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Milking furniture download is named "Milk-Mod-Economy-Assets-SE-2019-06-04.7z" in MME downloads tab. Comes bundled with a "milking cuirass" and fomod, looks like all the models and animations for the machine are there. Only thing I'm not sure about is if it needs separate scripts to make the machine play the animations on your character.

Edited by Ensom
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12 hours ago, lightspeed77 said:

whats the impact on performance/bloat? pulling up to console i see this mod firing alot, not sure if thats a good sign or could be ignored?

No idea, no performance issues for me, but your mileage will vary.

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How can I get my Character to produce semen?

Just shows zero in debug. Been like that for many playthroughs.

also, I know this is a side project and might take a lot of time. But I barely understand the level system for Gem, Milk, and Semen, If possible can we get a little description of how the level systems work? 

Much Appreciated 

Edited by Unknowing-e
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probably just a temporary fix but 

stopquest dse_sgo_QuestGemUI


resetquest dse_sgo_QuestGemUI

then saving and reloading might fix the issue of the widget being "busy". i have no idea what the side effects of messing with it like this might be but we all probably already accepted the fact that using mods like SGO are as safe to our savegames as bargaining with daedras.

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On 2/14/2024 at 6:58 PM, Unknowing-e said:

How can I get my Character to produce semen?

Just shows zero in debug. Been like that for many playthroughs.

also, I know this is a side project and might take a lot of time. But I barely understand the level system for Gem, Milk, and Semen, If possible can we get a little description of how the level systems work? 

Much Appreciated 

Only sexlab Male actors will auto enable semen,  use the power - modification menu to enable semen on other actors, (this has a cost, configurable in mcm)


By default, an actor stars at level 0 in Milk, Semen, Gem. As you use the mod an actor will slowly gain "proficiency", causing the bonuses from milk, semen and gems to increase.

For example:

Gem levels increase with: Gems Birthed, Gem Stages Incubated, Actor Orgams. Higher gem level will (configurable) increase what tier of gem is birthed, Maximum SGO4 Weight, Gem/Weight related buffs/debuffs, Gem/Weight Related SLSO bonuses, Gem Incubation Speed, And more.

Milk levels increase with: Milks produced and milks milked. Causes faster milk gain, and larger maximum capacity and breast size.

Semen levels increase from: Ejaculations, Causes larger scaling capacity, actor is more fertile (can knock up npc's easier)


Its basically, Do the thing, Get better at the thing.


On 2/16/2024 at 11:29 AM, kawaiinekomimimaid said:

probably just a temporary fix but 

stopquest dse_sgo_QuestGemUI


resetquest dse_sgo_QuestGemUI

then saving and reloading might fix the issue of the widget being "busy". i have no idea what the side effects of messing with it like this might be but we all probably already accepted the fact that using mods like SGO are as safe to our savegames as bargaining with daedras.

Or dont enable widget, i can't attest to the stability with the widget enabled, but with it disabled i have used this mod in multiple 50+ hour playthroughs with 0 issues.

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7 hours ago, Murphiee said:

Only sexlab Male actors will auto enable semen,  use the power - modification menu to enable semen on other actors, (this has a cost, configurable in mcm)


Ah okay, I think because I am using a female skeleton. Probably why I can't produce semen. I'm using Skyfem; which converts all NPCs to females and I enabled the option to mark all males as females.


I have gems, milk, and semen enabled.


Everything works fine as I just use ejaculation to increase semen level. I just noticed that my character and NPCs can't produce semen. 

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On 2/18/2024 at 3:01 PM, Murphiee said:

Or dont enable widget, i can't attest to the stability with the widget enabled, but with it disabled i have used this mod in multiple 50+ hour playthroughs with 0 issues.

Have been playing for a while now, disabling stuff for NPCs in various SL and addon settings made it work pretty reliable so far. I assume the thing breaks because it tries to track followers and other NPCs and the script cant handle something it didnt expect, like that follower framework.

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Do I load SGO4 before or after CBBE and 3BA? I can see that SGO4 wants to overwrite some files, such as RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.psc, but I am unsure to use the file included in CBBE or this mod.


Edit: Nevermind that was in a old version of this mod

Edited by HrymfaxePrime
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On 2/25/2024 at 11:59 PM, assasinAurora said:

How and where can i modify the Default settings that determine male/female stats (males have semen active by default, Females have breasts, gems and milk active by Default) 
I would like to make them all active for both genders.

Any help would be appreciated

No such option, you could manually edit and rebuild the scripts. Search for the ActorDetermineFeatures function. should be self explanatory if you have some basic coding knowledge.

