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On 8/2/2020 at 2:24 PM, siqueiradaniel said:

SE version?

A while back I converted it, but due to some weirdness introduced from interactions with other mods, I uninstalled it, and unfortunately I no longer have it.


If you are familiar with conversion techniques (I.E. Cathedral Assets Optimizer and resaving in the CK), it's a simple process.


You'll need the SE version of the Mermaid bodyslide files regardless: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33013


Additionally, if you experience problems with a custom race or other mods (particularly those that apply bodymorphs or NiOverride effects), I created a modified esp for the mermaid armor that adds conditional enchantments to the tail armor piece (Fast Swimming, slow movement on land) along with Frostfall compatibility (equipping the tail makes the PC immune to exposure and allows for swimming in frigid water):



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
On 4/8/2020 at 7:24 AM, herb616 said:

I have run into the stuck in place movement issue on the Landlubber version while being a mermaid. Switching to first person for a second does fix the issue. I do like the slow movement speed while as a mermaid.

I have tried the frost spells with tgm enabled and they don't appear to do anything either.

Have same problem(

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  • 8 months later...

Does this require PCEAR or something? I can't remember, but I thought I'd try this again, hoping I could deal with the vanilla animations. Unfortunately, this time, all NPCs were either on all fours, or, in the case of some males, alternating between on all fours and standing with one hand on their nonexistent boob, and when they 'walked', regardless of whether they were standing or not, they glided/skated around instead of actually walking. They appear to be stuck in an idle pose they're not supposed to use, even when trying to use a walking animation... I ran FNIS with no errors.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've seen the two variants proposed for the mermaid race and, IMO, they were a bit too extreme in practicality each, so I decided to learn modding Skyrim and got around to tinker this a bit to add the following features in a configuration that also uses the Herne/Driinkiin Redux mod (satyr/faun) and the Centaur mod with compatibility for Requiem:


- Craftable Mermaid Tears potion, needing salt, salmon meat and a human heart

- Craftable Faun Tail potion, using venison, elk hide and a human heart

- Craftable Centaur Heart potion, using venison, horse hide and a human heart


Each of these turns the player in the target race or turns them back in an Imperial, with flavour text. For the mermaid switch between leg and tail forms, however, I went with something a bit more complex to be something to take into consideration but not utterly gamebreaking: the tail form gains access to the spell to go back to leg form, but its magicka cost is really high, very much inaccessible until high alteration levels, so once you're in this form, well, you're stuck unless you have a Mermaid Tears or other transformation potion available (good thing each recipe crafts two of them, then). In addition, rain no longer turns you instantly, but generates a flavour text warning the player, giving them roughly twenty seconds (across different stages) to get inside a building or cave and prevent the transformation altogether. If there isn't any place to hide within range... well, that gives you some time to sprint towards a body of water and be in a slightly less awkward situation when the stuff happens.


Scriptname MermaidAutoTailRainScript extends activemagiceffect  

;               PROPERTIES  /

Race Property MermaidLegsRace auto
Race Property MermaidTailRace auto
EffectShader Property HitShader  Auto  

;               EVENTS                     /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

if (Target.GetRace() == MermaidLegsRace)
Debug.Notification("My skin start reacting to the raindrops.")
			Target.DamageActorValue("Stamina", 0.58*Target.GetActorValue("Stamina"))
Debug.Notification("Better find some building to hide or water to swim.")
if Target.IsInInterior()
Debug.Notification("The tingling stops as I dry up.")
Debug.Notification("My legs are covering in scales.")
if Target.IsInInterior()
Debug.Notification("My scales are vanishing from my legs as I enter.")
Debug.Notification("My legs are pulling together.")
if Target.IsInInterior()
Debug.Notification("Just in time...")
Debug.Notification("Well, this is quite a bit awkward...")
	HitShader.play(Target, 0.1)	
	Game.Getplayer().Removespell(MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform) ; remove the weak debuff, and replace with the strong one
	armor WornBody = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask32) as armor
	armor WornFeet = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask37) as armor
	armor WornCalves = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask38) as armor
	if WornBody
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(32) ; mermaids should not wear chest items
		Debug.Notification(WornBody.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornFeet
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(37) ; mermaids should not wear boots (they would show)
		Debug.Notification(WornFeet.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornCalves
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(38) ; mermaids should not wear anything on the calves
		Debug.Notification(WornCalves.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")


int Property kSlotMask32 = 0x00000004 AutoReadOnly ; BODY
int Property kSlotMask37 = 0x00000080 AutoReadOnly ; Feet
int Property kSlotMask38 = 0x00000100 AutoReadOnly ; Calves

spell property MermaidSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform auto


Scriptname MermaidAutoTailScript extends activemagiceffect  

;               PROPERTIES  /

Race Property MermaidLegsRace auto
Race Property MermaidTailRace auto
EffectShader Property HitShader  Auto  

;               EVENTS                     /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

if (Target.GetRace() == MermaidLegsRace)

