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Bodyslide custom armor


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i choose a outfit/body

change it save as "custom armor1"

in \data\CalienteTools\BodySlide\SliderPresets

then i click "Batch build"-> "Build"

"chooce output set #1"

dont have "custom armor1"

just the normal CBBE Body, CBBE Body Physis...

what the solution?

cant i change all armor with a custom setting all at once?

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9 minutes ago, Reigenxd3 said:

cant i change all armor with a custom setting all at once?

Yes, you can, just go to Bodyslide> batch build and, without removing the check marks that relate to the clothes (all the others remove them), convert all those that come with Bodyslide.
With the Presets, you do custom physics
For a better result, it is advisable, before starting the conversion, that you replace the Bodyslide physics of the armor with the one you created, then you can start the complete conversion of all the armor .


Conversions.rar    This is the method I use for conversions (with pictures) it may help you.

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thank you


at nr.4 you have alot options

but i only CBBE


i am using Mod organizer 2 and the savelocation is differend, is that a problem?

Mod organizer 2 SE\Mod organizer 2 SE speicher 2\mods\CBBE 3BBB\meshes\actors\character\character assets



look like all vanilla armor got the changes to my "custom armor1"

but the game use the vannila armor and not the "Remodeled Armor CBBE SE" mod.

"Remodeled Armor CBBE SE" armor didnt changed to "custom armor1"

Batch build did write CT77 ("Remodeled Armor CBBE SE") when i use it

but i guess its not in the right location

when i search for it the only location was

Mod organizer 2 SE\Mod organizer 2 SE speicher 2\mods\Remodeled Armor for CBBE SSE\CalienteTools\BodySlide\ShapeData

ShapeData was last changed tody, but was inside are all nealy 1 year old. how?



found it 

Mod organizer 2 SE\Mod organizer 2 SE speicher 2\mods\Remodeled Armor for CBBE SSE\meshes\armor\dragonbone



so i moved "Remodeled Armor CBBE SE" mod up so that "CBBE 3BBB" is loaded after

now everythink works

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