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Trails of Cold Steel 4 (Mod Request)

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The one thing I want is to give Fie slightly bigger boobs so she will look less childish when propositioning Rean.


I saw that @S_S_Majin made a “big boobs” mod, but it seems to only work on the characters that already have boobs that are orange- to watermelon-sized. Is that right, or did I not install it correctly? (Also, 4 internet points to whomever tells me how to properly reference a user name.)


Did one of the nude mods make the little’ns bigger? In this shot, Altina appears to have adult breasts. Am I seeing this wrong?


On 5/6/2022 at 2:42 PM, Whayameen said:




Edited by NotAZebra
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On 9/5/2022 at 7:11 PM, Millserb said:

Hi, I've downloaded the big 400mb 1852277905_CS4_nudesexy_Mod_1.1 file but I don't know what to do with it? Where should I drop it or replace files? I didn't see a readme in the zip file.


I think everything in /bin/Win64 goes into the /bin/Win64 directory within the game folder.


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I took a frame analysis dump with 3Dmigoto (using the files packaged with lakovic's mod). I tried importing the files into Blender with the 3Dmigoto plugin, and I got the message "Only draw calls using a single vertex buffer and a single index buffer are supported for now".


Is this a problem others have already solved? Could someone give a very simple explanation of what this message means so I can look for solutions? Assume I am not a professional developer and have never done 3D modeling.

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3 hours ago, NotAZebra said:

I took a frame analysis dump with 3Dmigoto (using the files packaged with lakovic's mod). I tried importing the files into Blender with the 3Dmigoto plugin, and I got the message "Only draw calls using a single vertex buffer and a single index buffer are supported for now".


Is this a problem others have already solved? Could someone give a very simple explanation of what this message means so I can look for solutions? Assume I am not a professional developer and have never done 3D modeling.


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  • 1 month later...
On 8/5/2022 at 6:55 AM, amorrow28 said:

[For newcomers wanting nudity in CS3/CS4/Hajimari, keep reading, tutorial below!]




Photo Credit: @Whayameen - see his amazing work here!


Here is a new version of my compatibility wrapper for using @coomi's nude mods with my skirt delete mod!  This version adds compatibility with coomi's 1.4.0 update.


Coomi compatibility v3.5 for UnSkirtMod - CS3 CS4 Hajimari.7z 1.12 MB · 928 downloads



PLEASE NOTE:  This adds support for coomi's mod.  @lakovic's nude mods are built using my mod as a base, and do not need a compatibility wrapper.  (If you're wondering what are the differences, coomi's mod are based on a previous nude mod port, and lakovic's are based on the @S_S_Majin mod of Emma's Astral Form.  Both are excellent, give each one a try!)


If you are updating to coomi 1.4.0, YOU DO NEED TO UPDATE for CS3/CS4/Hajimari; additionally this version does not work with older releases (1.3.1 and earlier).  Delete the original files entirely, and replace them all with the new files.


The attached file is just the compatibility wrapper that makes coomi's mod useable with my UnSkirt mod, and does not come with either mod.


Coomi's mod is here:


My skirt delete mod is here:

CS3 Current version (1.2): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/141087-trails-of-cold-steel-3-mod-request/?do=findComment&comment=3773382

CS4 Current version (1.3a): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/166239-trails-of-cold-steel-4-mod-request/?do=findComment&comment=3775051

Hajimari Current version (1.2): https://www.loverslab.com/topic/175040-hajimari-no-kiseki-mods/?do=findComment&comment=3775061


(Also try lakovic's nude & sexy mod CS4 here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/166239-trails-of-cold-steel-4-mod-request/?do=findComment&comment=3854560 and Hajimari mod here: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/175040-hajimari-no-kiseki-mods/?do=findComment&comment=3854520)


How to install:


These mods are for the PC (Windows DX11) platform as they are dependent on 3DMigoto.  There is no way to use this on PS4 / Nintendo Switch / etc, BUT @Whayameen and @erawe have collectively taken over 1000 (!!!) screenshots of nude girls / skirt deletes / costume mods in CS4 and Hajimari, here are some links to explore:


Want even more nude mods in CS3 including old class VII?  https://www.loverslab.com/topic/141087-trails-of-cold-steel-3-mod-request/?do=findComment&comment=3776182


i've downloaded lakovic and skirt delete mod. which one is to be overwritten?

