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About This File

 ### About



This is a Fork/Addon of SGO4. Same old mod, but with more features.



 ### Features


  • Soulgem Pregnancy.
  • Womb Tattoo's.
  • Normal Map Swapping.
  • Aroused Integration.
  • DD5+ Integration.
  • Gender Bender Integration.
  • SGOLactis Integration.
  • Bunch of ModEvents.
  • SLSO Hakkey's Tweaks Integration.
  • CBPC Integration.
  • Breast Vein / Lactation Overlays


 ### Requirements:





### Updating:


1: Backup your old config files.

2: Install new mod version.

2.1: Install any hotfixes for new version.

3: Remove old mod version.

4: check configs how they have changed and reimplement settings you want.


Mid save updates are not supported, and will most likely break the mod if not your save.

you "MIGHT" be able to get things working if you are good at savefile cleaning, all sgo4 + if scripts need to be removed, and all "ovens" need to have their scaling turned off.


### Configuration:


Almost Everything is configurable ingame through the MCM, The MCM includes short descriptions for what every option does.

Once you are done with your configuration, i highly recommend transfering said configurations.





And making a backup of said Default.Json. That way you will have familiar base settings, that you can further refine mid game.




If you do not want to bother spending what will feel like hours perfecting settings for a degenerate mod, i have also included a Plug And Play Config, Including a bodyslide preset that said config is tailored to, go grab that to save time.




OLactis offsets WILL require custom tweaks depending on your settings.

you need to:

1: Enable OLactis Mcm Debug Axis. (This makes offsets scale from Player offset in OLactis MCM)

2: Set Player Weight to 0 (in racemenu). Press the OLactis toggle hotkey (check what its set to in mcm) to enable leaks. Manually reposition until they fit proper and record the offset in a text document.

3: Enable SGO4 IF OLactis Debug. Wait once until breasts inflate to absurd proportions. Press the OLactis toggle hotkey (check what its set to in mcm) to enable leaks. Manually reposition until they fit proper and record the offset in a text document.

4: Disable SGO4 IF OLactis Debug, Set player weight to 100 (in racemenu) Wait once until breasts deflate to normal proportions. Press the OLactis toggle hotkey (check what its set to in mcm) to enable leaks. Manually reposition until they fit proper and record the offset in a text document.

5: Manually input 0 weight leak offsets (weightbase) in the Default.json.

6: Manually input Difference between weight 0 and Weight 100 (Weight100Bonus) in the Default.json.

7: Manually input Difference between weight 0 and Weight 0 with OLactisDebug enabled(ScalingCap) in the Default.json.

8: Disable OLactis Debug Axis, Enable Sgo4 Olactis Support. Use debug menu to inflate breasts and test if leaks are repositioned proper.

9: Report any issues.




In 1.8.9 you can also add scaling physics, reffer to plug and play file if you wish to mess with this, its the exact same as regular CBPC configs, only that it will interpolate between normal config and whatever config's you provide. With a baseline of nothing, scaling up to 10X breast size (just take whatever values you have in default.json, multiply them by 10, slap them on top of your normal bodyslide preset (additive, don't replace) and use that body to calculate new collision spheres. Proper guide maybe sometime.




 ### Issues/FAQ:


Q1 Mod not working!!1!!!

A1: Try on a new save, Double check you have all requirement, Try deleting your Custom.Json, Try reinstalling the mod.


Q1.1: Mod still not working!

A1.1: Try with a minimal load order, that is to say ONLY SGO4 and its requirements.

If mod starts working, you got a mod incompatibility, Slowly enable mods until SGO4 IF stops working and report incompatible mod and i might be able to provide a fix.


Q1.2: Mod still not working!!!:

A1.2: Report in comments what version of skyrim you are on, and downgrade to SE 1.5.97


Q2: Lighting while pregnant looks off!

A2: You have enabled normalmap swapping without installing the required normal map textures. Reinstall dw's Pregnant Normal Maps according to instructions in Requirements.


Q2.1: Body turns purple when i enable wombtats.

A2.1: Wombtat/Lactation overlay textures are corrupted, reinstall mod.


Q3: Sliders missing!

A3: Check if you have GoToBed installed, said mod breaks this mods sliders. If not, reffer to Q1.


Q4: Can you add feature X?

A4: If Feature X is good, and i got the time, sure.


Q5: Body not inflating.

A5: Check that your body morphs are generated and that you have proper morph slider names, the mod only supports CBBE 3BA based bodies by default.