	HitShader.play(Target, 0.1)	
Debug.Notification("Your legs merged in a tail soon after diving in water.")
	Game.Getplayer().Removespell(MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform) ; remove the weak debuff, and replace with the strong one
	armor WornBody = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask32) as armor
	armor WornFeet = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask37) as armor
	armor WornCalves = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask38) as armor
	if WornBody
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(32) ; mermaids should not wear chest items
		Debug.Notification(WornBody.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornFeet
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(37) ; mermaids should not wear boots (they would show)
		Debug.Notification(WornFeet.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornCalves
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(38) ; mermaids should not wear anything on the calves
		Debug.Notification(WornCalves.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")



int Property kSlotMask32 = 0x00000004 AutoReadOnly ; BODY
int Property kSlotMask37 = 0x00000080 AutoReadOnly ; Feet
int Property kSlotMask38 = 0x00000100 AutoReadOnly ; Calves

spell property MermaidSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform auto


Scriptname MermaidChangeToMermaidLegForm extends activemagiceffect  

;               PROPERTIES  /

Race Property MermaidLegsRace auto
Race Property ImperialRace auto
Race Property MermaidTailRace auto

spell property MermaidSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property CentaurSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform auto

EffectShader Property HitShader  Auto  

visualeffect property DA14TransformVFX auto
visualeffect property FXCameraAttachBlowingFogEffect auto
visualeffect property SoulTrapPVFX02 auto

sound property AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLP auto
sound property AMBWaterStream01LP auto
sound property AMBWaterStreamFallsLP auto
sound property AMBWaterChurnLP auto
sound property AMBWaterCoastWavesLP auto

int AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLPInst
int AMBWaterStream01LPInst
int AMBWaterStreamFallsLPInst
int AMBWaterChurnLPInst
int AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst
;               EVENTS                     /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	ActorBase PlayerBase = Target.GetActorBase()
	If PlayerBase.GetSex() != 1
		Debug.Messagebox("Nothing seems to happen. Maybe this potions only works on women?")
		ActorBase TargetBase = Target.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase
		if (TargetBase.GetRace() == MermaidLegsRace) || (TargetBase.GetRace() == MermaidTailRace)
			Debug.Messagebox("You quaff the potion. It feels warm as it runs down your throat.")
			Target.DamageActorValue("Health", Target.GetActorValue("Health") * 0.25)
			Target.DamageActorValue("Magicka", Target.GetActorValue("Magicka"))
			Target.DamageActorValue("Stamina", Target.GetActorValue("Stamina"))
			if (TargetBase.GetRace() == MermaidTailRace)
			Debug.Messagebox("You feel your tail burning as it splits into two, soon shaping into human legs.")
			Debug.Messagebox("No more feeling at home under the waves... For now.")
			Debug.Messagebox("You feel your face and mind shape ever so slightly, taking away the beauty and charm that you came to rely on so naturally.")
			Debug.Messagebox("Back to plain old human form, you wonder. At least, though, no more looking at rainy clouds with fear of ending on your tail while surrounded by enemies.")
			Debug.Messagebox("You gather all your courage and quaff the potion. It feels icy cold as it runs down your throat.")
			HitShader.play(Target, 0.1)	
			AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLPInst = AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLPInst, 1.0) 
			AMBWaterStream01LPInst = AMBWaterStream01LP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterStream01LPInst, 1.0) 
			Debug.Messagebox("Soon, you feel an intense and overwhelming tingling sensation in your lower body.")
			Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 0.1,afDuration = 6.0)
			Target.DamageActorValue("Health", Target.GetActorValue("Health") * 0.8)
			AMBWaterStreamFallsLPInst = AMBWaterStreamFallsLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterStreamFallsLPInst, 1.0) 
			Debug.Messagebox("Then, your whole body starts to shiver, as if you were diving into cold icy water. Your legs begin to tremble and are difficult to move.")
			Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 0.4,afDuration = 8.0)
			AMBWaterChurnLPInst = AMBWaterChurnLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 1.0) 
			Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 1.4,afDuration = 18.0)
			AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst = AMBWaterCoastWavesLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 1.0) 
			Target.DamageActorValue("Health", Target.GetActorValue("Health") * 0.95)
			Target.DamageActorValue("Magicka", Target.GetActorValue("Magicka"))
			Target.DamageActorValue("Stamina", Target.GetActorValue("Stamina"))
			Debug.Messagebox("Once the sensation is over, you feel terribly weak and tired. Your legs are stiff and numb. You hear the sound of distant waves, and somehow you feel a strong urge to take a swim.")
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 0.75) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 0.5) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 0.25) 
			Debug.Notification("Am I really a mermaid now?")
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 0.75) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 0.5) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 0.25) 


Link to the modified files:






Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
Herne Race Redux.esp
Mermaids Race.esp

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Am 3.2.2023 um 12:10 sagte Renora1976:

Ich habe die beiden Varianten gesehen, die für das Meerjungfrauenrennen vorgeschlagen wurden, und IMO waren sie jeweils etwas zu extrem in der Praktikabilität, also entschied ich mich, Modding Skyrim zu lernen und machte mich daran, dies ein wenig zu basteln, um die folgenden Funktionen in einer Konfiguration hinzuzufügen, die auch die Herne / Driinkiin Redux-Mod (Satyr / Faun) und die Centaur-Mod mit Kompatibilität für Requiem verwendet:


- Craftable Mermaid Tears Trank, der Salz, Lachsfleisch und ein menschliches Herz benötigt

- Fertiger Faunschwanztrank mit Wild, Elchfell und einem menschlichen Herzen

- Fertiger Zentaurenherztrank mit Wild, Pferdehaut und einem menschlichen Herzen


Jeder von ihnen dreht den Spieler im Zielrennen oder dreht ihn in einem Imperial, mit Geschmackstext, zurück. Für den Meerjungfrauenwechsel zwischen Bein- und Schwanzform entschied ich mich jedoch für etwas Komplexeres, um etwas zu berücksichtigen, aber nicht völlig spielbrechend: Die Schwanzform erhält Zugang zum Zauber, um zur Beinform zurückzukehren, aber ihre Magiekosten sind wirklich hoch, sehr unzugänglich bis zu hohen Änderungsstufen, Sobald du also in dieser Form bist, bist du festgefahren, es sei denn, du hast einen Meerjungfrauentränen oder einen anderen Verwandlungstrank zur Verfügung (gut, dass jedes Rezept zwei davon herstellt). Darüber hinaus verwandelt dich Regen nicht mehr sofort, sondern erzeugt einen Flavour-Text, der den Spieler warnt und ihm ungefähr zwanzig Sekunden (über verschiedene Stufen hinweg) gibt, um in ein Gebäude oder eine Höhle zu gelangen und die Transformation insgesamt zu verhindern. Wenn es keinen Ort gibt, an dem man sich in Reichweite verstecken kann... Nun, das gibt Ihnen etwas Zeit, um in Richtung eines Gewässers zu sprinten und in einer etwas weniger unangenehmen Situation zu sein, wenn das Zeug passiert.


Scriptname MermaidAutoTailRainScript extends activemagiceffect  

;               PROPERTIES  /

Race Property MermaidLegsRace auto
Race Property MermaidTailRace auto
EffectShader Property HitShader  Auto  

;               EVENTS                     /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

if (Target.GetRace() == MermaidLegsRace)
Debug.Notification("My skin start reacting to the raindrops.")
			Target.DamageActorValue("Stamina", 0.58*Target.GetActorValue("Stamina"))
Debug.Notification("Better find some building to hide or water to swim.")
if Target.IsInInterior()
Debug.Notification("The tingling stops as I dry up.")
Debug.Notification("My legs are covering in scales.")
if Target.IsInInterior()
Debug.Notification("My scales are vanishing from my legs as I enter.")
Debug.Notification("My legs are pulling together.")
if Target.IsInInterior()
Debug.Notification("Just in time...")
Debug.Notification("Well, this is quite a bit awkward...")
	HitShader.play(Target, 0.1)	
	Game.Getplayer().Removespell(MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform) ; remove the weak debuff, and replace with the strong one
	armor WornBody = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask32) as armor
	armor WornFeet = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask37) as armor
	armor WornCalves = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask38) as armor
	if WornBody
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(32) ; mermaids should not wear chest items
		Debug.Notification(WornBody.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornFeet
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(37) ; mermaids should not wear boots (they would show)
		Debug.Notification(WornFeet.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornCalves
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(38) ; mermaids should not wear anything on the calves
		Debug.Notification(WornCalves.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")


int Property kSlotMask32 = 0x00000004 AutoReadOnly ; BODY
int Property kSlotMask37 = 0x00000080 AutoReadOnly ; Feet
int Property kSlotMask38 = 0x00000100 AutoReadOnly ; Calves

spell property MermaidSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform auto


Scriptname MermaidAutoTailScript extends activemagiceffect  

;               PROPERTIES  /

Race Property MermaidLegsRace auto
Race Property MermaidTailRace auto
EffectShader Property HitShader  Auto  

;               EVENTS                     /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)

if (Target.GetRace() == MermaidLegsRace)

	HitShader.play(Target, 0.1)	
Debug.Notification("Your legs merged in a tail soon after diving in water.")
	Game.Getplayer().Removespell(MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform) ; remove the weak debuff, and replace with the strong one
	armor WornBody = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask32) as armor
	armor WornFeet = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask37) as armor
	armor WornCalves = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(kSlotMask38) as armor
	if WornBody
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(32) ; mermaids should not wear chest items
		Debug.Notification(WornBody.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornFeet
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(37) ; mermaids should not wear boots (they would show)
		Debug.Notification(WornFeet.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")
	if WornCalves
		Game.GetPlayer().UnequipItemSlot(38) ; mermaids should not wear anything on the calves
		Debug.Notification(WornCalves.Getname()+" slip from your mermaid tail.")



