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11 hours ago, Gulston said:

Can someone upload Haydee TNA?

Not sure if Jessie Jinx would approve of me uploading the ripped from the workshop version lol, just go to the haydee 2 workshop, open the workshop page, copy the link at the url bar, google steamworkshop downloader, paste link, profit, only if you are a caribbean sailor tho, otherwise just subscibe to it, and leave a thumbs up :)

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3 hours ago, ShrödingersCat said:

Not sure if Jessie Jinx would approve of me uploading the ripped from the workshop version lol, just go to the haydee 2 workshop, open the workshop page, copy the link at the url bar, google steamworkshop downloader, paste link, profit, only if you are a caribbean sailor tho, otherwise just subscibe to it, and leave a thumbs up :)

ty!I will try,i don`t have enough money for license,so i play on pirate(

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3 hours ago, ShrödingersCat said:

Not sure if Jessie Jinx would approve of me uploading the ripped from the workshop version lol, just go to the haydee 2 workshop, open the workshop page, copy the link at the url bar, google steamworkshop downloader, paste link, profit, only if you are a caribbean sailor tho, otherwise just subscibe to it, and leave a thumbs up :)

Nah go for it, lad.

The more it gets around the better, it's a free mod.

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Does anyone who sailed the high seas for this game know how to get some of the mod packs to work?  Outfit changes are easy enough, but I'm trying to get a camera mod and custom map to work and having some issues.  The problem is that many of these files need to be added to the "Packs" folder.  In my version of the game, all the contents of this folder are zipped (Actors, Scenes, Sounds, etc.) in their own respective zip file.  If I unpack these files and try to run the game it crashes during startup.  If I unzip, add the modded files, then rezip and try to run the game...same thing.  I know I'm probably missing something simple, but there has got to be a way to get these to run properly.

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22 minutes ago, munkendrunkey said:

Does anyone who sailed the high seas for this game know how to get some of the mod packs to work?  Outfit changes are easy enough, but I'm trying to get a camera mod and custom map to work and having some issues.  The problem is that many of these files need to be added to the "Packs" folder.  In my version of the game, all the contents of this folder are zipped (Actors, Scenes, Sounds, etc.) in their own respective zip file.  If I unpack these files and try to run the game it crashes during startup.  If I unzip, add the modded files, then rezip and try to run the game...same thing.  I know I'm probably missing something simple, but there has got to be a way to get these to run properly.

Drag it onto the needed zip file and if it says copy you're good to go make sure its in the first screenshot, not directly where it is in the second one



if it's labeled directors, make sure the contents of the mod are in directors zip in the directors folder, not next to the directors folder

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There's an easier way, Instead of merging the files in the "Packs" folder, Put the .zip in the "Mods" folder. Just make one if you don't have one already. Outfits can also be put there without needing to unpack the .zip


Not yet sure how to handle two different mods that both use the same name, but I don't think the name of the .zip is important, so you might be able to simply name it whatever you want, just as long as the folders are setup correctly inside the .zip

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1 hour ago, uglycat said:

If you get hit when you are crouched, you get knocked down onto your back. ?


... I might see if I can make something happen here... but the animation and control systems are pretty complicated.

My friend.... I am throwing money at my screen to make it happen.

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38 minutes ago, Jimmeh said:

Has anyone ported the LK Nude mod?


I've spoken to the modder directly, he says that the mod is almost ready, but he's stuck fixing all the haircuts. He promises that the mod will appear in Workshop but it'll take some time, since he's extremely busy with real life right now.

His full post below:


"Мод почти готов, но там заморочки с прическами, их надо переделывать. Мод обязательно появится в мастерской, но позже. У меня сейчас почти нет свободного времени."


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21 hours ago, uglycat said:

As I look more into all the assets, I find a lot of unused content which makes me wonder what exactly the intent of some of these were...



What exactly are the modding capabilities of this game? Is there a reason to believe animations like these may be able to be used, eventually?

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I'd say the modding capabilities are pretty high.  I've been looking at this for the last week or so and am pretty impressed.


Pretty much all the behaviour you see in the game is defined in 'director' files which are all modifiable.

So far, I've been able to add the crawling/prone animation into the game using the existing animations.

I was also able to add a new key (that appears in the in-game config) that lets you, when prone, toggle on and off from the "present ass" (for lack of a better word) position.  I'm also able to have the monster detect when the player is in the 'present' state and trigger another behaviour.


My problem is that I don't know how to create any animations, so while I'm sure I could get the 2 characters properly oriented and playing animations in tandem, I can't actually create any new art assets.


Also, to my own amusement, the 'present ass' is controlled by a sliding variable called 'XFactor' in the prone animation, and the bent over animation in the left screenshot is in HaydeeX.anim (they are all named with the 'xa' prefix , implying xb, xc, etc which were never created).  I seriously wonder if X content was planned for this game at some point.

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