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1 hour ago, qwerty0123654 said:

Does anyone else have this issue where Emma's nude from coomi looks like this? I'm using amorrow's UnSkirt 1.31a, coomi's unique nude bodies only v.1.5.1, and Coomi unskirt compatibility v3.5. All the others seem to be fine except Emma.


Looks like one of the hashes or shaders is incorrect. Unfortunately I don’t have the game installed anymore. I can take a look if you share a frame dump. Press F12, then F8, then share the log.txt.

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On 9/3/2022 at 4:04 PM, pelleri said:

Can someone help me with how to use the nude mods from Coomi's mod with characters who don't have bathing robes in CS4? I'm specifically thinking about Estelle, Elie and Vita. There was a guide for this for CS3 here so I'm assuming it's possible in CS4 as well, but I just can't figure out how to do it.




Previously not possible, the problem has been solved!  More nudes in CS4!  (Thank you to the folks at discord for helping me out.)


I had to re-install CS4 to help debug something anyway, so I finally took the time to tackle this.  This basically takes the nude mods by @coomi work with more models in CS4 by replacing the CS4 default models with the Hajimari Towel-wearing models.  You will need to install the basic mods (coomi's Hajimari mod {bodies only}, the CS4 version of my UnskirtMod as well as my compatibility wrapper), all information can be found here:




Beware - this is NOT for the faint of heart.  There are a lot of steps here.  But this is still much easier than in CS3.




Finally, this is achievable by taking assets from CS4 (10 of the girls) and Hajimari (Claire and Vita).  So you need to have those games too.  (This download package contains my python scripts, same as on GitHub.  It does NOT contain assets.)


Ok, here we go...



Basic requirements:  CS4 and Hajimari, python 3.9+


My asset swap tools: Download above, or grab the latest version which is always at my GitHub.


Edit: Instructions updated to transfer over Claire, Vita, Estelle and Elie.  I believe that's everyone, unless you want to replace Kurt with Nadia or something.

First install the zstandard python module by running the included install_zstandard.bat or typing into the command line:

python -m pip install zstandard


In {Steam}\steamapps\common\THE LEGEND OF HEROES HAJIMARI NO KISEKI\data\asset\D3D11
Files needed here: aa - decompresspkg.py, unpackpkg.py



python "aa - decompresspkg.py" C_CHR023_C02
python "aa - decompresspkg.py" C_CHR045_C02
python "aa - decompresspkg.py" C_CHR081_C02
python "aa - decompresspkg.py" C_CHR089_C02



Go into the "decompressed_output" folder, and copy the four new package to {Steam}\steamapps\common\The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV\data\asset\D3D11


The new packages will also expect to have access to their corresponding .inf files (which should NOT be renamed).



{Hajimari}\data\chr\chr\chr023\chr023_c02.inf to {CS4}\data\chr\chr\chr023

{Hajimari}\data\chr\chr\chr045\chr045_c02.inf to {CS4}\data\chr\chr\chr045

{Hajimari}\data\chr\chr\chr081\chr089_c01.inf to {CS4}\data\chr\chr\chr081

{Hajimari}\data\chr\chr\chr089\chr089_c02.inf to {CS4}\data\chr\chr\chr089


In {Steam}\steamapps\common\The Legend of Heroes Trails of Cold Steel IV\data\asset\D3D11:
Files needed here: aa_replace_shaders.py, aa_inject_model.py, extract_pka.py, unpackpkg.py



python aa_replace_shaders.py assets.pka C_CHR023_C02.pkg
python aa_replace_shaders.py assets.pka C_CHR045_C02.pkg
python aa_replace_shaders.py assets.pka C_CHR081_C02.pkg
python aa_replace_shaders.py assets.pka C_CHR089_C02.pkg
python extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR023.pkg
python extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR023_C00.pkg
python extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR023_C01.pkg
python extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR045.pkg
python extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR081.pkg
python extract_pka.py assets.pka C_CHR089.pkg
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR023_C02 C_CHR023
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR023_C02 C_CHR023_C00
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR023_C02 C_CHR023_C01
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR045_C02 C_CHR045
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR081_C02 C_CHR081
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR089_C02 C_CHR089


