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The FPS bug says hi to jackychanfrustrated.gif

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I want to do all kinds of bad things to todd howard right now! really bad things...


I finally got around to installing skyrimSE and trying to set it up using the SSE conversion tracking thread from here. I have the bare minimum installed and just a few mods SkyUI, unofficial patch, shor's stone and dragon bridge from the author of unofficial patch only because those mods actually fix some minor things for those areas not covered in unofficial patch and finally modern brawl bugs patch. I have all the SKSE stuff and SSE fixes and SSE engine fixes yadda yadda. I quickly found out that SE has incredibly shitty framerate the moment my character goes outside to an exterior cell. The game is now DX11 instead of old timey DX9 so all those great FPS are gone forever. I did a lot of searching on google and other places about this problem and tried many solutions and this is all I have to show for it right here...


Make sure that the game executable is not set to be run as admin or you will be sorry:-(


Make sure SKSE64 is not set to run as admin after fixing the above or it will fuck up other things like radeonPRO.


Better to have an nvidia card instead of amd:-(


Disable vsync in skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini and use that bLockFrameRate=0 setting too.


I downloaded the latest ENB at the time of this writing from here http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrimse.html  v390 and fiddled around with the enblocal.ini trying to get some settings for my ram setup. I had to set things in game for the ENB menu to disable effects and just use the fixes for stuff. Now I have vsync thanks to enblocal.ini and the difference between that vsync and the skyrimSE engine vsync is huge. When going from 60fps to 45 or lower fps in an exterior cell the stutter is gone it seems to be smoothed out but still I get bullshit fps loss. As a test for anyone interested just load up the game and bring up the console while at the title screen type in coc qasmoke and press enter. Once all your MCM stuff finally finishes humping your leg visually then open the console again and type in coc whiterun and press enter. You will appear in whiterun at that bridge next to the meadery standing right in the middle of the bridge looking at a mountain.


When I do this my fps is 55 without moving yet. Once I look up at the top of the mountain the shitty godrays gleam over it and give me an fps of 60! but all is turned to shit once I look at whiterun hold or the meadery or the road leading back to riverwood. Keep in mind all I'm doing is looking around not moving the character just looking:-(


I found this old thread here where people with better hardware than I have went through the same thing as me: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/693743-poor-fpsstuttering-in-skyrim-se/


There are a shit ton of these same kind of threads everywhere like WTF? All of them started popping up as soon as SE came out and are still posted in as recent as the month of july this year.


For reference I have an old potato x58 system with an i7 960 not overclocked at all. Twelve gigs of ram running in triple channel mode and an amd 7950HD 3gb card.



I can run oldrim just fine and my oldrim directory is a giant mess it looks like an episode of hoarders with stuff everywhere what humans call, messy. I have a bunch of filthy degenerate porno mods from here installed and frequently have all kinds of nasty shit going on all around my dumb blonde bimbo character like estrus explosions and bunch of npcs going at each other fireballs flying all over the place... lydia raping my dumb character again and again no problem with fps always at 60 with all that going on in oldtimeyrim. But crank up SE and I'm lucky to get past the bridge at whiterun without things turning into a dam slideshow.


I can't believe how shitty SE is this is just dam stupid.


I actually run oldrim through radeonPRO application and it works just fine. I tried setting things up for SE in radeonPRO and there isn't much that can be done with it other than to get vsync going. For oldrim using radeonPRO it works fine because it was using openGL but that is not possible with SE since it is DX11.


I can play fallout 4 with few issues on this same computer. I don't get bad fps until I get near downtown boston just like everyone else. SkyrimSE simply sucks at going outside which is a dam shame. Todd howard should be forced to walk around wherever he goes like he is only moving at 45fps for an entire year and see how he likes it.


I have been testing with no enb boost or enb of any kind disabled SE vsync and just using radeonPRO to have a vsync with triple buffering going. I tried turning down the different sliders for draw distance in the SE launcher. I have to set the four major sliders to 25% and I get almost 49fps when looking towards riverwood while standing on that bridge near whiterun. As the usual imperial guard patrol with stormcloak prisoner walk down that road I lose a few fps. So that is just four npcs coming into view not even using racemenu yet or CBBE or SOS light or anything just vanilla skyrim SE and four npcs cost me four sometimes five fps... What will happen when a bunch of npcs are running around?


I had both SSE fixes and SSE engine fixes installed so I dumped the older SSE fixes since according to the author the older version will just turn off similar functions of the new one if they are both installed. Seems like SSE engine fixes only is the better way to go then.


I am thinking the best thing to do with this problem is go nvidia but then I read posts from people all over the net saying their amd cards work just fine somehow. There is also the fact that many people with better computers than me even 6th gen intel systems or better have the same problems I have. Somewhere there is a setting that has to be changed and it will work much better I just don't know what it is yet if better hardware was the only solution this would not be the case.




Ok so using a program called bethINI allows me to fine tune my skyrimSE ini files and that helps a bit. I have 45fps when looking at the road to riverwood from that same spot on the bridge near the meadery. I switched from using radeonPRO for vsync to enbBOOST v0.283 for F4 and turned on vsync in there. The increase in fps between radeonPRO and enbBOOST is a few more fps and it keeps my fps at or above 40 while looking at that road to riverwood where radeonPRO gets me 38fps doing the same thing. Both things allow for triple buffering which is good because skyrimSE only does double buffering according to enb devs.


Now I have to sit here and fiddle around with bethINI trying all kinds of small changes until I hit that one thing that eats up fps for me.




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