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Droids of the Commonwealth - the Re-redux ?

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Vor 21 Minuten sagte MrFuturehope:

Verstehe ich richtig, dass dieser Mod noch nicht verfügbar ist, oder übersehe ich einen supergeheimen versteckten Link, der irgendwo hier unter den Tonnen von Beiträgen vergraben ist? :P


Officially a work in progress - but the author hasn't reported back for a few weeks


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Vor 34 Minuten sagte MrFuturehope:


Ah, so ist das also, danke für die Info. Ich hoffe, sie kommen hierher zurück, wir beißen nicht ... viel. :D


No - he often takes breaks from working on his mods - he works (as I understood it) as a "freelancer" - there is often massive deadline pressure

Before he makes appointment promises - which he can't keep - he prefers to remain silent ... I personally like this better - than to keep naming new appointments over months that ultimately burst

Ultimately, his way of approaching mods is certainly ingenious and at the same time "crazy" - a mixture that is also paired with a penchant for perfection...

... but you can also completely "close yourself off the hook" - like in the A.S.I.A. mod - which unfortunately was never finished.


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1 hour ago, lukaokka said:

do we know anything of release date info



Last post from Trykz was early January of this year, nothing since, so your guess is as good as anybodies, from what I remember it was supposed to be early this year, so most people were thinking January or February maybe.  He also had major issues with his PC last year so could be having other problems with it now, or work could be the issue he is from what I remember some sort of contractor working across the country he lives in so that could be the issue, it basically boils down to no idea.

Edited by Varithina
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 7/6/2023 at 9:42 AM, Varithina said:


Last post from Trykz was early January of this year, nothing since, so your guess is as good as anybodies, from what I remember it was supposed to be early this year, so most people were thinking January or February maybe.  He also had major issues with his PC last year so could be having other problems with it now, or work could be the issue he is from what I remember some sort of contractor working across the country he lives in so that could be the issue, it basically boils down to no idea.


I'm still around.


The past year has proven quite challenging for me. Mostly revolving around my wife's family (lost her mom this April,

after losing my dad last July).


At the moment, work is taking up most of my time, leaving little to do much of anything. And I do mean "anything".

For now, all I can say is, I'm still plugging away at the next iteration of Droids. Albeit at a snail's pace. My hope was

to have it out before Starfield releases, but that window is rapidly closing. I want to get it finished so I can move on

to modding Starfield right after release, when I'll do my typical, un-modded playthrough, while theory-crafting what

I'd like to create for it.


That said, I'll likely just go with the flow, get closer to wrapping up Droids, make my initial run through Starfield, and

then pause from that while the modding community gears up. Either way, Droids will be finished before the end of

the year, without sacrificing any of the current roadmap. I put a lot of planning into this final Droids version, and I

intend to see it through.



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  • 1 month later...
On 10/12/2023 at 11:20 PM, Hallows-Slayer said:

The post says by the end of the year didn't know there was a rule against asking how the project is coming along. Js


Repeatedly asking isn't going to get it finished any sooner ?




Coming closer to my retirement years, I've left my career in plumbing for good.

I'm now working as a maintenance department head for a local campground.

It affords me a little more free time during the week, and the work environment

is far less stressful because I'm not stuck inside scheduling constraints for completion.


Be that as it may, I still need to get the place into better shape than I found it. So for the

moment, I have "a little" more free time to mod. But not a lot. In the coming weeks

that will grow as I get things in order and better organized. By month's end, I should

be in a far better place, with lots more free time as I hire in a new team for the grounds

and facilities work.


That said.....


I just finally finished the sixth sub-level of ten total you'll need to get through in the final

dungeon. Without saying too much, I can give you this to stew on.....


Sometimes up is down. And sometimes down is up.

EVERY level is connected to EVERY OTHER level.


So..... if you were thinking to yourself, "meh, 10 levels? Pfft..... no problem!"