To reverse:

python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR023 C_CHR023
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR023_C00 C_CHR023_C00
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR023_C01 C_CHR023_C01
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR045 C_CHR045
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR081 C_CHR081
python aa_inject_model.py C_CHR089 C_CHR089


For reference: Claire = 023, Vita = 45, Estelle = 81, Elie = 89.




Edited by amorrow28
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1 hour ago, amorrow28 said:




Previously not possible, the problem has been solved!  More nudes in CS4!  (Thank you to the folks at discord for helping me out.)


I had to re-install CS4 to help debug something anyway, so I finally took the time to tackle this.  This basically takes the nude mods by @coomi work with more models in CS4 by replacing the CS4 default models with the Hajimari Towel-wearing models.  You will need to install the basic mods (coomi's Hajimari mod {bodies only}, the CS4 version of my UnskirtMod as well as my compatibility wrapper), all information can be found here:




Beware - this is NOT for the faint of heart.  There are a lot of steps here.  But this is still much easier than in CS3.


ed8_inject_v2.0.0.zip 31.41 kB · 0 downloads


Finally, this is achievable by taking assets from CS4 (10 of the girls) and Hajimari (Claire and Vita).  So you need to have those games too.  (This download package contains my python scripts, same as on GitHub.  It does NOT contain assets.)


Ok, here we go...




Oh that's awesome. As Lloyd would probably say, that's another barrier gotten over. Gotta remember this if I ever replay Cold Steel.

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On 6/5/2022 at 4:58 PM, amorrow28 said:

Sigh.  Small update, I caught a bug while preparing the Hajimari update, I assumed that the texture map for the two Rose models were identical and they are not.  This only affects tall Roselia, but in the interest of completion here is version 1.3a.  If you're updating from 1.3, you don't need to delete anything (it will automatically overwrite the 1 file changed).  If you're updating from older than 1.3, you do need to delete the old UnSkirtMod folder first.


CS4_UnSkirtMod_v1.3a_with_3Dmigoto_1_3_16.7z 29.11 MB · 1,325 downloads


I was working on Juna’s travel clothes (CS4/Hajimari default with red jacket and yellow shirt) and kept getting this weird line like a javelin through her shoulder. I looked in your files and noticed your “Even Shorter Skirt - Broken” folder with models that produce the same problem. This is the issue:




Did you ever come up with ideas about what causes this? It seems to be specific to replacing the yellow shirt mesh, and it happens even if all I do is dump the mesh, merge, import to Blender, export, and split (no changes to the mesh in Blender). It does not happen if I just tell 3dmigoto to skip the mesh. I think I remember seeing something similar with Towa, but I am having trouble reproducing it.

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2 hours ago, NotAZebra said:


I was working on Juna’s travel clothes (CS4/Hajimari default with red jacket and yellow shirt) and kept getting this weird line like a javelin through her shoulder. I looked in your files and noticed your “Even Shorter Skirt - Broken” folder with models that produce the same problem. This is the issue:

  Hide contents



Did you ever come up with ideas about what causes this? It seems to be specific to replacing the yellow shirt mesh, and it happens even if all I do is dump the mesh, merge, import to Blender, export, and split (no changes to the mesh in Blender). It does not happen if I just tell 3dmigoto to skip the mesh. I think I remember seeing something similar with Towa, but I am having trouble reproducing it.


I don't know what causes this.  I tried Normalize All in weight paint mode and it didn't fix it.  I suspect one of the weight groups is wrong.  Without access to the bone palettes though, troubleshooting this would be a nightmare.  If I recall correctly, this only came up 2-3 times when I was making my unskirt mod.


