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Why NPCs are not using my custom textures?


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So, I customized female/male graphics, but only my character is using them - and only male character.
I have the textures in their folders as they supposed to be, but females are not using my custom textures:



Instead this, they're using a perfect skin, with saved cunt, without stretch lines, nothing. A "generic" (nice, though) CBBE skin.
Not even if I started a new female character is not using my skin... Why's that?

My males too, I think - but my male character's using the skin I want:


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1 hour ago, lupus_hegemonia said:

So, I customized female/male graphics, but only my character is using them - and only male character.
I have the textures in their folders as they supposed to be, but females are not using my custom textures:

I'm not a F04 player but I suspect the file structure is going to be similar to that of Skyrim.


2 questions that might help others (or even me) answer this


What Mod Manager do you use?


Where did you put these custom skins?

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I'm keep using NMM because since I'm texture-modder, I want to see them live-active in the data - not in the "virtual data" of MO2.

Since the MO2 using the textures as mods - and "overwriting" one the other but the real data remains vanilla - I can't be sure which textures I'm using to that specific object etc. So, I need to see them in my actual data folder - so, I'm keep using NMM. The Vortex is rubbish, I'm not touching it...


Where they supposed to be, in the Actors/Character/basehumanfemale & basehumanmale folders.

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41 minutes ago, lupus_hegemonia said:

I'm keep using NMM because since I'm texture-modder, I want to see them live-active in the data - not in the "virtual data" of MO2.

Since the MO2 using the textures as mods - and "overwriting" one the other but the real data remains vanilla - I can't be sure which textures I'm using to that specific object etc. So, I need to see them in my actual data folder - so, I'm keep using NMM. The Vortex is rubbish, I'm not touching it...


Where they supposed to be, in the Actors/Character/basehumanfemale & basehumanmale folders.


I have no idea then.

I assumed you were using, like most people, MO2 or Vortex and had put these texture files in the default location and your Mod Manager was using other texture files but with NMM, as you said, it overwrites the files, rather than creating a new file structure to use, so manually replacing them should work fine.


Unless you have a mod that has changed the default path. Body replacers normally don't do that but I can't speak for FO4 mods.

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I don't, but I went to check the meshes... they were pointing to the same direction... but the meshes were pink/purple (in Nifskope).
I re-pointed the textures... and now is fine, I have my own textures ingame.


Strange! I just re-pointed THE SAME DIRECTION to the meshes, not different one...

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