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"What mod is this?" and Adult requests

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Mod is LoversCrowningIsle (all 3 spells)

I have not played LoversCrowningIsle since I installed LAPF, but before the spellsanimations worked fine.


Check it, it's the Animation 160, new LAPF Animation. = wrong animation

post-3205-0-70064300-1390957779_thumb.jpg should be old ani 160


The old galgat animations ( NO animated penis ! )

galgat animations.7z


Or change Animation number in the scripts AAACRGLBayFukSelfNPCSpell and AAACRGLBayFukSelfSpell to  ani 181 (LAPF 181 is old 160)

Or use 178 LAPF



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time for part 2


I have a few leads on still pending requests.


#8 is the 'SDMR Ribbon Armor 3': SMDR 007 Ribbon Armor 3_1.7z


#9 - I have no clue what outfit this is, but the glasses are from the Ahiru collection indeed. They are the 'SG_Sports-B_Black' variant, probably with a simple texture edit. That hair can be found in this mod as a wig, it's 'Cazy Rainy Drops 06 Female'.


#11 - I'm not sure which top this is. The necktie in any case is included in 'Apachii's Goddess Store'.

A whole range of similar outfits with a necktie but having a larger collar can be found in this collection as the 'Fever Outfit'.


That picture! I think I once commented nicely on it two years ago... Didn't do me much good though :@.


#13 - about the only 'Vindictus' conversions I know of in form of some outfits can be found in Movomo's mod release thread.

Get Myuhinny's variants from here.


#15 - maybe you'll find something interesting here?


Antipathy, that outfit is a mash-up, a wild assortment of all sorts of different resources.

I only recognize the YangYang 'Sexy Belts'. The mask might be from here. Or is it this one here?




That weapon I have right here. At least the resource files. It's from a race mod by a certain couple of male race modders. I don't know where it's originally from. Those guys named it 'Chaos Eater'. The magic circle must have been added by the author of that picture just like he/she did with the 'Serenity Blade'.


Implement these files into any mod with the CS: ChaosEater.rar

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I totally forgot:


Anyone here know how do I make a playable race with this pregnant Body?

attachicon.gifOblivion 2014-01-26 19-01-32-69.bmp


The easiest way is to have (any version of) a 'SetBody' mod installed and simply replace one of its bodies you are not using with the pregnant meshes. That body can also be implemented into a mod as clothing items, a kind of 'pregnancy costume' so to speak. Actually all bodies from 'SetBody' also simply act as a set of clothing items in the form of nude body meshes.


That way any race can use the pregnant body.


Can some one identify these armors





I only recognize the 'RKA' armor, the one to the left. But at least it comes in four variants and has a sword included. No esp, unfortunately.



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That weapon I have right here. At least the resource files. It's from a race mod by a certain couple of male race modders. I don't know where it's originally from. Those guys named it 'Chaos Eater'. The magic circle must have been added by the author of that picture just like he/she did with the 'Serenity Blade'.


Implement these files into any mod with the CS: attachicon.gifChaosEater.rar



More correctly, it's a rip from Darksiders.  I'm pretty sure someone on this site did a War armour mod, I think the sword was in there as well.

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Is there Triratna's "Angelic Alliance" mod versions what have any quest\story-line? Single one i've seen just adds some random "light" (sweet and too sweet girls) and "dark" (new monster, decent designed) fighters to dungeon-levelLists (and idle-animated/doing-nothing into some temples).


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Someone on this site did a War armour mod.


Yes, you are right. Xelus has made this mod, it can be found in his release thread. So that's where the Flaxman got the files from. To think that this race mod with the sword can be found on the Nesux... Ported content and all. No wonder the sword's origin is uncredited in the description text.


I totally missed the sword when I took some elements from the 'Darksiders' archive.

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Anyone know where I can get this hair and ears? 






I may be wrong but i believe it is apart of a Custom Race mod atleast i think it is.  Moonshadow elves.. dunno if there is a stand alone thing for the ears and hair, heres the race however.




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Anyone know where I can get this hair and ears? 






I may be wrong but i believe it is apart of a Custom Race mod atleast i think it is.  Moonshadow elves.. dunno if there is a stand alone thing for the ears and hair, heres the race however.





Nah, that's not it :(

Thanks for trying though

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I have no clue about the hair, but very similar ears can be found in Chakaru's recent wig collection mod. As with all ears to go with wigs, they are meant to be used as equipable amulet-slot items instead of being implemented as an integral part of a race.


Their skin tone is a bit mismatching with most of the standard race textures (like seen on the picture you linked).

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Ahh, man that's a bummer..

Thanks for the ears though  :lol:


Annnnnnd now does anyone know where to get / does anyone have these?


http://up.mnty.net/img/up003554.jpg - armor


http://up.mnty.net/img/up003794.jpg - hair


http://up.mnty.net/img/up004131.jpg - bloody/cut textures


http://up.mnty.net/img/up004082.jpg - dress


http://up.mnty.net/img/up004058.jpg - dress (and location if anyone recognizes this little bit of it)


http://up.mnty.net/img/up003538.jpg - armor/weapon/shield/hair ^^


thanks in advance  :shy:






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Not sure but you could ask in the thread that the picture came from as it's their picture. The picture in question is under the Sitt'n and Squish'n tab on the thread page. http://www.loverslab.com/topic/19904-ffs-custom-animations/




Scar texture was made by the author of the monstergirl COC monster I don't think it was uploaded anywhere.


The one with the red Japanese looking outfit is called Sweet Clothes Remake by Hentai. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22109/?tab=3&navtag=http%3A%2F%2F


The SI armor replacer is by yuravica

FLY_SIguardarmor_remodel_replacer_for_HGEC_with_BBB by FLY http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/41048/?


The hair looks like a modified version of one of the EVY hairs.


The one with the cat ears and striped socks might be one of hepsy's outfits. 

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