BTW I haven't exactly given up on the bone palette (vgmap) thing for these games, but I also really haven't made any meaningful progress.

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To my fellow modders,

Finally, vertex group mapping in CS3/CS4/Hajimari!  (and probably CS1/CS2/TXe, I haven't tried)



(Latest version always at my GitHub)

The phyre Engine format for models is incredibly complex, and thankfully @uyjulian had already dissected it to allow access to the skeleton.  However his model convertor followed Sony's original design and all the weight groups were merged together, making the tool useless for 3DMigoto modders.  I've modified his tool to preserve mesh segmentation, so now my vgmap tool can be used.

How is this useful?  I can think of three things.

  • Weight painting is achievable now.  You can adjust the paint, and then move the skeleton to see how the model deforms without loading it in the game.  You can (probably?) even run the animations to see if your model looks good!  (I have not tried this.  I am not good at painting.)
  • Weight transfer is 99.9% easier now!  My tool maps all the weight groups to their proper bones, the names of which are shared across characters.  So now instead of the upper leg being a random number, it will always be "LeftLeg" - which means all the meshes are ALREADY RENAMED when you load them!  Just merge one mesh into the other, and you are done!!
  • For the very ambitious, we can now theoretically merge our mods into a complete model and export as FBX.  This would be the first step in creating actual PKG mods.  Unfortunately the subsequent steps will require Maya and more knowledge than I have, but I think it can be done.  Also, with the glTF, we can inspect the structure and see the names of the materials and shaders, etc, which will (probably) help in reconstruction.

Admittedly this will be a niche tool, for what is already a small modding community.  But it was something I wanted to get done.

How to use:



This is an advanced skill.  If you have never modded CS3/CS4/Hajimari before, please see my other tutorials!


PLEASE NOTE - Commonly you might only need 1-2 meshes.  I grabbed the whole model for demonstration purposes, you do not need to import so many meshes!


You need to know what models you want to mess with.  Here are tables for CS3, CS4 and Hajimari (Reverie) with lists of the models.  (They don't list DLC so you will have to hunt through the files for those.)






First, obtain the meshes that you want to mod using frame dump as usual.  Merge them with my tool as you normally would.  Open the meshes that you want in Blender.  Save the meshes that you want to work with as ib/vb/fmt  (File -> Export -> 3DMigoto raw buffers).  (While I have function calls in my new script to work with the raw text files, Blender cannot open VG Maps when first importing text files so it does not matter.  You need ib/vb/fmt.)  Do not split the buffers yet.  (Notice in the picture, the vertex groups are still random numbers.)




Get the model file from your assets.pka file.  For CS3 and CS4, put extract_pka.py into {CS3 / CS4 folder}/data/asset/D3D11 and double-click it, press enter (first question asks for pka and defaults to assets.pka), then second question asks which files you need.  If you put in a search term, it will match and grab multiple files (typing in CHR087 is like *CHR087*).  (You don't need extract_pka for CLE Hajimari since it's not archived in the first place, just grab the file you need.)  Here I need Juna's Thors outfit, C_CHR011.pkg, so I will type that into extract_pka.py.




Convert the pkg file to glTF, by double-clicking ed8pkg2gltf.py in the folder with the pkg file.  (Note: CLE files require the python zstandard modules to decompress.  If you have not yet installed this, double-click install_zstandard.bat to install it.)





Import the glTF file in Blender, and examine the meshes on the model.  Note that some of the meshes are shadow meshes (used for generating shadows), hide those for now.  Note which mesh corresponds to the 3DMigoto mesh you are hoping to map.  (To make this easy, keep this open while you make your maps in the next step!)







(Completely optional - Julian's script is fully-featured and will apply materials, but you will need to convert all the BC7-compressed textures to BC1.  Grab texconv.exe from here, then run in the same folder as the textures:

texconv.exe -r *.dds -f DXT1 -y


Now if you open the glTF and switch to Material Preview, Juna will look like this instead!