Q6: Lactation doesn't show up.

A6: Lactation uses bra and backpack slot. conflicting slots will make milk disappear. DD will also attempt to hide milk with certain equipment. Disable hiding of backback and bra in device hider to fix.


Q7: Body morphs don't update immediately.

A7: Disable Memory Manager and Scaleform Allocator in SSE Engine Fixes: enginefixes.toml.     (possible workaround, untested by me, credits to Explodington for sharing)


Q8: Why can't i toggle production?

A8: Modification menu has a cost (base 1 black filled soulgem) if you do not have enough payment, nothing will hapen. Configurable in mcm.


### For Modders:


Its all a mess, HMU through pm's on discord or LL if you want to add support to your mod.


### Changelog:

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Added Repeatable insemination options to inseminate modevent, incase you want to attempt to add multiple gems.
Added hardcap to CBPCPhysics scaling, things got absurd on higher corruption levels.
Added a Carry weight penalty toggle in mcm.


Removed extra spacing in mcm.


WombTatFertilityBonus not being changeable in mcm.
Missing tribute messages not appearing.
Pregrank faction not get applied properly. (enable pregfactionhook in config)
Dot missing while looking up races that might or might not have broken things, thnx to Luminance2672 for finding.


Redone fertility calculations, Everything is a simply multiplier now. Redo your configs accordingly.
Redone carry weight penalty, now no longer requires pregnancy weight being enabled. Now will also affect npc's
Actors now shoot a load on orgasm even if a full load isn't ready, potency is reduced accordingly.
SemenPotency no longer affects load size, Effectively means more loads.
WombTatGlow now based on fertility cycle, starts glowing at 50% fertility cycle, max glow at 100% fertility cycle.
Corruption is no longer affected by level cap, Meaning you can infinitely go above level cap by corrupting an actor.


Reworked wombtat application, now independant of actor being in gem faction.
Banned creatures from Radial menu, it caused issues.
Separated modification into Purify/Corrupt And Modification, Wombtat options are now in Modification.
Fixed wombtat shine not shining.
Removed lingering wombtat option from mcm, it was unused.


Plug an play from 1.7.9 can still be used, no changes were needed on that end.




SGO4 IF 1.7.9:


Vein Overlays, (Credits to Pema123 for their open permissions, Go give them a endorsement! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52988)
Hakkey's SLSO Tweaks Integration. Bigger parts = Bigger partner enjoyment. Thank you Hakkey for adding the required hooks for this.) Requires:


Wombtat toggle in mcm, it didn't do anything.


DD Modevents not triggering (you can now level gems by strapping a bunch of dd plugs on an actor)
You can no longer force pregnancy/milk/weight/semen on actors that do not have related faction.


Separated Gems and Weight factions (You can now gain weight without any chance of pregnancy on a per character basis.)
Renamed Plump Body debuff to Enriched Assets.





Fixd some issues with bottle requirements.

Added option for futa characters to auto enable pregnancy.




SGO4 IF 1.7.8:


Breast, Belly, n Ball Corruption, mod only modifier to leveling. + modevents to influence
Gender bender implementation on semen enabling for females. Auto add / remove schlong.
Bunch of modevents if other mods want to add soft compatibility.
Semen Leveling Gain mult (forgot this somehow)


Semen potency not increasing pregnancy change.
Weight not increasing fertility.
Automatic milk leak offset not calculating properly.
Fixed translations missing.
Fixed morph and bone scaling not working together (the long standing issue.)


Bargain changed to Purification, same thing, different naming. Opposite of corruption.
Changing production options now has a configurable cost. (set to 0 to disable.)
Ideal Seed is now a testing item, "should" enable all production and add 100 corruption to every stat.
Womb Tats are now per actor and can be enabled/disabled in modification menu.
Separated weight related options into their own mcm page.


Ideal Communion, now integrated with main menu.
Old recolor from mcm




Added Arousal integration, modifies exposure, on milk, wank, birth. configurable and toggleable.
Added simple carry weight penalty depending on breast, weight and gems, No mcm yet, Manually config in default.json. Values are max "size" value at no leveling. Recommend Cobb's Encumberance mod if you want slower movement speed the less carry weight you have left.
Added mcm configs for skipanim and fastextract.
Fixed no instant body scaling update on extract.






