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8 hours ago, l0ngdickj0hns0n said:

This mod makes the sim's penis turn to wicked whims default. Instead of keeping saved noir or simdulgence. 


My Sims' penises are resetting! Penis Auto Applies

This is by design, but I think it's confusing a lot of new users, so I'm changing how this works in next release. For an overview of what is happening, see here 





Edited by sirsleepy
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sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems_v3.5beta gave LE with MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT

<?xml version="1.0" ?><root>
<BetterExceptions><BEversion>v2.04</BEversion><WasBlank>False</WasBlank><TuningLoadFinished>True</TuningLoadFinished><BadObjectCC>False</BadObjectCC><Advice>Not available. More info may be in BE Report.</Advice></BetterExceptions><report><version>2</version><sessionid>14a65148169b2b8f622511f2</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2022-03-07 04:28:36</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>resolver.py:832</categoryid><desyncid>14a65148169b2b8f622511f2</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>[jjacobson] Exception while scoring DramaNodes:  (ValueError: Trying to use SingleSimResolver with unsupported participant: ParticipantType.PickedSim)&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;Caught and logged:&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_scheduler.py", line 738, in score_and_schedule_nodes_gen&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py", line 849, in setup&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py", line 746, in _setup&#13;&#10;  File "C:\Users\kaela\OneDrive\Sims 4 Python Script Workspace\My Script Mods\PreTeen\Scripts\injector.py", line 14, in _inject&#13;&#10;  File "C:\Мои документы\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\A_Scumbumbo\MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT.ts4script\unlisted_phones.py", line 67, in UPN_resolve_drama_participant&#13;&#10;    (result, sim_info, score) = original(self, drama_participant, resolver)&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py", line 790, in _resolve_drama_participant&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py", line 194, in get_participant&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py", line 832, in get_participants&#13;&#10;ValueError: Trying to use SingleSimResolver with unsupported participant: ParticipantType.PickedSimrtim=0&#13;&#10;ClientInfo isn't here</desyncdata></report>


MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT removed, but now the errors are marked in the file mc_lastexception.html


  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_scheduler.py', line 982, in _score_and_schedule_drama_nodes_gen [ self : drama_schedule_service, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FFB48E6CD0>, active_household : Household Newson (801938271645126762): ; ; ; ; ; , current_time : 03:00:00.000 day:0 week:8, bucketted_nodes : 'defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {<DramaNodeScoringBucket.CommunityClosenessCalls = 44>: [<class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_LandgrabPower'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_FriendCrush'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_TheSimulation'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_Telemarketer'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_PrankCall'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_ParentCheckIn'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_HotHeaded'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_GoGreen'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_TheMotiveGames'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_SiblingSimTock'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_BorrowSimoleons_Initial'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances....', drama_node_manager : InstanceManager_drama_node, drama_node : collegeOrganizationEvents_BarNight_Prank:22:00:00.000 day:6 week:8, buckets_to_score : '[(<DramaNodeScoringBucket.Agency_AIStaffing_Commercial = 14>, ImmutableSlots({'days': {<Days.SUNDAY = 0>: True, <Days.MONDAY = 1>: True, <Days.TUESDAY = 2>: True, <Days.WEDNESDAY = 3>: True, <Days.THURSDAY = 4>: True, <Days.FRIDAY = 5>: True, <Days.SATURDAY = 6>: True}, 'number_to_schedule': ImmutableSlots({'number_of_nodes': 2, 'option': <StatisticStaticModifierOption.CEILING = 0>}), 'refresh_nodes_on_scheduling': False, 'score_if_no_nodes_are_scheduled': True}), TimeSpan(0)), (<DramaNodeScoringBucket.Agency_AIStaffing_Film = 17>, ImmutableSlots({'days': {<Days.SUNDAY = 0>: True, <Days.MONDAY = 1>: True, <Days.TUESDAY = 2>: True, <Days.WEDNESDAY = 3>: True, <Days.THURSDAY = 4>: True, <Days.FRIDAY = 5>: True, <Days.SATURDAY = 6>: True}, 'number_to_schedule': ImmutableSlots({'number_of_nodes': 2, 'option': <StatisticStaticModifierOption.CEILING = 0>}), 'refresh_nodes_on_scheduling': False, 'score_if_no_nodes_are_scheduled': True}), TimeSpan(0)), (<DramaNodeScoringBucket.Agency_AIStaffing_HighBudgetTV = 16>, Im...', rules : ImmutableSlots({'days': {<Days.SUNDAY = 0>: True, <Days.MONDAY = 1>: True, <Days.TUESDAY = 2>: True, <Days.WEDNESDAY = 3>: True, <Days.THURSDAY = 4>: True, <Days.FRIDAY = 5>: True, <Days.SATURDAY = 6>: True}, 'number_to_schedule': ImmutableSlots({'number_of_nodes': 1, 'option': <StatisticStaticModifierOption.CEILING = 0>}), 'refresh_nodes_on_scheduling': False, 'score_if_no_nodes_are_scheduled': False}), bucket_type : DramaNodeScoringBucket.NeighborStories, valid_day : True, time_modifier : -0.00 seconds, nodes_to_schedule : 1, node : pickerDramaNode_ActorCareer_LowBudgetTV_Kids_WellSuited:16:04:11.040 day:1 week:8]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_scheduler.py', line 738, in score_and_schedule_nodes_gen [ self : drama_schedule_service, nodes_to_score : [<class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_FamilyMatters'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicSuccessResponseText'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_AskIfPromotion'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicSuccessResponseText_BD'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText_SD'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicSuccessResponseInvite_BD'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_AskIfNewJob'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_NeighborRelPhoneCall_Initial_Friendly'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_CommitmentIssues'>], nodes_to_schedule : 1, time_modifier : -0.00 seconds, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FFB48E6CD0>, active_household : Household Newson (801938271645126762): ; ; ; ; ; , sim_resolvers : (SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ), drama_node : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText'>, resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , uid : 423635957339002616, drama_node_inst : sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText:None]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py', line 849, in setup [ self : sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText:None, resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py', line 746, in _setup [ self : sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems_v3.5beta дал LE с MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT, resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , reciever_sim_resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py', line 790, in _resolve_drama_participant [ self : sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText:None, drama_participant : ImmutableSlots({'participant_type': <ParticipantType.PickedSim = 16777216>, 'type': 1}), resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py', line 194, in get_participant [ self : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , participant_type : ParticipantType.PickedSim]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py', line 832, in get_participants [ self : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , participant_type : ParticipantType.PickedSim]


