • Approaching (loading) an NPC affected by PNS removes the effects of this mod.
  1. Update the PNS with reference to "Update from ver1.2.2"
  2. In Config.json, set NumberOfPartitions to 0.
  3. Disable PregnancyNormalmapSwapper_DISTR.ini.
  4. Then play as normal. NPCs with abnormal textures will return to normal when putting on and taking off equipment, etc.
    • There is a process to bring them back, but it cannot be applied if they were mounted at the time of removal.




Known issues

I don't know yet as I just got version 2. It will probably be full of them.

At least the problems with version 1 have been mostly resolved.


・Swapping normal maps are tooooooooooooooooo delayed.


When reporting a bug, please complete the following

  • PapyrusLog (Set EnableDebugMode to 1 in Config.json)→don't forget to use spoile
  • Skyrim version
  • PNS version(Older versions are not supported.)



For Modders


This mod basically updates the normal map only when the equipment is put on or taken off.*1
If you want to update at any given time, need to send an ModEvent from your mod.
Copy and paste the following three lines of commands where necessary.

kActor should be the Actor to be processed.

If kActor is none, all Actors currently enabled with MagicEffect will attempt to update.

int eid = ModEvent.Create("PNSUpdateRequest")
ModEvent.PushForm(eid, kActor)

Changes to SLIF_Scale.psc are no different.

This mod works as a soft dependency, so even if your mod's users don't have this mod installed, no errors, CTDs, PTSDs, SDGs, or exploding PCs will occur.





Murphiee https://www.loverslab.com/profile/546212-murphiee/

  - I referred to their script.

jjabrams420 https://www.loverslab.com/profile/1668396-jjabrams420/

 -  He found great (clean and useful) information from the vast ocean of the Internet.

donnerwetter https://www.loverslab.com/profile/43136-donnerwetter/

  - Their wonderful textures kept me motivated.

DeepL https://www.deepl.com/ja/translator

  - This document is translated by DeepL.




You can modify and redistributed freely within LoversLab.



Update Log


--- beta 2.0 ---

  • Fixed: Several bugs in ver 1.x
  • Improved: Safety
  • Added: Skill Based Muscle support
  • Added: Periodic update morphs



--- 1.2.2 ---

  • Fixed(hopefully): NPC's get dressed when updating normal map.
  • Fixed: There is a possibility of unexpected behavior when multiple update processes occur at the same time.



--- 1.2.1 ---

  • Fixed: Normal map does not update when armored in Slot 33.



--- 1.2.0 ---

  • Added: "ForceUpdateKey" in Config.json
    • Force update of Actor's normal map on crosshairs. If there is no Actor on the cross hairs, the normal map of the Player is updated.
  • Changed: Condition in PregnancyNormalmapSwapper_DISTR.ini to exclude BeastRaces.
    • BeastRaces (Khajiit/Argonian) use skin textures with different shapes than HumanRaces (Nord/Breton/etc.), so applying the same normal map as HumanRaces will result in glow hands and tails.
    • If you create your own normal map and place it in a separate folder, and remove ",-IsBeastRace" from the DISTR, you can apply it to BeastRaces as before.
  • Fixed: Logs were being output even when EnableDebugMode=0
  • Fixed: Texture reverts to original after QueueNiNodeUpdate() is executed.
  • Improved: Reduced hand flashing when replacing the normal map.
    • Probably only PCs will see the effect. I am not sure why it does not apply to NPCs.





  • Submitter
  • Submitted
  • Category
  • Requires
    PapyrusUtil SE, RaceMenu(NiOverride), Spell Perk Item Distributor
  • Regular Edition Compatible


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This looks exactly like what people have been asking for ever since I released my mod. Very nice! Don't have time to test it right now, but if it works and people start using this mod with my maps, I might look into providing FOMOD installer support in the future, negating the need for manually moving files around.

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18 hours ago, donnerwetter said:

This looks exactly like what people have been asking for ever since I released my mod. Very nice! Don't have time to test it right now, but if it works and people start using this mod with my maps, I might look into providing FOMOD installer support in the future, negating the need for manually moving files around.



I wish my mod will work as expected.