Reworked OLactis to be compatible with sgo4 and sexlab.
DD Integration.
Automatic Birth.
dse_sgo_FactionIsPregnant From 1 - 100, 3rd party hook. can be enabled/disabled in config.
Empty Milk Bottle, Craft with 2 glass and 1 firefood at a forge. (now required in inventory to receive milk bottles).
Auto Birthing.
New weight set mcm's


New OLactis:
Automatic Milk Leak reposition (requires manual input of Base values into default config file, Weight 100 bonus values and 10X scaling bonus values) Tutorial someday.
Milk Leak on milking.
Milk Leak randomly while full.
Milk Leak on orgasm.
Milk Leak does not occur if body armor is equipped (some exceptions).


DD Integration:
If Plugged = No Birthing, No Inserting, No AutoBirth.
If Bound = No Milking, No Inserting.
If Chest Covered = No milk leaking. (partially works, uses dd function to check.)


Milker not working.
morph caps breaking weight morphs.


Split up gemmorphs into gem and weight morphs, belly can now scale from more morphs than one
Updated mcm, includes new options and now easier to use.


Some excessive debug spam.


Now Requires:

SGOLactis - OLactis Modified For SGO4. V0.1to work. (in downloads)



Lots of Thank you's to orbusNinus for allowing me to essentially gut their mod and use the innards to make something compatible.


Added individual morph caps.

Simply caps any included slider from going above the slidercap value without hardcapping all scaling.

(needs manual config in default.json, example is for pregbelly, but works with any morph slider)

Added Ideal Communion. Get it from consuming Ideal Seed (gotta cheat that one in for now)

Power to manage womb color and reduce gem/milk levels.
Requires tribute (configurable) in the form of filled black soul gems.





Dylbills Papyrus Functions.

Extended Vanilla Menus.



PO3 PapyrusExtender.


Final "non clusterfuck" Update, Expect the mod to get a lot more messy from now on.

Next update will focus on 3rd party mod integration.

This version "Should" be safe to go back to in case you do not want to use the new "requirements"


Added option to skip animations and fast extract.
Added ExcessIncubationCounts, allows further leveling while full on gems.
(Includes 1.7.5 testpatch)




Removed diminishing returns, now hardcap:
Gemlevelingcap is now GemTierCap change accordingly in your config. Default is 6
Gemlevelingcap is actual cap on gem levels, default 100.




Removed diminishing returns, now hardcap:
Gemlevelingcap is now GemTierCap change accordingly in your config. Default is 6
Gemlevelingcap is actual cap on gem levels, default 100.





Integrated 1.7.3 hotfix 1 and 2 into main mod. (they were patches before)
Removed (it triggeres) spam from soultint spell
Negative values now work properly for gemleveling (maybe)
Negative values now work properly for milkleveling (maybe)
Gem rate now has a cap (gemlevelcap * gemlevelthreshold)




1.7.3 Hotfix 2:

Reverted diminishing returns, fixes values going negative at high levels.




1.7.3 Hotfix 1:

Fixed gems not birthing while gemleveling is turned off.





Now requires: PO3 Papyrusextender.

Reimplementation of normal map switching, now less buggy. (no longer breaks vagina or hand normals.
Added more ways to level gems/milk, all configurable and toggleable.
Fixed scaling not being instant upon calculation.
Removed randomization of color.
Added selection of colours through Mcm And Spell. (player.additem spelltomesoultint 1) (requires manual input of decimal colors, Google is your friend.)
Added Milk to Hearthfire Jug o milk conversion. 3-1
Debug config to set stats.
Sliders now have interval of 0.01
Made ActorCalcLevel functions, look at these incase you want to add support for the fork in another mod.
Removed Base insemination chance. Replaced with semen potency.
Semen leveling. Higher level, bigger balls and higher semen potency.
Diminishing returns now additive instead of multiplicative.
Option to disable moan sounds.
CONFIGS REDONE, you should probably delete your old ones, or import options into new format.




1.7 hotfix1:

fixed recursion loop. Mandatory if using 1.7





Gem leveling now counts incubation stages instead of gems birthed.
Gem levels are now per gem instead of a threshold, allows smoother scaling.
Added optional diminishing milk leveling returns.
Added option to allow early birthing.
Added option to toggle wether or not gem level decides gem stage birthed, if off defaults to "vanilla" Behavior.
Added thepootis12's insertion fix.

And more, mostly bug fixes.





Added orgasm birth's gems option, might place gems in weird places due to animations.





Fixed Gem leveling overflow resulting in no gems at max level.





Added 3BA conversion.

Fixed mcm translation errors, menu's are now correctly labeled.





