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On 3/30/2023 at 8:42 AM, Anoobys_kz said:

thanks for amazing mod. Can you do this treasure for Special edition?


Good news - this is just the text DB, so it works perfectly well between editions.  The trick is to make sure Apropos 2 is patched to SSE.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This database update is poisoned with woke shit.


My definition of woke is pushing the message just for the sake of pushing the message: No plausible reason, no context, no nothing. How out of context are we talking here? Well, here's one example: This is a game with functional relationships. Some statements in the text database make up nonexisting relationships just to push cuck stuff. As such it actually breaks immersion, since again: This is a game with functional relationships, so when apropos suddenly i.e. claims the player char is married to someone, when in fact he/she is not - that kinda breaks suspension of disbelief.


EDIT: It's also really bad design from a storyteller POV. When you don't have access to certain information because of technical limitations, keep your text-snippets generic - stuff that could apply to any situation - instead of making specific assumptions. That way the player will just "fill the blanks". If instead you get too specific, chances raise dramatically that the player notices something's wrong.


Who made those edits? I can't know for sure, but they're all near the bottom of the files, and all in 3rd-person. So my guess would be this stuff was added recently.


No, i'm not gonna discuss with commies. The purpose of this post simply is to inform players before downloading.

Edited by libertyordeath
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5 hours ago, libertyordeath said:

This database update is poisoned with woke shit.


Wow.  Thinking that anything on this site has any connection to what douchebags label as "woke" just boggles the mind.


Edit: Then again, they pile anything they don't like or don't understand under that label so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Edited by Naps-On-Dirt
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On 4/4/2023 at 11:12 AM, DuskWanderer said:

EDIT: Confirmed blind.

Anyway, thanks again for the guide on how to make unique animation text. As a way of thanks if there are a few animations out there you'd like covered I'd be willing to do that if I have the time.


Thanks for the offer.  The only thing I'm really anxious to get is Dwemer Estrus-related stuff.

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On 4/14/2023 at 9:22 AM, waiyan said:

Which of these animations packs (Billyy, NCK30, Anub, Nibbles) does this mod support? 


I don't have NCK30, so I can't speak to that, but I'd be surprised if it didn't work.  Most of the DB functionality is keyword-based, rather than tagged to specific animations.

The others I already use (so I can say they're supported).

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19 hours ago, libertyordeath said:

This database update is poisoned with woke shit.


My definition of woke is pushing the message just for the sake of pushing the message: No plausible reason, no context, no nothing. How out of context are we talking here? Well, here's one example: This is a game with functional relationships. Some statements in the text database make up nonexisting relationships just to push cuck stuff. As such it actually breaks immersion, since again: This is a game with functional relationships, so when apropos suddenly i.e. claims the player char is married to someone, when in fact he/she is not - that kinda breaks suspension of disbelief.


EDIT: It's also really bad design from a storyteller POV. When you don't have access to certain information because of technical limitations, keep your text-snippets generic - stuff that could apply to any situation - instead of making specific assumptions. That way the player will just "fill the blanks". If instead you get too specific, chances raise dramatically that the player notices something's wrong.


Who made those edits? I can't know for sure, but they're all near the bottom of the files, and all in 3rd-person. So my guess would be this stuff was added recently.


No, i'm not gonna discuss with commies. The purpose of this post simply is to inform players before downloading.


Ok, so you made up a new definition for "woke."  Good for you, I guess?
The description for this mod makes it clear that it presumes PC voice is 1st or 2nd person.  You, however, are complaining about stuff that's "all in 3rd person" claiming the "player char is married to someone."  So, let's just state the obvious - you either didn't read the instructions or are misusing the mod because PC voice is clearly 3rd person in your game.

There's a specific reason why all of that stuff is in 3rd person, and not 1st or 2nd, and it's exactly because I didn't want to make assumptions about the PC relationships.  However, the PC doesn't have perfect knowledge about the relationships of the NPCs, so they're going to be talking all about various forms of debauchery the PC might not like or want to be involved in.

But the great thing is that you don't have to load this mod.  Or, I guess, ever read mod instructions before you install them...?