Link to comment
3 minutes ago, Petr54 said:

sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems_v3.5beta gave LE with MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT

<?xml version="1.0" ?><root>
<BetterExceptions><BEversion>v2.04</BEversion><WasBlank>False</WasBlank><TuningLoadFinished>True</TuningLoadFinished><BadObjectCC>False</BadObjectCC><Advice>Not available. More info may be in BE Report.</Advice></BetterExceptions><report><version>2</version><sessionid>14a65148169b2b8f622511f2</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2022-03-07 04:28:36</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>resolver.py:832</categoryid><desyncid>14a65148169b2b8f622511f2</desyncid><systemconfig/><screenshot/><desyncdata>[jjacobson] Exception while scoring DramaNodes:  (ValueError: Trying to use SingleSimResolver with unsupported participant: ParticipantType.PickedSim)&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;Caught and logged:&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_scheduler.py", line 738, in score_and_schedule_nodes_gen&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py", line 849, in setup&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py", line 746, in _setup&#13;&#10;  File "C:\Users\kaela\OneDrive\Sims 4 Python Script Workspace\My Script Mods\PreTeen\Scripts\injector.py", line 14, in _inject&#13;&#10;  File "C:\Мои документы\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\A_Scumbumbo\MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT.ts4script\unlisted_phones.py", line 67, in UPN_resolve_drama_participant&#13;&#10;    (result, sim_info, score) = original(self, drama_participant, resolver)&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py", line 790, in _resolve_drama_participant&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py", line 194, in get_participant&#13;&#10;  File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py", line 832, in get_participants&#13;&#10;ValueError: Trying to use SingleSimResolver with unsupported participant: ParticipantType.PickedSimrtim=0&#13;&#10;ClientInfo isn't here</desyncdata></report>


MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT removed, but now the errors are marked in the file mc_lastexception.html