int Property kSlotMask32 = 0x00000004 AutoReadOnly ; BODY
int Property kSlotMask37 = 0x00000080 AutoReadOnly ; Feet
int Property kSlotMask38 = 0x00000100 AutoReadOnly ; Calves

spell property MermaidSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform auto


Scriptname MermaidChangeToMermaidLegForm extends activemagiceffect  

;               PROPERTIES  /

Race Property MermaidLegsRace auto
Race Property ImperialRace auto
Race Property MermaidTailRace auto

spell property MermaidSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property CentaurSpeedBuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpell auto
spell property MermaidSpeedDebuffSpellLegform auto

EffectShader Property HitShader  Auto  

visualeffect property DA14TransformVFX auto
visualeffect property FXCameraAttachBlowingFogEffect auto
visualeffect property SoulTrapPVFX02 auto

sound property AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLP auto
sound property AMBWaterStream01LP auto
sound property AMBWaterStreamFallsLP auto
sound property AMBWaterChurnLP auto
sound property AMBWaterCoastWavesLP auto

int AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLPInst
int AMBWaterStream01LPInst
int AMBWaterStreamFallsLPInst
int AMBWaterChurnLPInst
int AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst
;               EVENTS                     /

Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster)
	ActorBase PlayerBase = Target.GetActorBase()
	If PlayerBase.GetSex() != 1
		Debug.Messagebox("Nothing seems to happen. Maybe this potions only works on women?")
		ActorBase TargetBase = Target.GetBaseObject() as ActorBase
		if (TargetBase.GetRace() == MermaidLegsRace) || (TargetBase.GetRace() == MermaidTailRace)
			Debug.Messagebox("You quaff the potion. It feels warm as it runs down your throat.")
			Target.DamageActorValue("Health", Target.GetActorValue("Health") * 0.25)
			Target.DamageActorValue("Magicka", Target.GetActorValue("Magicka"))
			Target.DamageActorValue("Stamina", Target.GetActorValue("Stamina"))
			if (TargetBase.GetRace() == MermaidTailRace)
			Debug.Messagebox("You feel your tail burning as it splits into two, soon shaping into human legs.")
			Debug.Messagebox("No more feeling at home under the waves... For now.")
			Debug.Messagebox("You feel your face and mind shape ever so slightly, taking away the beauty and charm that you came to rely on so naturally.")
			Debug.Messagebox("Back to plain old human form, you wonder. At least, though, no more looking at rainy clouds with fear of ending on your tail while surrounded by enemies.")
			Debug.Messagebox("You gather all your courage and quaff the potion. It feels icy cold as it runs down your throat.")
			HitShader.play(Target, 0.1)	
			AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLPInst = AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBDungeonIceWindRadius2DLPInst, 1.0) 
			AMBWaterStream01LPInst = AMBWaterStream01LP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterStream01LPInst, 1.0) 
			Debug.Messagebox("Soon, you feel an intense and overwhelming tingling sensation in your lower body.")
			Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 0.1,afDuration = 6.0)
			Target.DamageActorValue("Health", Target.GetActorValue("Health") * 0.8)
			AMBWaterStreamFallsLPInst = AMBWaterStreamFallsLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterStreamFallsLPInst, 1.0) 
			Debug.Messagebox("Then, your whole body starts to shiver, as if you were diving into cold icy water. Your legs begin to tremble and are difficult to move.")
			Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 0.4,afDuration = 8.0)
			AMBWaterChurnLPInst = AMBWaterChurnLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 1.0) 
			Game.ShakeCamera(afStrength = 1.4,afDuration = 18.0)
			AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst = AMBWaterCoastWavesLP.play(target)
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 1.0) 
			Target.DamageActorValue("Health", Target.GetActorValue("Health") * 0.95)
			Target.DamageActorValue("Magicka", Target.GetActorValue("Magicka"))
			Target.DamageActorValue("Stamina", Target.GetActorValue("Stamina"))
			Debug.Messagebox("Once the sensation is over, you feel terribly weak and tired. Your legs are stiff and numb. You hear the sound of distant waves, and somehow you feel a strong urge to take a swim.")
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 0.75) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 0.5) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterChurnLPInst, 0.25) 
			Debug.Notification("Am I really a mermaid now?")
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 0.75) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 0.5) 
			Sound.SetInstanceVolume(AMBWaterCoastWavesLPInst, 0.25) 


Link zu den geänderten Dateien:






Skyrim.esm TESV.exe Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm Inoffizielle Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp ApachiiHair.esm

Herne Race Redux.esp Requiem.esp FullCentaurRace.esp Mermaids Race.esp

Funktioniert es schon?



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33 minutes ago, ZebraRundung246 said:


It's working pretty decently at the moment. I've added another script to have the transformation happen as a reaction to snowfall. The current setup is 45 seconds in the rain or 180 seconds in snow, with messages every third before the mermaid flaps on the ground. I've added a couple skill bonuses as well, 25 points in speech (supernatural charm) and pickpocket (the pretty face distracts from what the hands are doing) but only for the legged form. It makes for a bit of a thief archetype character.