Think again. I built the damn thing. And even I keep getting lost during playtests ?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/18/2023 at 11:02 PM, Trykz said:


Repeatedly asking isn't going to get it finished any sooner ?




Coming closer to my retirement years, I've left my career in plumbing for good.

I'm now working as a maintenance department head for a local campground.

It affords me a little more free time during the week, and the work environment

is far less stressful because I'm not stuck inside scheduling constraints for completion.


Be that as it may, I still need to get the place into better shape than I found it. So for the

moment, I have "a little" more free time to mod. But not a lot. In the coming weeks

that will grow as I get things in order and better organized. By month's end, I should

be in a far better place, with lots more free time as I hire in a new team for the grounds

and facilities work.


That said.....


I just finally finished the sixth sub-level of ten total you'll need to get through in the final

dungeon. Without saying too much, I can give you this to stew on.....


Sometimes up is down. And sometimes down is up.

EVERY level is connected to EVERY OTHER level.


So..... if you were thinking to yourself, "meh, 10 levels? Pfft..... no problem!"

Think again. I built the damn thing. And even I keep getting lost during playtests ?

Congrats on the new job! If you don't at least occasionally pretend to be groundskeeper Willie I will be disappointed in you. But all in all, getting out in nature by working for a campground will be much better for your health, and state of mind as a whole, and it can really boost your energy up too. I've refused to live anywhere but the middle of nowhere in a forest for these reasons. So much better than a tiny box in a city, I will tell you that. But hopefully, with the new change in career things will be a bit more peaceful and all in all better for you and your life as a whole. No point in stressing a job you don't enjoy, no motivation in that, and it can become self destructive with time.

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  • 4 months later...


On 11/18/2023 at 8:02 PM, Trykz said:


Repeatedly asking isn't going to get it finished any sooner ?




So..... if you were thinking to yourself, "meh, 10 levels? Pfft..... no problem!"

Think again. I built the damn thing. And even I keep getting lost during playtests ?


So not that I really care since I've yet to try this mod because I just came across it by accident, but... Fallout 4 is getting the Enclave added.  And a bunch of bug fixes and some graphics remasters, etc.  I'm assuming that Bethesda is doing this because of the TV show just dropped, since it's only for the PC version of Fallout 4 (which doesn't matter, since this mod is for the PC version).  So the only obvious question left is...



Where is the Enclave Terminator gynoid?  An Enclave Terminator that looks like Arnold would also be cool, but I can understand for multiple reasons why someone might want to avoid making something like that, let alone publishing it (the legal issues alone are probably reason enough).

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Am 14.04.2024 um 10:35 Uhr sagte ghostfalll:



Es ist mir also egal, da ich diesen Mod noch nicht ausprobiert habe, weil ich zufällig darauf gestoßen bin, aber ... Fallout 4 bekommt die Enklave hinzugefügt. Und eine Reihe von Fehlerbehebungen und einige Grafik-Remaster usw. Ich gehe davon aus, dass Bethesda dies tut, weil die TV-Show gerade eingestellt wurde, da sie nur für die PC-Version von Fallout 4 ist (was keine Rolle spielt, da dieser Mod ist für die PC-Version). Die einzige offensichtliche Frage ist also...



Wo ist der Enklave-Terminator-Gynoid? Ein Enclave Terminator, der wie Arnold aussieht, wäre auch cool, aber ich kann aus mehreren Gründen verstehen, warum jemand es vermeiden möchte, so etwas zu machen, geschweige denn, es zu veröffentlichen (die rechtlichen Probleme allein sind wahrscheinlich Grund genug).



