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DD - devices no more recognize as devious device (need help)

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First, I hope I am in the correct forum section. As I don't know which mod is the source of my problem I decided to post here (and not in the support thread). I spend severeal hours/days to find a solution, but I am stuck.



After a (very) long work to set up a new heavily moded game, I am stuck with something and I don't find any solution.



Currently, I have two glitch, that I presume might be somehow connected :



1) On new game, any new female character comes with a debuff on lockpicking and pickpocket because "While wearing gauntlets...". These gauntlets are invisible and not present in the inventory. The "free me" command from Cursed loot or from "devious device" don't work. It is not a bodyslide "invisible" bug, because if I try to wear a restrain present in the inventory it shows normaly. What I saw it is when I begin a new game (with alternate start) this glitch is not present in the first cell (with the statue), but right after sleeping and starting the game, this glitch is present. So what happen here ?



2) After a few time in game, maybe level 2 or 3, most of the devious device stop to work. I explain. Usually when you manually lock a device on the PC you have a message to ask if you really want to do that and you can say "put it on" (or something like that). In my case, on new game everything is working normally (I did extensive test just after the first spleep in alternate start). But after a few time when I try to manually lock a device on my PC the device simply goes on the character. I can also remove it with any problem (in normal case I have a message to ask how, with key, struggle, etc...). I precise that in this case the device are invisible (but again I don’t think It is a “bodyslide invisble bug”). It is like if the game doesn't recognize devious device as "devious device". Script conflict ?



I supposed the problem was appearing after a rape event with adding devious device (by devious capture mod?). Sometime, after rape/added restrain by the rapper I saw in the inventory the famous "invisible gauntlet" present at the new game. So it is why I presume it might my linked. and "this unknown bug" might also break the deviouce device. I hope I am clear because it is not easy to explain ?


I use Mo, Fnis, loot, Bodyslide, Tes5Edit, Wryebash, merge plugin (and a few more), to setup up my configuration.


Here is my mod list (But it is a very long one, so a bit boring to read…sorry).





If anyone as any clue or idea to test, It would be greatly appreciated ?


Have a nice day ? and be happy !



EDIT : I was stupid, or tired... There is no invisible Gauntlet for the first part of my problem. It is just a piece of normal armor. Sometimes, always looking for big "problem" I forgot to check some elementary step. Still testing for the second part of my problem.















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