Still gotta make a few fixes for a standalone release (though, technically, I'll probably make four versions, with and without the satyr race compatibility - forget about the centaur race mod, its movement is currently too erratic to be properly immersive - with and without Requiem compatibility), in particular getting the second potion drink to bring the character back to their original race rather than automatically imperial - therefore storing the race somewhere - and getting the weather countdown to work smoothly.


For obvious reasons, I recommend using it in combination with mods that make the ocean life a bit more developed.


When leaving the building in the snow, initial warning:




After one minute, second warning:




Second minute, last warning:




Three minutes under the snow, better hope you have another potion or some really high skill in Alteration, reserves of magicka and ideally some Alteration enhancing items:



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On 3/3/2023 at 11:31 PM, Renora1976 said:

Es funktioniert im Moment ziemlich anständig. Ich habe ein weiteres Skript hinzugefügt, damit die Transformation als Reaktion auf Schneefall stattfindet. Das aktuelle Setup beträgt 45 Sekunden im Regen oder 180 Sekunden im Schnee, mit Nachrichten alle dritten, bevor die Meerjungfrau auf dem Boden flattert. Ich habe auch ein paar Fertigkeitsboni hinzugefügt, 25 Punkte in Sprache (übernatürlicher Charme) und Taschendiebstahl (das hübsche Gesicht lenkt von dem ab, was die Hände tun), aber nur für die Beinform. Es macht ein bisschen einen Dieb-Archetyp-Charakter.


Ich muss noch ein paar Korrekturen für eine eigenständige Veröffentlichung vornehmen (obwohl ich technisch gesehen wahrscheinlich vier Versionen machen werde, mit und ohne Satyr-Race-Kompatibilität - vergessen Sie den Zentauren-Race-Mod, seine Bewegung ist derzeit zu unberechenbar, um richtig immersiv zu sein - mit und ohne Requiem-Kompatibilität), insbesondere das zweite Trankgetränk zu bekommen, um den Charakter zu seiner ursprünglichen Rasse zurückzubringen, anstatt automatisch imperial - also die Rasse irgendwo zu speichern - und das Wetter zu bekommen Countdown, um reibungslos zu funktionieren.


Aus offensichtlichen Gründen empfehle ich, es in Kombination mit Mods zu verwenden, die das Meeresleben etwas entwickelter machen.


Beim Verlassen des Gebäudes im Schnee, erste Warnung:




Nach einer Minute zweite Warnung:




Zweite Minute, letzte Warnung:




Three minutes under the snow, better hope you have another potion or some really high skill in Alteration, reserves of magicka and ideally some Alteration enhancing items:


Abbildung 9.png

Ist es für SSE oder LE, ich persönlich habe AE und es stürzt ab. Als ich ins Wasser ging.

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50 minutes ago, ZebraRundung246 said:

Ist es für SSE oder LE, ich persönlich habe AE und es stürzt ab. Als ich ins Wasser ging.

It's for the classic edition, I never upgraded. As a reminder, though, what I posted (for reference and to provide heads-up to other modders if they stumble on this thread) is the version I was currently working on, which uses the Requiem mod and a couple other races. As indicated, I'd have to make a clean one for regular users, so in the meantime, use the stuff that was posted a bit before.

Link to comment

Bit of update on the coding part, I've got a quite smoother and more reliable setup now (even if the scripting is very much unoptimised, I literally discovered Papyrus a couple of weeks ago):

- Rain and snow cause progressive transformation in full mermaid state, which can be interrupted reliably by entering a building or if the weather clears before the sequence end.

- The human form spell is still very expensive, but now, there is a sequence triggered by being in full mermaid form outside water AND either clear water or inside a building. As the mermaid dries, the human form spell becomes progressively less expensive, going from prohibitive to quite high.

- In human form, the mermaid gets a decent bonus to speech and pickpocket that isn't present in full form.


The next thing I would like to implement is recognition that the player is under a ward or spells like stoneflesh and either ignore or change the transformation mechanics as long as it is active, for example increasing the time to transformation for the flesh spells and outright stopping it for high level ones.

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So, here's a proposed release version for the mod, with two masters, ApaachiSkyHair (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168), FNIS, and the mermaid bodyslide mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91398?tab=files). No recognition of skin spell or ward yet and the mermaid potion recipe is available from start (maybe later I'll try to make it require either talking to specific people in Skyrim or being a mermaid).


Recap of features:


- Based on @emily1673's release from page 59 of this thread

- Craftable Mermaid Tears potion, each bottle will turn a character in a mermaid and a mermaid in an Imperial

- Skill bonus for mermaids in leg form (speech and pickpocket)

- Revert to leg form spell built-in for tail form characters, very high magicka cost, slightly reduced by keeping the character in a dry environment (outside water either in a building or in the outside without rain or snow weather)

- Progressive transformation for leg form characters caught in rain or snow, incremental warnings of the situation, 45 seconds before transformation in rain, 180 seconds in snow, instant if in chest-high water


The idea is to provide better roleplaying for this race, making the transformation effects an annoyance to take into consideration and force player behaviour when caught in bad weather while at the same time not being either a slap on the wrist with quick revert (unless you are running a really high level witch or have some damn good alteration enchantments on your rings and headgear - if these are on your clothes, well, sucks to be you when you're flopping next to said clothes) nor a massive punishment with permanent transformation. I find that it actually provides a good experience for a game with no or limited fast travel (carriages/boats only) as once you have enough magicka or potions to make reversions practical, it turns rivers into highways of sorts.