  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_scheduler.py', line 982, in _score_and_schedule_drama_nodes_gen [ self : drama_schedule_service, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FFB48E6CD0>, active_household : Household Newson (801938271645126762): ; ; ; ; ; , current_time : 03:00:00.000 day:0 week:8, bucketted_nodes : 'defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {<DramaNodeScoringBucket.CommunityClosenessCalls = 44>: [<class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_LandgrabPower'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_FriendCrush'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_TheSimulation'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_Telemarketer'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_PrankCall'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_ParentCheckIn'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_HotHeaded'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_GoGreen'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_TheMotiveGames'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_SiblingSimTock'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_BorrowSimoleons_Initial'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances....', drama_node_manager : InstanceManager_drama_node, drama_node : collegeOrganizationEvents_BarNight_Prank:22:00:00.000 day:6 week:8, buckets_to_score : '[(<DramaNodeScoringBucket.Agency_AIStaffing_Commercial = 14>, ImmutableSlots({'days': {<Days.SUNDAY = 0>: True, <Days.MONDAY = 1>: True, <Days.TUESDAY = 2>: True, <Days.WEDNESDAY = 3>: True, <Days.THURSDAY = 4>: True, <Days.FRIDAY = 5>: True, <Days.SATURDAY = 6>: True}, 'number_to_schedule': ImmutableSlots({'number_of_nodes': 2, 'option': <StatisticStaticModifierOption.CEILING = 0>}), 'refresh_nodes_on_scheduling': False, 'score_if_no_nodes_are_scheduled': True}), TimeSpan(0)), (<DramaNodeScoringBucket.Agency_AIStaffing_Film = 17>, ImmutableSlots({'days': {<Days.SUNDAY = 0>: True, <Days.MONDAY = 1>: True, <Days.TUESDAY = 2>: True, <Days.WEDNESDAY = 3>: True, <Days.THURSDAY = 4>: True, <Days.FRIDAY = 5>: True, <Days.SATURDAY = 6>: True}, 'number_to_schedule': ImmutableSlots({'number_of_nodes': 2, 'option': <StatisticStaticModifierOption.CEILING = 0>}), 'refresh_nodes_on_scheduling': False, 'score_if_no_nodes_are_scheduled': True}), TimeSpan(0)), (<DramaNodeScoringBucket.Agency_AIStaffing_HighBudgetTV = 16>, Im...', rules : ImmutableSlots({'days': {<Days.SUNDAY = 0>: True, <Days.MONDAY = 1>: True, <Days.TUESDAY = 2>: True, <Days.WEDNESDAY = 3>: True, <Days.THURSDAY = 4>: True, <Days.FRIDAY = 5>: True, <Days.SATURDAY = 6>: True}, 'number_to_schedule': ImmutableSlots({'number_of_nodes': 1, 'option': <StatisticStaticModifierOption.CEILING = 0>}), 'refresh_nodes_on_scheduling': False, 'score_if_no_nodes_are_scheduled': False}), bucket_type : DramaNodeScoringBucket.NeighborStories, valid_day : True, time_modifier : -0.00 seconds, nodes_to_schedule : 1, node : pickerDramaNode_ActorCareer_LowBudgetTV_Kids_WellSuited:16:04:11.040 day:1 week:8]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_scheduler.py', line 738, in score_and_schedule_nodes_gen [ self : drama_schedule_service, nodes_to_score : [<class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_FamilyMatters'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicSuccessResponseText'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_AskIfPromotion'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicSuccessResponseText_BD'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText_SD'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicSuccessResponseInvite_BD'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_AskIfNewJob'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_NeighborRelPhoneCall_Initial_Friendly'>, <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.dialogDramaNode_CommunityCloseness_CommitmentIssues'>], nodes_to_schedule : 1, time_modifier : -0.00 seconds, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FFB48E6CD0>, active_household : Household Newson (801938271645126762): ; ; ; ; ; , sim_resolvers : (SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ), drama_node : <class 'sims4.tuning.instances.sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText'>, resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , uid : 423635957339002616, drama_node_inst : sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText:None]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py', line 849, in setup [ self : sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText:None, resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py', line 746, in _setup [ self : sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems_v3.5beta дал LE с MTS_Scumbumbo_UnlistedPhoneNumbers_SCRIPT, resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , reciever_sim_resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py', line 790, in _resolve_drama_participant [ self : sirsleepy_BigDickProblems_DramaDickPicFailureResponseText:None, drama_participant : ImmutableSlots({'participant_type': <ParticipantType.PickedSim = 16777216>, 'type': 1}), resolver : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: ]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py', line 194, in get_participant [ self : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , participant_type : ParticipantType.PickedSim]
  • File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\resolver.py', line 832, in get_participants [ self : SingleSimResolver: sim_to_test: , participant_type : ParticipantType.PickedSim]



v3.5 beta 1 has a mod conflict with "Scumbumbo UnlistedPhoneNumbers" mod. The v3.5 beta 2 doesn't have this conflict (uploaded yesterday to the original v3.5 beta post).


The problem associated with this conflict is the same conflict that other mods, such as Slice of Life (SOL) and Kuttoe's Random Texts (and any other mod that sends text msgs), have with the Unlisted Phone Numbers mod. I'm looking into it, but it may be a permanent conflict with v4+.



Edited by sirsleepy
Link to comment
  • sirsleepy changed the title to Big Dick Problems v3.5
18 hours ago, sirsleepy said:


v3.5 beta 1 has a mod conflict with "Scumbumbo UnlistedPhoneNumbers" mod. The v3.5 beta 2 doesn't have this conflict (uploaded yesterday to the original v3.5 beta post).


The problem associated with this conflict is the same conflict that other mods, such as Slice of Life (SOL) and Kuttoe's Random Texts (and any other mod that sends text msgs), have with the Unlisted Phone Numbers mod. I'm looking into it, but it may be a permanent conflict with v4+.




