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1 hour ago, procian said:

This mod seems to remove the new years eve channel from the tv....


Are you sure it's this mod that's doing it?
The "Countdown to Midnight" channel works fine for me without an issue.


Didn't you just accidentally disabled the Seasons pack or something?

Or maybe something to do with this bug: No Countdown on TV/Stereo combinations

Edited by Peco_CinErotique
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18 hours ago, Peco_CinErotique said:


Are you sure it's this mod that's doing it?
The "Countdown to Midnight" channel works fine for me without an issue.


Didn't you just accidentally disabled the Seasons pack or something?

Or maybe something to do with this bug: No Countdown on TV/Stereo combinations

Got a black screen but my sims stood round the tv doing the shoobie shoobie thing and the cheering bit at the end but before that I clicked on the tv and the option to watch wasn't there....weird got no other mods that would affect the tv...

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5 minutes ago, procian said:

Got a black screen but my sims stood round the tv doing the shoobie shoobie thing and the cheering bit at the end but before that I clicked on the tv and the option to watch wasn't there....weird got no other mods that would affect the tv...

From experience, black screen is usually a sign of the game not finding the video asset it's supposed to play for the interaction.
This mod shouldn't really affect any ingame TV channels, and as I wasn't able to reproduce the issue with or without my mod in the game (tried both), I can't really offer any more help on this issue... Maybe try looking around for old CC TVs, or outdated autonomy mods?

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13 minutes ago, Peco_CinErotique said:

From experience, black screen is usually a sign of the game not finding the video asset it's supposed to play for the interaction.
This mod shouldn't really affect any ingame TV channels, and as I wasn't able to reproduce the issue with or without my mod in the game (tried both), I can't really offer any more help on this issue... Maybe try looking around for old CC TVs, or outdated autonomy mods?

Thanks....might have just been a hiccup....love this mod btw.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i LOVE this mod, and while i'm definitely happy to see f/f representation i feel like the limited number of gay m/m videos is a disappointing parallel to reality, and i'd love to see more (any??) videos with the gay tag make an appearance outside of the cinegay+ channel

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15 hours ago, acevn said:

is there a way to put my own video into this mod?



5 hours ago, endeity said:

i LOVE this mod, and while i'm definitely happy to see f/f representation i feel like the limited number of gay m/m videos is a disappointing parallel to reality, and i'd love to see more (any??) videos with the gay tag make an appearance outside of the cinegay+ channel

Did you ever think that this is very subjective because different people live in different, their own realities and many of them may not want gay content outside of a specific channel? If you like gay content, no problem, but you should not force others to see it everyvhere.
Besides, you can use Shuffle Mode and it seems to give you what you want.

Edited by wild_guy
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

@PECO_CinErotique Hi! Love your mod! I'm having an issue whenever I try to disable individual files. After I unzip or double click the file, I can usually drag the file into the folder or copy and paste it into the folder...however, when I try that an error pops up. It says: 1 interrupted action, an unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. So, I can't disable any of the individual channels that I don't want. Is there a way around this error that I have? Thanks!

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8 hours ago, sharris8 said:

I'm having an issue whenever I try to disable individual files. After I unzip or double click the file, I can usually drag the file into the folder or copy and paste it into the folder...however, when I try that an error pops up. It says: 1 interrupted action, an unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. So, I can't disable any of the individual channels that I don't want. Is there a way around this error that I have?




The channel disabler zip files are all password protected (it's just a security measure to protect users from making unintentional mistakes by willy-nilly unpacking every file without checking what they're for, lol).


Now, the reason for the error message seems to be - according to this article - is that the built-in unzipping code in Windows Explorer does not support the AES-256 encryption standard - which was used as default when I packed those files with 7zip - it only supports the ZipCrypto standard.

So, yeah, thanks for warning me about this little "kink" of Windows, I would have never noticed this by myself, as I never use Explorer to unpack files (I always use either 7zip or PeaZip).


Hope this helps.


EDIT: I've repacked those zip files within the mod framework installer, so they should work now with the drag-and-drop. 
The password for those channel disabler zip files is password


Edited by PECO_CinErotique
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41 minutes ago, Haseo the Scion said:

so, as soon as I put in any of the videos into a subfolder in the video folder the game throws an error and wont start, yet as works fine if they are in the root video folder, any idea why? they're just package files so it shouldn't matter if they where better organized right?