Because by the time of Fallout 4's plot, the East Coast Enclave has been defeated... see Fallout 3's plot


the enclave on the west coast was eliminated several decades earlier (plot... see plot of Fallout 2

The Enclave never intended to develop humanoid robots aka "Terminators" - they have completely different possibilities... see the lore of the Fallout universe

Of course, a mod author can do things like the ones you've listed... but that would find very little "response" among the players... it just doesn't fit into the construction of this world... unless it comes from the "Institute " - the successor to the CIT

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15 hours ago, Miauzi said:



Because by the time of Fallout 4's plot, the East Coast Enclave has been defeated... see Fallout 3's plot


the enclave on the west coast was eliminated several decades earlier (plot... see plot of Fallout 2

The Enclave never intended to develop humanoid robots aka "Terminators" - they have completely different possibilities... see the lore of the Fallout universe

Of course, a mod author can do things like the ones you've listed... but that would find very little "response" among the players... it just doesn't fit into the construction of this world... unless it comes from the "Institute " - the successor to the CIT

The fact that your quote of my post is in German is hilarious (du ish Deutch, nein?), so hard to tell if you're responding to me in English or the site is translating.  But in either case...


Yeah, the Bethesda announcement classified it as the Enclave remnants, and no one should assume that the Raven Rock complex was the only Enclave location on the East Coast (yes, I've also beaten Fallout 3, although never finished that DLC where Liberty Prime gets destroyed.  Good thing I'm rebuying it off of Steam for $5 since it's on sale).  It's entirely possible that the remainder of the Enclave wants the Institute's research to make robot soldiers.  Beats me.  Only way to know is to play that new quest that is getting added.


Also, the new Fallout tv show on Amazon Prime is considered canon, it's set 10 years after Fallout 4, and the Enclave is in it.  So, to quote Cartman:



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Vor 5 Stunden sagte Ghostfalll:

Die Tatsache, dass Ihr Zitat meines Beitrags auf Deutsch ist, ist urkomisch (du ish Deutch, nein?), daher ist es schwer zu sagen, ob Sie mir auf Englisch antworten oder ob die Website übersetzt wird. Aber in jedem Fall...


Ja, in der Bethesda-Ankündigung wurde es als Enklave-Überrest eingestuft, und niemand sollte annehmen, dass der Raven Rock-Komplex der einzige Enklave-Standort an der Ostküste war (ja, ich habe auch Fallout 3 durchgespielt, obwohl ich den DLC mit Liberty Prime nie fertiggestellt habe wird zerstört. Gut, dass ich es für 5 $ bei Steam zurückkaufe, da es im Angebot ist. Es ist durchaus möglich, dass der Rest der Enklave möchte, dass die Forschung des Instituts Robotersoldaten herstellt. Schlägt mich. Der einzige Weg, dies herauszufinden, besteht darin, die neue Quest zu spielen, die hinzugefügt wird.


Auch die neue Fallout-TV-Show auf Amazon Prime gilt als kanonisch, sie spielt 10 Jahre nach Fallout 4 und die Enklave ist darin enthalten. Um Cartman zu zitieren:




Yup - I speak and write German... if you click on the links at the end of my posts - you will come to my blog stories written in German.

But on the subject of enclave:

Unfortunately, the lore aka Kannon is inconclusive in many things and has never been worked out in detail... also, a change of "owner" has taken place due to the purchase of Bugdesta by Interplay (the original creator) - which has not been good for it has.

Meanwhile, Mr. Asshole Todd H. is probably the sole "guardian" and he doesn't care about inconsistencies or glaring mistakes... see Fallout 76

The Enclave was scattered across the entire "USA" from the beginning (2077) - but had its main military and logistical centers on the west coast with the drilling platform (Fallout 2) and the east coast with "Rave Rock" (and the Adwards airbase - see Fallout 3)

Of course, it wasn't completely destroyed - on the west coast, the NCR ultimately assimilated, aka integrated, its remains... Information about this can be found in the quest line about the little Eyebot - which comes from an enclave facility on the way to a base ( An important location for Fallout 2) is on the west coast.

The complete lack of the enclave in Fallout 4 has inspired mod authors to create their own projects - in my opinion the mod series around "Fusion City" that fits best into the overall lore... but "Outcasts and Remnants" in particular leads to the Enclave forces. And in connection with "Depravity" it is revealed how the enclave carries out an infiltration - no "androids" are necessary for this.