Regarding to this problem, are you trying to see if you can solve the same problem with SOL? Im using a lot this KawaiiStacie mod :)

Edited by Tekisman
Link to comment

Just a few of ideas for expanding upon the Size Queen trait and gameplay. So, I noticed that if a Size Queen is having groupsex with 2 or more BD sims, currently the buff they get is the usual "Sensual Paradise" one and it adds a certain amount of happiness. But if a Size Queen is taking double or even triple BDs, well... Perphaps the positive buff/rewards could also be doubled/tripled for them? Or maybe they get a whole new, way more powerful buff called something else with a description like: "Omg, I can't believe multiple BDs would feel even better than one! I'm on cloud 9!" Etc. Something along those lines. And on the downside of all that fun, the negative "Fucking Sore" pain buff for taking BDs could also be increased, so doubled or trippled depending on the amount of BDs they're taking. The WW Lube would really help during that.


But alternatively, if there was a Size Queen Aspiration for example, that a Size Queen sim or a normal sim could choose to complete, at the end of it, it gives them a reward trait which helps them better handle the downsides of taking multiple BDs. The aspiration track line could be like a "training" of sorts, for said sim to become a more proficient BD taker, lol. Example... Have sex with X amount of BDs. If it's a normal sim that doesn't have the Size Queen Trait yet, one of the goals could be "unlock size queen trait" by having sex with 5+ BDs, etc. Different levels with different requirements and goals to meet. Maybe you could even implement Basemental as well. Like, have sex with a BD sim while on X type of drug X times. (If you've ever played with Nisa's Mind Broken aspirations, I was thinking something along those lines, but not the same of course.) The aspiration levels could be something like... 1. BD Novice, 2. BD Hunter, 3. Almost there! 4. Professional Size Queen." So at the end of it, they would only ever derive joy from taking BDs. No more "Fucking Sore" buffs for them during sex, and no need for lube ever again. So they get like a "Pro Size Queen" reward trait, or the opposite of the "Sensually Tight" trait (sensually untight? ?). Speaking of which, for Sensually Tight sims, maybe this aspiration is simply not doable at all and if they try to complete it, it would just lead to grave, painful consequences for them. Or... Maybe they could do it and if they do complete the aspiration, Nisa's painful/negative buffs that come with the Sensually Tight trait could also be removed from them when they get the "Pro Size Queen" reward trait.


PSQs would have an even stronger "bored/is it in yet?" reaction to both Normal sized and SD sims. They could also get a permanent buff boost after completing the aspiration, like the "Big Dick Confidence" but "Size Queen Confidence"? Maybe. And after sex with a BD sim they could get a "Took it like a Champ!" moodlet/buff. Example description: "Hah! Who needs lube? I can handle anything and everything thrown at me with ease!" ? But maybe sometimes they also get random, negative buffs like "Oh no... Too loose?" Making them feel sad or embarrassed about it. Description: "Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to completely destroy my nether regions afterall..." And they would be sad that they can't fix it. But the doubt and sadness goes away quickly as soon as they're back in the arms of BD sims having the time of their life again, lol. And it doesn't come back for at least 5 sims days from their last BD encounter. But anytime they're away from BD too long, the doubts and regret about their life choices slowly starts to creep back in again...? And maybe BD sims having sex with a Pro Size Queens get a little feeling of doubt too sometimes, like: "Okay, maybe even I'M not big enough for such a pro???". Or a happy buff like: "Finally, somebody that can handle me and take it all! No more having to be super gentle, no more "just the tip". I'm going all the way in! Now we're talking!" ? There could be new interactions to deal with the different emotions, for example: "Reassure about tightness" and "Compliment ability to take Big Dicks" from BD sims to Pro Size Queens. Or even "insult lack of tightness" (I mean, it's only fair since Size Queens go around insulting Normal and SD sims sizes too, lol). That last interaction could be from any sim to PSQs. Pros could also ask other sims for reassurance when they're feeling embarrassed about being a PSQ. Or whatever you might want to call the trait! Sensually Tight sims in relationships with BD sims could maybe complain about their partner's size to friends and other sims when they have that "WTF DID I DO THAT FOR" negative soreness/pain buff from Nisa's mod and the "Fucking Sore" buff from your mod.