Yeah, it shouldn't matter. As you've said, they're just package files - and very simple ones at that - so maybe it has something to do with your Resource.cfg file's settings in the Mods folder.

By standard you can place package files (i think) 6 folders deep at most.

From my own tests, placing the video packages into Mods\CinErotique\Videos\sub3\sub4\sub5\sub6\* still works fine, however putting them one deeper, and they won't load... still... even when the videos fail to load, my game still starts up without an error, it's just that all CE channels are just playing a blank screen on the TV.


While unlikely, it could also be due to some rogue outdated CinErotique files present in your Mods folder that you might have unwittingly downloaded from somewhere as part of a Mod bundle.
I have a basic little script (Windows only!), that can check for that. Just put it in your root Mods\ folder and run it there:


If it finds any outdated files, it will list the paths/filenames of them - in this case, delete those files.
If it says "File Not Found", then it didn't find any outdated files.


Here's the code of the bat file, so you can see it doesn't do anything nasty :yum:

@echo off
echo ################################################
echo # Search and Remove outdated CinErotique files #
echo ################################################

rem get current folder path
set crnt_fldr=%CD%
echo %crnt_fldr%

rem check current folder last 4 letters
set chk_fldr=%crnt_fldr:~-4%
if %chk_fldr%==Mods goto location_ok
goto location_fail

echo Folder check: OK
goto search_for_outdated_files

echo Folder check: FAILED
set /p input_one=Are you sure this file is running in the right "Mods" folder? [Y]ES / [N]O:
if /I "%input_one%"=="y" goto search_for_outdated_files
if /I "%input_one%"=="yes" goto search_for_outdated_files
goto end

echo Searching for outdated Cinerotique files...
dir CinErotique_MainMod_Assets.package CinErotique1_Replace*.package CinErotique2RAW_Replace*.package CinErotique3Reality*.package CinErotique_IconOverride_*.package CinErotique_MusicTVPlaylistExtender.package All_Videos_Play_on_CinErotique.package OBJ_Always_On_Cin*.package CinErotique_AlwaysOn*.package /s /w /b

echo END



Edited by PECO_CinErotique
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  • 2 weeks later...

hi ,I have a problem downloading the mod, I wanted to download everything with the recommended extension and the steps to follow (DownThemAll! browser extension), but when downloading, everything came out with an x, that nothing had been downloaded because it was a file forbidden and unknown, how can I fix it?


In the link below I leave you the image of what appeared to me



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11 minutes ago, Ann_pineda_url said:

hi ,I have a problem downloading the mod, I wanted to download everything with the recommended extension and the steps to follow (DownThemAll! browser extension), but when downloading, everything came out with an x, that nothing had been downloaded because it was a file forbidden and unknown, how can I fix it?

Hi. I just tested the mass downloading method in both Chrome and Firefox, and it worked perfectly fine in both cases. Maybe it's something to do with your Chrome settings (though I have no Idea what it could be), I can't really recommend you anything apart from try installing Firefox + DownThemAll! and see if it works there.






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Hey Peco_CinErotique.


Thanks for making this mod (and the nice extensive video library), it gives my sims something more to watch than the vanilla blah movies. ( Seriously they are going to watch Super Spy Kids whatever, or the horror movie with the dork in the bunny suit, again?!?)


I really like the detail that you have put into the videos, with keeping the simlish language in the title cards for everything, and for making everything work and match the sims world like it legitimately belongs in game.


My only real beef (and this is nowhere near on you, it is an in-game flaw) is that we can't just have a TV playing all the time, like a radio/stereo (well we can make it sort of work it is just a bit hacky, and the sims still turn off or change the channel on the dang tvs).

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11 minutes ago, Krolista said:

My only real beef (and this is nowhere near on you, it is an in-game flaw) is that we can't just have a TV playing all the time, like a radio/stereo (well we can make it sort of work it is just a bit hacky, and the sims still turn off or change the channel on the dang tvs).

CE also provides always on display objects (just in case).

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