I assume - that you know the mod about the "companion Ivy" - which is an infiltration model based on "metal on the inside and flesh on the outside" ... but which became a discontinued model - when it was used 50-60 years ago kidnapped the baby "Shaun" and thus got the basis for the 3rd generation synths.

The institute doesn't have the means to create an army from "Gen 2" or "Gen 3" - that's why it uses the "Gen 3" models for infiltration operations... you buy time that way - you weaken yourself the administrative structures on the surface - cannot take control.

It is the player's job - if he joins the institute - to expand its energy supply so that mass production can begin at all.

So why would the Institute create a competitor for the power of an army - if it has its own goals for domination?



axo - I finished watching the TV series with my wife last night.

In order to get the plot shown to match the lore, the latter had to be massively distorted:

The founding city of the NCR is "Shady Sands" - which is far, far outside of L.A.... and in all episodes of the series the city area is NOT left



I've been to L.A. myself - it was many years ago - but I can clearly remember the amusement park in Santa Monica (end of the first episode) or the airport.

So if you were to attack and destroy this city... Vault 13 and 15 are nearby - if you play Fallout 1 - you'll find out how far SOUTH the urban area of L.A. is.

Yes - there is the funnel of a nuclear explosion that occurred after 2078... that is the result of the finale of Fallout 1 and targeted the "Prototype" Vault (which is NOT Vault 4!)

Ultimately, I can ignore all of these twists because of the last two episodes of the TV series... they reveal the true balance of power.

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11 hours ago, Miauzi said:

But on the subject of enclave:

Unfortunately, the lore aka Kannon is inconclusive in many things and has never been worked out in detail... also, a change of "owner" has taken place due to the purchase of Bugdesta by Interplay (the original creator) - which has not been good for it has.

Meanwhile, Mr. Asshole Todd H. is probably the sole "guardian" and he doesn't care about inconsistencies or glaring mistakes... see Fallout 76

The Enclave was scattered across the entire "USA" from the beginning (2077) - but had its main military and logistical centers on the west coast with the drilling platform (Fallout 2) and the east coast with "Rave Rock" (and the Adwards airbase - see Fallout 3)


I've been to L.A. myself - it was many years ago - but I can clearly remember the amusement park in Santa Monica (end of the first episode) or the airport.

So if you were to attack and destroy this city... Vault 13 and 15 are nearby - if you play Fallout 1 - you'll find out how far SOUTH the urban area of L.A. is.

Yes - there is the funnel of a nuclear explosion that occurred after 2078... that is the result of the finale of Fallout 1 and targeted the "Prototype" Vault (which is NOT Vault 4!)

Ultimately, I can ignore all of these twists because of the last two episodes of the TV series... they reveal the true balance of power.


First of all, yeah, Bethesda being bought out means they gotta bow to their corporate superiors (considering the last 2 episodes of the TV show, seems to be some backhanded commentary involved).  But if DC and Marvel can retcon stuff, so can anyone else.


With regards to locations in the game; it's Raven Rock, not "Rave Rock," and called Edwards AFB (with an E) for a reason:





But again, maybe this is due to LL doing some bad translations or you were just typing too fast.


As for the layout of LA, this game essentially diverged from reality in 1960 (was JFK even elected?  Seems more like Tricky Dick won in 1960, so there was never the Kennedy assassination.  But maybe I'm just saying that since I just literally visited the Kennedy Museum/Dallas for the first time literally last Friday...) so don't assume that the recent layout of LA means anything.  LAX only broke ground in roughly 1958 (although the preceding airfield existed since 1928), so that's just about the only location that might be in the right place.  But since LA didn't get nuked until 2077, maybe they moved LAX?  Unlikely Griffiths observatory got moved, but that's only in the TV show anyways.


In any case, regarding the Enclave, it doesn't matter.  Here is the word of God, so it doesn't matter what mods have added, they are now obsolete:



Edited by ghostfalll
Fixed run-on sentence
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