Now, I know it isn't called "Size Queen Problems", lmao. But, you seem to be expanding this mod quite a bit so just throwing some ideas out there! ? Some additional "problems" for BD sims could be a slight tense/uncomfortable buff when having sex with Normal and Sensually Tight sims like... "Ugh, they can't handle all of me, I must go slow and try to be gentle, I guess..." or "X is feeling guilty for liking this tightness a little too much while knowing that it hurt their partner" OR if they are evil, or have the WW Selfish Lover Attribute, they get a very strong positive happy moodlet from having sex with Normal and Sensually Tight sims, like: "X can't help but enjoy the extra grip around their dick even if it is at the expense of their sexual partner(s)!" Since all sims get the "Fucking Sore" pain buff from having sex with BD sims anyway, I feel like BD sims should have some sort of moodlet in response to it. So either the negative "Ugh, they can't handle me." or the happy "Fuck yes! I love the grip!" buff, if selfish/evil/etc. Though I feel like this does overlap a little with Nisa's "good tight romp" moodlets from sex with ST sims. But not much more has been added or expanded on that part of the mod in a while unfortunately. Would be great if you could expand on some sort of "tight" trait of your own in this mod with its own buffs, pros and cons, etc. SD sims and Sensually Tight sims would be a good match for example. So ST sims wouldn't get all those negative buffs when having sex with SD but do when having sex with any other size. Or even if their negative buffs aren't completely removed with SD sims, they at least get less of it. Like a happy "Almost bareable" buff for them and SD sims get a confident/happy buff like: "Not THAT small afterall!" from having sex with a Sensually Tight sim.

Link to comment
2 hours ago, Tekisman said:


Regarding to this problem, are you trying to see if you can solve the same problem with SOL? Im using a lot this KawaiiStacie mod :)


Yes. I'm looking into it. I'm not sure if I'll figure it out since smarter/more experienced modders have the same conflict with Unlisted Phone Numbers.


Just to clarify, it's not a conflict between SOL and BDP (at least nobody has said anything). I've heard SOL (and many other mods) has a conflict with Unlisted Phone Numbers.


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On 2/25/2022 at 5:37 PM, sirsleepy said:


Yeah. That's by design. The mod auto equips penises based on the configuration. Once you shift-click a sim and choose 'Use this Sim's penis for BD/BBC/SD' then it's saved in the .config file. Then whenever a Sim loads, it checks to see if it has a trait or not. If it has the trait, it gets the penis values in the config file that match. If there's no trait, then it sets it to WW default (0).


I'm using Pornstar Cocks as well. Here's what my config looks like. I'm using huge, thick cut for BD and BBC, and small for SD.


BigDickSoft = 15208128
BigDickHard = 1193613
BigBlackCockSoft = 15208128
BigBlackCockHard = 1193613
SmallDickSoft = 14057248
SmallDickHard = 11771416



The IDs will vary based on what penises you select and which penis mod you have, etc. You can use the shift-click on Sim to save these numbers. First, assign the soft and hard penis, then shift-click and choose "Use this Sim's penis for whatever".



Oh well snap. Sorry if I failed to read the entire description. That should be easy enough to fix. Thanks. I have been enjoying the mod so far. Fun to see the moods change due to the differences. Thanks for explaining the situation! 


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3 hours ago, GalaxySimmer said:

Just a few of ideas for expanding upon the Size Queen trait and gameplay. So, I noticed that if a Size Queen is having groupsex with 2 or more BD sims, currently the buff they get is the usual "Sensual Paradise" one and it adds a certain amount of happiness. But if a Size Queen is taking double or even triple BDs, well... Perphaps the positive buff/rewards could also be doubled/tripled for them? Or maybe they get a whole new, way more powerful buff called something else with a description like: "Omg, I can't believe multiple BDs would feel even better than one! I'm on cloud 9!" Etc. Something along those lines. And on the downside of all that fun, the negative "Fucking Sore" pain buff for taking BDs could also be increased, so doubled or trippled depending on the amount of BDs they're taking. The WW Lube would really help during that.


But alternatively, if there was a Size Queen Aspiration for example, that a Size Queen sim or a normal sim could choose to complete, at the end of it, it gives them a reward trait which helps them better handle the downsides of taking multiple BDs. The aspiration track line could be like a "training" of sorts, for said sim to become a more proficient BD taker, lol. Example... Have sex with X amount of BDs. If it's a normal sim that doesn't have the Size Queen Trait yet, one of the goals could be "unlock size queen trait" by having sex with 5+ BDs, etc. Different levels with different requirements and goals to meet. Maybe you could even implement Basemental as well. Like, have sex with a BD sim while on X type of drug X times. (If you've ever played with Nisa's Mind Broken aspirations, I was thinking something along those lines, but not the same of course.) The aspiration levels could be something like... 1. BD Novice, 2. BD Hunter, 3. Almost there! 4. Professional Size Queen." So at the end of it, they would only ever derive joy from taking BDs. No more "Fucking Sore" buffs for them during sex, and no need for lube ever again. So they get like a "Pro Size Queen" reward trait, or the opposite of the "Sensually Tight" trait (sensually untight? ?). Speaking of which, for Sensually Tight sims, maybe this aspiration is simply not doable at all and if they try to complete it, it would just lead to grave, painful consequences for them. Or... Maybe they could do it and if they do complete the aspiration, Nisa's painful/negative buffs that come with the Sensually Tight trait could also be removed from them when they get the "Pro Size Queen" reward trait.