Now, since you felt strongly enough to come lambast something that you didn't pay for that represents hundreds of hours of work on my part, I want to thank you for voicing your opinion.  I went and looked at your comment history, and would like to ask a favor.  Can you go find two mods you *do* like and comment a thanks or something else positive there?  It's probably good practice to do that generally any time you post something like this just to do your part to keep community toxicity down.

Edited by Eadoo
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/19/2020 at 1:26 PM, Eadoo said:

It'll depend on how futa has been implemented in your game.  We're grabbing actor descriptions straight from Sexlab, so if Sexlab has tagged a character as male, we'll be using "he".  If, on the other hand, the character is tagged female, we'll use "she" but the descriptions will presume strap-ons.

The only case in which you'd get NO text is if the futa character was tagged male and having intercourse with another male (either futa or true male).  The parent mod doesn't currently have code to deal with this case.


hi Eadoo, can you explain to me how the game checks for whether or not a huge/large load file is used? I dug around the source files but still can't really figure out when the game decides when to use them. What I mean is, it seems like the game will default to use the FemaleActor_Male_Vaginal_LargeLoad.txt file for most animations that do not have a unique folder with a set of description files. The game will also use that file in a futa situation if the futa is designated as a male. However, the game will not use that file if the futa is designated as a female. I tried editing the name to FemaleActor_Female_Vaginal_LargeLoad.txt, and placed it in the FemaleActor_Female folder, but those descriptions are still not loaded. Is there a specific requirement for the naming, in order for the largeload descriptions to be loaded?

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48 minutes ago, gtcard said:


hi Eadoo, can you explain to me how the game checks for whether or not a huge/large load file is used? I dug around the source files but still can't really figure out when the game decides when to use them. What I mean is, it seems like the game will default to use the FemaleActor_Male_Vaginal_LargeLoad.txt file for most animations that do not have a unique folder with a set of description files. The game will also use that file in a futa situation if the futa is designated as a male. However, the game will not use that file if the futa is designated as a female. I tried editing the name to FemaleActor_Female_Vaginal_LargeLoad.txt, and placed it in the FemaleActor_Female folder, but those descriptions are still not loaded. Is there a specific requirement for the naming, in order for the largeload descriptions to be loaded?


I have to be honest, I'm guessing on this one because I don't have futa going on in my saves, but female on female sex normally wouldn't be presumed to generate a "load" result because females just don't do that.  A futa marked female would probably be expected to behave similarly.

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22 hours ago, Eadoo said:


I have to be honest, I'm guessing on this one because I don't have futa going on in my saves, but female on female sex normally wouldn't be presumed to generate a "load" result because females just don't do that.  A futa marked female would probably be expected to behave similarly.


if that is the case, do you think making a custom animation folder with a huge/large load description file inside will trick the script into displaying it? As far as I can tell, the script doesn't ask me to define actor genders for custom animations, so it should just play the description files for the animation regardless of the match up right?

Edited by gtcard
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8 hours ago, gtcard said:


if that is the case, do you think making a custom animation folder with a huge/large load description file inside will trick the script into displaying it? As far as I can tell, the script doesn't ask me to define actor genders for custom animations, so it should just play the description files for the animation regardless of the match up right?


I don't think so, but you could give it a shot.  Here's how I would approach this:

I *think* what you're trying to do is make sure that at the end of any animation sequence involving futa that you don't get a generic female on female string of text like:
"You love it when a girl pops her thumb into your {ASSHOLE} while you cum.",

And instead get something more appropriate for when a dick is involved like:

"{ACTIVE} shoots a {THICK} load inside your {FAROUSAL} {PUSSY}.",

And yes, looking at the difference between female/female and female/male descriptions, I can see why.  But you don't need large or huge load for that - you just need to make sure an appropriate orgasm stage plays, so I'd suggest you focus on that unless there's a specific other reason you think you need large/huge load that I'm not catching.

Now, on top of that, you don't want to set your futas to male in Sexlab, or just copy all of the female/male descriptions to overwrite the female/female ones (which would replace ALL female/female descriptions) presumably because there are still pure females running around in your game, and you want your futas to still act female when they're having sex with males.

In this case, yes, you'd use custom animations, and in this case you'd select animations you'd only ever expect to occur during futa on female sex (where you want an otherwise female actor to act like a male).  Stick with that orgasm stage, and don't worry about large/huge load.