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Just tried out this mod. Looks VERY promising, BUT:


Got an odd issue with this and SLIF: After installing it no morphs that are being applied in the "DEFAULT MODUS" category has any effect on the character anymore. Only morphs that are being applied using "MORPH MODUS" has any effect. Note that I am just talking about the node scaling here and not about the textures.


Is this mod only supposed to work with scaling through SLIF "MORPH MODUS"? As it stands right now, all it does is that it breaks how I use SLIF in my games.


UPDATE: Everything works perfectly when just using the debug keys, but SLIF integration seems troublesome.


UPDATE 2: Using the original SLIF_Scale.pex from Inflation Framework (while this mod is still installed) makes morphs in DEFAULT MODUS work again. But textures are not applied (obviously), since your mod event is not sent out.




Did some serious investigation and I believe I found the cause: I don't think the source code distributed with SLIF is the latest version!!


If I decompile "SLIF_Scale.pex" from the original SLIF using champillion and compare it to the source file, it is vastly different. For example, take a look at the difference of one of the functions called "SetBodyMorphsByArray":



function SetBodyMorphsByArray(Actor kActor, String slif, String path, bool isPlayer) global
	if (path != "")
		String json            = "SexLab Inflation Framework/Bodymorphs.json"
		String[] breast_morphs = JsonUtil.PathMembers(json, ".breasts.")
		String[] belly_morphs  = JsonUtil.PathMembers(json, ".belly.")
		String[] butt_morphs   = JsonUtil.PathMembers(json, ".butt.")
		bool has_breasts       = StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Breast") || StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Breast")
		bool has_belly         = StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC Belly")
		bool has_butt          = StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Butt") || StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Butt")
		float breast_value     = (StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Breast", 1.0) + StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Breast", 1.0)) / 2
		float belly_value      = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC Belly", 1.0)
		float butt_value       = (StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Butt", 1.0) + StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Butt", 1.0)) / 2
		String[] morphs
		if (path == ".breasts.")
			morphs = breast_morphs
		elseIf (path == ".belly.")
			morphs = belly_morphs
		elseIf (path == ".butt.")
			morphs = butt_morphs
		int size = morphs.length
		int idx  = 0
		while(idx < size)
			String morphName = morphs[idx]
			if (SLIF_Morphs.GetValue("BodyMorph", path, morphName, 0, isPlayer, 0.0) > 0.0)
				SetBodyMorphs(kActor, slif, json, isPlayer, morphName, breast_morphs, belly_morphs, butt_morphs, has_breasts, has_belly, has_butt, breast_value, belly_value, butt_value)
			idx += 1



function SetBodyMorphsByArray(Actor kActor, String slif, String path, Bool IsPlayer) global

	if path != ""
		String[] morphs
		String json = slif_morphs.GetFileName()
		String[] breast_morphs = jsonutil.PathMembers(json, ".breasts.")
		String[] belly_morphs = jsonutil.PathMembers(json, ".belly.")
		String[] butt_morphs = jsonutil.PathMembers(json, ".butt.")
		Bool has_breasts = storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Breast") || storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Breast")
		Bool has_belly = storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC Belly")
		Bool has_butt = storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Butt") || storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Butt")
		Float breast_value = (storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Breast", 1.00000) + storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Breast", 1.00000)) / 2 as Float
		Float belly_value = storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC Belly", 1.00000)
		Float butt_value = (storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Butt", 1.00000) + storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Butt", 1.00000)) / 2 as Float
		if path == ".breasts."
			morphs = breast_morphs
		elseIf path == ".belly."
			morphs = belly_morphs
		elseIf path == ".butt."
			morphs = butt_morphs
		Int size = morphs.length
		Int idx = 0
		while idx < size
			String morphName = morphs[idx]
			if slif_morphs.GetValue("BodyMorph", path, morphName, 0, IsPlayer, 0.000000) > 0.000000
				SLIF_Scale.SetBodyMorphs(kActor, slif, json, IsPlayer, morphName, breast_morphs, belly_morphs, butt_morphs, has_breasts, has_belly, has_butt, breast_value, belly_value, butt_value)
			idx += 1


The "file" that is hardcoded in the provided source is the configuration that is used to support "DEFAULT MODUS", making it obvious why it is not working.


I think we need to contact the author of SLIF to get the latest sources published, so you can modify that instead.