PSQs would have an even stronger "bored/is it in yet?" reaction to both Normal sized and SD sims. They could also get a permanent buff boost after completing the aspiration, like the "Big Dick Confidence" but "Size Queen Confidence"? Maybe. And after sex with a BD sim they could get a "Took it like a Champ!" moodlet/buff. Example description: "Hah! Who needs lube? I can handle anything and everything thrown at me with ease!" ? But maybe sometimes they also get random, negative buffs like "Oh no... Too loose?" Making them feel sad or embarrassed about it. Description: "Perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to completely destroy my nether regions afterall..." And they would be sad that they can't fix it. But the doubt and sadness goes away quickly as soon as they're back in the arms of BD sims having the time of their life again, lol. And it doesn't come back for at least 5 sims days from their last BD encounter. But anytime they're away from BD too long, the doubts and regret about their life choices slowly starts to creep back in again...? And maybe BD sims having sex with a Pro Size Queens get a little feeling of doubt too sometimes, like: "Okay, maybe even I'M not big enough for such a pro???". Or a happy buff like: "Finally, somebody that can handle me and take it all! No more having to be super gentle, no more "just the tip". I'm going all the way in! Now we're talking!" ? There could be new interactions to deal with the different emotions, for example: "Reassure about tightness" and "Compliment ability to take Big Dicks" from BD sims to Pro Size Queens. Or even "insult lack of tightness" (I mean, it's only fair since Size Queens go around insulting Normal and SD sims sizes too, lol). That last interaction could be from any sim to PSQs. Pros could also ask other sims for reassurance when they're feeling embarrassed about being a PSQ. Or whatever you might want to call the trait! Sensually Tight sims in relationships with BD sims could maybe complain about their partner's size to friends and other sims when they have that "WTF DID I DO THAT FOR" negative soreness/pain buff from Nisa's mod and the "Fucking Sore" buff from your mod.


Now, I know it isn't called "Size Queen Problems", lmao. But, you seem to be expanding this mod quite a bit so just throwing some ideas out there! ? Some additional "problems" for BD sims could be a slight tense/uncomfortable buff when having sex with Normal and Sensually Tight sims like... "Ugh, they can't handle all of me, I must go slow and try to be gentle, I guess..." or "X is feeling guilty for liking this tightness a little too much while knowing that it hurt their partner" OR if they are evil, or have the WW Selfish Lover Attribute, they get a very strong positive happy moodlet from having sex with Normal and Sensually Tight sims, like: "X can't help but enjoy the extra grip around their dick even if it is at the expense of their sexual partner(s)!" Since all sims get the "Fucking Sore" pain buff from having sex with BD sims anyway, I feel like BD sims should have some sort of moodlet in response to it. So either the negative "Ugh, they can't handle me." or the happy "Fuck yes! I love the grip!" buff, if selfish/evil/etc. Though I feel like this does overlap a little with Nisa's "good tight romp" moodlets from sex with ST sims. But not much more has been added or expanded on that part of the mod in a while unfortunately. Would be great if you could expand on some sort of "tight" trait of your own in this mod with its own buffs, pros and cons, etc. SD sims and Sensually Tight sims would be a good match for example. So ST sims wouldn't get all those negative buffs when having sex with SD but do when having sex with any other size. Or even if their negative buffs aren't completely removed with SD sims, they at least get less of it. Like a happy "Almost bareable" buff for them and SD sims get a confident/happy buff like: "Not THAT small afterall!" from having sex with a Sensually Tight sim.


Lots of good stuff. I added some to my to do list.


In general (I've recently discovered), that most Simmers prefer to have less "permanent" visible buffs, because mods overuse that quite a bit and the moodlets get crazy long with all of the various mods installed, so I'm trying to make more situation buffs or at least "semi-permanent" buffs (like SD buffs) that go away when SD Sexpertise skill get high enough. 



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i'm finding that i NEED Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers mod. there is no way your mod will work with it? what is the issue? what is the issue with Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers mod? i wasn't getting errors until i started using it and yours so i'm just trying to understand what's going on.


is it that they will work independently but cannot coexist?

Basemental is updating Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers


You might want to update your main page for known conflicts. Sadly i'm going to have to stop using your mod as I need the other more. Getting phone calls in the middle of the night from random strangers telling you to start a new career is so annoying...


or you can maintain and support 2 flavors for us that want to continue to use Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers?

Edited by hogsmaws
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1 hour ago, hogsmaws said:

i'm finding that i NEED Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers mod. there is no way your mod will work with it? what is the issue? what is the issue with Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers mod? i wasn't getting errors until i started using it and yours so i'm just trying to understand what's going on.


is it that they will work independently but cannot coexist?