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On 4/30/2023 at 5:07 AM, Eadoo said:

unless there's a specific other reason you think you need large/huge load that I'm not catching.


I think because of the way my game is currently setup, the Apropos message array becomes overloaded over time. After running a few scenes with default description messages enabled, I begin to see a ton of JSON errors being spit out to the console. So the regular description messages portion of the mod will always eventually break during a session. Whenever that happens, the variable words are replaced with blanks in the displayed messages (ie: no words from synonyms.txt is shown). It was pretty annoying to deal with, but I noticed that large load messages will continue to display even after I disable the normal description messages. Disabling the regular description messages will stop the errors to console, and also doesn't overload my Apropos message array. That's why I use the large load messages instead.


After some tinkering with the source code, I have managed to get this to work. The script now plays largeload messages for FF animations, from a separate textfile specifically for FemaleActor + Female combinations. This lets me use FF specific descriptions for futa/strap-on animations. It's a roundabout fix for sure, but it does seem to work.

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  • 2 months later...
On 7/3/2023 at 4:09 PM, ShadowofVenus said:

Is there a way to add animations to the DB that aren't there?

Copied from a previous post:



1.  Get the name of the animation Sexlab is using internally.  This isn't the same as the name in the SLAL MCM.  You can pick it out of the console when the animation starts, or grab it straight from the SLAL pack JSON.  An example here for one of the Gunslicer animations is "GS_GSDual03".

2.  Understand how many stages the animation has.  Again, this can be observed in-game using the console, or lifted from the JSON.

3.  Add an entry to UniqueAnimations.txt in the DB.  That should be straight-forward, just add a new entry with the value "true".

4.  Replicate one of the existing UniqueAnim directories in the DB.  They're in the DB as FemaleActor_<specificanimname>.  Rename those files to your animation's name and place your own content.


The above is assuming a lot, like you know how to open the console and interact with it, and that you know where the DB files are.  Let me know if you need further clarification.

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14 hours ago, Eadoo said:

Copied from a previous post:



1.  Get the name of the animation Sexlab is using internally.  This isn't the same as the name in the SLAL MCM.  You can pick it out of the console when the animation starts, or grab it straight from the SLAL pack JSON.  An example here for one of the Gunslicer animations is "GS_GSDual03".

2.  Understand how many stages the animation has.  Again, this can be observed in-game using the console, or lifted from the JSON.

3.  Add an entry to UniqueAnimations.txt in the DB.  That should be straight-forward, just add a new entry with the value "true".

4.  Replicate one of the existing UniqueAnim directories in the DB.  They're in the DB as FemaleActor_<specificanimname>.  Rename those files to your animation's name and place your own content.


The above is assuming a lot, like you know how to open the console and interact with it, and that you know where the DB files are.  Let me know if you need further clarification.


Many thanks! Is it fine if I post any issues/questions I have here for others to reference to if they have the same issues?

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On 7/9/2023 at 8:29 PM, ShadowofVenus said:


Many thanks! Is it fine if I post any issues/questions I have here for others to reference to if they have the same issues?

 By all means.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just have one question, according to the original author of apropos 2, the sexlab animation would only display "one message per stage", and there will be one "additional" message to be displayed if you have set sl stage time >= 30s for certain stage.
So what's the point of writing a whole "list" of message in text db since they won't be displayed in game anyways, for example, in "FemaleActor_Masturbation_Stage1", it's like this txt file has list length of 9, but only first two elements in this list would possibly be displayed in game.



Hope someone could give me a explanation for that, thanks!

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3 hours ago, vladlin said:

I just have one question, according to the original author of apropos 2, the sexlab animation would only display "one message per stage", and there will be one "additional" message to be displayed if you have set sl stage time >= 30s for certain stage.
So what's the point of writing a whole "list" of message in text db since they won't be displayed in game anyways, for example, in "FemaleActor_Masturbation_Stage1", it's like this txt file has list length of 9, but only first two elements in this list would possibly be displayed in game.



Hope someone could give me a explanation for that, thanks!

Just guessing here but I assume that it chooses one at random from that list, not taking them in order.  

