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Help finding an English Custom Order Maid 3D Mod hub

H0t Sausage Grrl

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Hi, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to the moding scene and I was wondering if there is any place in this site or elsewhere that served as a hub for Custom Order Maid 3D/2 mods. The main appeal about it for me is the seemingly high amount of customization and the weeb aesthetic. Problem is I can't find a mod repository that's in English; and I do have some very specific niches that I'm not sure have been covered yet by the mods that are out there.


If there isn't a place like that, I'm fine with going with The Sims 4; which by the by, if there is a mod that allows the Sims to get anime-esk faces, that would be fantastic! 

( ᐛ )و

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