On 2/27/2024 at 5:19 PM, HrymfaxePrime said:

I have a question about a mechanic. What does corruption and purification do? I have tried it in game but I couldn't see a big difference.

Corruption levels a stat, Purification delevels a stat. It has a cost in filled black soul gems by default.

20 hours ago, vevan said:

It seems I will never be able to get pregnant through sex:classic_sad:

Go see a doctor.


Alternatively double check requirements, and try with a minimal load order.

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The mod won’t appear in the MCM- I can install normal SGO and it shows up and is fully functional, install all the requirements and have it still function, and then the moment I add SGOIF the Soulgem Oven MCM tab vanishes. I’ve tried this with as light of a load order as possible (just CBBE and Sexlab) and it still does it. This is on 1.6.1170.

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6 hours ago, HrymfaxePrime said:

Thanks for answer, but what does the stat effect?

Check mcm, stat affects beast/belly/ball related effects/visuals. Bigger booty/breasts and more/faster production. Do something often, Get better at it.

21 hours ago, yobob591 said:

The mod won’t appear in the MCM- I can install normal SGO and it shows up and is fully functional, install all the requirements and have it still function, and then the moment I add SGOIF the Soulgem Oven MCM tab vanishes. I’ve tried this with as light of a load order as possible (just CBBE and Sexlab) and it still does it. This is on 1.6.1170.

I don't use AE, so can't really tell whats going on, but if you post a screenshot of your minimal load order i can double check if something is missing.

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On 2/29/2024 at 2:14 PM, Murphiee said:

No such option, you could manually edit and rebuild the scripts. Search for the ActorDetermineFeatures function. should be self explanatory if you have some basic coding knowledge.

Corruption levels a stat, Purification delevels a stat. It has a cost in filled black soul gems by default.

Go see a doctor.


Alternatively double check requirements, and try with a minimal load order.

"dse_sgo_QuestDatabase_Main.pex" is the one i am looking to change, the problem i am running into is that there are no psc sourse files included.
I tried decompiling using a nexusmod tool Champollion but on recompiling with PCA i get warning/error. (added the PCA log)

Not sure what to do at this point 

PCA log.txt

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I'm getting a bunch of these in Integration Fork

    [dse_sgo_QuestBody (570022ED)].dse_sgo_questbody_main.ActorUpdateEnjoymentBonus() - "dse_sgo_QuestBody_Main.psc" Line 621
    [dse_sgo_QuestBody (570022ED)].dse_sgo_questbody_main.ActorUpdateWeight() - "dse_sgo_QuestBody_Main.psc" Line 139
    [dse_sgo_QuestController (57000D61)].dse_sgo_questcontroller_main.HandleOrgasm() - "dse_sgo_QuestController_Main.psc" Line 695
    [dse_sgo_QuestController (57000D61)].dse_sgo_questcontroller_main.OnModEvent_SexLabOrgasm() - "dse_sgo_QuestController_Main.psc" Line 425
[02/25/2024 - 07:48:20PM] WARNING: Assigning None to a non-object variable named "::temp89"

Mod order is:




SGO DD patch

SGO 1.7.9 plug and play


Load order is:



SGO fork


Any ideas?

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On 3/1/2024 at 5:54 PM, assasinAurora said:

there are no psc sourse files included.
Not sure what to do at this point

They are in the SE specific source folder. Data/Source/Scripts. Either move around or google how to set up your creation kit to handle both SE and Oldrim source folders.


On 3/1/2024 at 8:27 PM, applesandmayo said:

Any ideas?

Took a quick look through code on my end, "should" work fine.


How are you getting these stack dumps? (What tool are you using?)

Using a new game?

Is the mod actually breaking? or is it just random stackdumps?

Are you using devious devices? The DD Patch requires DD, i did a switcharoo and made NON DD the default. Without DD the integration ESP will not load and mod will break.


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5 hours ago, Murphiee said:

How are you getting these stack dumps? (What tool are you using?)

Using a new game?

Is the mod actually breaking? or is it just random stackdumps?

Are you using devious devices? The DD Patch requires DD, i did a switcharoo and made NON DD the default. Without DD the integration ESP will not load and mod will break.



New game, with the DD patch and DD NG installed. The mod isn't breaking, it's just a shitton of stack dumps. I'm getting these stack dump logs from the papyrus debug output.

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27 minutes ago, applesandmayo said:


New game, with the DD patch and DD NG installed. The mod isn't breaking, it's just a shitton of stack dumps. I'm getting these stack dump logs from the papyrus debug output.

When do they appear?

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