Put the gltf file, make_vgmap_from_gltf.py and lib_fmtibvb.py in the same folder as the ib/vb/fmt files you want to map.  Double-click the script.  It will go through the meshes you have, one by one, and ask you which mesh mapping you want to use.  Pick the mesh that matched when you went through the glTF.  Here, the skirt is polySurfaceShape3915polySurfaceShape3924_1_node, which is option 2, so I typed 2.





Now re-import the meshes.  You will see that all the weight groups have been named properly!





For weight painting, you will want to rig your mesh to the skeleton.  Open the gltf file.  You can hide or delete the glTF meshes, they cannot be exported.  I generally just delete them.  I also hide the joints, so you can clearly see the bones and mesh.

Select all your 3DMigoto meshes (in the list on the upper right, click the top one, then shift-click the bottom one).  Then SHIFT-click on one of the bones (in the scene, NOT on the list).  You should see the meshes outlined in red, and the skeleton outlined in orange.  Press Ctrl-P to parent, and select "Armature Deform."  Do NOT pick any of the "With..." options.





The model is rigged!  You can now do what you need to do.





When you are done with your mesh, export as usual (File -> Export -> 3DMigoto raw buffers).  You can now proceed to split the buffers as usual.



Enjoy!  I look forward to seeing what you do with this and trying out your mods!


Edited by amorrow28
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On 2/15/2023 at 12:55 AM, amorrow28 said:



To my fellow modders,

Finally, vertex group mapping in CS3/CS4/Hajimari!  (and probably CS1/CS2/TXe, I haven't tried)


cold_steel_vgmaps.zip 40.46 kB · 5 downloads

(Latest version always at my GitHub)

The phyre Engine format for models is incredibly complex, and thankfully @uyjulian had already dissected it to allow access to the skeleton.  However his model convertor followed Sony's original design and all the weight groups were merged together, making the tool useless for 3DMigoto modders.  I've modified his tool to preserve mesh segmentation, so now my vgmap tool can be used.

How is this useful?  I can think of three things.

  • Weight painting is achievable now.  You can adjust the paint, and then move the skeleton to see how the model deforms without loading it in the game.  You can (probably?) even run the animations to see if your model looks good!  (I have not tried this.  I am not good at painting.)
  • Weight transfer is 99.9% easier now!  My tool maps all the weight groups to their proper bones, the names of which are shared across characters.  So now instead of the upper leg being a random number, it will always be "LeftLeg" - which means all the meshes are ALREADY RENAMED when you load them!  Just merge one mesh into the other, and you are done!!
  • For the very ambitious, we can now theoretically merge our mods into a complete model and export as FBX.  This would be the first step in creating actual PKG mods.  Unfortunately the subsequent steps will require Maya and more knowledge than I have, but I think it can be done.  Also, with the glTF, we can inspect the structure and see the names of the materials and shaders, etc, which will (probably) help in reconstruction.

Admittedly this will be a niche tool, for what is already a small modding community.  But it was something I wanted to get done.

How to use:


Enjoy!  I look forward to seeing what you do with this and trying out your mods!



Possible change that might improve the tutorial:


Original: “Put the gltf file and make_vgmap_from_gltf.py in the same folder as the ib/vb/fmt files you want to map”


Alternative: “Put the gltf file, make_vgmap_from_gltf.py, and lib_fmtibvb.py in the same folder as the ib/vb/fmt files you want to map”

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On 2/15/2023 at 12:55 AM, amorrow28 said:



To my fellow modders,

Finally, vertex group mapping in CS3/CS4/Hajimari!  (and probably CS1/CS2/TXe, I haven't tried)


cold_steel_vgmaps.zip 40.46 kB · 5 downloads

(Latest version always at my GitHub)

The phyre Engine format for models is incredibly complex, and thankfully @uyjulian had already dissected it to allow access to the skeleton.  However his model convertor followed Sony's original design and all the weight groups were merged together, making the tool useless for 3DMigoto modders.  I've modified his tool to preserve mesh segmentation, so now my vgmap tool can be used.

How is this useful?  I can think of three things.