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18 hours ago, Naps-On-Dirt said:

Just guessing here but I assume that it chooses one at random from that list, not taking them in order.  

Oh, that's something I never think of, thanks for giving out this interesting idea. I will take look at .psc file to see if it does so.

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  • 3 months later...
On 7/9/2023 at 3:01 PM, Eadoo said:

Copied from a previous post:



1.  Get the name of the animation Sexlab is using internally.  This isn't the same as the name in the SLAL MCM.  You can pick it out of the console when the animation starts, or grab it straight from the SLAL pack JSON.  An example here for one of the Gunslicer animations is "GS_GSDual03".

2.  Understand how many stages the animation has.  Again, this can be observed in-game using the console, or lifted from the JSON.

3.  Add an entry to UniqueAnimations.txt in the DB.  That should be straight-forward, just add a new entry with the value "true".

4.  Replicate one of the existing UniqueAnim directories in the DB.  They're in the DB as FemaleActor_<specificanimname>.  Rename those files to your animation's name and place your own content.


The above is assuming a lot, like you know how to open the console and interact with it, and that you know where the DB files are.  Let me know if you need further clarification.

I seem to have trouble getting this to work. Proooobably I'm doing something wrong somewhere. Here's the steps I've taken:


1. Done that. I'm trying to have custom dialogue for Sir Nibbles' Lap Fuck animation. The console and JSON both list the name as 'NibblesLapFuck'.

2. There are 5 stages as per the JSON.

3. Done that, "NibblesLapFuck": true, has been added.

4. I've created a folder in /Apropos/db called FemaleActor_NibblesLapFuck. In it are six .txt files, FemaleActor_NibblesLapFuck.txt and FemaleActor_NibblesLapFuck_Stage1.txt (through 5).

5. When I play the animation in game, the console lets me know the animation is either not listed as unique or not found, and it falls back to the default FemaleActor_Male_Vaginal sets of .txt files.


I don't know if it matters, but I've added Apropos 2 to the Masterstroke modlist. Other edits I've been making to the text files work fine (added a bunch of new lines), but additions to the synonyms list also don't work.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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59 minutes ago, thewickedwitchts4 said:

I seem to have trouble getting this to work. Proooobably I'm doing something wrong somewhere. Here's the steps I've taken:


1. Done that. I'm trying to have custom dialogue for Sir Nibbles' Lap Fuck animation. The console and JSON both list the name as 'NibblesLapFuck'.

2. There are 5 stages as per the JSON.

3. Done that, "NibblesLapFuck": true, has been added.

4. I've created a folder in /Apropos/db called FemaleActor_NibblesLapFuck. In it are six .txt files, FemaleActor_NibblesLapFuck.txt and FemaleActor_NibblesLapFuck_Stage1.txt (through 5).

5. When I play the animation in game, the console lets me know the animation is either not listed as unique or not found, and it falls back to the default FemaleActor_Male_Vaginal sets of .txt files.


I don't know if it matters, but I've added Apropos 2 to the Masterstroke modlist. Other edits I've been making to the text files work fine (added a bunch of new lines), but additions to the synonyms list also don't work.


Any help would be much appreciated.


That all looks right, but there's one more step I probably just assumed folks would know to do - read the new configuration.


In the Apropos 2 MCM, go to "Message Preferences" and click "Refresh from Database"

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22 hours ago, Eadoo said:


That all looks right, but there's one more step I probably just assumed folks would know to do - read the new configuration.


In the Apropos 2 MCM, go to "Message Preferences" and click "Refresh from Database"

I thought I had done it properly, including a refresh of the database, but apparently not! That did the trick, thank you! Another question, if you don't mind: is there a limit on how many Unique Animation folders I can create? And would it break stuff if I took out the ones that I don't have animations for anyway (like DarkInvestigations)?

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On 11/17/2023 at 12:08 PM, thewickedwitchts4 said:

I thought I had done it properly, including a refresh of the database, but apparently not! That did the trick, thank you! Another question, if you don't mind: is there a limit on how many Unique Animation folders I can create? And would it break stuff if I took out the ones that I don't have animations for anyway (like DarkInvestigations)?


Rip those puppies out.  Nothing bad is going to happen.

As for the max, no idea.  I haven't done much with those since I first started updating the DB.

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