I suppose AI tools aren't good enough already to generate voice acting for the characters, right? That would make immersive quests to unlock the features quite easier. Also, anyone has an idea where this mod could be posted to have better visibility for people interested?


In any case, do not hesitate to point out any bug or typo and, as always, enjoy!

Mermaids Race - Release.rar

Edited by Renora1976
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On 3/14/2023 at 4:26 AM, Renora1976 said:

So, here's a proposed release version for the mod, with two masters, ApaachiSkyHair (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/10168), FNIS, and the mermaid bodyslide mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/91398?tab=files). No recognition of skin spell or ward yet and the mermaid potion recipe is available from start (maybe later I'll try to make it require either talking to specific people in Skyrim or being a mermaid).


Recap of features:


- Based on @emily1673's release from page 59 of this thread

- Craftable Mermaid Tears potion, each bottle will turn a character in a mermaid and a mermaid in an Imperial

- Skill bonus for mermaids in leg form (speech and pickpocket)

- Revert to leg form spell built-in for tail form characters, very high magicka cost, slightly reduced by keeping the character in a dry environment (outside water either in a building or in the outside without rain or snow weather)

- Progressive transformation for leg form characters caught in rain or snow, incremental warnings of the situation, 45 seconds before transformation in rain, 180 seconds in snow, instant if in chest-high water


The idea is to provide better roleplaying for this race, making the transformation effects an annoyance to take into consideration and force player behaviour when caught in bad weather while at the same time not being either a slap on the wrist with quick revert (unless you are running a really high level witch or have some damn good alteration enchantments on your rings and headgear - if these are on your clothes, well, sucks to be you when you're flopping next to said clothes) nor a massive punishment with permanent transformation. I find that it actually provides a good experience for a game with no or limited fast travel (carriages/boats only) as once you have enough magicka or potions to make reversions practical, it turns rivers into highways of sorts.


I suppose AI tools aren't good enough already to generate voice acting for the characters, right? That would make immersive quests to unlock the features quite easier. Also, anyone has an idea where this mod could be posted to have better visibility for people interested?


In any case, do not hesitate to point out any bug or typo and, as always, enjoy!

Mermaids Race - Release.rar 24.97 MB · 4 downloads

Nice, do characters in tail form revert to leg form if they dry out long enough. Maybe they should suffer penalties, weakness

or tiredness if they don't get wet often enough too.

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8 hours ago, Halstrom said:

Nice, do characters in tail form revert to leg form if they dry out long enough. Maybe they should suffer penalties, weakness

or tiredness if they don't get wet often enough too.

As of the moment, no. I am currently working on rebalancing things for the helpless situation, with clear guidelines from gameplay experience:

- Being caught unprepared by the weather should SUCK. It should be a pain in the butt for the player to the point that their first reaction when seeing the initial message about the skin reacting to raindrops or snowflakes should be "crap", making the situation their first priority because being in tail form far from a river or a large water body will be very annoying.

- A high level character should be able to turn this into more of an inconvenience, able to restore leg form on their own.

- A low level character should be punished for failing to take care BUT, and it's an important but, the punishment shouldn't be too extreme, which is kinda the current situation if you do not have a Mermaid Tears potion on hand since you are stuck in tail form.


To correct the last point, my work version for the mod has increased even further the Leg Form spell... but also had it triggered by every shrine. If you're caught by snow or rain or slipped into a river, the goal should be to find a temple or any place you know has a shrine and get back in shape.


As for the drying part, it just progressively makes the Leg Form spell cheaper to use, so really boosting your Magicka and enchanted items will allow you to eventually turn back as soon as you're out of the rain/snow or inside a structure/cave.

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On 3/17/2023 at 4:58 AM, Renora1976 said:

As of the moment, no. I am currently working on rebalancing things for the helpless situation, with clear guidelines from gameplay experience:

- Being caught unprepared by the weather should SUCK. It should be a pain in the butt for the player to the point that their first reaction when seeing the initial message about the skin reacting to raindrops or snowflakes should be "crap", making the situation their first priority because being in tail form far from a river or a large water body will be very annoying.

- A high level character should be able to turn this into more of an inconvenience, able to restore leg form on their own.

- A low level character should be punished for failing to take care BUT, and it's an important but, the punishment shouldn't be too extreme, which is kinda the current situation if you do not have a Mermaid Tears potion on hand since you are stuck in tail form.


To correct the last point, my work version for the mod has increased even further the Leg Form spell... but also had it triggered by every shrine. If you're caught by snow or rain or slipped into a river, the goal should be to find a temple or any place you know has a shrine and get back in shape.