I did manage to recompile the decompiled file, but I had to simply "re-hard-code" the bodymorph file to my own json settings as I could not get it to compile otherwise. In this recompilation I included your changes to the original source, and BAM, it is now working. So this is definitely the cause.




GOOD NEWS: The source files distributed with SLIF for LE seems to be updated to the latest version. Maybe we just need to use those instead. I do not have time to test this today, but will tomorrow after work, unless the issue has already been resolved by then. :)


Edited by leakim
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4 hours ago, leakim said:

Just tried out this mod. Looks VERY promising, BUT:


Got an odd issue with this and SLIF: After installing it no morphs that are being applied in the "DEFAULT MODUS" category has any effect on the character anymore. Only morphs that are being applied using "MORPH MODUS" has any effect. Note that I am just talking about the node scaling here and not about the textures.


Is this mod only supposed to work with scaling through SLIF "MORPH MODUS"? As it stands right now, all it does is that it breaks how I use SLIF in my games.


UPDATE: Everything works perfectly when just using the debug keys, but SLIF integration seems troublesome.


UPDATE 2: Using the original SLIF_Scale.pex from Inflation Framework (while this mod is still installed) makes morphs in DEFAULT MODUS work again. But textures are not applied (obviously), since your mod event is not sent out.




Did some serious investigation and I believe I found the cause: I don't think the source code distributed with SLIF is the latest version!!


If I decompile "SLIF_Scale.pex" from the original SLIF using champillion and compare it to the source file, it is vastly different. For example, take a look at the difference of one of the functions called "SetBodyMorphsByArray":



function SetBodyMorphsByArray(Actor kActor, String slif, String path, bool isPlayer) global
	if (path != "")
		String json            = "SexLab Inflation Framework/Bodymorphs.json"
		String[] breast_morphs = JsonUtil.PathMembers(json, ".breasts.")
		String[] belly_morphs  = JsonUtil.PathMembers(json, ".belly.")
		String[] butt_morphs   = JsonUtil.PathMembers(json, ".butt.")
		bool has_breasts       = StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Breast") || StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Breast")
		bool has_belly         = StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC Belly")
		bool has_butt          = StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Butt") || StorageUtil.HasFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Butt")
		float breast_value     = (StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Breast", 1.0) + StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Breast", 1.0)) / 2
		float belly_value      = StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC Belly", 1.0)
		float butt_value       = (StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC L Butt", 1.0) + StorageUtil.GetFloatValue(kActor, slif + "NPC R Butt", 1.0)) / 2
		String[] morphs
		if (path == ".breasts.")
			morphs = breast_morphs
		elseIf (path == ".belly.")
			morphs = belly_morphs
		elseIf (path == ".butt.")
			morphs = butt_morphs
		int size = morphs.length
		int idx  = 0
		while(idx < size)
			String morphName = morphs[idx]
			if (SLIF_Morphs.GetValue("BodyMorph", path, morphName, 0, isPlayer, 0.0) > 0.0)
				SetBodyMorphs(kActor, slif, json, isPlayer, morphName, breast_morphs, belly_morphs, butt_morphs, has_breasts, has_belly, has_butt, breast_value, belly_value, butt_value)
			idx += 1



function SetBodyMorphsByArray(Actor kActor, String slif, String path, Bool IsPlayer) global

	if path != ""
		String[] morphs
		String json = slif_morphs.GetFileName()
		String[] breast_morphs = jsonutil.PathMembers(json, ".breasts.")
		String[] belly_morphs = jsonutil.PathMembers(json, ".belly.")
		String[] butt_morphs = jsonutil.PathMembers(json, ".butt.")
		Bool has_breasts = storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Breast") || storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Breast")
		Bool has_belly = storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC Belly")
		Bool has_butt = storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Butt") || storageutil.HasFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Butt")
		Float breast_value = (storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Breast", 1.00000) + storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Breast", 1.00000)) / 2 as Float
		Float belly_value = storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC Belly", 1.00000)
		Float butt_value = (storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC L Butt", 1.00000) + storageutil.GetFloatValue(kActor as form, slif + "NPC R Butt", 1.00000)) / 2 as Float
		if path == ".breasts."
			morphs = breast_morphs
		elseIf path == ".belly."
			morphs = belly_morphs
		elseIf path == ".butt."
			morphs = butt_morphs
		Int size = morphs.length
		Int idx = 0
		while idx < size
			String morphName = morphs[idx]
			if slif_morphs.GetValue("BodyMorph", path, morphName, 0, IsPlayer, 0.000000) > 0.000000
				SLIF_Scale.SetBodyMorphs(kActor, slif, json, IsPlayer, morphName, breast_morphs, belly_morphs, butt_morphs, has_breasts, has_belly, has_butt, breast_value, belly_value, butt_value)
			idx += 1


