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Need help adding bounce to static bodies in nifskope and blender


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tl;dr: My modified mesh is invisible, please help/explain!

Here's the blend and nif files I've been working with femaleupperbodyBerry bounce.rar


Recently I've gotten back into Fallout 3 and having used the BnB family of body replacers, I wanted to have the same effect in Fallout 3. After some searching it seems that the best way to do this was in blender and nifskope using some handy little scripts by gerra6, namely the BB weightpainter.


My main goal was to make the Beware of Girl meshes bouncy. So, following the instructions on that script's page, I went to work. Having, as of now, 2 "days" of experience with nifskope and blender I can be called a total noob. At first I couldn't get the new bones to save in the nif, but gregathit helped me past that part, so my thanks to him.


Now my problem is that my character comes up as invisible in game, yet I can't seem to find the source of the problem. I don't think there are any extra Scene Roots, the texture paths look right, and I have the textures in the right directory.


EDIT: I've tried a different method involving weight copying and selecting "Use BSFadeNode Root" upon exporting. Now my game just CTDs when I try to check the body out.

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I tried your nif and it was invisible in game for me too.


I took your .blend, erased the skeleton, reimported it and exported everything. I didn't re-weighted it. Now it shows, I've got other issues and my game is working quite bad (very slow) but I noticed some bounces while jumping so I suppose it should be ok.


Here's the link if you want to try it:



I wish you a nice day

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I did it only with Nifskope .


What is wrong in your picture is that you do not have bouncing breast skeleton and because of that breast going to infinity .





BTW , nice tatoos   :)


I use bouncing breast skeleton, but maybe it's not the same or the right one?

Since you surely know better about nodes, look at this picture, at the differences among left and right:



I can correctly visualize something like the one at right, but the one at left in game appears wrong to me (like in the previous post picture)

Where is the issue?


EDIT: probably you're using Astymma skeleton, while me (and OP too, I suppose) are using the simple bnb skeleton. That's why when I re-imported it on blender it was working for both us. Blender did the rest, flagging SF_Skinned during the export.

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It is only one BNB skeleton : http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/45229/?


Because it working by me without any changes , i think it is not big issue by you either .


You just made this armor on non-bouncing skeleton , i didnot check in my game does i have bouncing or just body appear OK in my game .


My english is poore , but ill try to explain - 1st remove with FMM skeleton & texture mod , than add with FMM BNB skeleton i mentioned before and Beware Of Girl texture (r other you like) : http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34702//?


Than open in 1 window with Nifskope berry body you want and in 2nd femaleupperbody.nif that is in game


Press in Nifskope that default body (and only body) it will become meshlike - right mouse> block>remove branch


Press in Nifskope Barry body you want (other Nifskope window) mash>update tangent space (it is not crucial , but good to do) >block>copy branch > go on other window in Nifskope where is default body on 1st line (probably called 0 NiNode Scene Root) > paste branch


Save as femaleupperbody.nif in game foulder


That should do , if not you would need to do same thing in Blender (i do not know shit about it) or 3D Studio (i can explain it if needed)








Edit : and add with Nifskope as i told you : in BSShaderPPLighting Property - SF_Skinned & SF_FaceGen


Even if show in game OK without them they are here for reason , (my speculation is that SF_Skinned is to show to game that there is some skin so it should not change colors when you move and SF_FaceGen is to not having for example asian head on african american body , but this is only speculation , sorry)

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Sexout prefer Astymma skeleton (it is same thing with some upgrades so you need only 1 skeleton for man & woman + some shit noone care about) , don't worry ,use Astymma , you loose nothing but you get some new things . 


Sure, Astymma skeleton is great. I wasn't using it because I don't use Sexout and I was using bnb armors that needed the first original bnb skeleton, that's why I never had the need to install it until now

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oh but I use only its skeleton, as body I prefer type 3, exnem or athletic body :P


Remember that skeletons have bone weights applied to them so you need to be careful about mixing and matching stuff.  True the weight painting of the mesh effects things more but it is still something to keep in mind.

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