Basemental is updating Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers


You might want to update your main page for known conflicts. Sadly i'm going to have to stop using your mod as I need the other more. Getting phone calls in the middle of the night from random strangers telling you to start a new career is so annoying...


or you can maintain and support 2 flavors for us that want to continue to use Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers?


There's no conflicts with v3.5 (official v3.5, not beta1 v3.5) and UnlistedPhoneNumbers. I'm still looking into it for v4.

Edited by sirsleepy
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15 minutes ago, sirsleepy said:


There's no conflicts with v3.5 (official v3.5, not beta1 v3.5) and UnlistedPhoneNumbers. I'm still looking into it for v4.


yea i was just thinking ahead when EA pushes out an update that requires you to update your mod you most likely only planned on updating one version vs. maintaining 2 parallel versions. but if you're planning on potentially making 4.0 compatible then i'll just stand by. ty

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26 minutes ago, hogsmaws said:


yea i was just thinking ahead when EA pushes out an update that requires you to update your mod you most likely only planned on updating one version vs. maintaining 2 parallel versions. but if you're planning on potentially making 4.0 compatible then i'll just stand by. ty


I'll figure it out, or at least figure a work around. If the "take dick pic" needs to be an "addon" separate from the main mod, then I'll do that -- but only if I can't figure it out.

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5 hours ago, hogsmaws said:

i'm finding that i NEED Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers mod. there is no way your mod will work with it? what is the issue? what is the issue with Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers mod? i wasn't getting errors until i started using it and yours so i'm just trying to understand what's going on.


is it that they will work independently but cannot coexist?

Basemental is updating Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers


You might want to update your main page for known conflicts. Sadly i'm going to have to stop using your mod as I need the other more. Getting phone calls in the middle of the night from random strangers telling you to start a new career is so annoying...


or you can maintain and support 2 flavors for us that want to continue to use Scumbumbo's UnlistedPhoneNumbers?


I you want to use SCUMBUMBO mods more than SirSleepy mods then go ahead, both mods are free and you are free to use what mod is better for you OR you can stop crying and wait to SirSleepy find a out how to solve the problem (if he finally finds out how to solve it), you choose. I have too problems with mods that uses the same XML and scripts between them and i have to choose what i prefer to use. Right now im using SOL and if BDP uses the calling script that SOL uses to make calls then i will need to wait to see if there is a work around to make both of them compatible.



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Huge thanks to Khlas who created a "Taking a Dick Pic" animation. Everything from the initial interaction clicking "Send Dick Pic" on your phone, picking who to send it to, the animation, and finally getting a response (either good or bad) is now working. 




Taking Dick Pic


Now I need to work on the conflict. I've looking into it and I don't think it's a conflict with Unlisted Phone Numbers. I think there's something the base game is doing that is conflicting, so it's a problem with my XML. I just need to walk through my XML and see what the base game doesn't like. It looked like Unlisted Phone Number is the problem/cause, because that mod injects itself into the 3am process and the error report lists that as a potential culprit, but even with that mod removed I still get the 3am error.



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8 minutes ago, sirsleepy said:

Huge thanks to Khlas who created a "Taking a Dick Pic" animation. Everything from the initial interaction clicking "Send Dick Pic" on your phone, picking who to send it to, the animation, and finally getting a response (either good or bad) is now working. 




Taking Dick Pic


Now I need to work on the conflict. I've looking into it and I don't think it's a conflict with Unlisted Phone Numbers. I think there's something the base game is doing that is conflicting, so it's a problem with my XML. I just need to walk through my XML and see what the base game doesn't like. It looked like Unlisted Phone Number is the problem/cause, because that mod injects itself into the 3am process and the error report lists that as a potential culprit, but even with that mod removed I still get the 3am error.




i think you asked when the error occurred with my issue and it was at that same time just a FYSA.



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3 hours ago, sirsleepy said:

Huge thanks to Khlas who created a "Taking a Dick Pic" animation. Everything from the initial interaction clicking "Send Dick Pic" on your phone, picking who to send it to, the animation, and finally getting a response (either good or bad) is now working. 




Taking Dick Pic

  Reveal hidden contents


Now I need to work on the conflict. I've looking into it and I don't think it's a conflict with Unlisted Phone Numbers. I think there's something the base game is doing that is conflicting, so it's a problem with my XML. I just need to walk through my XML and see what the base game doesn't like. It looked like Unlisted Phone Number is the problem/cause, because that mod injects itself into the 3am process and the error report lists that as a potential culprit, but even with that mod removed I still get the 3am error.




So happy it's @Khlas that did the animation, the details on his animations are unmatched. It's certainly a great addition to your mod. Definitely keeping an eye around, this is exciting!
WW patreon has "send nude" but I have to confess, it sounds very bland and boring contrary to what you did.