The "file" that is hardcoded in the provided source is the configuration that is used to support "DEFAULT MODUS", making it obvious why it is not working.


I think we need to contact the author of SLIF to get the latest sources published, so you can modify that instead.


I did manage to recompile the decompiled file, but I had to simply "re-hard-code" the bodymorph file to my own json settings as I could not get it to compile otherwise. In this recompilation I included your changes to the original source, and BAM, it is now working. So this is definitely the cause.




GOOD NEWS: The source files distributed with SLIF for LE seems to be updated to the latest version. Maybe we just need to use those instead. I do not have time to test this today, but will tomorrow after work, unless the issue has already been resolved by then. :)



Thanks for the very detailed report.
In the meantime, I have extracted SLIF_Scale.psc from the LE version based on your report and recompiled it. (Hopefully this solves the problem.)
Upon closer inspection, the SE version of the SLIF has SLIF_Version_Control.pex but does not contain the psc, so I am pretty sure that the pex and psc are not identical, as you pointed out.

To tell the truth, I do not clearly understand how it works regarding SLIF.
SLIF_Scale included in this mod just searches for NiOverride.UpdateModelWeight from the psc included in SLIF SE ver.1.2.2beta and adds the necessary processing to trigger my mod.
In any case, it seems I need to better understand how SLIF works for more stable compatibility.

SLIF issue fix.zip

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Can this be flagged as ESL (aka ESPFE)? I found that the default method included in the SGO Integration Fork produced the glowy skin issues, which caused the skin on the torso to seam at the neck. Hoping this solves that... but my load order is packed and I need to ESLify if I'm going to use it.

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12 hours ago, handroid said:


Thanks for the very detailed report.
In the meantime, I have extracted SLIF_Scale.psc from the LE version based on your report and recompiled it. (Hopefully this solves the problem.)
Upon closer inspection, the SE version of the SLIF has SLIF_Version_Control.pex but does not contain the psc, so I am pretty sure that the pex and psc are not identical, as you pointed out.

To tell the truth, I do not clearly understand how it works regarding SLIF.
SLIF_Scale included in this mod just searches for NiOverride.UpdateModelWeight from the psc included in SLIF SE ver.1.2.2beta and adds the necessary processing to trigger my mod.
In any case, it seems I need to better understand how SLIF works for more stable compatibility.

SLIF issue fix.zip 9.1 kB · 14 downloads


Can verify that this fixes the issue! :)



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18 hours ago, MysticDaedra said:

Can this be flagged as ESL (aka ESPFE)? I found that the default method included in the SGO Integration Fork produced the glowy skin issues, which caused the skin on the torso to seam at the neck. Hoping this solves that... but my load order is packed and I need to ESLify if I'm going to use it.


Probably possible.
I would like to add esl flag in the next version and then publish it.
However, adding esl flag in mid game may cause problems. We will not know about this until we try it.

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7 hours ago, leakim said:

I have a dream that one day this mod will be compatible with: 



(by simply disabling the muscle behavior when pregnant).


Hey, one can dream? :P


I would like to try.
I don't know if I can do it, so don't hold your breath too much.

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Update 1.1.0 released.

IgnoreMorphKeys is intended to make changes to PregnancyBelly in RaceMenu unaffected by my mod.

If you are using BHUNP, etc., please check and rewrite the key for each of them. (I use CBBE 3BA, so I do not know what key other body mods use.)

If you do not use this feature, there is no need to change it.

Edited by handroid
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33 minutes ago, Suke23 said:

Pretty nice mod! I'm guessing this mod doesn't work with Fill her Up, since fill her up links with SLIF but doesn't exactly show up in the SLIF menu? Would it be possible to add separate compatibility?