As for the drying part, it just progressively makes the Leg Form spell cheaper to use, so really boosting your Magicka and enchanted items will allow you to eventually turn back as soon as you're out of the rain/snow or inside a structure/cave.

Yeah I'm all for it being a major issue in tail form on land, just hoping that if the character waits long enough like an hour in sunny weather they may revert naturally, for when they don't have potion or aren't heavy into magic, maybe having no spell casting ability at all to force themselves dry magically. Use a cloth, towel or rags perhaps to dry faster :)

Edited by Halstrom
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On 3/18/2023 at 7:34 AM, Halstrom said:

Yeah I'm all for it being a major issue in tail form on land, just hoping that if the character waits long enough like an hour in sunny weather they may revert naturally, for when they don't have potion or aren't heavy into magic, maybe having no spell casting ability at all to force themselves dry magically. Use a cloth, towel or rags perhaps to dry faster :)

This situation is why I have added - in my internal build - a shrine reversion system. These are present in most of the region, no matter the character, mods, etc., which would ease things and also make the player look for one. In other news, said internal build now has provisional vampire compatibility.


Oh, and while I'm at it, here's an updated version with the shrine transformation function (to test it easily, go to whiterun, take a dip in the pools next to the stairs and then go to the shrine of Talos) and the initial vampire compatibility. Enjoy!

Mermaids Race - Release.rar


EDIT: I've located a few typos and bugs in the vampire parts, which I fixed in my internal build, but there's still some deeper issues there, so don't plan on a vampire mermaid for the time being.

Edited by Renora1976
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On 3/18/2023 at 2:13 AM, Renora1976 said:

This situation is why I have added - in my internal build - a shrine reversion system. These are present in most of the region, no matter the character, mods, etc., which would ease things and also make the player look for one. In other news, said internal build now has provisional vampire compatibility.


Oh, and while I'm at it, here's an updated version with the shrine transformation function (to test it easily, go to whiterun, take a dip in the pools next to the stairs and then go to the shrine of Talos) and the initial vampire compatibility. Enjoy!

Mermaids Race - Release.rar 24.98 MB · 7 downloads


EDIT: I've located a few typos and bugs in the vampire parts, which I fixed in my internal build, but there's still some deeper issues there, so don't plan on a vampire mermaid for the time being.

Ok, gave it a full day of testing...


Overall: This is absolutely brilliant!  Incredibly flavorful and works incredibly well!  Nexus has a couple really good movement animation mods for mermaids which I had previously downloaded for a "sudo-Mermaid" paly through.  You know, just a human character model that swam like a mermaid, nothing like what this mod is doing.  I bring that up because I don't know if this new mod had any kind of swimming animations included or not cause I had some that I was already using. 


But the transformation works great, I love how punishing it can feel, makes it an actual inconvenience and not just a mild annoyance.  I'm having a blast.


There is one old bug I've encountered (and I don't know if this is being caused by your mod or one of the other 100+ mods I have installed...), but when I transform into mermaid form, I'm unable to walk in third person.  I have to switch to first person, start walking, then switch back to third person.  It could very easily be the fault of some other mod, but if others are having the same problem, that may help us all figure out what's causing it.  Reading back a few pages, it seems this has come up before for people, any known fixes?


But yeah dude, this is great!  Now I just need to find some mermaid armors that are tops only to wear in mermaid form (that don't spawn human legs around the mermaid tail).

Edited by spyder603
Spelling and Corrections
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On 3/22/2023 at 11:14 PM, spyder603 said:

I was like, "I wonder if there are any good mermaid mods for Skyrim?" like literally yesterday.  Gonna give your mod a test!  Thank you for your hard work, by reading this thread, it sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun!

TBH, this is also how I ended up DLing the version from emily.


22 hours ago, spyder603 said:

Ok, gave it a full day of testing...


Overall: This is absolutely brilliant!  Incredibly flavorful and works incredibly well!  Nexus has a couple really good movement animation mods for mermaids which I had previously downloaded for a "sudo-Mermaid" paly through.  You know, just a human character model that swam like a mermaid, nothing like what this mod is doing.  I bring that up because I don't know if this new mod had any kind of swimming animations included or not cause I had some that I was already using. 


But the transformation works great, I love how punishing it can feel, makes it an actual inconvenience and not just a mild annoyance.  I'm having a blast.


There is one old bug I've encountered (and I don't know if this is being caused by your mod or one of the other 100+ mods I have installed...), but when I transform into mermaid form, I'm unable to walk in third person.  I have to switch to first person, start walking, then switch back to third person.  It could very easily be the fault of some other mod, but if others are having the same problem, that may help us all figure out what's causing it.  Reading back a few pages, it seems this has come up before for people, any known fixes?


But yeah dude, this is great!  Now I just need to find some mermaid armors that are tops only to wear in mermaid form (that don't spawn human legs around the mermaid tail).