Reduced total random womb tatto count to 3 (from 8 ) if you want more, random tattoo count is configurable, just check config file and filepaths, should be self explanatory.
Changed how actorupdate is handled to prevent change spam.
Added Normal map switching, Requires DW pregnant normal maps: install the Fertility Mode+ option.





New Womb Tattoo Logic, Randomized (configurable) texture, Randomized glow color.
Added mcm menus to most new options.
(some) Stats screen now rounds floats to int, so no more infinite 0's.
Incomplete/bugged features can now be toggled off, currently only insertion and transfer
Translations/ui  Fixed.
Included new lactation overlay textures, tweaked from lactating-breasts-for-cbbe by fair5210, no license or stipulations for usage were provided in original download, so im assuming its free for usage, if not, said file will be removed upon request by the original author.





Added experimental Womb Tats, thnx to SavageDomain for letting me include their textures. Currently starts out as a scaling full shine from 0 to 100% opacity correlating to pregnancy stages. After birthing once the shine gets replaced by a dark version of the womb tat which will subtly glow the further along an incubation the character is.  This is kind of wip, so i need opinions on how it should look.





Added option to disable automatic enabling of gems / milk / semen. No ingame config option yet, check the included config file for AutoEnableGem/Milk/Semen.




Fixed lingering breast size having extra base size




Updated to SGO 4 Beta 8, may or may not work, only one way to find out.





Milk leveling fixed.

Milkers now comply with config.





Background  fixings.

Lingering breast size/weight gain.

Milker notifications now comply with notification settings (no more eff equipment spam?)

Excess milk production can optionally influence milk leveling.

Kind of untested, as i am mid setup of a new playthrough, but it should be fine. Report bugs.




Fixed wrong config name, making weight loss instant.
Added ActorWeightLimit and let it handle weight min/max caps
Fixed Weight caps being one gem level too low, resulting in a starting cap of 0.9




Fixed scene weight gain not working. hopefully.
Fixed some slider values not working.




fixed parts of mcm not working.
fixed gemleveling tiers not working.




DarkConsole: For the original SGO4 and helping me out along the way.

SavageDomain: For Womb Tattoos.

w234aew and jjabrams420: For figuring out workarounds to pizzahands.

dylbil: For their script libraries making the color picker work properly.

orbusNinus: for allowing me to essentially gut OLactis and use the innards to make something compatible.

Shizof: For adding physics scaling to CBPC.

krzp: For helping prevent certain softlocks.

fair5210: For lactation overlay textures (author currently mia, file will be removed upon author request) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/93433?tab=description

Pema123: For open usage permissions on their Breast Veins Mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/52988

Acro748: For open usage permissions on their CBBE 3BA mod, which i used as a base for PlugNPlay Physics.




Luminance2672: Found a (Dot) . that might or might not have broke things.



 ###Issues or suggestions?

Throw them in the discussion thread, don't bother Darkconsole with issues you find while using the Integration Fork.

Edited by Murphiee
formatting and information

What's New in Version Hotfix 1

Released Hotfix 1:

Fixed fertility calc wrongly multiplying by 0, leading to 0 chance for preg. Thnx reuad6 for quickly finding the issue.

This hotfix is mandatory if you want insemination events to work. Download and overwrite contents of previous version.

Edit: reuploaded with modevent scripts fixed, these were completely unused from what i know, but would break 3rd party insemination events if someone decides to create those.


Added Repeatable insemination options to inseminate modevent, incase you want to attempt to add multiple gems.
Added hardcap to CBPCPhysics scaling, things got absurd on higher corruption levels.
Added a Carry weight penalty toggle in mcm.


Removed extra spacing in mcm.


WombTatFertilityBonus not being changeable in mcm.
Missing tribute messages not appearing.
Pregrank faction not get applied properly. (enable pregfactionhook in config)
Dot missing while looking up races that might or might not have broken things, thnx to Luminance2672 for finding.


Redone fertility calculations, Everything is a simply multiplier now. Redo your configs accordingly.
Redone carry weight penalty, now no longer requires pregnancy weight being enabled. Now will also affect npc's
Actors now shoot a load on orgasm even if a full load isn't ready, potency is reduced accordingly.
SemenPotency no longer affects load size, Effectively means more loads.
WombTatGlow now based on fertility cycle, starts glowing at 50% fertility cycle, max glow at 100% fertility cycle.
Corruption is no longer affected by level cap, Meaning you can infinitely go above level cap by corrupting an actor.

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