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Game Difficulty- Do You Like it Hard? ;)

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When I was in my teens I finished all levels of the original Lode Runner (255) and then all the way through NG+ without dying once (trust me, it's an accomplishment). Then I grew up and I still loved gaming but I hated the challenge and for almost 30 years I didn't buy a game unless I was sure beforehand that I could cheat (or mod it) if it was a hard (or scary) game.


Then I got a PS4 (3 years ago) and I got BloodBorne and I tried it for about 12 hours in a few game sessions over the days. I never even reached the first boss and soft locked myself 2 times running out of health flasks and not knowing where to get more. I left it, confirming my belief that I hated difficult games.


Then Elden Ring released and I saw some Youtubers play through it and it captured me. I wanted to play it, knowing it was hard. So I bought it and played it. And died. Then I learned to mod it and modded an easy mode into it. I played it in that mode and finished the game but I felt cheap. As if I hadn't really played and experienced it. During that playthrough I'd gotten a lot of the mechanics down though.


So I restarted the game online, unmodded and without cheats. And I rage quit 5 times. But I stuck with it. And I finished it. Without cheats. And then I started NG+ and I realized something.


I'd.. gotten 'gud'


And this affirmation kindled a love for games that I haven't felt before that, even though I've been a gamer for 40 years now. Or maybe it rekindled a love I thought had died out. I'm now in my 3rd playthrough of Elden Ring and again already ragequit 2 times. But I know I'm gonna stick with it this time as well. Because that feeling that you know you've beat it without crutches is indescribable.


And as weird as it sounds, the accomplishment shone through in my real life. I started seeing my work challenges as metaphoric 'bosses' that weren't difficult, I just needed to find the right approach/build to them. And 3 months later suddenly I was the manager of the department I was working in. And of course I can't accredit that completely to finishing Elden Ring. But it feels like it did play a part in building myself up more.


I'm over 50 by the way. And I had many good excuses not try to Elden Ring. Worse reflexes than ever. Worse eyesight. Quicker to get tired during gaming. Less concentration than when I was 25. I'd never used a controller before in my life. But those were simply the other hurdles.

Edited by Reginald_001
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FPS- assisted aim or no? I never use it. Pretty proud of my aiming both in RL and in games. Think the one time I did use it a long damn time ago it actually interfered with my aim since it had a sort of "lock-on" feature and I was aiming for a specific part to cripple or critical. :classic_biggrin:


Edited by KoolHndLuke
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For me, depends on the game mechanic & how much I like the game.

Since this forum is based on a TES mod site. I install stuff like SD+ & Beeing Female (or something similar) in hopes of making my female char playthough much more grim & more challenging as there is a real consequence for defeat that could be argued as a fate worse than death. But alas, most people here would prefer a sex fetish escapade experience which I just hate so much. The Dragonborn is already a god in the flesh, making it all feels like a kinky adventure actually amplifies that notion!

Mount & Blade is a game that I prefer to play on an easier difficulty. Partly because I find the AI to be braindead at times, and partly, getting killed in 1 hit or mobbed & cornered again & again is just BS. But Mount & Blade has many mods & total conversions, some mod like LOTR or GoT where they straight up add extra difficulties. I don't mind them being harder at all as I like the world & setting enough that the difficulty makes me feel immersed.

But I don't play games where their definition of "hard" is just a bullet sponge. Which is why I don't play Destiny & also why I quit Star Trek Online. Not that it made me frustrate, it made me bored & I'll fall asleep. I've heard a lot of good things about Dark Souls, but I haven't played it, mostly I didn't like the art style & Japanese games has a sort of feel to it which I don't really like.

But what I find more annoying than bullet sponges would be plot railroads. I just don't see the point of playing a game where I have 0 decision.

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