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[Help/Request] C-CUP & Small Butt armours/chlotes

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i would like to request 3 things:


1- Knowing that my character has C-CUP & Small Butt , do you have links with or without images to armours/chlotes mod i could find?

Anything would be good. I have a lot of trouble finding these things because it seems that only a minor part of the community likes C-Cups. It's always A-Cups or E-Cups.



2- Weapons. Modern weapons and chlotes/armours. Do you know some mods (with links) that have guns, rifles, modern-looking armours/suits, etc etc...



3- Egyptian chlotes/armours/weapons? Do you know some mods that has these things?



4- [Mod Request] Is there a modder who could kindly recreate the chlotes of the attached image? As separate pieces, i mean. A standalone Top and a standalone Skirt, all C-CUP & Small Butt (other sizes would be nice too, just for experiment).


Thank you in advance



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