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Viruses Adult world Noir and dark sims site?

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For anyone wondering, I'm pretty sure this is about the adfly link. It gives you porn popups sometimes. Idk if it's still a huge risk for infecting your computer this day and age, but I remember getting viruses from them back in the day.

Just use the links that aren't adfly, for anyone worried about this. The blog itself is safe, I just checked it out.

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I don't want to callout fellow content creators for something they're unaware of. But please, don't click on anything redirecting to adfly or similar websites.
It's filled with adware, malware, or viruses. And if you do, please at least use Adwcleaner afterward. It's free, quick, and do the hell of a job to remove adwares from your computer.


You may think "Yeah but if I don't click on ads or allow notifications I should be safe". It's not always the case. Please be careful and stay safe.

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20 hours ago, r0ninsims said:

For anyone wondering, I'm pretty sure this is about the adfly link. It gives you porn popups sometimes. Idk if it's still a huge risk for infecting your computer this day and age, but I remember getting viruses from them back in the day.

Just use the links that aren't adfly, for anyone worried about this. The blog itself is safe, I just checked it out.

Use addbypass and script destroyers, you can bypass any ad fly for money  like a charm U block origin as example  https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=es. today most dangerous sites are add fly pages, if you click in one icon automatically  opens 100 or more pages with trillion of viruses, fortunately 90% of those virus are made for android. cause pirates wants to steal phone accounts for money, well usually people make bussiness by phone. thats mean easy money for them thanks to you. thats why  is always important  use a good antivirus like NOD 32 and add extension blockers and script killers  in any web browser that you use.

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