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Phoenix Point adult modding

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Okay... seriously... Why would you even want to make mods for one of the most broken and flawed releases in quite some time?
I mean - if you really want to put in the work and effort to mod something, why wasting your time with a broken framework?

In the state the game is right now I will predict that the developer isn't even going to bother to release some modding tools and API like it was hinted months ago - they have so many other problems to deal with (from their broken product to monetary issues) that you have to be hardcore optimistic to expect this really to happen. It isn't even built on existing assets that would be worth the work - you could as well start building your own adult content in Unity - at least that would give you the freedom to add whatever you want without it breaking the design direction.

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Do you have the game @Waveshaper?

Because I do and it works like a charm. Some minor problems, but nothing breaking.


Just do not follow the opinions (usually false) of people just saying: "it is broken!" and never played it.

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Yeah... I played it... like I play games for 30 years now.
The game's trash - on multiple layers - and with how frequently at least the current major bugs appear, I stopped believing people who claim things like 'it works like a charm' - it's simply NOT TRUE!

If you're blind, or your standards are so low that you can ignore the problems and still have fun; more power to you.
But that doesn't mean that the game is any good or was made following the most basic rules of gamedesign.

And to be honest; I find it highly suspicius if the first reaction after me mentioning these grave issues is people questioning if I even played it. The game is trash - and that's not only a personal opinion - that's a fact, following every standards we have in the industry. If you can't spot them in your very first moments of testing this game, I can't but questioning your expertise on making any assessments about the quality of games at all.

Sorry - but this baseless defense for this piece of software thrash really hits my nerve. If people claim that they like it anyways - there is nothing one can say against - but factual claims about the game having no major issues are outright lies!

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13 hours ago, Waveshaper said:

Yeah... I played it... like I play games for 30 years now.
The game's trash - on multiple layers - and with how frequently at least the current major bugs appear, I stopped believing people who claim things like 'it works like a charm' - it's simply NOT TRUE!

If you're blind, or your standards are so low that you can ignore the problems and still have fun; more power to you.
But that doesn't mean that the game is any good or was made following the most basic rules of gamedesign.

And to be honest; I find it highly suspicius if the first reaction after me mentioning these grave issues is people questioning if I even played it. The game is trash - and that's not only a personal opinion - that's a fact, following every standards we have in the industry. If you can't spot them in your very first moments of testing this game, I can't but questioning your expertise on making any assessments about the quality of games at all.

Sorry - but this baseless defense for this piece of software thrash really hits my nerve. If people claim that they like it anyways - there is nothing one can say against - but factual claims about the game having no major issues are outright lies!

So basically?




No one else but you have seen or experienced any glaring faults with the game so far. And instead of giving any kind of clarification on what these videogame war crimes might, or might not, be. You just kinda flex how long you've been playing games for and how this, somehow, makes you into a sort of paragon of video games with faultless opinions and logic. 


Does the game have some flaws? I'd say yes.


What I have encountered have, however been minor grievances. The things I had issues with were:

  • It wasn't immediately obvious how to reload the weapons of your squad while in the base 
  • I didn't know how to repair my vihicle, once it was damaged
  • Similar, I did not initially know how my Mutog could recover it's HP

And that's about it. 


All of the above were figured out not long after by fiddling around in the menus for a bit. My gipes basically boil down to poor UI in these instances. 


Besides that, nothing has stood out to actually being an issue. The game runs smoothly and I haven't had it crash on me or any other such nonsense since I started playing it some 30 hours ago.


The only remaining peeve left is that it's on the Epic Store, which I'm quite frankly not a big fan of.


It's fine if this type of game isn't for you. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes when it comes to entertainment, especially in video games. But trying to belittle other for liking it by mentioning flaws, that you don't explain or quantify, you just look like a butthurt chump who got mad he couldn't figure out what is, essentially, an update to the original XCom games.

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As someone who is playing the game and enjoying it, here's my piece.


The game has some major issues that are a fucking wonder how it got past testing. The tutorial does a decent job of introducing the battle mechanics and the bare bones of the geoscope. It fails to mention how to get new recruits, reloading weapons, and some other minor interactions. To be honest I turned it off when I started a second fresh run, so I might've missed most of it.


Technically, the game is stable. Haven't had any crashes, load times are non existent on SSD. Although I remember someone mentioning it's around a minute and a half on HDD.

Mechanically, the game held together by duct tape.


Line of sight system while enjoyable, is very finicky. It constantly lies to you about whether you can take a shot or not. The fact that it depends on the animation sometimes messes up how you line the shot or whether the chosen character chooses to step out of the full cover or just stare at the wall. You'll have to exit free aim and try again at a different animation cycle.


Also a byproduct of it depending on animation, overwatch is -unless you set it up very specifically- is most of the time useless, because your soldier is aiming at where the enemy will be at the end of the animation, instead of where he is during it. (Dropping from a ledge, jumping through a window.)


Explosions also lie about where they land and what they will affect.


Enemies seem to get stuck in place some of the time. Inside walls or off of the map. (Happens mostly with the chiron launching worms)


These aren't minor inconveniences. It's very frustrating and almost game-breaking. 


The game being on EGS is a non-issue and is not the point of the debate.


That being said, I doubt it'll see much of a modding scene. Comparable to XCOM 2, at least.

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I had one of my Auto-Turrets go <Missing No> on its display message, the game has locked up on a mission introducing some big blue bastard. Replaying that mission it has kept locking up on the enemy turn sadly, so I reloaded before going into the mission and let the haven die. Got an infinite loading screen as well, went afk for 10 mins and it was still loading after I returned. Worm launchers spitting larva into terrain is a thing I've encountered yet I was able to just move my unit beside the tile and the worm did blow up so that was an easy way around that one for me.

My glitched auto-turret frightens me as I don't know if it's gonna get some hate on or just chill like a retard, but outside of the lockup on that one mission and an infinite loading screen for one others the game hasn't caused any other notable issues. Admittedly the grenadiers suck at hitting their mark, I've tried many a time and only once have they had pin-point accuracy. Kinda feels like artificial difficulty increase if anything. 

The general UI could use some polish and rework, mostly visual indicators, like, why is 'Dash' shown as a head? Why not.. someone running? Crap like that. Some notice that 'Hey you can reload in prep if you click this tiny small button' would be nice too. The story itself feels like any other and it's been easy enough to follow. I like the weapon sounds and the overall soundtrack reminds me of more serious toned games, voice audio is in need of work... I like the items, equipment, and vehicles.

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