There is a patch for Fill Her Up Baka Edition ver1.76. I don't know where the problem is, but this mod does not seem to work with SLIF properly.

As for the original FHU, I have never used it and have no patch for it.
If you can compile psc, try these steps.
1. find NiOverride.UpdateModelWeight(xxxx) in all psc files in FHU. (xxxx is a variable name like kActor, etc.)

2.Add the following three lines of command immediately after that command.


int eid = ModEvent.Create("PNSUpdateRequest")
ModEvent.PushForm(eid, xxxx)


3. Compile them.

Patch for FHU Baka Edition 1.76.7z

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18 minutes ago, urbon said:

Hi! what do you  mean with this? 

  • HDT stuff goes wild when swapping texture.
    • Same as above.


The hair, armor, etc. corresponding to HDT will flip for a moment, just as when normal armor is put on and taken off.
It is not the "boobs break dancing" event that we often saw in the LE version of HDT, but rather a momentary one.



16 minutes ago, applesandmayo said:

Does this work for any mod that affects the Pregnancy slider? So would Fill Her Up be compatible out of the box with this?

There are two sliders for Pregnancy, one to change the Scale of the Node and one to change the Morph.
My mod only supports Morph. Therefore, if Fill Her Up is implemented using the Node one, my mod will not work.
Personally, I do not want to use deformation by Node because it is very uncomfortable.



13 minutes ago, Debaster said:

Great mod with beast race support! どうもありがとうございます!


  Reveal hidden contents

embrace monke




I am relieved that it seems to be working as expected.

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11 hours ago, applesandmayo said:

Does this work for any mod that affects the Pregnancy slider? So would Fill Her Up be compatible out of the box with this?


11 hours ago, handroid said:


There is a patch for Fill Her Up Baka Edition ver1.76. I don't know where the problem is, but this mod does not seem to work with SLIF properly.

As for the original FHU, I have never used it and have no patch for it.
If you can compile psc, try these steps.
1. find NiOverride.UpdateModelWeight(xxxx) in all psc files in FHU. (xxxx is a variable name like kActor, etc.)

2.Add the following three lines of command immediately after that command.


3. Compile them.

Patch for FHU Baka Edition 1.76.7z 29.47 kB · 8 downloads


This DOES work out of the box with FHU Baka Edition...


At least in the way I use it, it simply uses SLIF "DEFAULT MODUS" to scale the belly. (In order for it to do this you must disable the checkbox "Body Morph" indicating that you "use LE", even if you're on SE!). All this really means is that it uses "DEFAULT MODUS" in SLIF. In order for that to work properly you must configure SLIF so it knows which nodes to scale. This is not configured by default in SLIF. The upside of this is that it allows to scale other nodes as well when applied.


Just saying that all the mods that I use that scales the belly uses SLIF "DEFAULT MODUS" and they all work perfectly with this mod. Even the Mysterious Potion from Sexlab Survival works. It's absolutely perfect!







Edited by leakim
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2 hours ago, leakim said:

This DOES work out of the box with FHU Baka Edition...


At least in the way I use it, it simply uses SLIF "DEFAULT MODUS" to scale the belly. (In order for it to do this you must disable the checkbox "Body Morph" indicating that you "use LE", even if you're on SE!). All this really means is that it uses "DEFAULT MODUS" in SLIF. In order for that to work properly you must configure SLIF so it knows which nodes to scale. This is not configured by default in SLIF. The upside of this is that it allows to scale other nodes as well when applied.


Just saying that all the mods that I use that scales the belly uses SLIF "DEFAULT MODUS" and they all work perfectly with this mod. Even the Mysterious Potion from Sexlab Survival works. It's absolutely perfect!

So you're saying that SLIF is a requirement for this to function? Because I sorta hate slif.

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58 minutes ago, applesandmayo said:

So you're saying that SLIF is a requirement for this to function? Because I sorta hate slif.


Looking at the source of this mod I think that any mod scales the "PregnancyBelly" node will theoretically work. But the mod event that @handroid mentioned would still need to be sent out.


Perhaps a nice addition to this mod would be a button you can press where it would simply recalculate the normal maps when pressed. In this way it would probably work with anything. Right now you can use ALT+LEFT/RIGHT to scale belly to "debug" the plugin. Could add an additional option to that combo to simply reapply texture.

Edited by leakim
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