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Is Single Player Mode Dying in Modern Video Games?

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Change is constant. Went from Doom 95 mapmaking and trading, to full blown Gui (Win 98), to throw away ur pentiums

and cop urself a 1 ghz machine so u can run the latest fpshooters, space, tank, sub, and most importantly, flight sims.

But the better and more realistic the guys made the games, the more important single player mode became. I.E., using real

world flight physics for a f4u corsair, a6m5 zero, ur carrier take offs an landings had better be right if u wanna complete ur TOD or campaign, same W squad based FPSs, single player mode is the place to hone ur skills and be a better squad, or squadron member. in the long run, more complexity, an reality in newer games, requires more single player dedication in order to perfect ones skillz. Single player Mode may change like everything else, or mutate slightly, but it aint goin nowhere, nohow, nonever. especially ifin the game can be modded, all o youz r great modders, u tellin me yallz cant ripapart a mmo an turn it into a single player game w better vizuals an story lines, or we Know some who can or will. All games require both parts, heck, a third of the country cant even get online, Game Co.s can only profit if their games have single player too from those folks.

jez my opinpon, nope sir sorry, single player is the same coin, jes different side, taint goin nowhere. Have  a nice day, FIN

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Single player is for chill after work or whenever and multi player is for the usual discord garbage and other people with too much money to burn right now. Wait until rents are so dam high that even filthy casuals stop playing and spending see what happens then. Probably gonna happen after we get a peak in commodities, people are not gonna sit around and just put up with "oh it is still out of stock" when they go to any store or even sometimes try to buy online. At some point a lot of people are just gonna do without because everything became so expensive. Bethesda picked the wrong time to wait a while for a release. They think if they just wait a while longer, sexboxsexes will be more widely available then. No they won't get the kind of numbers they want and people will decide to do without plus I'm sure some really stupid crap from govts and corps will happen worse than this corona crap over the next few years. 


Tangible assets are going crazy, ancient coins and art fast cars whatever can be sold somewhere else later for something other than dollars is going going gone! Big things are coming soon and they won't care if bethesda has just the right number of sexboxsexes in the wild before making big moves. The last time bethesda tried to release starfield aka the tenth planet well, the game was never finished. I think they will fail this time too or they might see the big slow train coming and make a move early we will see. Starfield is one of the big giant single player games left to play. I don't think there are more than a few new single player games coming out soon actually and most of them require some always online connection.

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33 minutes ago, Zor2k13 said:

You must be living on a really nice remote deserted island with lost of desserts eh? How did you not hear about starfield?

Sadly, i do not follow the gaming world that much. So yes, its kind of living under a rock. :)

But i am genuine excited about that.


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If it is, I don't want it too. I LOATHE multiplayer games.

I don't like talking to people, I don't like hearing people, and I'm a woman so I'm going to get a lot of shit said to me if I even utter a word.


"aRe YoU a KiD?"

"gO MAkE mE a SaMmiCh"

"fEet PiCs pLs"


Manly this kind of shit.




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Well it's 50/50 but I really don't want to think that the single player games are dying because there's always some good single player games out there. To be honest I still have some good old games and new ones to my library and lots of them are good stuffs with amazing stories/plot whatever you call them. But hey come to think of it there's gonna be a new single player games to be released sooner or later this year but idk.  I'm very excited to the Halo Infinite and what it'll offer to players, hopefully this would be more lore accurate than the old one made by 343. Also I've very excited to the Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines 2 cuz I really enjoyed playing the 1st one and hell it's a good ol' game. For now I'm still enjoying some of the single player games that I have and most of them are mod friendly.

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It's highly possible we will find ourselves as Outlaws in the future, not for something serious, but for trading Windows7, modders tools for games, Github will be treated like piratebay because ''Free software development'' without making offerings to microsoft will be illegal and our Elder Scrolls and Fallout will be a rare black market product. :D

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On 7/3/2021 at 10:26 PM, AnOutcast said:

It's highly possible we will find ourselves as Outlaws in the future, not for something serious, but for trading Windows7, modders tools for games, Github will be treated like piratebay because ''Free software development'' without making offerings to microsoft will be illegal and our Elder Scrolls and Fallout will be a rare black market product. :D


I think it's already started!


I get looks going from horrified to thinking I'm the anti-Christ when they know I'm using win7 on the gaming rig :)

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41 minutes ago, landess said:

Learning that UbiSoft wants to release the next Assassin's Creed as a 'service' tells me Single player isn't dying as much as game 'ownership' may end up.


Before i never thought that i may like console more. At least i have hardcopy. Or did that change already?
PC gaming is not what it used to be.



Assassin's Creed Infinity

Ubisoft announced in July 2021 a new cross-studio collaboration between Ubisoft Montreal and Ubisoft Quebec codenamed Assassin's Creed Infinity. Infinity will be similar to Fortnite or Grand Theft Auto Online as a online live-service game that will receive continual updates over time, and include multiple locations and time pieces rather than centered around any specific point in history as with past Assassin's Creed games.[5][93] Clint Hocking and Jonathan Dumont, will serve as the game's creative directors with Dumont and Hocking leading the Quebec and Montreal divisions, respectively.[94] Marc-Alexis Cote, from Quebec, will serve as Infinity's executive producer.[94] Etienne Allonier and Julien Laferriere, both from Montreal, will serve as brand director and senior producer, respectively.[94] (Wikipedia)

Dunno how long that game will live. Forever? Dunno.

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well for me this argument is kinda moot in my eyes. as i love both single and multyplayer games . right now i leen more to multyplayer. and or full sandbox games. i dont mind talking to outher. just aslong as thay ask what i said if the dont understand my scotish acsent. i can work well with outhers. depending on thair style. for instence im the type of player that fps players hate. aka i love to camp if i can and i espeshaly like fullon dirty tactics. aspeshaly backstabing (i play allot of stealth based games. so it my primery playstyle).


annyway i kinda went of topic thair . what im saying or ment was.



it would be a pain if singleplayer disaperd entierly. but tbh i would not overly miss it if it did.



just aslong as thay keep games like the origonal style strategy games single player.(ones like starcraft , total anilation and command and conker )

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