You have to thank the others who came before me for the animation, meshes and initial transformation stuff, I only built on a strong base and applied my own feedback to improve the gameplay experience. As for animations, it's using some on its own since I didn't have mermaid related mods before getting the masters for this one. WRT the bug you indicate, I have it as well, and I have exactly zero idea where it comes from, since I just added some extra transformation/reversal processes and further potion stuff. The core content isn't mine (be glad of it, because I wouldn't know how to do it, I just improvised some Papyrus scripts after discovering the modding tools).


Something I'd like to do at a later time would be to create a Miscellanous quest that points at all the shrines in Skyrim to help the player know which way to crawl when stuck on land, as well as a magical way to temporarily shield you from rain/snow.

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Progress update: I've successfully implemented modified versions of the magic armour spells with the following features (and flavour text):


Oakflesh: The speed of transformation to mermaid form is 75 % of normal.

Stoneflesh: Speed reduced to 50 %.

Ironflesh: Speed reduced to 25 %.

Ebonyflesh: Insensible to snow and rain while the ward is active.

Dragonhide: You can even swim in deep water without turning in a mermaid.


A couple of edge cases to fix before I can upload the new version here.


Edit: worked a bit my code and now the wards will send the player a warning some time before fading, they can be reset and allowing Dragonhide to fade while swimming will properly turn the player in a mermaid.


Edit 2: there we go, @spyder603, the update with working protection wards. Keep in mind that the rain/snow protection effect will last sixty seconds and its duration is NOT affected by Alteration perks (vanilla or modded ones) at the moment.

Mermaids Race - Release.rar

Edited by Renora1976
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On 4/1/2023 at 12:48 PM, Renora1976 said:

Progress update: I've successfully implemented modified versions of the magic armour spells with the following features (and flavour text)

Congratulations! It is good to see that there are still people working on improving the mermaid mod.


One particular challenge is this thread. It was created by Schrodinger's 10 years ago. However, this mod should not be buried somewhere in the thread on page 60, but deserves to be properly placed in the Download section: https://www.loverslab.com/forum/37-downloads-skyrim-adult-sex-mods/

That way it will get a lot more attention (including useful feedback) and can be updated more easily.

So I would like to encourage you to go ahead and press the "+Create" button and create a "File Download". ?

If you like, you can also upload my mermaid mods in your new thread.


Oh, and by the way, I had placed one bottle of Mermaid Tears on the Serpent Stone. So it is technically possible to acquire them without the console. ?

(I had thought about adding a quest that eventually leads to the Serpent Stone. The idea is that you can jump right into the sea after quaffing the potion. Try it out, it is fun.)

Edited by emily1673
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14 hours ago, emily1673 said:

Congratulations! It is good to see that there are still people working on improving the mermaid mod.


One particular challenge is this thread. It was created by Schrodinger's 10 years ago. However, this mod should not be buried somewhere in the thread on page 60, but deserves to be properly placed in the Download section: https://www.loverslab.com/forum/37-downloads-skyrim-adult-sex-mods/

That way it will get a lot more attention (including useful feedback) and can be updated more easily.

So I would like to encourage you to go ahead and press the "+Create" button and create a "File Download". ?

If you like, you can also upload my mermaid mods in your new thread.


Oh, and by the way, I had placed one bottle of Mermaid Tears on the Serpent Stone. So it is technically possible to acquire them without the console. ?

(I had thought about adding a quest that eventually leads to the Serpent Stone. The idea is that you can jump right into the sea after quaffing the potion. Try it out, it is fun.)

Yep, I found the bottle there before I started going into the files, so for some time, I believed the ingredients left next to it were components for crafting it. You did a great job there, and it worked really well, literally motivating me to learn Skyrim modding for no other purpose than contributing to this.


Agreed for the thread creation, it's there: https://www.loverslab.com/topic/208682-mermaid-race/

Edited by Renora1976
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I tried the mod, but it's giving me error messages about needing the masterfiles for "Figurine Collector.esp", and after that, "Herne Race Redux.esp".  Am I doing something wrong? because I don't have either of those mods.  Maybe I need a different version of Apachii (I have ApachiiSkyHair 1.6 and ApachiiSkyHairFemale 1.5) or a different version of Mermaid all bodyslide?  (I have the LE UUNP version, but I didn't convert it to bodyslide.)

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7 hours ago, Katana_Master said:

I tried the mod, but it's giving me error messages about needing the masterfiles for "Figurine Collector.esp", and after that, "Herne Race Redux.esp".  Am I doing something wrong? because I don't have either of those mods.  Maybe I need a different version of Apachii (I have ApachiiSkyHair 1.6 and ApachiiSkyHairFemale 1.5) or a different version of Mermaid all bodyslide?  (I have the LE UUNP version, but I didn't convert it to bodyslide.)

Ah crap, I must have forgotten to clear the masters from my internal build (I'm using these two mods as well and make the release version after removing references to them). I should upload a fix fast.


EDIT: the fix was uploaded on the main download thread:

Thank you again for the quick bug report!

Edited by Renora1976
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