  • Weight painting is achievable now.  You can adjust the paint, and then move the skeleton to see how the model deforms without loading it in the game.  You can (probably?) even run the animations to see if your model looks good!  (I have not tried this.  I am not good at painting.)
  • Weight transfer is 99.9% easier now!  My tool maps all the weight groups to their proper bones, the names of which are shared across characters.  So now instead of the upper leg being a random number, it will always be "LeftLeg" - which means all the meshes are ALREADY RENAMED when you load them!  Just merge one mesh into the other, and you are done!!
  • For the very ambitious, we can now theoretically merge our mods into a complete model and export as FBX.  This would be the first step in creating actual PKG mods.  Unfortunately the subsequent steps will require Maya and more knowledge than I have, but I think it can be done.  Also, with the glTF, we can inspect the structure and see the names of the materials and shaders, etc, which will (probably) help in reconstruction.

Admittedly this will be a niche tool, for what is already a small modding community.  But it was something I wanted to get done.

How to use:


Enjoy!  I look forward to seeing what you do with this and trying out your mods!



This tool is wonderful. I ran into a problem on my second use, though. I imported the gltf file for Alfin’s Astraia costume into Blender, but I think Blender truncates names of objects, so I cannot tell which one to use when running make_vgmap_from_gltf.py:



The first one in Blender does not seem to be the _0 mesh, but I can just try each mesh with the script until I find the right one.


A more general fix might be to shorten the names of the meshes output by ed8pkg2gltf.py. Is that possible? It looks like the strings in the names are taken directly from the pkg files (e.g. “polySurfaceShape” is not in the script), so this might require knowing all the possible strings to decide how to shorten them, which sounds like a mess. Alternatively, if anyone knows how to get Blender to keep long names, that would be useful. Edit: it seems that raising the 63-character limit has come up for Blender devs before and been rejected.

Edited by NotAZebra
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3 hours ago, NotAZebra said:


Possible change that might improve the tutorial:


Original: “Put the gltf file and make_vgmap_from_gltf.py in the same folder as the ib/vb/fmt files you want to map”


Alternative: “Put the gltf file, make_vgmap_from_gltf.py, and lib_fmtibvb.py in the same folder as the ib/vb/fmt files you want to map”




3 hours ago, NotAZebra said:


This tool is wonderful. I ran into a problem on my second use, though. I imported the gltf file for Alfin’s Astraia costume into Blender, but I think Blender truncates names of objects, so I cannot tell which one to use when running make_vgmap_from_gltf.py:

  Hide contents


The first one in Blender does not seem to be the _0 mesh, but I can just try each mesh with the script until I find the right one.


A more general fix might be to shorten the names of the meshes output by ed8pkg2gltf.py. Is that possible? It looks like the strings in the names are taken directly from the pkg files (e.g. “polySurfaceShape” is not in the script), so this might require knowing all the possible strings to decide how to shorten them, which sounds like a mess. Alternatively, if anyone knows how to get Blender to keep long names, that would be useful. Edit: it seems that raising the 63-character limit has come up for Blender devs before and been rejected.


The names in the meshes are absolute insanity.  It is very strange to me that the meshes in the glTF are not in the correct order though, as I append their nodes in the correct order.  Very strange!  I will think about the best way to proceed, truncating the names is not really a good option because of how the files are organized, I worry about non-unique names overwriting each other and preventing the entire mesh from rendering.


In the meantime, you are free to try my experimental branch that I'm developing right now, here.  This version dumps .fmt/.ib/.vb/.vgmap files as it makes the gltf, so you don't even need to load the gltf.  Just load the .fmt/.ib/.vb/.vgmap files, figure out which vgmaps you need, and copy the .vgmap file.  (In fact, you *could* try to mod the .fmt/.ib./vb files directly, but it might be frustrating because the .vb files will split into 19 parts or something like that - there are more vb files inside .pkg files than are used by the GPU.  If you decide to go this route, just delete the .vbX files you don't need.  You'll have to look inside a .fmt file from a 3dmigoto dump to see which .vbX files you actually want; most of the time it's the first 4 and the last 2; i.e. vb17 becomes vb4 and vb18 becomes vb5.)

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