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The mod is great, but the oh my flirty buff always on when around bd sims is a bit annoying because the sims affected are always in flirty mood and what comes with it (way of speaking) and most of the time end up having romantic interactions and next thing you know the romance bar fills up, i hope you can tone it down a bit.

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14 hours ago, illmind16 said:

The mod is great, but the oh my flirty buff always on when around bd sims is a bit annoying because the sims affected are always in flirty mood and what comes with it (way of speaking) and most of the time end up having romantic interactions and next thing you know the romance bar fills up, i hope you can tone it down a bit.


I have to agree with this. Right now i was testing this thing and i think its a problem when your sim is married and have your wife/husband  around and it starts chating with the "big boy", its an instant flirt mood bomb and if you leave your sim speaking by itself on full autonomy, it starts flirting with him nonstop and the romance bar goes crazy and... if your partner see it its a real problem lol (specially if your partner has the jealous trait). Problem goes worst when you combine it with mods like Woohoo Wellness + SOL, jealous and divorce sentiments start appearing between them and, because these mods have internal memory itself to remember old actions between your sims... you know... its impossible to solve the problem after that.


Unless you take care of your sims really carefully and check what are they doing every second could be an extreme problem if you see it on a drama way.


What i would do if is possible: your sim check that the "big boy" has a big one, yeah, your sim gets the flirty mod FOR A FEW SECS or max 1 min, and after that i would add a "memory" to the mod that if your sim keep speaking with this sim or see him later (maybe next day) the mod check your sim know this sim has a big one and instead to become really flirty it becomes maybe confident? with a thought like "How could be to feel what this sim has between his legs..." or something like that.

Edited by Tekisman
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I'm receiving this error when using your mod:


2022-03-15 00:29:07 ERROR> Exception with on_module_startup_traits
2022-03-15 00:29:07 ERROR> float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'
2022-03-15 00:31:52 ERROR> Exception with zone_events.on_loading_screen
2022-03-15 00:31:52 ERROR> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\zone_events.py", line 22, in on_loading_screen
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 168, in get_startup_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 162, in get_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 142, in get_whole_number
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'

2022-03-15 00:38:23 ERROR> Exception with zone_events.on_loading_screen
2022-03-15 00:38:23 ERROR> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\zone_events.py", line 22, in on_loading_screen
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 168, in get_startup_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 162, in get_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 142, in get_whole_number
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'

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2 hours ago, True AI said:

I'm receiving this error when using your mod:


2022-03-15 00:29:07 ERROR> Exception with on_module_startup_traits
2022-03-15 00:29:07 ERROR> float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'
2022-03-15 00:31:52 ERROR> Exception with zone_events.on_loading_screen
2022-03-15 00:31:52 ERROR> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\zone_events.py", line 22, in on_loading_screen
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 168, in get_startup_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 162, in get_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 142, in get_whole_number
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'

2022-03-15 00:38:23 ERROR> Exception with zone_events.on_loading_screen
2022-03-15 00:38:23 ERROR> Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\zone_events.py", line 22, in on_loading_screen
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 168, in get_startup_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 162, in get_version
  File ".\sirsleepy_bdp\settings.py", line 142, in get_whole_number
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'


Can you post the contents of your sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems.config file? Thanks.


I think this could fix it. I'm not sure why there's an error, but try this:


In your sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems.config, add the below lines at the bottom of the file (if the lines are missing, don't add these twice if they already exist). Add a blank line before the [BPD_Info] and whatever text is above it.




VersionMajor = 3
VersionMinor = 5


Edited by sirsleepy
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I was just wondering.

Looking at update log of the WW, it says (I'm going to type only changes that seems to related to one of features of your mod):


    Made small alterations to developing of Attractiveness preferences

Will above change might affect the feature of your mod (Likes / Dislikes)?


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17 hours ago, ioawdfv said:

I was just wondering.

Looking at update log of the WW, it says (I'm going to type only changes that seems to related to one of features of your mod):

Will above change might affect the feature of your mod (Likes / Dislikes)?



I'll check. If it does, I'll let everyone know and fix it.


It appears 167g was the previous download, but now there's a March 15 167g? Is there a changelog between the two different 167g versions? Or is the newest just with the recent patch stuff?

Edited by sirsleepy
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On 3/15/2022 at 11:23 AM, sirsleepy said:


Can you post the contents of your sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems.config file? Thanks.


I think this could fix it. I'm not sure why there's an error, but try this:

  Hide contents

In your sirsleepy_Big_Dick_Problems.config, add the below lines at the bottom of the file (if the lines are missing, don't add these twice if they already exist). Add a blank line before the [BPD_Info] and whatever text is above it.




VersionMajor = 3
VersionMinor = 5




Your fix appeared to work. Thank you! ?

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